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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June felt hot to Sera's touch from her examination she could clearly tell that June's breath had gotten deeper. "But I.... I but..." Pet clearly wanting this mvoed closer throwing her top off and pushing June to the bed. "Sister is nervous but so was pet during her fist time." Kissing June deeply Pet crawled right on top her her giving Sera a view of June's panties and of Pets lack of them. If that wasn't enough to get her going she soon found her member wrapped by a soft furry tail.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June felt almost like she had a fever when Sera checked her, which concerned Sera for all of about 5 seconds before it clicked in her head that June wasn't sick and was aroused. Sera continued watching as Pet climbed atop June and began pushing her back onto the bed, stripping off what little clothing she had on in the process. Sera enjoyed the view she was given of the two, June's panties which were likely already starting to get moist and Pet's complete lack of panties which showed Sera all of the young catgirl's naughty bits. The sight of both of them coupled with Pet's tail wrapping around her member was more than enough to bring Sera to full mast, her large member twitching a little bit as it reached full size. Sera wasn't sure what June's or Pet's reaction to her erection might be, but at this point it was hard to really care that much about it to be honest.

Guided by her lust and desire, Sera found herself moving over to lay beside the two as she leaned in and kissed June on the lips as a hand caressed her across the waist, tickling her slightly, unsure of if she should do this. But her heart told her that this felt right at the moment for some reason... she didn't know why she felt that it was what she should do though. "B-But what June? Does this feel wrong? Do you want me to stop?" Sera asked June after breaking their kiss, her hand sliding between Pet and June to rest on her opposite side, where she gently pulled June against her, where June's hand would be in easy reach of Sera's member. Sera wasn't sure she could stop if June told her to, but she had enough willpower left to fight the temptation to just hold June down and take her right there without caring what she wanted. If all else failed she could just summon up a couple of nymphs to sate her needs for the evening.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"No... I want.. to. I've wanted to for a long time...." June's hand moved to touch Sera's member. "Its... warm...." June squeezed it gently getting a firm grasp of its girth. "How can this even fit...." June's soft delicate fingers touched and grazed the thick cock and Sera was hard pressed if it was desire or curiosity that drove June's behavior. Still Pet wasn't going to be left out. While June fondled Sera's cock the cat girl shifted her own position to behind June forcing the girl face to face with Sera. With one leg wrapped around the June Pet's hands quickly slipped under the girls top causing her to gasp in surprise and grip Sera's member rather hard. Kissing June's neck and nibbling on her ear pet whispered. "Sister play with me..."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera gasped softly as June's slender hand touched her member, the length throbbing a time or two in her hand and possibly scaring her slightly. If it did scare her some then Sera would just giggle softly and reassure her that everything was alright. As June gently squeezed her member, Sera gasped yet again and let out a sigh afterwards, then she giggled when June asked how it would even fit. "Oh June, you don't have to worry about that, it'll fit. Trust me, a woman's body like yours is made to accept this, but I won't lie, it will hurt a little bit on the first time, it does for most women though and it doesn't hurt for long," Sera whispered to June to alleviate her fears about Sera's size.

Sera watched Pet maneuvering around behind June where she all but forced June's face towards Sera's as she wrapped a leg around the young nun, and Sera felt the need to lean in and kiss June as Pet reached around and pulled June's top up to reveal her breasts, which caused June to grip Sera's length quite hard to say the least, but it didn't hurt Sera any so she just let her squeeze her, the feeling of it being rather nice in fact to Sera. "It's okay June, I won't force anything on you, so if you want us to stop, then you need only tell us and we will. But... that does feel really nice... your hand I mean. My cock would feel even nicer if we continued on," Sera said to June after Pet began groping her breasts and kissing and nibbling at her neck. Sera looked at June as she did this and smiled, yet felt a little concerned as she remembered Pet say that she couldn't join them earlier because she was matriarch Jolynn's servant or whatnot. "Pet... young one... I thought you told us earlier that you couldn't join us because you were matriarch Jolynn's servant? I mean I don't mind to be honest, but I don't want you to get in trouble for doing this with us," Sera asked Pet, showing concern for the young catgirl as she reached over and pet her on the head, scratching her behind the ears a little.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Pet purred softly "I cannot lay with you Matriarch but Mistress never forbade me to play with sister." Pet continued her teasing of June, who only got hotter and more aroused the longer it went on. At Sera's touch pet tried to lean in but found her self hindered by June. This however pressed June forward causing her hand to slide down the length of Sera's cock.

