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Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Idian didn't seem as bothered as he perhaps should have been. Instead, he came over to her and embraced her. "When we get married, we'll be family. And so will our children. We'll make our own family, and do it right." He rubbed her shoulder. "Mkay?" he asked with a smile. "Though, all we'll have are little girls probably... Because I heard that mamono genes are much more dominant than a humans. At least that makes it easier to name them, right?" he rationalized. Then he started getting all affectionate, kissing her cheek and hugging her. It was enough of a display to make all the witches stare intensely at the pair.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Idian's sudden display of affection, and not just affection but fairly deep affection, had Demeter fairly startled. His mentions of family and children made that sense even stranger, but then she realized just how many times he had cum inside of her during their sessions, and that it was entirely possible that she was already carrying his child. She had thought of such before of course, both before she had been exiled and after she had first seduced Idian, but the ramifications of the responsibility that that entailed were only really hitting her now. While the succubus curse with which she was infected didn't actively affect her fertility in any manner, it didn't do anything to diminish it either, and she was of the age at which she was quite susceptible to reproduction.

The thoughts of family, perhaps atypically, did nothing at all to comfort Demeter. Indeed, the idea was more disconcerting than anything, and at least some of that likely showed in her stiffness and lack of return on Idian's affection. Even so, she couldn't endure such attention for long before the curse, stronger when she was as drained of energy as she was after all that had happened, began to affect her. A mild blush appeared on her cheeks, and she shifted lightly into Idian, leaning on him, and replied; "I... I don't know. I hadn't really thought about that, to be honest." She glanced at the witches, who were all staring at him, before looking back to Idian and saying; "Shall we go to bed then? Its been a long day."

Of course, even if he accepted Demeter would quickly lay her usual magical traps, warning them in case anything got too close.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"It has," Idian would nod to Demeter, before he would go with her to crawl into their own tent. It seemed that the succubus curse wasn't a thing that affected only women and mamono, as Idian being close to Demeter seemed to cause his libido to be affected as well. Once they were in the tent, Idian became quite affectionate. He'd prepare Demeter's bedroll, give her soothing shoulder and neck rubs, even seeming to want her to take a few articles of clothing off, though it was a small gesture of interest, not exactly a voiced request or attempted removal of her clothes himself. "They say that love fades after you reach it's peak... That makes me wonder when our peak is going to be, because for some reason, I keep loving you more and more~" Idian cooed, hugging Demeter from the back where he was massaging her, and muzzling his face against her neck.

He went silent for a moment, before whispering to her while holding her. "You want to...?" he asked suggestively, leaving it up to Demeter to decide how his sentence ends.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter let out a light peep of surprise when Idian grabbed at her and began massaging her shoulders, but quickly melted into his touch, and happily allowed the hood of her robes to fall away so that he had easier access to her neck and shoulders. She let out a relieved sigh, and then giggled softly at his proclamation of love, leaning into his embrace and cooing as she slowly let her weight settle against him. The tent was too small for them to stand up, leaving both of them kneeling, his legs surrounding hers while his hands were given the entirety of her body to explore. No one had ever touched her like this before, and she was loving every second of it.

He would find that his attentions had worked wonders on her libido as well, and when he whispered into her ear she let out a soft moan and arched her back, rising just a tiny bit and grinding herself into his body. Her tongue reached out to wet her lips, and then bit down on her lower lip. She turned her head to get him into her field of vision as one of her hand gently closed over his, lightly drawing it upwards. At the same time, threads of magic silently and invisibly snaked out and started undoing the assorted fastenings to her robes. "Want to... What?" she asked coyly, the hand that had been gripping idly at his pants slowly straying between his legs to feel a familiar telltale bulge.

