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Kaoru (TentanariX)

Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack (BSDM man): 1-2 = -1 v 15 = 10+5 -> Riposte!

"You know what? You had your chance. You've gotten lucky so far, but I think I'm going to enjoy fucking you. And when I'm done, I'll bring you back to the temple for everyone to use."

The man lunged at her from his hand and knees, hands balled into fists. But Kaoru was ready, and dodged around the man, pushing him back over as he passed. With a wordless snarl he raised his whip for another attack, aiming for her head now.

FP: 1/4
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

BSDM Woman:
FP: 0/2 (unconscious)
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

FP: 5/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 3/3
Last edited:
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru knew she wasn't the best hand to hand fighter and was focus on magic and range, but in real had had a few years of self defense classes to help her deal with the perverts on the streets and in subways, so she would attempt to dodge the whip blow and attempt to plant her foot squarely in the large man's chest hoping to take him down for good, she would hope both he and the poor woman she knocked silly would be alright. She honestly didn't want to kill anyone if she didn't have to.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack (BSDM man): 18 v 10 = 12-2 -> Miss!
Attack (kaoru): 13 v 5 = 7-2 -> Hit!

Kaoru effortlessly dodges the man's attack, and plants her foot squarely in his chest. He goes over once more, and this time doesn't get back up. After a moment she sees that he's still breathing, but he's not getting up for a while. Just then then woman sits up, still obviously woozey. She sees Kaoru's unconscious attacker and crawls a few feet over to him, cradling his head in her arms. Then she turns to the mage and glares at her. "What did you have to do that for? He was only going to fuck you a little, don't you want that? What's wrong with you!"

"You'll regret this, you know, when they catch you! If you'd just let him have you, they might have gone easy on you, but they'll make you beg for days now. Go!"

The woman hardly looks threatening, with a lump over one eye and no clothing but the leather straps that fail to cover her breasts, ass, or pussy. It probably wouldn't be too hard to tie her up, though she would probably enjoy it. It doesn't seem like she'll be separated by the man any other way, but it also doesn't seem likely either of them are in a condition to chase the young mage as she continues her quest.

Congratulations! Your skill with magic has improved, and you have learned the spell "blast".

Blast - 1 MP. Deals 1 damage to a living target. Always hits.


FP: 0/4 (unconscious)
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

BSDM Woman:
FP: 0/2
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

FP: 5/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 3/3
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"I wasn't wanting to fight either of you, but I really didn't come here looking for S&M play either, lady. You initiated this struggle and I was simply acting in self defense. Come to think of it now, I should've just ignored your slutty ass and left you on that damn pole." Kaoru huffed as she simply turned away from the couple on the ground and proceed to head back in the direction of the temple that she was heading before the woman originally got her attention.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

As she walked down the right hand path, towards the temple, Kaoru watched a leaf fall from a tree, marveling at how detailed everything was. Then the leaf slowed, looking terribly unnatural, and finally stopped, resting in mid air. She found that she couldn't move, and for one heart-stopping instant couldn't breathe. Then everything went back to normal. Suddenly, a popup appeared in front of her.

Miss Kaoru,
I regret to inform you that a power surge seems to have affected our systems. Nothing critical was damaged, but games that were in progress at the time of the surge (i.e. yours) experienced some minor corruption. This may have exhibited as characters occasionally stuttering, or repeating words, and possibly even errors in dialogs boxes.

We have begun attempting to repair the system, but it is a delicate operation since we must of course avoid hurting your mind at any cost, so we must move slowly. Furthermore, it would be unwise to make any changes yourself at this point in the process. For example, I have disabled the settings page and the "exit" option for your own protection.

Current estimates suggest that repairs will be complete within an hour or so, but customers inside the egg experience time dilation, and your apparent time could be anywhere from one hour to a lifetime. This same dilation will prevent real-time communication between us, I'm afraid. Please rest assured that we will work as quickly as possible to correct this problem, and that you will never be in any actual danger. I also recommend that you check your settings page for corruption, and seek safety if you do not feel comfortable with them.

-Doctor James Westerling, lead programmer.

When she was finished reading, the settings page came up for her to check. All the buttons were greyed out: she would only be able to look, not to change anything.