June's breath was coming hot and heavy the poor inexperienced girl stood little chance from the combined assault. After a few moments June turned her head and started kissing pet while her hand touching Sera's cock began to stroke it on its own accord.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah I see, it matters not to me really, I was just wondering is all so that you don't get in trouble," Sera said to Pet as she pet her, giggling when she noticed June holding onto her. When June's hand began to slide down her length towards her hilt, Sera gasped softly at the sudden spark of pleasure, where she then let out a soft moan.

Sera watched June as she turned to kiss Pet while at the same time beginning to stroke her member, sighing at the pleasant feeling it brought her. Sera let her continue on with that for a time before reaching down and caressing June's cheek with one hand while her other hand drifted down to June's hand and gently pushed it lower to her balls where she gently cupped June's hand around them for a few moments before letting June's hand go to give her free rein in what she did for another minute or so, letting Pet warm her up some more while she sat there on her knees.

Unless June did anything more than stroke and or fondle her some more, then Sera would soon lean down and gently pull her and Pet apart where she would kiss June right on the lips herself, not overdoing it just yet and pushing her tongue into June's mouth. "June... are you ready for me? For this? I'll be gentle... I promise," Sera asked June, giving her one last chance to back out of this now as she broke their kiss and nuzzled against her neck, lightly kissing and nipping at June's neck while waiting for her answer.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Indeed all June did for the moment was fondle Sara, though Sara could quickly tell from her enthusiastic if unskilled attention that June was far beyond saying no. Offering no resistance as Sara got between her and Pet June was soon in position. Sara felt the damp slit rub against her shaft the mere contact sending shivers threw June. "Yes do it... please." June's voice was husky and full of desire. Taking her member in one hand and sliding away the frilly golden silk garment with the other Sara saw a fresh untouched pink sex swollen with desire. June for her part panted her face flush watching the large member pulse, memorized by the large organ. Pet on the other hand long used to playing a second fiddle sat off to one side pleasing herself watching Sara and June about to have sex for the first time.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera just smiled as June fondled her some and noticed that despite giving the young nun the option, that she probably wouldn't be able to say no about continuing with this and what they were about to do. Sera also couldn't help but smile at June's apparent eagerness at the situation they were in as well. As she snuggled against June while kissing and nuzzling her neck, Sera felt her length rub across June's already wet flower, where June gave Sera her answer to the question asked by the angel, where Sera then nodded to June and leaned in to kiss her on the lips again while taking her member in one hand and stroking it a bit to maintain her current hardness. Sera reached down with her other hand and slid June's clothing aside to reveal her tight and wet virgin folds, where Sera smiled again as June panted, her face flushed with desire for this.

"So beautiful... you're so beautiful June, every part of you is beautiful. I... I'll be gentle and make you feel really good okay June. Just bear with me and do what I tell you and it won't hurt too much okay sweetie," Sera said to June, complimenting her on her beauty and gently caressing her face as she kissed her on the lips again, where she then traveled slowly down June's body, kissing every inch or two along the way until she reached June's honeypot.