Idian had never displayed this level of desire for her before, and it had butterflies flitting all throughout Demeter's stomach. "I'm tired~" she said lightly, feigning disinterest and turning away from him. "I think I'd like to go to bed~" she added, and as she did she moved up onto her hands and knees, her carefully undone robes simply sliding off to reveal her complete nudity underneath, putting what was easily her most appealing physical feature his way as she rose. While she had hardly led a particular active life, her long stay in the swamp had at least required that she stay in shape, and it had left her entire body fairly toned, her backside not least of all. That combined with her genes and the mamono curse had left her ass pleasantly round and perfectly toned all at once, and Idian would be able to see her sex glistening with arousal from nothing more than his massage. She crawled forward about a foot, an undoubtedly delectable sight all its own, before looking over her shoulder at him, and the coyness in her expression was replaced by a desire as naked as she was at that point. "Of course... I certainly wouldn't mind you keeping your hands on me.
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Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter's feigned ignorance put on an act that fooled Idian, who looked quite strongly disappointed. He couldn't help but look with interest when she suddenly got naked. Still he didn't advance on her, looking to avoid being tortured by the forbidden fruit, though would eventually notice that he was being teased. His face went blood red with shame and shock, before Demeter would find Idian launching himself at her in a flying glomp. "You...!" Idian called her out in frustration, before trapping her in his arms. "That was cruel! Punishment!" Idian declared, before testing to see if Demeter was ticklish, rubbing his fingers around her ribs and under her arms while putting his mouth to her neck, making rapid and playful kisses. No matter how Demeter reacted, the playfulness ended quickly with the rapid kisses ending with a solid kiss on her own lips. Idian hugged her from behind while she remained bent over, and kisses her from over her shoulder with passion. His trousers were already sporting a tent, which demanded release. Said trousers were quickly removed, and Idian was pushing his tip against her folds. "I love you..." Idian whispered to Demeter, one hand rubbing her stomach, seeming to rest a moment over her belly, as if he suddenly detected something was amiss. "D-Demeter...?" Idian inquired with surprise. "You're..."

Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter was sent into a giggle fit as Idian glomped her and started tickling her, a place in which she was entirely vulnerable. She hadn't been one to play much as a child, and given that she had never met her father and that her mother had certainly never been affectionate enough to tickle her, it wasn't something she was used to at all. Despite the discomfort involved in such reactions, she happily squirmed against him for several moments until she felt the bulge in his pants against her backside, at which point a coo would break through her laughter and she would start including some very enticing gyrations of her bare bottom against the bulge in his pants. She let out an eager moan when he did away with the barrier between his shaft and her body, and waved her ass enticingly at him until his pants were gone and he was lining his manhood up against her tight folds, which were glistening with arousal even more by that point.

"Ahhhh, yes! Idian.... Take me!" she moaned out softly, her voice as much a plea as it was a demand as she body and spirit hungered to feel him inside of her. She was about to push her hips back and impale herself onto his length when Idian suddenly froze, and Demeter realized instantly that something was amiss. His words, combined with the location of his hand and some instinctual realization, made Demeter realize quickly what that something was.... And then she panicked.

A shiver of fear passed over the elf, a brief spasm of fright at the knowledge that she was taking the life growing inside of her into danger wherever she went. It put her every decision into an entirely new context, and for a moment she knelt there frozen in place as she mentally berated herself. That period passed quickly, however, and Demeter calmed and relaxed beneath Idian with a sigh. "Well.... It was bound to happen eventually," she said quietly, turning her head enough that she could look back at him. Offering him a reassuring smile, she leaned into him, pressing his manhood against her petals such that her nether lips parted gently over his tip, giving it an extremely lewd kiss as her delicate folds squeezed around him as if trying to suck it into her depths. "I'm happy to bear your child, Idian~" she added softly, "We'll eventually be making many more together. For now, lets enjoy ourselves."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Many!?" Idian exclaimed out of pure shock. "Just knowing we were going to have one was a shock..." he hummed, before embracing Demeter snug against his body, and sliding the head of his length into her folds cautiously, as if to test how welcome he was. Of course, what Demeter was possessed by was something supernatural, so upon his test, he'd find that she was more than wet enough. With the changes to Demeter's body, it seemed that being ready for sex was something that came quite easily. A mere lewd thought would be enough to make her moist. With Idian on top of her and his tip squeezing into her folds, she might as well be a waterfall named Demeter. Upon initial insertion, Idian's length slid straight inside until Demeter felt the entirety of his length sheath inside of her body. There was less force behind his thrust, as Idian just seemed to answer the sensation of Demeter's sex trying to pull him in and milk his manhood.

He was so impressed with her lust that he couldn't help but speak on it. "They're not all going to come out at once, are they?" he asked, trying to distract his mind from how tightly Demeter was squeezing his length. Though he couldn't contain his lust for long, not as Demeter would feel the corruption sharing itself with him, making Idian's pants for breath heavier, and causing sweat to run down his face. It was as if the difference in lust was attempting to establish an equilibrium between them, and was rather successful at it. Idian began to move his hips as a result, making impatient thrusts at first, still trying to show some restraint, but there was no resistance at all. The lack of reason to continue his efforts would crush his cause to fight the lust, and send Idian diving into the carnal act. "Demeter...!" Idian moaned, cupping his hands over Demeter's beautiful breasts and pushing his weight upon her as she'd feel his hot breath against her sharp elven ear. The feeling of his lips against her ear's tip would follow, before Idian licked her ear from base to tip. It would turn out that an elf's ears were quite sensitive, as Idian would notice.

