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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Tina's voice stuttered slightly. "My lady has yet to wash herself this moring. I will inform the Matriarch of you decsiion." Only then would Sera realize the sheer amount of dried cum covering herself. Heading to the wash she soon joined June. "Hey Sera.. I was just thinking about all of this......" Her tail twitched flinging some water. "Its now offical I can no longer return to the monestary or at lest never join it agian." She looked at her tail again her new ears twitching slightly. "And you know what I don't care. I thought I would be devistated but... I don't feel bad at all. I still misses the high priestess and would love to see her agian, but.. for the rest of it ... Im not sure." She looked back to Sera taking a rag and starteed to clean her up. "I do know I want to stay with you where ever you go and maybe....." She blushed a little before changing subjects. "Also I need to speak with Pet and let her know Im not angry with her."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Looking down at herself as Tina answered her question, Sera blushed a bit and nodded to Tina as she left, figuring out why she'd looked so embarrassed by the looks of her. After joining June in the bath, Sera listened to what she had to say, pulling a wing up and draping it around her giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"June dear, I don't think the high priestess would hold it against you for wanting to live your life away from there. And honestly I think you look adorable with the cat ears and tail," Sera said to June kindly, unable to suppress the urge to scratch June's cat ears as they sat there. Smiling at her after scratching her ears for a few seconds, Sera hugged against her a little and kissed her on the cheek. "I suppose I should tell you the same thing I told Jolynn last night before I came back to our room. I have certain duties as an angel that I can't forsake or I risk falling. Probably the main one of those is never putting a single person before all others, meaning while I am allowed to love you June, I can't say... choose you over everyone else in most matters. I must protect all equally else it would be a sort of conflict of interest, but I can still express my love of course, and I'm still allowed to pursue personal matters in most cases so long as they don't interfere or conflict with my angelic duties... at least I believe so anyway. It's really complicated to say the least, but to put it simply, while I can love you June, and I do very much by the way, I can't put you before anyone else really else I risk falling. You understand what I mean don't you?" Sera went on to say, telling June basically what she'd told Jolynn the night before about her angelic duties that she had to follow or else she'd fall.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"What.. no thats not what I meant.... I know full well that you love all of us Ivy me and Crissa.... even that crazy woman who rules this place. I was talking about....." June blushed and held her stomach slightly before returning to washing Sera. "Besides I wouldn't want to you put your purity at stake for me. It would be incredably selfish.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmhm, she is a bit crazy I'll admit June, but she's alright. Please though June, tell me truthfully what you were talking about, and don't worry, I know that you would never want me to do something to lose my purity," Sera told June, hugging her close before continuing to wash up.

After she was done bathing, Sera would give June a peck on the lips before getting up and out, taking a towel and drying June off before drying herself. Once that was done, Sera would see if the others were awake yet to see if they all wanted some breakfast, which Sera would call for, feeling like she wanted to eat some with June, Crissa, and Ivy this morning, though she would save room to eat a bit with Jolynn too of course.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera didn't catch June's meaning and soon asked her what she meant made the young priestess blush. "Uhh well.... ya know.... a child. I want my first child to be by you. I know I know we should wait for this journy to be over before we even think of it. But I want you to be the one." With her confesion made June finished bathing and cleaning Sera in a much more relaxed manner. However she wouldn't settle for a simple peck on the lips as she pulled Sera into a deeper kiss before letting her go. Heading back out with June in tow she found Crissa still sleeping. Ivy however was gone having apparently taken off on her own again.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh... well, that's what you meant," Sera said, a little taken aback at June's words, but after a few moments she smiled softly and hugged her again. "I'm glad you told me June, and I will do my best to give you your first child," she added, pushing a bit deeper in her kiss with June as the young priestess pulled her in more.

After they finally broke their kiss, Sera would give June a wink before heading back to check on the others, finding Crissa still snoozing and Ivy gone somewhere. She hoped Ivy wasn't getting into any trouble, figuring that she could take care of herself for the most part, and that she'd come find her if she needed help. After getting dressed again, Sera would call for some food to be brought to them, taking a little bit with June and Crissa and only waking Crissa once it arrived. Once they were done eating, Sera would tell the two that she had been asked to come see Jolynn so she'd see them shortly.