When Sera reached her desired location on June's body with her face, while one hand continued stroking her member to keep her ready to go, Sera leaned down and gently spread June's legs with her other hand and leaned in, kissing June's virgin slit ever so slightly, looking up at June's reaction before doing anything further. If it looked like June liked it, then Sera would kiss her a second time, holding it a slight bit longer this time and running her tongue along June's slit, checking June's reaction to this as well. After that, Sera would continue kissing and licking June's folds for half a minute or so before reaching up with her hand she used to spread her legs, where with her thumb she would rub across June's clit, pulling it out from under its protective hood before leaning back down to lick it as well and then she gave it a kiss as well before climbing back up to kiss June on the lips, where at this point the young nun was likely feeling like she was in heaven if Sera's abilities were as good as she thought they were when it came to sex at least.

As Sera prepared herself and got into position to take June like the maiden she was, she noticed the young nun staring at her cock, mesmerized by the sight of it apparently. Sera just smiled again as June stared at her and continued on, moving her body closer to June's and her member closer to June's virgin folds. Sera would stop as her tip touched June's honeypot, where if June hadn't torn her gaze away from Sera's cock yet then Sera would caress her cheek and get her to look up at her face.

"Hold onto me June, I won't let you go, and it'll hurt at first, but after that it'll feel good, I promise," Sera would whisper to June, entwining her fingers in with June's as she began pressing herself inside of the young nun's tight wet virgin folds, about to tear through her maidenhead. If it seemed that June couldn't handle the pain of going slowly, then Sera would stop for a moment and let her catch her breath before kissing her on the lips and deciding to do it quickly and thrust into her before she could whimper in pain. Once she was inside of June, Sera would stop before she hilted inside of her, so as not to hurt her, and she would just lay there and hold June for a minute or two if it did hurt her a bit, just whispering in her ear that everything would be okay. Once Sera was able to tell that June was no longer in pain from losing her maidenhood, then she would begin moving in and out of her slowly, making sure to keep up a pace that was comfortable for June for now, until it seemed that she was ready for more stimulation. Then when it came time for the final stretch, Sera would use her powers to ensure that she took the precaution for June's sake, so she didn't get her pregnant, making her seed infertile to do so, not wanting June's first experience with sex to be the one that caused her to get pregnant, with an angel's child to boot.

Using Selective Fertility to be infertile so June doesn't get pregnant.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June's body shivered at every kiss her body glinting slightly with sweat. As Sera held her kiss she could feel June's fold twitch with anticipation. Her breath was heavy and her hands held Sera close to her slit as she moaned slightly. Sera could feel the young woman's hands on her trying to pull her closer and deeper. Having her answer on if June liked this treatment Sera switched to licking the damp treasure tasting June's sweet fluids and taking in her unspoiled scent. Touching June's clit brought a surprised gasp followed by a lustful call of more. June was putty in her hands the chaste nun could offer up no defense against Sera's more experienced and tender affections.

As Sera moved to take June she found the nun looking right into her eyes nodding and biting her lip waiting for Sera to penetrate her. Entering her slowly June gasped and her hands grasped Sera's tightly. Sliding deeper she heard June gasp sharply in pain as she felt her cock rip threw the hymen deflowering June. "It hurts.. it hurts..." Whispering comforting words Sera started to thrust slowly. Tears flowed slightly from June's eyes but she held tight to Sera. At first the tight confines even well lubricated from their foreplay resisted Sera causing June to grunt in pain with each thrust. Still as she continued the grunts transformed to gasps and moans. Eventually June stopped holding on and started to kiss Sera back her own bodily instincts kicking in as she started to meet each and every one of Sera/s thrust with her own.

"Its so big.. awww gods... it feels so good!" June's breasts jiggled with every thrust as she moaned. "Sera.. so good... ahhhhhHH!" Sera felt June tense as suddenly her counter thrusting started getting erratic and her tight confines clenching tightly to Sera's shaft. "SERA SERA SERAAAA!" A torrent of fluids signaled June's first orgasm as the young nun held tightly to Sera screaming her name as her sex trying to milk Sera's cock dry.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Holding June close to her as she tensed from the pain of her torn hymen, Sera just whispered sweet words in her ear and kissed her cheeks and neck to calm her down so they could continue, her own needs beginning to override her want to make this as pleasurable for June as she possibly could, but she held out as best she could until June was ready to keep going. "Shh shh June, I know it hurts, but I'm right here for you okay. Just hold onto me and I promise the pain will go away soon, just try and relax as much as you can okay sweetie," Sera whispered in June's ear to calm her down and relax her body.