Idian seemed to be of a mind to attack Demeter's newly discovered weakness. He'd grin and continue, placing kisses along her ear, sometimes holding the kiss and sucking while using his tongue to tease. After noticing that Demeter was building up a resistance to the pleasure on her ear, he'd move his lips down to kiss and lick her neck. He never stopped attacking her vulnerable areas with his tongue, nor did he stop his motions from behind. He was thrusting in full force, with lust and love driving his energy and force behind each impact of their flesh meeting together. With every pull out, Demeter, and no doubt Idian himself as well, could feel her pussy pulling on him longingly, as if so desperate to avoid parting with the beloved organ that gave her such pleasure. He'd pull out until his tip was nearly free, and then he'd take but a split second to catch his breath before diving in again. He drilled himself into her constricting sheath, moaning as her pussy sucked him in and clamped down on him, and letting all the air in his lungs out with a single huff as his crotch slapped against her ass.

If Demeter thought Idian's tongue torture was over in the midst of receiving his manhood in her manslayer, then she was wrong. She still had one dry ear left, and it was that undisturbed ear that was suddenly drenched in saliva from Idian's hungry mouth coming to suck on it as if her ear were some kind of treat. It was a treat as well, in a way. Any heightened moan of pleasure Demeter would release, Idian would consider a reward, moaning happily himself. If Demeter tried to speak beyond simple things, she'd find that Idian was far too lost in lust to comprehend anything beyond vague interpretations her voice tried to convey, and Demeter's sexuality as a whole. His hips were moving like a wild beast's, intent on passionately mating with the woman who entrapped him with her charm. Each impact was wet which allowed for a grand mixture of lewd sounds that created the alluring song that was their copulation.

Idian's fingers began to move around her nipples. Whether he intended to bring one pleasure after another to attack Demeter, or if he simply forgot about those pleasure zones in favor of her ears would be unknown to Demeter at that point in time. Completely focus on the object of his love, he was using every body part available to pleasure her, and doing so with a dangerous passion. There was a certain mad obsession about him to drive her crazy with pleasure, and the reasoning behind that was slightly obvious, as he himself was struggling a bit with keeping his own pleasure in check. His previous experience with Demeter had her on quite the dominant side and he on the weaker side, unable to keep up with her sexual endurance. With this... It seemed he was pushing to equalize the clear difference between them. It seemed far fetched that he could truly dominate Demeter, as Demeter was growing stronger, absorbing Idian's energy as he grew weaker among many other reasons. Regardless, it was clear he was reaching his limit as his thrusts became more desperate, and his lips gave a rest against her neck as he focused instead on how his length was beginning throb inside of her, which would be telltale signs to Demeter that it was nearly time for her to make like a pastry and get her cream filling.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

An eager moan of pleasure passed through Demeter's lips as Idian impaled her upon his manhood, the succubus curse ensuring that she was more than wet enough to allow him entrance, so tight that pleasure would explode through him instantly, and so sensitive that her body would convulse with pleasure under even that single thrust. Her constricting inner walls began to quiver and pulse around him, her internal muscles trying to milk him dry right then and there, a call that Idian wouldn't be able to resist for long. The elf's folds were dripping as he began to thrust in and out, and in her lust addled state she took several seconds to recognize that he'd spoken and then to unjumble the words in her mind. When she did, Demeter couldn't help but let out a rich laugh and lower herself down, thusly thrusting her bottom higher into the air and causing him to hit a sensitive spot inside of her. That laugh quickly became a loud moan, and all thoughts of answering him were banished from her mind as she started bucking herself back against the passionate thrusts of her lover.

Even as he began, she would feel his hesitance, his unwillingness to go at her as fiercely as he wished, and could only moan in desperate need as she failed to articulate the words necessary to spur him on. The sway of her breasts created by his thrusts continued even as he cupped those soft orbs, free to grope them however he liked. The assault upon her sensitive ears that followed a few moments later had her moaning in surprise in addition to pleasure, the sensation unfamiliar but incredibly intoxicating. It was a sort of intimacy with which Demeter was entirely unfamiliar, but as he nibbled at the point of her ear it left her tingling with tremors alongside the rippling waves of more primal pleasure. Her head tilted, leaning into his mouth in order to urge him to do more just like her hips rolled back to inspire more powerful and rapid thrusts from the man.

