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Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Octavia chuckled. "Well, I wasn't worried about Panodora's reaction, I was just worried about yours." she said honestly, before taking a seat on the grass. Bubbles, as Demeter flashed her a smile and held Idian's hand, came over and decided to hold Demeter's other hand while looking up at her. Though Idian seemed to have every intention of looking bothered over this, when he looked and saw Bubbles holding Demeter's hand and then rubbing her face against it almost lovingly, he couldn't help but get a slight chuckle out of it, even though he obviously didn't want to be laughing right now. "I know the reason why we left... I just wish we could have done more, you know?" he sighed, before Bubbles came up from behind him, having let Demeter's hand go, and began tickling Idian, who began to suddenly laugh and squirm as he tried to get the sahuagin away. "S-stop!" he demanded while being pushed to be something other than grumpy by the playful sahuagin. Once Idian got a few seconds of tickling, Bubbles simply hugged his back before Idian himself sighed. "Fine... I'll try to look more pleasant." he apologized before standing up, though Bubbles didn't let go, so now he was piggybacking the fish as the blue haired girl rested her chin on his shoulder, looking at Demeter.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"I know," Demeter replied sympathetically to Idian. She didn't exactly share his sentiments, but she could certainly understand them.

Bubbles broke the tension in the air, and Demeter forced herself to grin as she finally released the mental hold she'd been maintaining on herself since she'd first felt that town's magic trying to affect her. While Idian and Bubbles tussled, her mind wandered to the great demon that had opted to personally attack the place, and she couldn't help but wonder... Why? As far as she'd seen there hadn't been anything remarkable about the small village, and they certainly hadn't been doing anything that might have made them a target.

Returning to the present to find Bubbles staring at her with her characteristic lack of expression, Demeter forced her grin to widen slightly, but then allowed it to fade as she said; "We shouldn't stay in the area. Even being in the area leaves us in danger of being caught up in the attack."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter would catch Octavia looking at her, and would find on the witch's expression that she was asking herself the same thing: "Why?"

"Perhaps it was just an attack on an enemy in order to gain some territory." Octavia offered to suggest, before her green eyes focused on Demeter intently. "Or perhaps they were made aware of the presence of something valuable within the town. It is after all, a place along the border, and thus easily accessible. But... That doesn't really answer the question we're wondering about, is it?" Octavia sighed, before she and everyone else were more than happy to follow Demeter's suggestion with continuing their retreat from danger. Although, their next destination and their act of retreat may be a bit of an issue, as Idian would be quick to bring up.

"If we continue going straight out, we'll end up right in the slime fields." Idian announced, looking to the way they were already heading. Then he pointed to the west, along the perimeter but still close to the dark clouds. "We could evade it, but then we'd border along the demon's new territory."

One of Octavia's witches butted in. "If it's a scuffle with some minor demon along the border, that won't be an issue." she said.

"But if it's a dullahan guard or full succubus..." Octavia didn't seem to like her idea.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"But... What could such a tiny place hold that would spur a cardinal sin to action in order to claim it?" Demeter pondered aloud, responding to Octavia's suppositions about what might have caused the attack. "And what question would that be?" she asked curiously, "Why it happened right after we arrived?"

Turning to Idian as he opened up with what lay directly ahead of them, Demeter's expression soured at their two less than pleasant options. The very mention of slimes caused her stomach to turn. They had been one of the greatest threats to her back in her swamp home, representing to the elf a fate far worse than death, or even enslavement to an arachne, the other great threat she'd had to deal with. The swamp slimes hadn't been intelligent or even particularly dangerous, but she'd seen a village girl taken by one once, and had watched in horror as it tore her soul apart, and consumed it, leaving the shredded remains of the human to become just another mindless slime, driven only by hunger. That sight, of the woman trapped in ecstasy as she was violated in the most horrible way imaginable, had given her nightmares until that very day.

