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Katrina (avatar99)

Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She whimpers and struggles to escape slashing at the creature with her knife.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina's slashes were effective thanks to her adrenaline who sprout after see what could happen to her if not get out of there, the wounded tentacle free her as also Yami with a fire slash, but even Katrina fall without receive harm, the Kitsune was received by another apendage who whip her and wrap her in the floor. The cow girl tried to help her but many tentacles sproud from the plant and even when her knife cut some it was not possible to dodge all and was grappled again, the apendages begging to use her round breasts and neithers with soft moves that tried to distract her meanwhile more were getting close to her. Yami free herself again using her fox like dexterity and potent melee magic, now the plant was a little wounded but it could resist still a lonf fight.

Katrina 5 ap 2 [-1]
Yami 7 ap 1

G. P. 13
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She whimpers as she is pleasured but continues to struggle and fight to break free. Using her knife to try and save herself. "Let me go you overgrown weed!"
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Yami was fighting to hard that the plant put her full atention in her and using that chance Katrina cut all the tentacles that she can, whit a lowd screech the creature change of target and use her tentatacles to try to capture the cow, the in a dessesperate way to save her Yami take the vines with her legs as she cut others, this give the time enought to Katrina to receive the tentacles, both fighted well until the monster in an angry state whip both of them with all and then Yami protect the inocent lust cow for any harm, the kitsune limbs where wraped and they begging to take her to the core. Now with her bodyguard grappled and lifted Katrina must act fast to help her to escape

Katrina 5 ap 3
Yami 5 ap 2 [-2]

G. P. 9
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She would feel the adrenaline coursing through her throughout the battle as they whittle down the tentacle monster's health. Feeling the whippings she gasps and whimpers from pain and pleasure before staring in horror as her friend and guard is grappled. She would charge the beast and try to free Yami. "Get off of my friend!"
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

With all her speed the cow girl reach at time to hurt the apendages of the creature and free her friend who fal in her fours, but then the wounded tentacles wrap her and pinch her sensitives nipples as they press her breasts making her drop a good quatity of milk on the floor, then with a shout Yami cut the vines and Katrina fall on her hands.

Before the girl get up both get grappled by the damn plant, her bodies soon feel the strokes of the tentacles that continued were they left the last time, their womanhood was invaded and before they were contained both attemp to reach each other and in a mutual desire to protect the other both free their partner.

Had passed to much time, the body of Yami is reaching her limit to resist the wounds and the arousament, but other side Katrina feel how her different body start to burn and get more faster and powerfull with her magic, the only problem is that her body want to feel more of the pleasure, its a luck that Katrina can still endure this weird feeling of a sex depredator.

Katrina 3 ap 6
Yami 3 ap 5

G.P. 5
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She whimpers and mewls ain her arousal but resists giving in. Instead she continues to fight and now that she wasn't grappled, she'd send a bolt of magic the plants way.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The tentacles continued theri way toward both girls even when the magic burnst some of them, Yami then could only saw how the cow girl is traped brutaly by many apendages who surround their victim and spread her limbs as two pistons continued the work of the dead ones, Katrina soon is unnable to contain the moans and mewls that get out of her mouth and even she droll when her breasts are sucked in a quick motion, her friend try to reach her place but many tentacles try to trap her too FIGHT KATRINA, FIGHT HIM!!!! DONT GIVE UP NOW!! she shout as she break some tentacles as she go where was her.

The cow try to use her weapon in her willing state but even when she hurt some she just is traped by others and then she hear some little screams and shouths of her friend who is now trapped like her, the face of the kitsune girl is now red and she cant resist make some moans as her hands are wraped behind her and her atlethic body is used nearly as her lewd friend. they were now in her limit and Katrina was really turned on, ready to let fall her weapon and stroke a tentacle instead, when she heard the last words of Yami before get muffed by a tentacle its weak kill him, hit the cor...mmhmg

Katrina 1 ap 8 (-3 grappled)
Yami 1 ap 7 (-2 grappled)

G.P. 1
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She whimpers and moans as her pussy and ass are penetrated. Blushing as she struggles. As the plant starts to suck her nipples she whimpers and moos beginning to enjoy it. Her struggles slowing. Hearing the kitsunes encouragement she continues her struggles more strongly, blushing as the Kitsune is taken by the plant monster too. She wants to drop her weapon and enjoy the pleasure but finds the will to slash at the monster one final time.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

The attemp to cut the plant had not the enough strengh and soon a tentacle take her weapon of her weak grapple, when this happen the cowgirl resign herself to her fate and start to enjoy the moment, her mouth soon lick one of the tentacles that was close her mouth and start to suck the strange juice that sprout from it. The sexual act proceed for a litle more until she was face down looking the insides of the giant plant and the tentacles were getting her down, then she in her bliss saw many bodies fused with the creature lifeless and of the same color as the insides of the monster, they had their faces petrified in a lewd sight and their massive breasts were sucked by some vines, the females were just like a organ that will give nutrients to the plant in interchange for an eternal bliss and this will be the future of Katrina.