The union of their flesh, his hips slapping wetly against the soft meat of her finely sculpted backside, produced a chorus of pleasure alongside their moans that was no doubt audible well beyond the thin walls of their tent, and as Idian pulled away and started taking her harder and faster that song only grew louder. "More!" she moaned aloud, forming coherent words once again, "Harder! Ahhhh! Idian... Nnnn... Take me harder!"

Another shiver ran through her body as her second ear was taken into Idian's mouth, a louder moan escaping her once more, and a long series of incoherent gibberish followed until it was ended a few seconds later as he began teasing at the tips of her breasts. The noise that concluded her lust-prompted ravings was a deep primal moan as the battle that she hadn't even known she was fighting was lost as her body began to shudder in orgasm. Waves of pleasure ten times as potent as those arising from Idian's thrusts and his affectionate attentions to her body tore through Demeter like a wild storm, and if her folds had been tight before now they became like a vice, trying with all of their magic-born might to milk out as much of Idian's life giving seed to her already pregnant womb as he had to give.

Whether it happened when she came or if he managed to last a while longer, when Idian eventually gave in to those temptations and filled her pussy with his cum, another loud moan would issue from the elven woman into which he pumped his semen. Another miniature orgasm would occur within her as she felt his hot goo pouring into her, every drop sucked up into her deepest depths by the natural actions of her body, still drawing his semen where it had the greatest chance of getting her pregnant despite the fact that he had already succeeded as such. Once he was done, Demeter would collapse forward, her ass still raised high even if Idian opted to pull out and allow some of his hot cream to spill out of her sex. She had been filled by his energies, drawing them out along with his semen, and with those energies Demeter felt her lusts rising higher than ever before, though she would be able to contain herself if he looked too exhausted to continue.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

After all that madness, when Demeter had enough and simply sank, Idian would plummet next to her. He fell and rolled off of her, onto his side, and was seemingly near unconsciousness. Unless Demeter did anything else, Idian would be more than happy to fall asleep with his beloved elven wife. Meanwhile, the audience they attracted, all of whom were watching discreetly, would make themselves noticeable only when they were revealing that their eyes were turning away.

If Demeter was content to rest, sleep being something slowly becoming more foreign to her, then Idian would rest against her, sleeping until the morning sun decided the time for sleep was over.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

After Idian flopped over, even though she was full of (his) energy, Demeter was content to do the same. Shooting an irate glance at the assorted voyeurs they had collected as the lot of them turned away, Demeter was content then to drag their blankets over the two of them and settle in for rest. Though she didn't fall asleep immediately, too charged with energy for it just after sex, Demeter did close her eyes and rest there. Eventually sleep would claim her too, albeit briefly before she awoke with the dawn of morning, ready for a new day after all of yesterday's excitement.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

And then sleep.

And then the next morning.

Demeter would get lots of rest, her body able to digest the energy it received rather well. Idian on the other hand looked completely out of it. He slept on his front with his mouth hanging open as if someone had just hit him over the head with a brick and left him there. He was still alive it seemed, though he looked as if he brushed with death, and had a good time doing it based on the rather goofy looking expression of content on his face.

Demeter would smell breakfast being cooked in a small pot. It wasn't nearly enough to feed everyone, though it clearly looked to be for only two people, courtesy of the witches. When they'd see Demeter, should she go out, every single one of them would have a guilty blush on their cheeks.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Smirking lightly at Idian's dopey look while sleeping, Demeter dressed and headed out only to find that the witches were all blushing - for reasons that immediately guessed at and had her scowling darkly - and were only cooking for two. "So, who doesn't get to eat today then?" she asked snappishly, "Bubbles? Me?" She quickly calmed herself as a rational explanation occurred to her, however, and she then more moderately asked; "Is it simply difficult to find food here because of the slimes? I could have helped with that."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

The witches looked to one another discreetly, shifting about nervously. "Bubbles walked off to get her own food... So this is for you and Idian." said a witch at the pot. "We don't really eat normal food..." She said, referencing to what they normally eat.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"What about the man you captured?" Demeter added, frowning still, "you didn't just let him wander off on his own in these slime fields, did you?"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"I'm keeping him in my pocket dimension." Octavia replied, before putting her hands to her stomach, and looking as if she were parting the flesh of her abdomen from the middle as she opened up what looked to be a gateway to another world, where a man desperately began trying to crawl out.