Demons, however, weren't any more appealing. She'd never encountered one, but Demeter knew that they would do the same to those they caught, feasting upon their souls and then turning them into demons. It was a choice between the devil she knew and the devil that she didn't..... But neither was more appealing than the other. She and Octavia's coven were all heavily drained from the magic they'd used in their escape, meaning that any scuffles would be a further drain on their already taxed resources. "Between all of us, a single demon shouldn't be an insurmountable problem, even a fairly powerful one... So long as we don't walk in on a cardinal sin having a stroll or something," Demeter reasoned, "But if we stumble onto an army of slimes, we'd never stand a chance. Are there any other ways we could go? I don't care if they're longer, so long as they're less dangerous."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Octavia nodded to Demeter's conclusion. "Indeed. The timing was so... Perfect. We barely had a moment to enjoy ourselves. I can't help but wonder... Was it just the timing, or was it the arrival of someone that spurred the attack...?" she asked. Her eyes were on Demeter and Idian. It seemed that they were the most likely suspects in that regard. However, despite not having words to share, Bubbles seemed to catch on to Octavia's suspicions, and pointed her weapon at the witch from over Idian's shoulder as if trying to defend them. Being the cause of such an attack was a big deal, and being blamed for something such as a full scale attack on a small town was something of a huge statement. Octavia only looked at the blade pointed at her a moment before letting out a sigh. "Even if you were the cause... I imagine it wasn't intentional."

When the topic of where to go came up next, Idian was the next to answer, after making sure to calm Bubbles down and get her to lower her blade of course. "Our only other option is to go far down south, back first towards Sofia's castle, and downwards into the undead forest. Even after going through all of that trouble, we would likely have to face the wild undead." he said with worry and concern.

"I'd prefer the slime fields because at least our enemies are not demons, nor do we have to travel an absurd distance." Octavia voiced. "Against slime, their weakness is truly magic of any sort, which we have in our offensive capabilities in abundance, so why do you still fear the slime fields, Demeter?" Octavia inquired.

"I can imagine why..." Idian replied, shivering.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Because there are fates far worse than death," Demeter intoned solemnly, "And at least for me, becoming one of those... Abominations.... Is most certainly one of them. I have never known a slime to be harmed by magic, but if you feel confident in your ability to defend us then so be it." Falling silent, Demeter allowed the silent accusation to pass by without comment from her. She wasn't even sure if she needed to defend herself, much less what to say to prove her innocence since she certainly hadn't done anything to invite such an attack. She'd been living alone in a swamp, perfectly isolated and alone, so if it had been her that had drawn the demons they'd picked a fairly foolish time to do so. The same could be said if Idian were the target, and for the life of her Demeter couldn't figure out why either of them might be a tempting target anyway, at least not any more so than anyone else.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Octavia rose an eyebrow at Demeter. "It shall be I who defends us?" she asked as if Demeter should reconsider that choice. "I was of a mind of keeping my energy as in-check as I could, because of the act of which I gather energy that is of a taboo in regards to you and your boy." she said, regarding Idian as if he were a 'thing' that belonged to her with a limp gesture of her arm. He didn't look too happy to be regarded as a less important piece on the board, but when it came to Demeter's power, even he knew who the stronger was. It would not very often be him defending Demeter instead of the other way 'round. Octavia tipped her hat down to hide her eyes before continuing. "The energy you can give otherwise is like a good meal washed clean with mud as a replacement for the common neutral medium, water." she said. "It would be tough to feed that even to a starving demon, and by such point, either of us would be beyond reason. Since you have reserved private rights to our source of energy, you don't still expect us to carry all the weight? Let us be reasonable traveling companions, shall we?" she offered.

As the witches backed Octavia in her decision to remain without using their magic actively, Bubbles and Idian were at Demeter's back, as if there was a divide between the two. Bubbles especially expected such divide to possibly break out into violence, as Demeter would find from the sound of her fin tightening around the shaft of her weapon.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Octavia's reaction had Demeter... Somewhat less than excited. The elf's expression soured immediately, and like Bubbles she readied herself for the violence that was potentially imminent. That said, she was very nearly spent, and both she and Octavia knew it, as it had been Demeter who'd done the brunt of the work in maintaining the spell that had helped them get out of the dying village. If it came to a fight, Demeter probably wouldn't have been able to beat the witch at full strength, and now..... They were outnumbered, and neither Idian nor Bubbles could even do significant harm to the magic wielders given the makeup of their bodies. It would be a short and one sided confrontation, and Demeter knew it.