Humans: 5
Male/Female: 3
Female/Female: 5
Pregnancy: 1
Birthing: 1
Non Consent Sex: ERROR
Slavery: N
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): 4
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Gentle

Difficulty: Normal

Level: Save the Village

Several of the options had had their levels changed slightly, but the two most significant changes were the move from "easy" to "normal", and the "error" on non-consensual sex. The popup disappeared with almost alarming abruptness, and Kaoru saw the path stretching in front of her, through the forest. A sign pointed forward, with runes that looked tantalizingly familiar, but which she still couldn't read.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

As Kaoru walked down the path towards the temple, getting lost in the present serenity, she admired the scenery and blissfully watched the leaf fall to the ground until it and her froze in place and for one horrifying second, couldn't breathe!..... She was about to start panicking when the popup came up, upon reading it several emotions ran through: fear, anger, confusion..... Until it suddenly abruptly disappeared. She stood there motionless and silent for a few seconds before finally screaming at the top of her lungs, "WHAT THE FUCK!? A LIFETIME!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T LEAVE!? WHAT ABOUT THE PLAYERS' FAMILIES!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? HEY WAIT DAMMIT! YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU CAN'T EVEN HELP THE PEOPLE WHO PAID YOU MONEY THAT GOT STUCK IN HERE!? COME BACK HERE, GODDAMMIT!!!" she cried out as she saw it vanish, before the next pop up containing her settings came up, What's the error mean for non consent sex? But other then that the only thing I have to worry about is more monsters, and the difficult setting being bumped up a little bit. Oh well..... Nothing I can do, I may as well keep going...... hopefully it won't be too bad.

And with that Kaoru did the only thing she could, keep heading towards the temple where the runed sign lead her.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

A discontented and thoroughly angry Kaoru continues down the path. At least if she's going to be stuck in a world, it's a beautiful one. Birds sing in the trees, and occasional glimpses of the mountains in the near distance almost take her breath away with their beauty. She even sees a doe grazing a ways off the trail. Nearly an hour later, another popup appears:

Miss Kaoru,
Time in The Egg passes in the manner of dreams. At times it can be nearly real-time, at other times it skips without you ever realizing it. Composing this note took me about a minute. How much of the time since the last one do you actually remember in any sort of detail? The actual time before the errors are corrected and you may safely leave the egg is estimated at one hour. The time you may experience in the game is only an illusion.

-Doctor James Westerling, lead programmer.

When she finally dismissed this note, she realized that she had continued walking while she read it. Right up to the coil of rope that had been lying incongruously at the side of the road. The coil that was now hovering in the air, spread out in a vaguely humanoid shape. And coming at her.

Rope Demon:
FP: 7/7
AP: 0/10
MP: 1/1

FP: 5/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 4/4
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"Well...... I guess that makes more sense......." Kaoru said to herself as she continued making her way down the path, admiring the amount of detail that was put into this program, feeling a wave of serenity as she watched the grazing doe until she came to the rope laying on the ground, she was about to pick it up for her own use until it suddenly SPRANG TO LIFE! "Well, that's new!" She said to herself, "I can only imagine what you might have in mind," she addressed the living rope, "But I assure, I won't be an easy match." She said as she threw a trio of fireballs at it, if they missed she would try to bide her time and wait for it to attack before trying to jump out the way before shaping her hands in front of her and crying, "BLAST!" unleashing the newly learned spell at the demon.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack (Kaoru): 4+1 = 5 v 3 -> Hit!
Attack (rope): 10 v 5 = 4+1 -> Hit!
arousal: failure.

The rope, lacking lungs, a voice box, and for that matter ears, and if it understands what the young mage says, it gives no indication of what it thinks. Kaoru's fireballs streak at it, all three dead on target. Unfortunately, the rope demon is mostly empty space, and two of the balls pass through without hitting anything. The third impacts the rope and a small part of the demon is briefly on fire.

But the thing doesn't take this lying down. Instead the burning section whips through the air, putting the fire out, and the end of one arm reaches out and lands a stinging blow on Kaoru's stomach. She feels shock as much that something finally hit her as from the pain itself.

Rope Demon:
FP: 6/7
AP: 0/10
MP: 1/1

FP: 4/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 4/4
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru cursed her luck as she saw the fireballs fly through the thing without harming it before she felt a sharp crack along her back, "GYAH! DAMMIT!" She cried out as she felt herself whipped by the living rope. She would turn around before squatting slightly on her haunches, getting into a defensive position, she would once again try to bide her time and wait for the thing to get close before hitting it with a Blast, to either stun it or harm, hoping it would leave it open for a successful follow up attack. She would then try to roll away behind it and hit with another fireball, relying more on cunning and speed.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack (Kaoru): auto-hit
Attack (rope): 3 v 8 = 7+1 -> Miss!

Kaoru successfully dodged the second demon's lashing rope as it closed on her, and at the last second unleashed a concussive blast, the shockwave of which made the demon waver in its attack, giving her time to roll past it.

Attack (Kaoru): 16+1 = 17 v 14 -> Hit!
Attack (rope): 8 v 18 = 17+1 -> Miss!

As she rolled, another trio of little fireballs sped at the demon, and again the porousness of the rope-creature made getting solid hits difficult. Nevertheless, another section of rope was blackened. A rope lashed out to hit her, but went over her head as she rolled.

