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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June of course blushed madly at the complements. "Thank you Sera your very attractive to." This of course deepened June's blush but soon enough she started to clean herself as well letting the conversation fall silent as they washed. "Sera?" June looked over at Sera a moment. "I .. well... nevermind" June went back to combing her hair the embarrassment of what she wanted to say having ended her attempt.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera smiled kindly at June as she blushed at Sera's compliments, giggling when it deepened and June just continued washing herself. When June began to speak again though and simply blushed again as she brushed her hair, Sera again smiled at her in a kind way. "What is it June? Please go ahead, you obviously want to say something. Don't be embarrassed to say whatever you wish to me, I won't look any differently on you unless you just turn outright evil and cruel. I mean I did summon Joy to heal your eyesight and agree to bear her child in exchange for it after all," Sera asked June, reaching over and gently squeezing her bath companion's hand to encourage her to speak her mind. "And thank you for the compliment as well June, I'm glad to know that you think I'm pretty," Sera added to the young and obviously embarrassed nun.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"No its not that heavens no.. I just..... well..." Her face flush June stopped speaking again but moved closer to Sera to give her a peck on the cheek. "Thank you." Leaning in June kissed Sera on the cheek before getting out and drying off.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yes dear, what is it?" Sera asked when June stopped and hesitated again, giggling a bit more as her face flushed a bit. When June quickly leaned in and pecked her on the cheek, thanking her in the process. "Oh June sweetie, whatever are you thanking me for? I appreciate the gesture of course, but I'm not that great really. Am I?" Sera said after June kissed her on the cheek and quickly got out to start drying off, hesitantly asking if June really thought she was worth thanking that much for.

Sera finished up in the bath as well only a minute later or so, struggling slightly under the weight of her bulging belly to stand and get out of the bath to dry herself off. While she stood there right before climbing out of the bath, Sera would pull her wings up and then flap them hard, throwing the water off of them and back behind her and away from June as well, where she would then use them to launch herself out of the bath and up to the side so she could begin drying herself off along with June, accepting June's help if she offered it.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June blushed before answering again. "I think you are." Helping Sera out of the bath June assisted in drying the angel before getting dressed once more and heading out waiting for Sera to get ready. "So where are we off to today Sera?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh thank you June, moving around has been getting harder and harder, but I suppose I did bring it upon myself so I can't complain too much. And me bearing this child is worth you regaining your eyesight to me," Sera said with a giggle as she was helped out of the bath by June, where she thanked her yet again for helping her dry off.

When they were finally done drying off and after they had redressed themselves in their robes and whatnot, Sera exited the bathroom not long after June did where June then asked where they were off to for the day. "Hmm... well June I didn't really have any plans, so we can go anywhere that you like. Other than that I was going to finish up with the little dresses and stuff that I've been making for Ivy to wear while she's not shape shifted in her larger form, then I might go out to the market and look around for some stuff. I'm not sure yet really," Sera replied to June's question of where they were going to go, unsure really as to where they should head off to.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh.. I didn't want to interrupt your work... I guess Ill go to the gardens again. I cannot get enough of seeing the flowers to smell something for so long and to have it suddenly before you." June smiled brightly "Well lets just say my imaginations didn't do them justice." With that June waved at Sera and headed out. If Sera didn't join June for the trip to the gardens she would soon be found by Keri the motherly nun having appointed herself as Sera's midwife. Today she handed Sera very large salad. "Eat its good for the baby!"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"No worries June, you weren't interrupting me I assure you. I was almost done with the first one anyway really, and was nearly halfway through with the other two I was doing for her to give her some variety. And yes, the flowers are beautiful, but I see one right in front of me that's much more beautiful than any you'll find in the ground," Sera said just before June waved and set off for the gardens, giving a wink to the young nun as she went off. "I'll join you shortly okay June," Sera called out to June as she left, waving back to her.

With that, Sera figured that she'd go ahead and work some more on Ivy's clothes she'd been making for her, so when they left she'd at least have a bit to wear and wouldn't be totally nude in case they got some colder weather. However when she'd made her way back to her bedroom, Sera soon had Keri coming inside with a salad in hand to eat, the motherly nun seeming to be wanting to take extra special care of Sera for the duration it appeared. Sera idly wondered if it was because she'd saved Keri from an awful fate with Jaxis, or if it was simply her nature.