Narrowing her eyes, the elf scowled silently at Octavia for a moment, what little magic she had left slowly readying itself in case things turned out exceptionally poorly, before saying; "Reasonable? I think it would be prudent if you would discontinue referring to Idian as an "energy source" first and foremost... And I find your demands and your assumptions entirely unreasonable. At no point did I say I wouldn't lift a finger if we were attacked. What I did say, is that my magics have never had any significant effect on the slimes that I've faced in the past, and was thus allowing you lead if we were forced to defend ourselves from them.

"And, after ensuring that you and your coven were spared Sofia's wrath - after you nearly killed me I might add - you have the gall to complain about the energy that I give you simply because I don't let some foul whore like you fuck it out of me!?" Though she had initially been fairly calm, Demeter's ire with the witch grew as she went on, until she'd practically spat the words out at the witch at the end of her last sentence. Demeter allowed herself a moment to calm down, and Octavia to digest the words and possibly offer reply of her own. After a moment, however, she would speak again, returning to her calm state; "I had assumed we were acting out of some degree of mutual respect, but it seems clear that we are not. So, let me get this out in the open; I don't care about the "taste" of the energy that I give you, nor will I ever. I allowed you to come with us because it seemed the only way to preserve your life, and because I find murder detestable, not because I hold any positive feelings in your direction. If you believed as much, then you were and decidedly mistaken, and if choose to make an issue of this now, the outcome will be as expected. Just let me give you a word of warning.... If you give me even a moment's chance, I will spend every bit of energy that I have to kill you. Not your coven... Just you."

Again she paused, having retained her calm throughout her speech to the witch, and allowed Octavia's comrades to think about that while she stared the witch down. It wasn't an idle bluff, though it was one that Demeter highly doubted she could actually make good on given her estimations of her own skill against that of the witch. Octavia most definitely had her beat in combat experience at the very minimum, and at the moment Demeter's only normal advantage - her raw metaphysical might - wasn't available to her. It was a fairly bad situation for the elf, but to cower in the face of Octavia's veiled threat would give her the edge in any future conflicts between them, and she had grown far too independent in her long term of isolation save for the humans that had hated her to be bullied, regardless of the more prudent course.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

When regards first came to Idian as an energy source, the witch scowled just as Demeter did and it was clear that the opinion was not shared. One hand was on her hip as she watched Demeter with narrowed green eyes. The coven showed perhaps surprisingly no interest in the two's squabble, preferring to rest instead of getting hyped up like Octavia. It was their action that would reveal just how self-serving the witches truly are. Before any of their kind became witches, Demeter would have been taught that they were humans who desired youth and power. Elderly women of the human race would come to the Baphomet, and be granted youthful bodies and even more beauty than they ever had before. In return, they had to make a sacrifice to the demon beast in order to prove their desire and earn the staff of a witch, and the eternal curse that came along with it, that they may never be divine, always unholy.

"That is what all men are," Octavia said simply. "What other merits are there to the walking slabs of meat? Look at him and honestly question yourself as to why you feel yourself in love with him. I trust the answer you discover is how delicious he tasted when you rode him for the first time. It's not love that makes you stand before me and block him from the rest of us, it's merely Avarice taking her roots in your soul, her greed driving you along her path." she stated, before leaning in towards Demeter. "Call me whatever names of whores or degenerates as you'd like, Demeter. We are not that different, you and I. We both just want to survive in this world and be away from those who would disturb our peace, but life isn't always so simple. We have to make sacrifices to survive, and you should respect that similarity between us, because to feed us like that is to treat us like dogs while sitting high on your throne like a queen, with you're little manslave back there, eager to please you." She gestured at Idian. "Speaking of a source as well, it need not be you we drain it from. We could easily drain it from him." She said, her meaning clearly towards Idian.