"If you want to June, go talk to Pet, and if you don't mind Crissa could you please go with her so she doesn't get lost or into any trouble," Sera told June and Crissa while they ate some breakfast together.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

A small meal came at her request and was a light affair with fruit and cheese along with toast. Chatting a little Crissa agreeded to go with June after all she had always wanted to see what the cat wing looked like. After that was said and done however Sera parted ways with her lovers and headed to meet Jolynn her wife. It was strange to think of it that way but she had agreed after all. Of course the marraige was more than likly for stablity in the kingdom but it was hard to say that was the only reason. For what ever reason it be Jolynn had taken a liking to Sera. Still as she entered Jolynn's pesonal suiet she found Amber Crissa's sister present and in a dress. Jolynn was there as well and was currently adressing the woman. "Mary you have been pardoned by your matriarch for your attempted coup. While you have your freedom now your rank and title are forever forfit do you understand." The woman nodded a tear in her eye. "Good your sister is waiting for you outside the gate and remember Mary you may always return here of you own free will if you find life outside to much." The woman blushed before leaving bowing with a great flourish befor heading out. "Oh Sera Im glad you could make it please sit. Its been a busy day already."
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Thank you Crissa, just... don't drink any of the milk Pet might offer you just in case. Unless you don't mind the prospect of getting some ears and a tail that is," Sera told Crissa before she parted ways with the two of them after they'd eaten some for breakfast.

Heading on to Jolynn's chambers, Sera was met with something that eased her heart some more about Jolynn as she was releasing Crissa's sister Mary from basically a life of forced servitude for attempting a coup against her. Bowing politely to Mary as she walked by her, Sera smiled at her. "Crissa is okay too Mary, I won't let anything happen to her while I can help it," she whispered to Mary as she went by, giving her a sincere look to show she was serious about protecting her.

Once Mary was gone, Sera walked on up to Jolynn and sat beside her when asked to join her. "That was a very kind thing you did Jolynn. I'm... I'm very touched to say the least. Tina said though that you wanted to speak with me about something when she came to wake us earlier," Sera said to Jolynn after taking her seat.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yes yes very important things. Having to work threw all these additional tasks I had almost forgot about this." Heading over to a small dresser Jolynn fetched a small box. It was about the size of a pocket book. "I had this made for you. I hope you like it." Jolynn held the box out for Sera to take. Upon opening it Sera would find a white gold ring with small dimonds embbeded in it. The main part of the ring had a pairt of wings that seemed to wrap around the finger and the dimonds in the raised joint of the wing. However that wasn't the only thing in the box. Along side that was a small black stone with an ingraving on it. "I hope you like the ring I had to guess the size. The other is the ward stone to the private part of the library. It should let you in unopposed now." Jolynns face darkened slightly. "You should know all our secretes if your going to be my queen.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh... it's... it's beautiful Jolynn. Thank you very much," Sera said to Jolynn, looking at the ring and admiring it. When she pulled out the ward stone as Jolynn called it, Sera looked up at her with raised eyebrows. "Thank you Jolynn, I may begin to use this here shortly so that I can read up on some of the town's history and learn more about it," she added as she looked at the stone.

Sera leaned in and kissed Jolynn on the lips and hugged her close before pulling back a little, giving her a smile. "So... what all did you have planned for today Jolynn?" Sera said after a pulling away, still sitting next to Jolynn and enjoying the closeness between them.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh the usual have to meet with the court and adress their concerns. Not to mention the wedding planner. I had no idea such thing required someone else to plan them. Seems silly to me. Speaking of which you need to be their as well." She paused a moment looking threw her closet. "I think I will go with the red today.... It makes me look feirce especially for a trial."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see I see, well best get to it sooner rather than later I guess. I'll go and get dressed in my only real dress I have for the time being and we'll meet with the nobles of court," Sera replied to Jolynn, watching her go through her closet for the dress she mentioned for herself. "And for what trial dear? Is someone on trial for something?" she then asked curiously.