"Thank you Keri, I was beginning to feel a little hungry again despite just eating that oatmeal June brought me not too long ago," Sera said, taking the salad from Keri and starting to eat. "Keri... how come you're taking such good care of me? I really and truly appreciate it, but I'm just wondering why. I mean you do understand the circumstances of my pregnancy don't you?" Sera asked after thinking about it while she chewed up her first bite of the salad.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June parted with a blush waving kindly to Sera. Inside her room Keri handed the salad over for Sera eat. Keri waited a moment before answering Sera's questions. "Well I take good care of you because I wished someone had when I was pregnant." Keri sighed a little before continuing "And yes Im aware of your situation but that doesn't change a thing." Keri smiled as she sat with Sera answering the question if any Sera had.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"You've been pregnant before Keri? I must say that you don't look it to say the least," Sera asked, looking surprised that Keri had been pregnant before. It wasn't something she'd expected to say the least. Then Sera thought for a moment and hesitantly wrapped a caring arm around Keri's shoulders as she asked the question she wanted to ask. "Where uh... is your child? If you don't mind me asking that is," Sera then asked slowly, fearing the answer she might get from the motherly nun that had been helping her so much the last couple of weeks.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Gone now in the embrace of the Star God." Keri looked sad a moment "I used to be an adventure till I got sick of all the blood and death and settled down here met a nice man and we started a family. I'm a mage by trade so I made a living selling enchanted wears to the guards and and farmers. It was all going well untill the eruption of the volcano. My family was caught in their house while I was away in the market." A single tear welled up in her eyes before brushing it away. "Anyway after the incident I lost my zest for life and nearly let myself die. Thankfully Mother Esther brought me into the church to help with some of the injured from the Alien attacks and well she also helped me find peace in my soul."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As soon as Keri said that her child was gone, Sera's eyes filled with tears and began slowly streaming down her cheeks. She silently listened to Keri's tale about what had happened, that she'd been an adventurer not too unlike herself, decided to start a family after she'd gotten tired of that. "Oh Keri I'm so sorry for bringing it up, please forgive me for doing so. I'm glad that you didn't give up completely. Mother Esther truly is a magnificent woman," Sera said, pulling Keri into a kind hug and giving her a gentle squeeze. "I hope that someday soon we can force these aliens back from whence they came so that everyone can be safe once more and we can all live in peace together," Sera added as she hugged Keri, kissing her on the cheek as she pulled away finally after a minute or so of hugging her.

When she was through hugging her, Sera suddenly got an idea, something that might make Keri happy. She wasn't sure and she didn't want to get her hopes up any, but maybe it would help make her happier than she had been. "Keri... I'm not sure if Joy will return for the child I now carry, as the fey are wild and she may have already moved on and forgotten about me even carrying her child and onto her next lover... though I seriously doubt it of course. If she doesn't return, or doesn't send anyone to take the child I carry however, or who knows for the children I'm carrying if it's twins. Then would you and the other nuns here at the temple care for her if Joy doesn't come to get her? I mean... I hate to ask it of you after what you just told me, but... truly I would be honored if she were to be cared for here until I return this way, if you were to help care for this one here Keri, should Joy nor any of the fey come to claim my child," Sera told Keri with a kind smile, taking Keri's hands and grasping them in her own before placing one of Keri's hands on her bulging belly, looking very sincere. "I'll understand if you couldn't do it though, so please be truthful alright," Sera added as an afterthought, showing a sincere smile to Keri to let her know that she wouldn't be angry or anything for her not wanting to help care for Joy's and her baby whilst she was gone after giving birth.