Before Demeter could reply, Idian suddenly touched her shoulder. "Let me handle this, please." He said, before walking forward towards Octavia, who only viewed him as cattle. She developed an oppressive expression, grinning at Idian as if he were a mere bug approaching her as if pretending it were something greater. It seemed he was about to speak, before Idian's body moved like a flash. Octavia's cheeks rippled from the impact of his fist suddenly slamming into her with magical enchantments boosting it. The sucker punch knocked Octavia onto her side, where she laid, stunned. "Please do not relate my future wife to the likes of you. Thank you." he said to Octavia, before turning around and stepping behind Demeter once more, while all Octavia could do from the ground is look up at the two of them and scowl in frustration from how powerless she was in the situation.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

The more that Octavia said, the more Demeter's expression soured. It was good then that the other witches weren't throwing in with their coven leader, as her attention was increasingly focused upon Octavia as she derided Idian and made comparisons between the two that were both disgusting in their own right and horrifyingly accurate to fears that the elf hadn't been able to even admit that she had. Forced to confront those fears, Demeter became angry as a defensive reflex, and by the time the witched was seemingly finished with her declarations Demeter was boiling with barely contained rage. Outwardly fuming, the fury at the witch's words threatened to explode at any moment.

Idian's intervention may very well have saved the witch's life, as Demeter was about ready to lash out at Octavia when Idian placed a hand onto her shoulder. She was so surprised that she very nearly lashed out at him instead, but after a glance she calmed enough to nod and allowed him to step forward. She'd expected the normally calm man to simply say something, trying to refute what she'd said in a rational manner. Instead, to her delight and surprise, he knocked the witch onto her ass with one swift punch without even saying a word beforehand. No less stunned than Octavia, Demeter watched Idian make his statement and return to her side without hiding that fact, though as he stepped back she closed her mouth and turned back to give Octavia another long glare.

Her anger had largely subsided, however, and so after a moment of staring at her Demeter calmly said; "Concern for my husband-to-be and selfishness are not the same thing. That alone makes you and I worlds apart, Octavia." She stepped forward, leaning on her staff and gazing down imperiously, her magic obviously threatening to lash out at the slightest provocation.... Until she relaxed visibly, and leaned down to offer the witch a hand up. "If you want better taste to your meal, you'll have to find it on your own. But taking energy from me means you aren't going to be fighting for it and aren't going to be competing with other mamono for it. I'm not going to have sex with you, and while I can't speak for him with any certainty, I'm fairly sure that Idian won't be having sex with you either. And that's as much because he doesn't want to as it is because I don't want him to."

Whether or not the witch accepted her helping hand back up, Demeter then stepped back and said; "So.... Are we done here? Can we get moving before a demon stumbles over us, or do we have to keep going at each other's throats like lowly werewolves until one of us is proclaimed the alpha and given winner's rights to the loser?" It was, by the nature of her deadpan tone, difficult to tell whether or not Demeter was being entirely serious in her concluding statement.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Rather than speak, Octavia simply rose after Demeter gave her speech to the witch, and turned on her heels, facing away from Idian and Demeter. The witch said nothing at all as she simply went onwards, leaving the others, including her fellow witches, behind her as she walked towards the slime fields.

One of the witches, a small girl with curly red hair, stepped forward and walked with Demeter if the elf decided to pick up her feet and walk towards the fields as well. "I apologize on behalf of Octavia. We just had a discussion about whether the White Flower would appear again. The woman whom ordered Octavia to come after you. Your method of sustaining us is barely enough for keeping us from turning into dust, due to such an unnatural method, so Octavia is worried that we'll all be crushed due to being unable to fight with spiritual energy we struggle with using, as we'd all be trying to function with your energy. It's complicated, both in explanation and application. So, please don't hate Octavia for that. She'll say anything to try and accomplish whatever she has in mind. Because you're helping us, she doesn't dislike you as much as it may seem." the witch explained.

"So, she didn't mean the part about me being a slab of meat?" Idian asked with twisted lips.

The witch adjusted her hat and looked down at the ground. "... This isn't a man's world," the witch said carefully. "Given the common place men have nowadays... It's not like she's a villain for seeing things that way. I mean, if you thought about it, you only have as much freedom as she allows..." the witch gestured to Demeter. "I mean, it's obvious even at a glance, which of you two is the bottom."