As she began thrusting into June ever so softly, Sera kissed away her tears of pain as they slid down her cheeks, not wanting June to hurt when this was such a beautiful thing for her. When June's instincts began to take over and she finally relaxed some and began thrusting back to meet Sera's thrusts, Sera smiled and accepted June's kisses, holding onto her as she thrust deeper into June. Giggling playfully and naughtily as they went on, Sera listened to June talking while she thrust into her, repeatedly knocking away at the young nun and loving every second of deflowering June, despite how naughty it was. When June began panting and screaming her name over and over as her love tunnel clamped down around Sera's length, Sera felt she could hold out no longer and released a torrent of seed into June, made infertile by Sera's desires so that June's first time didn't end with her getting pregnant as Sera screamed June's name a couple of times.

As soon as her climax was over and her seed spent, Sera would catch herself as she nearly collapsed over atop June, where she would gently pull out of her companion's tight folds to allow her seed to begin leaking out of June's now thoroughly used folds. "Well at least her first time wasn't with someone or something she didn't know or some monster of some sort," Sera said to herself in her head where June couldn't hear her. Then she leaned down and kissed June on the lips before rolling to the side, her body telling her that it was more than ready to go again, but her mind taking charge here and telling her body that June shouldn't be forced into it again so soon, not with it being her first time and all.

"Well June, did it feel good for you? I hope it did, because it felt extremely good for me, some of the best I've ever had in fact, because I've never had sex with a virgin before to be honest," Sera asked June as she laid down next to her and pulled June over to snuggle against her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June seemed lost in her own world but from the look on her face Sera knew she had enjoyed it as much as she had. Pulling her close Sera held her tight not noticing Pet leave the room till the door was shut. June's face was flush from their efforts and one hand idle stroked Sera's side before she slowly drifted off to sleep. Morning came with a polite knock on the door waking Sera up before June still seemed out of it. Opening it Sera found one of the royal guards standing at the door. "Matriarch has informed me that you desire to shop today. I shall be your escort until you pick your own. Also is your slave coming with us? If so she will needed to be leashed."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Drifting off to sleep with June in her arms, Sera felt amazing after the sex with June. She'd never taken someone's virginity really, so it was a pretty new experience for her as well really, and it seemed that June liked it for the most part, at least from the way she was laying there she enjoyed it anyway. She noticed Pet leaving only as the door was shutting behind the cat girl, holding June tight and close in her arms and giggling slightly as June idly stroked her side with one hand.


The next morning, Sera was awakened with a soft knock on their door, which brought her out of a fairly nice dream, but it was time to get up in any case so she was glad whoever it was woke her up. Answering the door after calling softly, but loud enough so that they could hear her, to hang on a minute and that she was coming, Sera slid out of June's arms and lazily flapped her wings as she opened the bedroom door to greet whoever it was. "Ah, yes thank you, and yes I was wanting someone to escort me for the day while I shopped around some for some things and searched around for some information on something. But... why does June have to be leashed if she is with me? If you don't mind me asking that is, I mean she's not going to run away because she's too scared. But if it is your customs here then I will speak with June about it," Sera said to the young royal guard woman, glancing back over at June and feeling that she probably wouldn't like to have to wear a leash, yet at the same time knowing that she'd rather be with her than anywhere else really.

