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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I refuse to bandwagon without a good reason!

1) B - unfortunately, she needs more traps rather desperately now, and she doesn't need arrow refills as much as she used to. Not with fifteen on-board.
2) A - since she flubbed four rolls against the cursed outfit before, I don't think it'd be a good idea to try her luck against it again. And fighting naked... um, no.
3) C - somehow melee doesn't seem like a good idea, and she doesn't have enough traps ready to make trap-bait worthwhile.

Some commentary, after Kathy's note below: I assume that she doesn't gain/lose any combat bonuses from fighting from the barn versus fighting from the field, that is if she's trying to kite the enemies it doesn't matter whether she's at the barn or at the field. Given that thought, barn versus field wouldn't affect this round... it'd only affect what supplies she gets for next round. The one, presumably, involving the boss. And while a 70% chance of no curse effect is pretty good... I think she should save the cursed outfit for if her armored tunic gets shredded. Which I must admit is pretty likely.
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I refuse to bandwagon without a good reason!

1) B - unfortunately, she needs more traps rather desperately now, and she doesn't need arrow refills as much as she used to. Not with fifteen on-board.
2) A - since she flubbed four rolls against the cursed outfit before, I don't think it'd be a good idea to try her luck against it again. And fighting naked... um, no.
3) C - somehow melee doesn't seem like a good idea, and she doesn't have enough traps ready to make trap-bait worthwhile.

Bandwagoning this one.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Joining the second bandwagon.

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I refuse to bandwagon without a good reason!

1) B - unfortunately, she needs more traps rather desperately now, and she doesn't need arrow refills as much as she used to. Not with fifteen on-board.
2) A - since she flubbed four rolls against the cursed outfit before, I don't think it'd be a good idea to try her luck against it again. And fighting naked... um, no.
3) C - somehow melee doesn't seem like a good idea, and she doesn't have enough traps ready to make trap-bait worthwhile.

Right now, retreating for more traps would be fairly useless, given that they can most likely get past the traps and to the barn(or the house) within this round.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I think that the bad rolls for the cursed outfit are already gone... :p Besides a penalty to bow (our powerfull weapon) is not good against elite fighters

1 - B
2 - C
3 - C
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Just dropping to say this since I don't like complicated votes...
New traps + Naked lure + Mid range shooting = Possible strategy.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1b, 2b, 3a + c.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Just an FYI, the outfit's initial rolls were harder to beat than it's continued rolls. Not updating just yet, a bit of RL fuss and distraction. If you want to change your votes, please do not repost, just edit your post. I'll tally the final votes when I go to post.

Just for background info: I decided the outfit had to roll 15+ to affect Romani, and it did 4 times. It will keep a 15+ to activate roll, however the effects won't be so severe, and it will take at least 2 fails before any penalties, and 4 fails before it gets bad.... but fails will accumulate from round to round as long as she wears the outfit... (p.s. this may be important to know if Link walks out with that outfit ;) ))
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Sorry for delays on updating.
Winning votes:
1B- Move to the barn (run and gun or bunker down are same stats for combat, it only affects item find)
2A- Grabs Tunic (attack start)
3C- Fallback/extra arrow shots.)

Romani knelt there, shivering in shame at what she'd just done. This outfit was cursed... badly... even now she felt her fingers tracing around her breasts as she stared at it laying there.

"n.nh..NO!" she whined out, snapping her vision away from it and spotting her tunic. She grabbed it without a second thought and pulled the thing on, its few armored plates sliding into place perfectly, but the rest of it obviously not fitting right with this hasty dressing, her tits as good as bare and her pussy was gushing through the fabric of the pants she'd pulled on.

... "That was a mistake girl." the Garo master announced at her, and motioned for his lackeys to chase her down.

They moved quick, too quick, her traps did nothing to impede them, not a single trap going off as she could feel the foul grin of their leader, even if she couldn't see it through his mask.

Romani ran with everything she had towards the barn, firing arrows wildly back at the incoming foes, the burst of arrow fire only slightly hindering her enemy, their rush having pressured her, and she missed an easy shot.

The barn doors slammed shut and she fled back, notching another arrow and waiting.

... A slam at the door. These guys were stronger than the others...

... Another crash... the door was giving way, a few boards cracking open...

... Romani took a deep breath and counted to herself softly as she prepared her arrows, drawing her bowstring back and bracing herself.

The door burst open, and Romani's arrow thudded into the garo who burst in first, making him howl in pain and retreat, limping away injured as the others rushed her...

Another arrow loosed... thudding worthlessly into the wall of the barn... and another, destroying one of the pots in the corner... They were already on her as she barely had time to release her final arrow, the front Garo striking her bow away as he advanced on her, but another pained cry telling her that the final arrow was not wasted.

What came next was nothing short of abusing the poor trapped girl. She lashed out with her dagger, injuring another garo, while one of their blades returned the favor, slicing off a large piece of her clothes.

The room was spinning... Blades clashing on blades... Romani felt her weapon slice through one of the injured Garo, his body bursting into defeated flames. But she also felt their blades against her skin, leaving many small cuts and gashes, down her back, across her breasts, over her shoulders and feeling their blades caressing her ass.

Romani stumbled and hit the ground, sobbing weakly. She wasn't sure how long she'd been fighting for, but exhaustion was taking its hold on her. Looking up at the three beasts over her, she could barely hold the dagger out at them in a pathetic showing of resisting them. She wouldn't last at this rate, she knew. They were too many, too strong... She looked down at her bloodied body and realized they weren't cutting her deep enough to kill her, though they could have by now, they wanted her alive, and it looked like they were going to get it...

Taking another frantic swipe, Romani felt her blade connect again, only to feel herself restrained by violent clawed hands and dragged from her barn safe haven, hurled naked and hurting back out into the field, slammed against the same box she was forced to orgasm against.