Idian was shocked at that statement, as if he'd been shot by an arrow by her words. Though, after a moment, Idian glanced at Demeter. He seemed to size her up in that glance, and suddenly found himself as if he were looking up at her. There was actually no mistaking the truth of the witch's words. Idian was the weaker between them, and Demeter's presence of power was greater than his own. Considering those things, Idian seemed to walk with less confident stride, and stuck more to Demeter's side. He seemed to reach a quick acceptance towards his revealed position in the relationship, and as such, followed Demeter loyally, instead of simply walking with her.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter merely scowled at Octavia's back as the witch refused her hand up and stalked off, watching her go without making any effort to call her back. The words of another of the witches, attempting to apologize to Demeter, merely caused the elf to scowl more. Particularly following the exchange between her and Idian, at which point the man inexplicably tied himself closer to her. Why? It made no sense to the frustrated elf. She certainly hadn't done anything to earn such respect, given that her efforts in battle up until that point had been no more effective than his own. She had held no shame in thinking him the stronger of the two, given that the direction of her magical skills had always focused on escape while his had been trained into him for battle.

"Your opinions tire me, and your apologies mean nothing. If it is such a waste of my energies to give them to you, since they apparently do not benefit you, then you will have them no longer," she spat coldly at the witch, fixing her with a gaze far more impatient than what she'd looked upon Octavia with. It was readily apparent that Demeter's good-will towards the treacherous coven was already fairly thin, and growing thinner the more they complained. "Just let it be known that any effort to take them from Idian or myself by your preferred method will only get you exactly what you fear. That protection extends to her too," Demeter added, gesturing at Bubbles to include her in the threat toward the witches. "If you wish to continue benefiting from the energies I spare, when I continually exhaust myself purely for your benefit at the end of every day, then I would suggest that you stop trying to defend your disrespect with "that's how it is" and stop whining about the fact that you're not getting into our pants. It won't happen. Ever. And that's the end of the story. Do you all understand that quite thoroughly now?" She cast her gaze around the gathered witches, fixing each of them with her glare in turn.

While it was something of an unusual thing consider her preference for pacifism, the elf had been taught that beings of magic like demons, slimes, and even the witches that she had allied herself with were no more living things than the undead. She preferred not to kill, having maintained a largely vegetarian diet while living in the swamp even, but when it came to things that she intrinsically didn't consider alive, that mental block simply didn't exist. Even Sofia and the witches, despite being fairly humanlike in appearance, had not been spared this simple disregard, and though she didn't have any innate desire to see the witches destroyed, it wouldn't be nearly as hard to push Demeter to do so as it would have been for a human or an elf, or even the more beast-like mamono such as the trolls. Particularly when they threatened to rape her, regardless of the subtlety of the threat.

If none of them offered any further argument, Demeter would simply start forward after Octavia, gesturing for Idian and Bubbles to follow her if they didn't do so automatically.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

The witch scowled right back at Demeter, "I said that with regards to your own safety as well as our own, fool. Do not forget who the original target of the Flower was. We're just worried about the punishment for failing her, you have much more to fear." the witch scolded Demeter, before walking off to join Octavia. Before Demeter could catch up, the two spoke together quietly, their words unheard. It was a brief exchange, too quick for any eavesdropping magic to be woven. Once they were done, Octavia and the witch shared a backwards glance at Demeter with shared expressions. Just based on the scorn on their faces, it was clear that they were possibly catching onto the fact that Demeter did not allow them along in her company out of any good graces. It went from one witch to another, their whispers. Many more glances of anger towards Demeter followed, while the coven seemed to be maintaining a greater distance from Demeter and her company. Demeter seemed to be no longer a concern to them as their eyes wondered the plains they were walking into.

Eventually, a witch that was scouting would be shouting at them, before all the others were rushing towards her, leaving Demeter, Idian, and Bubbles to stand there or follow. If they followed, they'd see the witches save a man who dressed like those from the village they fled from, as he was being attacked by a slime. They showed no hesitation in killing the slime, while the man slowly rose. "T-thank you, I..." he began to say, before his eyes widened at the sight of Octavia and her diverse set of witches. Their teeth bare, the witches descended upon him like a pack of ravenous wolves, not even using their magic to hold him down, just their sheer numbers. "Good find, Lucy! I'm starving!" one of the witches announced. "Save enough for everyone!" Octavia followed up.