"Let me out, please!!!" the man screamed, before Octavia closed herself back up.

"See?" she gestured to Demeter.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"You have the power to do that," Demeter began incredulously, "but didn't have the power to defend yourself yesterday?"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"You could do it too." Octavia shrugged. "It's a really small dimension though. I spent a good deal of time ever since we found him, fashioning it out enough to suit one person. Rather than power, I'd just call it skill, since I borrowed a lot of energy from him over the course of making it." she explained.

"We're also talking about 'her' aren't we?" she asked. "Yeah, doing this would be child's play for her, though I appreciate the indirect compliment on my power."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter's look soured, but then she simply shrugged and dropped the subject. Going back into her tent, she would rouse Idian, ensure that he was dressed, and eat with him. If Bubbles wasn't back by the time they were finished, the elf would grow worried and cast a spell to locate her, but if she had returned by then Demeter would be content to break camp and be on their way.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

When Demeter crawled back into the tent, she'd find that Bubbles had used her chance and snuck into the tent once Demeter had left to acquire some snuggle time with Idian. In response to this, Idian had caught the sahuagin in his arms and was nibbling on her ear fin, which Bubbles was seemingly content to enjoy. Until he bit her, confusing her for seafood. The sahuagin winced at the bite and would retreat before Demeter could do more than shout, running away after Idian had some fish for breakfast. "S-shrimp..." Idian complained, before rousing and looking to Demeter, smiling once he saw her and wishing her, "Good morning."

Then, the three had food together. A witch healed the bite taken out of Bubbles' fin, before everyone was packed up and ready to go. They traveled along the border of the slime fields, circumventing the demon threat. Everyone was happy to leave the border once they did, and enter Pandemonium territory once again. The aura of relaxation was faint and weak, but everyone seemed to enjoy it regardless. All except Demeter most likely. Various trade wagons went by, patrolling guards were seen as they traveled along the paths leading to Pandemonium castle. It was a pair of dullahan, headless knights of magic and might, originally thought to only exist among hell's forces. They didn't seem to react at all to the strange combination approaching them along their patrol.

"Greetings travelers. I can see you're not from these lands. It's the lack of black clothes. It's a rather popular color around here." one demon knight greeted them. It seemed true, as they both wore black armor.

"You seem to be heading to the Capitol. Would you like an escort? We like to praise our lands as a peaceful place, but ill minded individuals still remain a bother." the other dullahan offered. Demeter's group seemed content on letting the elf decide.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter merely frowned at the silly exchange between Bubbles and Idian, opting not to intervene besides to glare at both either before or after the sahuagin was sent running off by Idian's bite. After that, and after they'd eaten and packed up, they were off through the slime fields, the demonic influence rapidly receding from their collective perceptions as they proceeded farther and farther away from it, until finally they came once more into the lands of Pandemonium. It was a strange, almost surreal place for Demeter, where that insidious aura was accepted by all and everyone was left to walk about in a practically dazed state because of it.

The elf largely ignored it as they passed, drawing closer to the heart of that vile power, and despite all of the parts of this that left her simply disgusted she found herself caring less and less about the lot of it. About demons and angels and monsters and fallen angels, and all of their struggles for domination.... She simply didn't care, and wanted to be free of this poison that she might find a place bereft of their idiocy, where she could fall back into a niche that was free of their madness and into some semblance of normalcy again. It was such thoughts that caused Demeter to be surprised when the two dullahans, headless demon knights, stopped them and asked them seemingly casual questions in a polite tone.

The absurdity of that nearly drove Demeter to laugh, but instead she simply said; "That would be our destination, yes. We come bearing a message, but you could likely deliver it just as easily I suppose.... The village of... Actually, I don't believe I was ever told its name, nor did I see any signs, but regardless. Your realm is, or at least was, under attack by a Cardinal Sin. Everyone there that we did not pull from the village fled into the church and is likely still there, besieged, or dead. Delivering that message was really our only purpose in being in your lands, at least as far as I am aware.... So, if you would point us to the safest route out, I suppose that might be helpful."

Such would, no doubt, produce a series of groans from her companions, and she would glance back in annoyance if such a reaction did indeed take place and say; "What?"