Rope Demon:
FP: 4/7
AP: 0/10
MP: 1/1

FP: 4/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 3/4
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

As Kaoru managed to roll away from the ropes blows, she quickly get back to a standing position and send a gust of wind at the creature to try to knock it off balance where she would try to follow up with a larger sized fire ball then before to try to add more damage and make it harder to avoid. If that would happen to miss, she try to jump out of the way of any retaliation on it's part.

((spend 2 MP to add one damage if it hits and a +1 attack'; if possible. If not then just a regular attack and dodge turn.))
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack(Kaoru): 6+1 = 7 v 2 -> Hit!
Attack(Rope demon): 10 v 2 = 1+1 -> Hit!
Arousal: failure

Special: auto-success. Kaoru is entangled!
Arousal: success!

Kaoru launches a gust of wind at the creature, but it doesn't seem to notice, and the largest fireball she can make is not much bigger then the three she had thrown the previous round. It strikes a rope solidly, but since most of the fireball went around the rope, it doesn't seem to have done any extra damage. On the bright side, Kaoru doesn't feel that it took any of her energy. On the not-so-bright side, her attempt to leap out of the way ran straight into the creature's blow, hitting her hard on the leg.

She scrambled to her feet, wiping the dust off her cheek from where she had hit the ground, and gets a shock as something pulls hard on her leg, bringing her back to the ground and a little bit closer to her attacker. She looks down and sees that the rope demon has managed to coil itself around her leg. Under her robes. She feels it reach up past her legs and brush against her inner thigh, and a blush begins growing inside her.

Rope Demon:
FP: 3/7
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/1

FP: 3/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 3/4
Status: Entangled! Attacking is more difficult as time passes, and there is a chance of arousal every round, in addition to the demon's normal attacks. An attempt to escape will cost the victim a chance to attack!

I'm saving the increased damage for higher level spells, but I'll allow you to trade 2 MP for +10 attack, with the understanding that victory by a margin of 15 or more is a critical hit for double damage, in the future.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"OW!" Kaoru cried as she felt the sting of the rope from where it impacted with her shapely leg, she cried out and grunted in pain again as her face hit the ground, "Oooh....." she groaned out as she tried to get back up, but feels something wrap around her leg and pull towards the creature, seeing it has wrapped itself around her and is now trying to get frisky, "A-ah! N-no, goddammit!! I am not in the mood!" she screams out angry as she let's loose a series of magical bursts right at the creature, "GET OFF OF ME AND DIE!"

((Blast x3))
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack (Kaoru): Auto-hit
Attack (rope): 12 v 5 = 4+1 -> Hit!
Arousal: Success!
Arousal (entangled, level 2): Success!

Attack (Kaoru): Auto-hit
Attack (Kaoru): 6 v 17 = 16+1 -> Miss!
Arousal (entangled, level 2): Failure!

Attack (Kaoru): Auto-hit

Kaoru sends a concussive blast against the attacking demon, and small frayed areas appear across its body. But that doesn't stop it from landing another hit on the woman it's still grappling with, and Kaoru feels the thing rub hard against her panties. She feels her nipples harden and her member involuntarily stirs.

A second blast accompanies her screams for the thing to die, and this time it seems to be seriously considering the proposition, parts of the thing starting to fall off. It manages to hold itself together, but fails to make any sort of counter-attack, either with its whip-like arm or the rope that had rubbed against her nethers. Kaoru summons a third blast before it can recover, and with it feels her magical energy completely drain out of her. Fortunately, this blast is the final straw, and the thing collapses to inert and badly damaged rope. The experience has tired her out and left her uncomfortably aroused, but both could probably be corrected with a few minutes rest before moving on.

Rope Demon:
FP: 0/7
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/1

FP: 2/5
AP: 3/10 (Forgot to record the one from last round)
MP: 0/4
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

As the rope being finally expires, Kaoru slowly sits back up off the ground breathing heavily as she looks down and lifts her dress a bit, revealing the bulge in her panties. Oooh..... That damned thing got me all excited and hard..... I better take a rest for a while. she thinks to herself, "I gotta let my magic recharge anyways." she says to herself as she heads off to the edge if the forest, looking for a tree to rest against, she looks around for any possible monsters or animals in hiding before dialog reclining against the tree. "Deep breaths...... Calm down...... Think of cold water..... Naked wrinkly grosss fat old people...... Get limp again, down there!" she says to herself trying to get her hormones under control taking maybe an hour at most to rest before finally heading back down the path again to the temple.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

After a few false starts, Kaoru manages to calm herself down, and within a few minutes she feels good as new. To her mild surprise, nothing attacked her during this time, and she continued along her path towards the temple unmolested. Finally, after several hours walking through increasingly gloomy woods, she came upon the temple itself. It was built into the base of a sheer cliff, and near it things seemed... wrong. She felt eyes on the back of her neck, and the wind sounded like it was whispering something foul into her ear, though she couldn't make out exactly what. And above the grand entrance to the temple was a stylized image. At first it just looked vaguely familiar, but as she looked closer, she realized that it was a nude woman, pregnant and twisted into a very uncomfortable shape. She didn't look happy. It still looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn't say why.