Knowing what the answer might be, Sera would listen and then go over and gently shake June to wake her, where she would inform her once she was fully awake the probable circumstances that she would be able to leave and shop with her under. "If you want to stay here though June then I'll understand, you don't need to go with me or anything, I was just wondering if you wanted to is all. I have matriarch Jolynn's word that while you're in here that you're under her protection, because of our deal last night I mean, I seriously doubt that she would risk letting anyone or anything hurt you or take you away from me and nullify our deal with one another," Sera would tell June, letting her companion decide if she wished to go with her or not. If June decided to come with her after eating some breakfast, then Sera would tell the royal guard lady to bring her the finest leash she possibly could, that a matriarch's lover deserved the best possible things, where they would get something to eat before heading on out.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The royal guard maintained a neutral expression as she explained that it was the law and could not be revoked even for a Matriarch. Waiting the guard watched as Sera spoke with June. "I-I don't want to stay in this place with out you even if that means I have to wear a leash." After explaining to the guard her desire the woman simply nodded and left shutting the door. A few moments later Pet knocked and brought in some food for Sera and June. Once more Pet seemed all a buzz over June looking her over and even sniffing her occasionally causing the girl some embarrassment and a little discomfort. Not to long after that the Lady guard reappeared with a fine selection of leather leashes and matching collars for Sera to pick from.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing that she wasn't going to be given a choice really, Sera merely sighed and nodded as June said what she did about not wanting to be alone in this place, telling the lady guard to bring them some collars and leashes. When Pet brought in some food for the two of them, Sera smiled a little, thinking it nice that the cat girl would take the time and go through the trouble of bringing them something to eat... though it was more likely she was ordered to do so, but Sera wouldn't say anything like that to discourage Pet any. Sera couldn't help but giggle at the attention Pet was giving June, which was kind of cute really, but after a few minutes Sera told Pet to lay off just a little so they could eat and June wouldn't be so uncomfortable around her.

While they ate their food that Pet had brought them, the guard lady brought some leashes and collars in for Sera to choose from. Figuring it best to hurry and pick one so that the guard lady wouldn't press them any about it, Sera looked them all over and picked out the most exquisite one there was in the assortment of the things, where she laid it down on the bed beside them while they finished up with breakfast. Once they were done, Sera looked at Pet and thanked her for bringing them the food, where she then looked to June and figured that she would likely want a bath before going out, so she then asked Pet where they could take a bath after what happened the night before, saying that they really needed one, and telling the lady guard that when they were done and dried off then she would be ready to head down into town for some shopping.

Once in the bath, Sera would make sure June was kept close so that she could keep an eye on her, and so that she could help wash her off as well, gently washing her back for her and helping her to wash her hair off before doing the same to herself, not asking June to help unless she wanted to do so. "June... are you mad at me?" Sera would suddenly ask June while she washed the girl off in the bath.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Luck would have it that their room had an adjoining bath. It still required a servant to fill the heated water but Pet was more than happy to do so. After they settled in June was indeed silent far more than usual. Asking her question June simply smiled. "No Sera Im not mad at you.. Im just trying to figure out the future..." June turned to Sera and kissed her deeply. "How could I be mad at you? I was so scared in this place and you came and saved me. I thought the only kind soul in this entire place was Pet."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Thankfully their bedroom had the adjoining bathroom complete with bath and all, so that was a plus for them at least. Once inside and after Sera spoke to June again, asking her if she were mad at her, Sera listened to June give her reply, the young angel feeling a bit tense to say the least until June told her that she wasn't mad at her. Smiling softly at June, Sera leaned forward a bit while washing June's back for her, wrapping her arms around June and hugging the girl close against her before June turned to kiss her, which Sera did so without a second thought, though it did also have the unintended effect of pressing her flaccid member between June's butt cheeks, and by the time Sera realized this it was already too late and the deed was done. "Well sweetie, of course I came to save you, I couldn't very well leave my friend and just continue on my merry way. Hmhm, and well... it wasn't all bad you getting captured like that and me coming to save you... at least I don't think it's so bad, and yeah Pet is really kind isn't she," Sera said after kissing June again, this time slipping her tongue into June's mouth to wrestle with her tongue a bit before retreating.