After she learned who the trial was for Sera would head back to her chambers to change into her dress she'd gotten the other day, telling June and Crissa where she was going if they were still in there or had come back. Once she was dressed, Sera would head back to the hall and meet up with Jolynn to meet with the court.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Oh don't be silly you know for who. After all I said Mary wouldn't be free unless the true culprit was caught." Jolynn paused a moment and sighed. "This is thier last chance.. I hope she is being honest with me." There was a hint of sadness to her voice but it was quickly replaced by a happier tone. "Oh you don't have to stay at court with me after all its just going to be boring. You will need to be here for the wedding planner though." Jolynn seemed giddy at this event and turned clapping for her cat girls to help her dress. "Ill see you at lunch okay?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see... however if it concerns that sort of thing I'd think I would be needed there just as much as with the wedding planner, as the wedding planner wouldn't take all that long anyway. I believe I could manage both if I'm quick with the wedding planner," Sera said to Jolynn as she clapped for some catgirls to come out and help her get into her dress. "I'd also think that you'd want me there too, if only so I could learn more about the court and how things went. And speaking of which, has the true culprit been found?" she added with a raised eyebrow, feeling almost like Jolynn was trying to keep her from the court whilst the trial was going on for whoever it was, as Sera was drawing a blank at the moment to be honest, though she was sure she'd probably kick herself in the ass when the name was given to her most likely.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn looked to Sera as her servents got her dressed. "Humm. Well theres no harm in it but court can be very boring. As for the culprit Mary ( I got thenames mixed up Mary is the sister in Charge Amber was the slave) found one of her older Aunts to be pulling the strings. Now sadly I cannot proscute her as normal after all she is elderarly." Jolynn frowned a moment. "Maybe you will have an idea Sear... Yes it will be good to have you in court."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

(No worries, I'd been thinking that you had gotten the names mixed up, but wasn't entirely sure.)

"I see I see, so... she's the one that sent Crissa too then? Of course I'll come, it takes a lot to truly bore me with things just so you know Jolynn. I think I can come up with something better to do for you though, just try to bear with me alright," Sera asked Jolynn, assuring her that she wouldn't be bored at court. "I can do the wedding planning before or after, or even during if we have the chance and time to do so," she added before heading off to change into her dress as well before returning or heading to the great hall where court was being held.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Heading back to her room Sera found herself being able to negotiate the palace far better than she had before. Even the slaves and servents working the halls seemed to almost blend in. Still as she doned her dress her room was empty. Heading back to the hall she found herself escourted to a round about way and lead to a back entrance. Heading in she found a stair leading up to a set of chairs. Jolynn sat in one with the light focused right on her while another chair sat empty. It was smaller than Jolynns but for the most part it was exactly alike. Heading to her assigned seat Sera saw the grand hall almost as if for the first time. It was parted into two floors. The upper one seemed to be full of memebers of the court who looked down at the lower level where Sera usually made an apperance. From here Sera could see a bright path of light highlighting the center of the lower floor leaving the rest of it in darkness. After a moment a fairly old woman looking somewhat disheveld was lead in chains by to royal guards. "Lady Joclyn you are hearby charged with treason and intent to rebel. How do you plead?" There was a murmer on the upper level. "Guilty as charged Matriarch. I can no longer let my family suffer my arrogance." This only increased the murmur among the nobles. "I see so you take full responicblity for your actions? The woman nodded. "I see.. then as Matrairch and final judge I find you guilty of your crimes and you shall be punished accordanly." Jolynn turned to Sera and spoke softly. "Any suggestions my love?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Once she returned to her room to change into her dress, Sera saw Crissa and June gone still, likely to the catgirl wing of the palace, leaving her alone in the room for the time being. She idly wondered where Ivy was at and if she was okay, but figured that she could take care of herself for the most part unless it was something big and a little too strong for her. Once she was done changing, Sera let the guards lead her around through the back door into the great hall, where she went up the steps to sit next to Jolynn.

Watching the scene play out, Sera sat silently as Jolynn spoke after the older woman was led into the chamber in chains. Sera didn't like the fact that the older lady was in chains like that, as she seriously doubted that she'd be able to actually fight her way out. "I... I'm not sure. You can't very well cast her out of house and home at this point, but at the same time I'd say you can't just forgive and forget too easily either. Perhaps we should ask and find out why she was working against you before we come to a final decision, because I think that you can always talk and work things out that way," Sera told Jolynn, giving a suggestion that she thought was the best considering how little she knew of the whole situation in general.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"The traditional punishment is death Sera.. but she is old and infirm. It wouldn't be right to do such to her. Perhapse life imprisonment in one of the towers?" Jolynn searched Sera's eyes to see if she had anything else to offer.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Death... no it wouldn't be right to do that. And I don't think imprisonment would be much use because of how old she is. I wish to know her reasoning for doing all of what she's done though. Let me speak for a moment please, okay," Sera said, then she turned to the older lady and stood up. "Lady Jocelyn, you and everyone else here I'm sure know that I am new here. But I wish to know why you've done what you have. What reasoning do you give for doing this? Risking your family's well being for whatever it was you sought," Sera then said, asking the older woman why she had done all of this and risked her family's well being.