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Katrina (avatar99)

Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The creature put his hard big dick inside her very weat hole and get deeper until nearly get through her womb lips making her make a big mooo and then he increase slowly the speed and some blood fall on the floor after brea kthe hymen, Eliadne also do the same but she dont moan as a cow and just move her ears and open her mouth as her fangs show themselves when she moans lewdly.

Soon the creature thrusts are very strong and sudenly it pased throug her womb and the rod passed more making her reach a mix of pain and pleasure, the time passed and the girls reach a state of total bliss as her breast bounced and let drop more milk every time that the creature press them with the meat rod and when they cum the warm liquid get inside them and for some reason the warm liquid not leave their bodies, they fall uncouncious, as the creature use them more and put a big finger in thei ass as hecontinued for more time make them moan in heir dreams.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She gasps and moos in pleasure as the rod enters her, whimpering slightly as he enters her virgin pussy. As he fucks her she rock back and forth in time with his thrusts moaning and mooing in pain and pleasure once he forces himself into her womb. She would soon orgasm hard and black out.

As she dreamed he continued to fuck her causing her to dream of him and his big cock.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She wake up time later with a tube in her mouth giving her a sustance to feed her, she still is sucked and have something in her holes vibrating and maintain her in a horny state, sudenly she notice something diferent and she feel and apendaje behind her that she could move when she want, like a tail, as she look below she saw her belly big and breasts bigger thanks being pregnant, she try to look around and found Eliadna still a wolfgirl and the others cows at her side as the man take the tank filled of milk and take then to make cheese or just storage them before sell them.

Days passed and Katrina fell something in her belly as also Eliadne, the man come and free them but still had their arms tied and put them in a position to give birth, soon the contractions started and both naked girls fell a great pleasure when they give birth to twins, the childrens of Katrina were a brown and blonde cow girls as Eliadne had a wolf boy and a cow girl with a wolf tail.

They cant rest as the man put them once again in the machines, but at least Katrina notice that the young man had forgotten tie her in the machine, easily she could get away and rescue Eliadna of the fate to be a mix of cow/wolf female, unless she just forget her last will power and wait to his master to return
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Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She would moan and blush as she is fed through a tube but nonetheless eats what comes through it while she is milked. Seeing that she is hooked up exactly as the other girls are gives her an odd sense of comfort and she would attempt to smile at Eliandra while she idly whips her tail around.

As she gave birth she would blush as she is positioned like an animal and blush at how pleasurable it is. After giving birth to twin cow girls she would moo happily and moan as she is reattached to the milker.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina was there happily loss in her pleasure without notice than she could be free if she want, even Eliadna noted that her body was untied and she get away of the machine falling in the floor with the vivrators still on her holes, it was very hard to her crawl until reach where Katrina was moaning then she moaned when she put herself in her knees in front of her friend and then she said beetwen moans Ka..katrina... you are...free... get out of there... please we...we need to aahhhnn... we need to escape...ah, ah, you said than you will.ahhhnn you will protectme..ahhhnnmmh she stay there arching her back with her mouth open and her toungle sometimes out expecting the answer of her friend
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She gasps and moans in pleasure as she tries to detach her from the machine looking down at Eliandra with a blush "Mooo-ahh S-Sorry, i-it just felt so good I-I wasn't even paying attention." She would say once she was free and begins to try to remove Eliandra's vibrators.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Eliadna was happy to saw that her friend not had her mind in the plasure and she tried to dont make noises as Katrina take out her vivrators of her holes, then she do the same with the cowgirl. We must escape before the human return, get on your knees as i try to free your hands, then you can untie me too They must be fast or they could lost their last chance to escape.

turn left ?
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina complies and would get on her knees for the wolf girl. Once it was her turn she tries to undo Eliandra's ropes. "I'd have lost here if I didn't take you with me. Thank you Eli." she's whisper softly. Once they were free she'd look around for her cloths and staff.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Both girls were free now and Eliadna smile by the words of the mage, both then get out with caution and there was another door in the barn, but maybe their things were in the house of the man, she must choice wissely or she will get caught again
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She would open the other door in the barn. Thinking to herself and deducing that if the man kept the stuff from the other cow girls she would have seen it in the house. She would also check the blonde cow girl that was struggling before to see if she still had her mind.
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Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrin free the blonde cow girl she was nearly on her limit and just said a little thanks between some mooo, she was very tired and follow them. inside the other room was two minotaurs and a little closet, both were chained and sleeping on the floor.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina motions everyone to stay put and tries to quietly sneak her way to the closet and open it.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

They walked in stealth mode trying to dont wake up the viril beasts that maybe usually impregnate them, inside was their clothes and a picture of the four normal girls working in the farm and also the staff of Katrina.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina would dress, take her staff, and pick up the picture and waits for the other girls to do the same before trying to sneak back out.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina and the other tried to put on her ragged clothes but their breasts make it hard and maybe the mage would need to use her magic to adapt them to her new size or this will be an uncomfortable quest.

They tried to get away without call the attention but nearly at the end one of the creatures wake up and tried to reach them but the chains stop him for a moment, unfortunately he will be free soon. They close the door and now the two cows and wolf girl must move quick or fight bot minotaurs.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina tries to run out of the barn and away from the farm before they get caught up in a battle they might lose. "Cmon girls!" She say quietly leading them away.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The three girls ran trying to get away of the hounted farm that turn them into half farm monsters until they had to rest to recover the breath. moo...moo, thanks to free mme, this world is getting crazy, even your pets try to slave you
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She blushes and says "Moo it's no problem. I'm sorry I didn't act sooner but I think he spiked our food and well it was a little fun. moooo" She would admit at the end with a darker blush. "mooo D-Do you want to come with us? Strength in numbers and all? moo" It would seem she picked up a compulsion to moo at the beginning and end of her sentences.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The girl smiled with the way she talk I dont had a fammmily or house to return anymmoore, that bastard turn themm into breeding mmachines. I will go with you even when imm just a farmmer girl and dont have a weapon, mmy namme is Carla The breasts of Carla dont hide too well in her clothes and her brests are pressed by the clothes a little more huge and they will rag the shirt.

Now Katrina can go to the town, the woods or the cave, she also could try to find another place in front of the farm or return and try to defeat the evil farmer
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She smiles at the girl and tries to use her magic to adjust their clothing to better fit their new bust sizes. "Moo We'll come back to take your farm once we've gotten stronger. moo" she promises the blonde.