When they were through with their bath, after Sera got herself cleaned up some with June's help if she wanted to help wash Sera in return for helping her, Sera got her a fresh set clothes on and got June some as well, something a little less revealing if she could find anything of the sort for her, so she could at least retain some modesty. After they were done and dressed, Sera got the collar and leash she'd picked out for June and reluctantly put it around June's neck, attaching the collar soon after. "Well there we go I guess, I've got the rest of your money that mother Esther gave you in with mine June if that's okay, so it doesn't get lost or anything, and I've got the rest of your gear stored in with mine since I picked up your pack after you fell down that hole yesterday. I've got you that extra set of robes still, but they may not take too kindly to you wearing them right now, I'll have to find out from matriarch Jolynn about that. Just try and bear with the revealing clothes for now, and stay close to me and nobody should bother you. While we're out and about I'm going to find a symbol for you to wear so that everyone will know not to mess with you while I'm not around and stuff, among a few other things too if we see anything nice while we're out," Sera told June once they were dressed, letting her know that as soon as she made sure it was okay for June to wear more clothing then she had those extra robes she'd gotten for her. "Do you have any sort of pendant or symbol of some sort you'd prefer to have? I mean I used a feather or two last night as a makeshift symbol, but I doubt that it's a very good one in the long term," Sera then asked June, wondering what sort of symbol she should have made for June.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June returned Sera's kiss with the same passion it was given and indeed help Sera get clean. Inquiring about cloths for June the guard just raised an eyebrow at her. "Matriarch the law only states slaves must be collared not what they are allowed to wear. The matriarch my dress her property as she sees fit." With the guard woman waited for Sera to finish whatever she wanted to do before heading. As for what June thought about for a symbol she had no idea and left it up for Sera to decided.

With the final preparations finished the guard woman lead them out to the palace grounds with Pet following them till the gate where she stopped and whimpered before hugging June and running back into the palace crying. The guard woman simply sighed at the event and spoke. "Do not worry about her she gets attached to people really quick and will be right as rain when you return. As for us I can accompany you to the barracks where you shall select a few of your own escorts from the common soldiers. Any one of them besides a ranking officer is allowed to serve you. After that I will head back to the palace."

The barracks was a rather stout looking building of grey stone and had narrow windows and doors. Out side was a training yard where nearly nude woman practiced with bow, sword, and spear. Heading in she found a greying haired woman looking over the roster. "Adala good to see you is this the Matriarch that will barrow some of my soldiers?" The guard woman simply nodded which prompted a sigh from the older woman. "Welcome Matriarch my troops are at your disposal and will be happy and willing to serve. In fact I've had nearly my entire command volunteer for the duty." The older woman got up giving Sera a good look at her. She was surprising young despite her grey hair and weary voice. She had steely grey eyes and walked with a determined confidence that spoke of years of combat. "Now I cannot have my entire command follow you around Matriarch for practical reasons. I can however spare four experienced troops for you to use. Oh and Matrirach I ask one favor from you." The woman waited a moment for Sera to answers before continuing. "Some of the girls will likely throw themselves at you after all with the law of the land becoming a slave of a matriarch is till a better class than a solider. I would ask that you keep that in mind during your time here and not add to many of them to you harem." The guard woman coughed drawing a look from the captain. "Please forgive my rudeness matriarch it is a humble request from a worthless servant and you may disregard it at any moment."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah well that's good to know, thank you miss. I was a little afraid that clothing would be restricted to some degree. I'm glad to hear that it is in fact not. Well June my dear, we'll get those robes out after we get back unless you'd rather change before we go," Sera said, first to the royal guard lady and then to June, digging the extra set of robes out for her companion to wear and helping her into the before heading out as well if she wanted to change into them before leaving.

When they did finally leave, Sera followed the guard lady on out with the leash firmly in hand so she didn't lose June or anything, and when they got to the gates she looked around to see Pet looking really sad about their departure. Sera reached out and pet her on the head as she hugged June before she ran off on back into the palace area. Glancing over at the lady guard when she explained about Pet's attachment and about where she was taking her and June. "Ah I see, well as long as she doesn't stay sad for too long or anything then all will be fine I'm sure. And very well then, let us meet these possible escorts of mine," Sera said to the lady guard as Pet ran off crying back into the palace, staring at the poor catgirl as she went and feeling a little bad for her.