New voices were near, and Romani felt sicker than before. Though she couldn't make out what they were saying, she realized that the Gormons had arrived during her struggles inside. A brief glance back confirmed her suspicions.

(Wave not yet complete. Timer now on. In 4 turns Link arrives.)
Enemies remaining: 3 Garo Elite Guard.
Enemies in next wave: Gormon Elder. Gormon Youngest. Garo Master.

No item gain as the wave is not over yet.

Romani's Stats: 3/5 LS, 2/5 Hearts, 7/15 Arrows. 10 traps (10 x 2% = 20% hit chance).

Romani's Dress (0/3, destroyed), Armored Tunic (0/6, destroyed, Romani is now nude), Shoddy Dagger (x2). Cursed Slave Outfit (5/5, regenerates, bad effects if falling to the curse).

Vote 1)
a) Romani dresses in the cursed outfit to regain some protection.
b) Romani remains nude to avoid the curse and stall for time. (50% chance to reduce number of rounds until Link arrives by 1.)
c) Romani attempts to wear pieces of the two destroyed outfits for protection. (gains piecework outfit, 3/3)

Vote 2)
a) Romani surrenders.
b) Romani pretends to surrender to stall for time. (50% chance to reduce number of rounds until Link arrives by 1. LS damage.)
c) Romani attempts to flee.
d) Romani continues fighting the injured Garo elite.
e) Romani attempts to fight the next wave immediately. (Automatically reduces rounds until Link arrives by 1 due to sounds of combat. Free attack against all 3 enemies from the next wave.)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


I don't want her to rush in and get captured. The one less turn wont help if she gets the shit beaten out of her and captured before Link gets there. Stall as best you can
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Yeah, I'm with Twisted. B, B.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

A, B
Seems better to stall for time while wearing something... being nude is just asking to be gangbanged :p
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Being nude also gives a 50% chance of lowering the rounds
you get 50% of lowering a round from nude, and 50% of another round by stalling
So we can cut it down to 2 rounds if we're lucky if we go B-B
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Ow. Hmmm...

I'll go with 1-B, 2-B as well.

Tempting as 2-E is, somehow I think getting gangbanged by six opponents would be an immediate loss. 1-A/2-D is possible (the remaining Elites seem pretty dinged up, from the description), but I'm fairly sure Romani can't win against the next wave by herself. At least with Link's arrival imminent, I'm fairly confident the Garo won't be carrying Romani off before Link and the Bombers arrive.

*grumble* I should've voted for the barn from the outset... running out of traps hurt.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


I don't want her to rush in and get captured. The one less turn wont help if she gets the shit beaten out of her and captured before Link gets there. Stall as best you can

Going for this based on the logic and reasoning provided.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1B, 2D.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

The B-Bandwagon is sounding good. 1B, 2B.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Well, I was originally thinking 1B 2D, because I'm just defiant like that, and pretending to surrender seems an awful lot like surrendering... I'll go B/B provided if we get the chance to perform an attack of opportunity we take it.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes: 1-B, 2-B)

Romani shivered in disgust, turning away from the tatters of her destroyed outfits and the ever present cursed outfit.

The curse... she barely held back from touching herself. She looked up at the three injured Garo nearby and lowered her head meekly. This battle wasn't going well... she needed to stall... she needed to catch her breath... she needed a miracle...

"Surrendering now girl?"

Romani felt the daggers pointing down at her and knew her chances were looking slim. She nodded slowly and lowered her dagger, letting the Garo advance on her exposed body. Surrendering wasn't a real option... but she could at least gather a moment's reprieve from the attack.

The young hylian girl felt their foul hands on her again as they lifted her atop the wooden crate, spreading her legs and crudely fondling her naked breasts, making her gasp in unwanted pleasure. "About time you gave up, girl. You knew all along you couldn't win."

Romani closed her eyes against the teasing as she quietly endured it, feeling their fingers over her body, at a slower, more gentle pace now. A surrendered enemy means ample time to use her as one wants after all. Fingers spreading her lower lips started to push inside slowly, and arms holding her arms back over her head began to lax as she suffered their teasing...

Romani felt their strangely foul cocks rubbing into her breasts and one pushing against her entrance... It took no time flat before one of the trio blew his load all over the girl's face, and she felt the one below her pushing inside, making her cry out in shame and disgust.

"That's just the position a whore like you should be in." one of the Gormons called out, adding to her shame as she was slowly fucked in the middle of her field... The cold night air all around her as the shadows of the monsters washed over her naked body with each new motion, sending shivers down her spine.

Her final thoughts a frantic jumble of protest and defiance, though even these were melting away from the foul magic looming in the air around her... and she could feel the slow rubbing of the monster's cock inside her about to go off.

Romani's stats: 0/5 LS, 2/5 Hearts, 7/15 Arrows. 10 traps (10 x 2% = 20% hit chance).

Shoddy Dagger (x2). Cursed Slave Outfit (5/5, regenerates, bad effects if falling to the curse).

(Link arrives next turn! Both rolls succeeded in delaying, but Romani isn't entirely safe yet...)

Vote 1)
a) Romani gives in to her coming orgasm...
b) Romani struggles not to climax, but doesn't fight her attacker...
c) Romani tries to fight her attacker off to stop him from finishing her...

Vote 2)
a) Romani continues her surrender act, hoping she can find a way to resist when she isn't so badly outnumbered.
b) Romani tries to fight back, taking her opponents offguard now that they're complacent.
c) Romani attempts to finish pleasuring the Garo on her, then sneak away back to the barn to retrieve her bow while they think she's submissive.
d) Romani tries to finish pleasuring the Garo, then attempts to run away while they dismissively treat her as a broken slave.
e) Romani surrenders entirely.