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Just Twisting About

Re: Just Twisting About

You know what they say, hot showers can change people ;)
Re: Just Twisting About




Re: Just Twisting About

Eheheh... nice.

Just one nitpick. With all the detail you've put into her other curves, both hair and flesh, her left hand looks... flat. Undifferentiated. Not a hand at all - no knuckles or anything - like some ball-jointed doll without the fingers.

I'm not sure how I'd fix it - not an artiste, after all... maybe make that left-hand curve a little more squarish, and maybe add some shading to give a better appearance of knuckles? Now that I think about it, maybe bunch up the robe a bit more between her hand and her thigh - give her fingers a place to be hiding in.
Re: Just Twisting About


Yeah, artistic license :p
Rukia always seemed like the one that needed a big ol' bubblebutt. Lol

Eheheh... nice.

Just one nitpick. With all the detail you've put into her other curves, both hair and flesh, her left hand looks... flat. Undifferentiated. Not a hand at all - no knuckles or anything - like some ball-jointed doll without the fingers.

I'm not sure how I'd fix it - not an artiste, after all... maybe make that left-hand curve a little more squarish, and maybe add some shading to give a better appearance of knuckles? Now that I think about it, maybe bunch up the robe a bit more between her hand and her thigh - give her fingers a place to be hiding in.

Hah, I just hate drawing hands, cause, well, not too horribly great at them Lol I was attempting to pull a Liefeld and hide it in the robes, which apparently failed XD
Re: Just Twisting About

Re: Just Twisting About

Heh. Neat comparison. A couple suggestions (since they're not all quibbles):
-I think hiding the angel's legs with clouds to the same level as you've hidden the devil's legs with flames would look neater.
-Between the twosome's fists (in front of their thighs), I'd have to say I think the devil's looks better-defined. That's a bit of a judgement call, really. They're both better than Rukia's from before, and the angel's right hand is way better than either of them.
-I think the angel's breast looks funny - a little too elevated - given that she's naked and has no support.
-The medals add some interest. I think I would've tried to make the devil's medal more intricate, though - or the angel's medal simpler.
-Maybe tilt the devil's head upwards more, so she's looking up while the angel's looking down?
Re: Just Twisting About

Heh, thats not a devil :p
See - http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=96995&postcount=74

and Libertalia's fist is more defined because she's just supposed to be immesnely muscular and defined like that.
Gabrielle's(the angel) breasts are supposed to be like that. She just doesn't sag because angels(in my story) don't age at all once they become angels, and since she was created as an angel, she never got any sag, since I view sag and such as a part of aging.

The medallion symbol for Libertalia is simpler because, well, it just ended up that the symbol that had the meaning was simpler(its the symbol of Ares/Mars, god of War/Hatred/Etc)

Libertalia is indeed looking up, just at a slight tilt.

The cloud thing, I thought about it, but it didn't really feel like a good idea given the size of most clouds. The clouds in the background are, well, far away Lol
Re: Just Twisting About

Warning, insane boob sizes follow
Re: Just Twisting About

indeed, they probably do, my dear sir!
Re: Just Twisting About


Working on a tentacle picture!
need suggestions of who to pound with six thigh-thick tentacles
(yes, the thickness is as thick as the Characters' thighs, thigh-thick is not a general term, its as thick as the person's thigh))
Re: Just Twisting About

Ummm... something that's not gonna die horribly from oversized insertions? Like, a or something?

I'm assuming you're intending on inserting those six "thigh-thick" tentacles simultaneously, yes?
Re: Just Twisting About

Yes, simultanious.

Also, it's fiction, everyone is Mr. Fantastic/Elastigirl/Luffy.
Re: Just Twisting About

I suggest Lara from the tomb raider series. I don't know why, but she always seemed like the kinky type to me, might even enjoy it :p
Re: Just Twisting About

So its currently between Cattleya and Lara Lol

Any other suggestions? ^_^
Re: Just Twisting About

Of the two of them, Lara Croft DEFINATELY!

As long as you pick a female that is in fact built like a female, I'm happy.
Re: Just Twisting About

Aww, what's wrong with Cattleya? :p Lol

It's all up to me, really, in the end XD Just trying to get some suggestions Lol
Re: Just Twisting About

Well, sho looks a lot sexier there:p

Draw whatever you want as long as it keeps you motivated, you've gotten a lot better since this thread came up.

Just keep it up man:p
Re: Just Twisting About

Heh, its just the angle in the first one. I chose it cause it showed just how huge her thighs were :p
Re: Just Twisting About

OOOOooohhhh, Now I get it!

Damn you're quick replying here^^

Well, If you have six of the thigh thingy's then... I don't think she needs big thigs, regular feminine thighs would be enough.

Oh, could you perhaps choose a char with dark skin and light hair? Or the other way around... Doesn't have to be extreme by any means. Enough it's like... hmm... Advancer Tina or Pirotess or something.

But y'know, just draw... We're a perverted bunch, give us a nipple or a boob or a vag and we're happy^^