Once they got to the barracks, Sera witnessed the exchange between the royal guard lady who was apparently named Adala, and the greying haired woman who was apparently the captain here. When Adala left them and the captain welcomed her into her barracks, Sera nodded and smiled at her, giving a little giggle when she heard that nearly all of her troops volunteered for escorting her, which kind of surprised her as well, Sera listened though when she asked a favor of her, letting her finish talking before she replied. "Hmhm, well I must say that I seem to be quite popular around here right now. But don't worry too much captain, I don't intend on taking many if I take any at all. I may take some then again I may not, only time and fate will tell I'm afraid. And worry not captain, you may speak casually with me if you wish, all may do so, I'm not from here and won't hold anyone to the same standards as you're normally held to here," Sera said to the captain, offering a hand to shake. "I am Serafina by the way, though you can call me Sera if you wish, or matriarch Sera rather since I'm sure you'd be more comfortable saying that. What is your name captain? So that I don't have to just call you captain," Sera added, introducing herself to the captain as she shook her hand or whatever the captain would rather do to greet her.

Once the pleasantries and introductions were done and out of the way, Sera looked to the captain and gestured for her to lead the way to her girls that she was speaking of to escort Sera and June. "Please, show me the way, or if you can think of four of your best and prettiest girls to send with me then that would be fine too, it matters not really I suppose," Sera said, leaving it to the captain to decide whether or not to send 4 that she chose with Sera or if she would rather Sera choose her own escorts instead.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The captain eyed Sera a moment before taking her hand with a strong grip. "Well met Matriarch Sera. I am Captain April Winterrain. This time the captain actually smiled before heading over to a bell and rang it twice in a distinct pattern. Outside Sera heard the scrambling of feet and mutter or woman. "All my girls are pretty if I do say so myself and given that they are all rescues or outsiders they are a diverse lot. No worries Matriarch they have all been processed and know their place or else they would not be members of the guard." Heading out Sera saw the woman from the practice area as well as a few fully dressed standing at attention. There where about 40 woman standing about in various states of dress. Looking about Sera noticed all of them with the exception of the Captain had a tattoo with demonic looking writing placed above and slightly centered above their left breast where their heart would be. "All of them have various skills so I guess its up to you what desire to guard you. List a specialty such has ranged combat or some such and I will call out the girls best suited for it for you to pick from."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Good to meet you captain April, let us see these girls then, since they're all pretty, hmhm," Sera replied with a little giggle as the captain went over to a bell and rang it twice. She didn't really like the fact that they had been as the captain stated, processed, but she was sure that she could trust them to keep both her and June safe enough, considering all she'd been told so far about this place at least.

Sera waited for them to all come out and looked up and down the rows, where she saw that they were indeed fairly pretty to say the least, yet she also noticed the demonic tattoo on their chests, which the captain didn't have. She wondered what it was for exactly, but she suspected it was a seal to keep these girls in line most likely. Seeing that she had the choice here in who to take, Sera went up and down each line of the soldier girls, looking at each one a bit before heading back to the captain. "Alright captain, I'd like your best sword fighter be she duelist or what have you, your best with a bow, a spirit user if you have one, and your best stealthy type. If you haven't a spiritual user like myself then whoever you would think is your outright best fighter no matter her weapon, unless one of the other three would be the best outright, in which case get me the next best. Also race doesn't really matter to me captain so they can be human, elf... it matters not," Sera said to the captain, nodding after making a quick decision on what she wanted in the way of guards. "Also captain April, what are those tattoos exactly? What do they signify? I am curious, and since I'm going to have four of them following me in order to keep me and June here safe from harm I think I should probably know," Sera added in a whisper to captain April, making a sidelong glance at the nearest girl with the tattoo.