The temple was extremely well made, if you ignored the perversion above the main entrance. Maybe even if you included that - it was a well-made sculpture, and seemed to have captured the expression on the woman's face very well. Solid white columns forty feet high, in the style of the ancient greeks, but looking almost brand new rather then worn with the weight of centuries. Which made the buildings at the foot of the temple even odder. They were almost like those of the village Kaoru intended to save. And as she got closer, she saw there were people living there.

It was clear that the people were touched with the beast's taint, however. Leather seemed to be the clothing of choice for men, but for women it seemed that the only choice was about a square foot of leather or nothing at all. Kaoru saw one woman, nude save for a collar around her neck, stopped by a man in the street. He said something and she bent over. He proceeded to fuck her there in the street, and when he was finished they both went on their way. Nobody acted like this was out of the ordinary, and Kaoru could hear the moans of pleasure from the woman even from her vantage point. People seemed to go in and out of the temple at will, if not frequently. Unfortunately, the young mage couldn't see any way to the temple without passing through the village.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru's mood began to decline steadily the further she got into the woods, it went from being a Bambi forest to being the woods in The Evil Dead. The woods became darker and mire ominous and forboding, the plant life more dead and dreary and she could swear that she was being watched, but couldn't see anything whenever she turned around to look. She could also feel as if someone or something was whispering in her ear..... dirty, perverted things in her ear...... And it made her skin crawl, spine tingle and to her shame, her dick begin to harden and stir...... Something was very wrong....... But what really shocked her was when she saw the entrance to the temple, the naked pregnant woman contorted up above it..... The people out in the streets fucking openly without a care in the world, the people dressed in either tight shiny leather or next to nothing, it deeply and greatly disturbed her as she made her way progressively closer to the temple........ But still she had come this far and didn't see much point in stopping now..... So she just steeled her resolve and made her way into the temple proper.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

As kaoru approached the town, it felt like everyone was staring at her. Her robe had felt revealing in the town where she had started, but here it felt like she was wearing yards of thick wool. And compared to what most of the women wore, she was. She saw one woman apparently attempt to refuse the attentions of a man, but seconds later she was kneeling and blowing him, a bright red mark across her ass where someone had hit her with a whip. All the other women seemed not only willing, but eager.

By the time she was actually walking towards the alabaster steps up to the temple, everyone *was* staring at her, lining the street she was walking down and jeering at her, or telling her what they would do to her when she was turned. Finally, just before she reached the first step, a man stepped in front of her. He was one of the few wearing actual clothing, a black robe not all that different from her own. He was going grey at the temples, but judging from his face the grey was coming early. He held up both hands as if to show he held no weapons. "Hello, young lady. Let me guess - you were sent here by one of the nearby villages, to slay the evil monster that is slowly corrupting them?"

He didn't wait for an answer. "Well, I will not stop you, and on my word none in this village will attempt to stop you in your quest. The 'beast' has his shrine deep inside the mountain, through the temple. You will come to a spiral staircase, at the top of which is the source of our 'corruption'. I will not stop you from going, but I will say that it would be better for you if you stayed here. We will not treat you too harshly, and if in a month you still wish to leave, you need only tell me."

He smiled slightly, unashamedly undressing her with his eyes. "If you go up, though, you will almost certainly be defeated by the guardians of the temple, over whom I have no control. They will not be so gentle with you, and when they are done... you will be given back to us. And if that is the case, and you will be changed, so that every moment you spend out of your bonds is agony."

"Just giving up now, stripping down and submitting yourself, really is the best option. I won't pretend that I think I'm likely to sway you, but I would feel terrible if I didn't at least give you the choice. The men and women who come out of the temple, broken, are never as much fun as those who still think they can resist, but I think you will be a joy either way." The man stepped out of her path, and gestured at the temple, smiling wickedly.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru listened to the old man's words, which in her mind were nearly te same words as the BDSM couple she encountered on her way here. They all seemed to think she would give up, but at least this one gave her some credit or was at least observant enough to think she was weak willed. But none the less from what everyone told her, it seemed a fools errand and a suicide mission to head into the temple to try to remove the source of the taint and cleanse the village. But Kaoru was never one to be talked down from anything or give up, "I honestly appreciate the offer, even though S&M isn't my scene; but I didn't come all this way to play bondage toy. And even if I lose, I'm not so webroken broken as easily as you think. And I don't plan on stating in one place for long, and won't just stay here; broken or no. I'm my own master and control my own destiny and fate. And right now, I believe it's pointing me to the temple. So thank you all the same, but I have to move inward." she said politely and courteously to the old man as proceeded onward into the temple.