The moment he saw that, Idian was about to move, before Bubbles raised her weapon and blocked his torso with the flat end, before shaking her head at him. Idian said nothing then, looking to Demeter for her reaction.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"I allowed you along in the hopes of exposing that very enemy, not because of any good will toward you. The action that introduced you to me was one of betrayal and of violence, and made it quite clear that my people's teachings about your kind were quite accurate: You will only ever truly serve yourselves. Any alliance you make is one of convenience, easily discarded for greener pastures or at the slightest hint of danger. If you expect any sense of camaraderie to form between us, I suspect you will be sorely disappointed given the divergence of our viewpoints," Demeter stated plainly in response to the witch. Despite the obvious fact that the quiet conversation was about her, made no effort to eavesdrop on the witch and Octavia, and when they turned to glare at her she promptly glared right back.

When they came upon the man, Demeter too pushed her staff in Idian's path, watching them pile onto the helpless man for a moment before she turned to Idian, blocking out the sound of what the witches were doing to the helpless human and tapping Idian on the chin with her staff to direct his gaze to her. "This is their true character," she began frankly, not pausing or giving him a chance to respond as she continued; "It is who they are. What they are. They took it into every fiber of their being when they sold their souls to evil. If given the chance, they would make the entire world in that very image." She directed his gaze back to the scene, this time with a gentle hand instead of her staff, which she'd retracted back to herself. Glancing over her shoulder, Demeter coldly concluded; "This is the sort of being you have defended in the past, Idian. The Order is hardly a force that I would call good, but they exist for a reason. To stop things like this from happening to your people. Or eventually, there wouldn't be any more of your people left.... Which is what's happening to MY people."

She looked back to Idian and guided his own back to her, letting him see the lines of worry mixing with the hardened scowl, "They aren't our friends, even though we travel with them. Things like that don't have friends. They aren't... People. They're just monsters that used to be people and can still talk."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

In response to that, Idian frowned deeply, before grabbing Demeter by her shoulders. "That is almost exactly what the Order would have told me to think of someone like you, Demeter. I make it my point to not be like them, and see the good where others would not. We wouldn't be in love right now if I thought like that, Demeter." Idian said flatly. "I consider Bubbles my friend, and though Octavia deserved that punch, she and the other witches would have helped us against whoever this flower person is, I'm sure of it."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"I never said that they were right," she replied softly, brushing her fingers delicately over his face, "Hate never solves anything. It doesn't make anything better. Bubbles is my friend too, remember. The way of the Order isn't the way to real peace any more than the way of Octavia and her kin is. But they aren't always wrong either." She released his face, letting her hands fall to her sides, "They would.... Possibly. Unless the, ahhh, "flower person" gave them a better offer than we did. Remember how they betrayed Sofia, who had been good to them, and ask yourself honestly if their loyalty to us is any stronger than it was to her."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"I can understand that this Flower person is someone terrifying," Idian said. "Octavia said why she did what she did, and she didn't attack Sofia outright, not that I saw. She simply asked for you. When I see all that she's done, Octavia just makes me think of a scared little girl who will do or say anything to survive." Idian put his hand over Demeter's on his cheek. "If that Flower person attacks again, after that exchange, I think we both know whos side Octavia is going to take. So please talk with her. She's better on our side than any enemy's."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Obviously," she remarked dryly at the description of the flower person, "Your estimation isn't entirely off.... Though you're not wise to underestimate her so. Octavia and her coven take their youthful appearance partly to make men underestimate them. She is far more than a scared little girl." Demeter pursed her lips, frowning and glancing again at the witches as they raped the man. "What would I say?" she asked quietly, "Platitudes won't work on a person like her. The only way to get her on our side is to give her something that she wants, and the only thing she wants is something that she's not getting." She looked back at Idian, her expression hardening, "Period. That goes for you too. If we can find another way to earn real allegiance from them, then maybe. But the choice between being their fucktoy and letting you fill that role isn't so much a choice between the lesser of two evils as it is a choice between two particularly and equally foul poisons."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Idian laughed and shook his head. "Somehow, I don't think fucking me is the only thing she was looking for. When you spared her life at that moment, I think what she saw in you was a friend. And like all friends, they fight and make up." he said with a simple smile. "How much could it hurt? Just talk to her tonight. I won't ask anything more if that doesn't work." Idian promised.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter frowned softly, but rather than fight Idian on this she sighed, and said; "I suppose it couldn't do much more harm, at this point. Very well, I'll talk to her tonight... I don't promise positive results though. Knowing me, I might just make things worse."