I'm not sure if it'll definitely be a girl upon birth, but it stands to reason that since they're both females and all that it couldn't be anything else. But that is of course up to you as the GM I suppose. Also I seem to recall the talk a few days ago or so about the possibility for twins and all that, but I mean surely Sera wouldn't have twins in her angelic womb. Though I wouldn't be surprised nor would I be totally against that, though that's up to the rolls of course. :p
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Keri of course returned the embrace holding Sera tight. At the mention of being the guardian of her child Keri's got a little sad but she smiled. "Of course if no one comes for the little one I would gladly raise them until you returned. Though who wouldn't want their baby is far beyond me." Keri placed a hand on Sera's bulging belly enjoying the occasional kick that came forth.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well like I said, I doubt that she won't come back for the child, but she is a fey so you never know. Though as I said, I would be honored if you helped to care for her whilst I continue my search. Then... hopefully unless I find what I'm searching for quickly, I can come back from time to time to see the baby while they grow," Sera said to Keri, giggling softly at the baby kicking while Keri held her hand on Sera's belly. "Again though Keri, I'm sorry mentioning children to you. And you must detest me in some way, for being pregnant and being an angel such as I am, or at least you must think it wrong that an angel be pregnant like this, like some of the other nuns seem to think about me," Sera then said, a little unsure exactly of what the other nuns were thinking, but assuming that they were thinking her pregnancy to be wrong.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh don't mind them they are all to stuffy and holier than thou. Its a shame they didn't take what Mother Esther has to teach to heart. Honestly I've been thinking of leaving this church and making a new convent where the sisters are truly kind to people helping them with their needs. Not lording over them demanding service. It should be the other way we should help those in our care not make demands of them."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera listened to Keri talk about her opinions of the church/temple they were now in, she couldn't help but smile kindly at the motherly nun. "Oh Keri don't hold it against them too much, it's how they were raised and taught apparently, and it's hard but not impossible to change someone like that. I mean I changed my own thoughts about demons about two or three years ago or so myself, because I met a handful of them that were quite nice... sincerely so I mean," Sera said, meaning Rose and her sisters, though Keri didn't know that of course. "But you're such a good and kind person. I'll bet mother Esther has probably chosen you to lead when she's gone, if I had to guess at least. And I personally completely agree with you Keri, though I'm not an angel of the star god myself. I hope you don't take any offense by my saying this, but he personally seems to me to be a little... fanatical and too hard on those that don't follow him... or at least he used to be many years ago, but that's just my opinion of him. I do know though that nobody has really ever gotten the chance to speak with him as he's never shown himself from what I've heard for anyone to speak with him, at least nobody has ever come out and said he's spoken with them anyway. I personally however am honestly a mostly free angel that serves no one god or goddess, I do however follow some teachings of several, even one or two of the star god, but several of Venus and even a couple of Glissa, as I do like to just let loose at times," Sera then said to Keri, showing that she appeared to be a bit tense about saying such a thing about the god that the nuns here apparently followed, but she did figure that they deserved to know some things about her, and she figured that it may come as a surprise to Keri to know that she was a free angel that served no one god or goddess.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"No that position would fall to Beverly unfortunately she is next in line. Anyway it wouldn't matter much as soon as the new priest arrives he would take charge." Keri shrugged as she felt the life within Sera. "Thats why I want to leave Im tired of being held away from the people I think the sisters should be more involved and help those around them as Mother Esther once helped me." Keri did indeed have a look of surprise when Sera mentioned how she was free to serve whom she would and was not bound to any one god or goddess. This of course brought many questions from Keri about Sera and how she practiced her faith.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah I see... I don't remember which one of the others she was honestly, despite me being here for so long now. But... if you wished to leave I would support the move honestly. But where would you go exactly? There aren't very many places that remain safe thanks to the aliens now. I mean I'm sure one of the greater cities would be fairly safe, such as Glassmoor and Therion, which I've heard are holding strong against the aliens, despite being hard pressed. And then of course there is Acheron, which I know is strongly defended by demons and other such beings of power. But who knows, maybe we could perhaps change their minds when the baby here is born," Sera said as she caressed her belly, trying to sound optimistic for Keri's sake about the other nuns maybe changing in the near future with their help.

When Keri began asking her about how she practiced her faith and such when she mentioned not serving any one deity, Sera chuckled a little. "There are many ways that I can practice my faith to them. The first and foremost that I practice is kindness to all, no matter what, unless it's the aliens of course. But... I must pity them despite them being evil, because yes I fight evil often, but I never show anger towards anyone that I face in battle whether they are evil or not. I very rarely get angry about most things, but I'm not too unlike a normal human or most other mortals in that I have every same emotion you all do. I mean really the only true differences between me and you, or rather angels and mortals are that I have wings and you don't, and that I by nature am a bit more powerful," Sera said to Keri, then she turned to look out of the window in her bedroom she'd been given to sleep in while sitting there with Keri. "Is there anything specific that you'd like to know about little old me Keri? I'm sure you want to ask, and I don't mind answering the best I can, so go ahead and ask anything you'd like," Sera added as she looked out the window next to her bed, slowly standing up as she went over and opened it up to let in some fresh air, taking in a deep breath as she did so, waiting for Keri to ask whatever she wanted to.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Keri was silent a long moment before speaking. "Is June going to go with you? I know shes been asking about it with Mother Esther. Im just not sure if she's asked yet?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm... well I'm not sure if she will or not honestly, as I haven't truly asked her myself if she wishes to. I wouldn't mind the company to say the least, as it gets lonely out in the jungle. I'll have to ask her later if she wants to go when I leave," Sera said to Keri as she stood in the window smelling the fresh air. "If we go, would you like to come with us when we do, should June go with me? I had planned on heading to Glassmoor when I leave here to continue my search for what I'm seeking. And I've heard that they could use all of the help and hope that they can get. So if you'd like you could come with us, and you'd be more than welcome, along with any of the other nuns that wished to come along as well," Sera said as she turned around from the window to look at Keri, possibly surprising the motherly nun somewhat in the process with her words as she sat back down beside her on the bed, gently caressing her belly.