Meanwhile Yami dont stop to fight, it was not only her pride but also to protect that girl who trust in her, she had never experienced this feeling, the Kitsune even decide to risk her for save her, her in the past will had decide to just escape and let her be part of the monster. Yami then just smile and used her full power to escape of the tentacles, her sharp fangs destroy the invasor of her mouth and the fire of her body burn the rest, then she step over some of them and use her great speed to reach the core of the plant. The core was the bottom of the flower and Yami could sense it, it was soo big to kill it will a blow and the tentacles will catch her soon. She only had 5 tails and her body will not be able to resist the next power, but she decide to risk her live for the two persons that she love. With a last show she expulse all her magic and collide with the core making a big explosion that ended with the plan instantly, the kitsune fall feeling her live escaping from her as she only think about her mistress and the cow who was starting to feel as her little sister.
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Re: Katrina (avatar99)

(continue of the other post, maybe i will do this to dont reduce the quality of the posts by the fear of the limit of letters of the dsi. I will add this to the other post later)

Katrina has loosed herself to her carnal desires, she really dont bother being trapped here for the rest of her live as a part of the monster, without worries and just stay there feeling a endless pleasure even when her body had to turn in nothing more that a eternal organ who will be milked forever. But then the shout of someone return her to the world and she feel a big explosion over her, the tentacles just die and the cow girl fall to the botton of the plant. She opened her eyes and noted that she was fine, very horny and with needs to be used, but fine. Her senses focused in a ball of blackfire and smog that fall a little afar of her in the liquid of the plant, she reach to saw a tail between that mess still moving and burning in the flames... it was not doubt it was Yami who was uncounciest and without control of her powers. Katrina then saw her dagger close two girls bodies, her body was not moving like she want until a femenine voice of her head call her name. Dear Katrina, move now, you can still save your friend. Just turn off the fire and get close her, i will take care of the rest

[Katrina had reached knife mastery 1, now she can combine low healing skills and magics on her magic dagger.]

Katrina 1 ap 9
Yami 0 [in danger ]

PS: the other post was edited
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

As she is pleasured and milked by the plant she moans and mewls in pleasure. A lewd smile on her face as she is turned into an organ to feed it. She feels happy and content with no worries as the plant uses her. Suddenly she sees, and hears and explosion and begins to sob seeing the broken form of Yami.

Heeding the voice as she grasps her knife to put out the fire./Katrina gasps and whimpers before trying to crawl to Yami and save her. "Yami! Yami please be ok." she cries in fear.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Yami stay without move with her body still leaving a little of dark smoke, the cow soon saw the critical wounds that the explosion left on her friend, the magic that she know maybe will be not enought to even avoid that the kitsune die, but then a cold sense start to cover her body and then a massive tentacle sproud of Katrina's back dimensional hole, it was more like a giant worm that could eat Katrina easily. the poor cow just can wonder How could she had something so big inside her and why she had it in first place.

Many little tentacles follow it and fondle the body of the cow trying to calm her and then Katrina heard the voice coming from the giant tentacle, it was clear that she had heard it a little time ago, could be her mistress? Dont worry my dear, i had leave you a part of me in case than this could happen. Now just watch as i take care of this problem Katrina stay as the tentacles ended what the plant started, many appendages pet the cow in her full body, some prone press and fondle her holes waiting her permission, with her breasts sucked and stroked she saw how the thing get closer to Yami and opening a big mouth begging to put her inside the tentacle, then it closed the mouth and start to shine in a dark grow. Katrina was really worried as her body was grappled by her tentacles who were out of her control, but then she heard the moans of Yami starting in weak whispers and getting lowds as the time passed, in a strange way she start to feel the body of the kitsune, as if the big tentacle worm was part of her, all the pleasure was getting transfered to her lust body mixed with her own needs and cares of the tentacles on her until she reach a big climax and then Yami left slowly the tentacle in a big stream of cum.

Before leave the tentacle drench Katrina with cum and touch her face as if was givving her a kiss I need to rest, please continue your mission my sweet Katrina and be carefull maybe the next time i will be unable tohelp
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina starts to cry even more as the body of Yami remains unmoving. As the tentacles and the soothing voice of her new mistress attempt to calm her she would heed them and calm down, moaning whorishly as her tentacles play with her body. Finally she gives permission and allows them to fuck her while watching in amazement as her own tentacle fucks Yami back to life under her mistress' command.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Just in front of her eyes Katrina saw how her friend tails started to move and her body feel with air with every calm breath, her curiosity then make her get close, now without any visible tentacle and just leaving her collar bell and shackles fill a little the silent chamber. Katrina was nearly touching her friend when this turn to her and after a brief moment she make a serious smile, as she then look her body Cow, why are you crying? looks like im fine, i say you to dont cry so stop now and... why i have this dark marks? Suddenly both noticed little black marks in Yami cheeks and belly, making a sexy patern on her atletic body who was free of any burn or wound
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Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She sniffles happily and hugs Yami lovingly "I-I thought I lost you Yami." she whispers as she continues to hug her blushing all the while at how sexy she looks with her new marks.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Yami opened completely her eyes after hear Katrina's words, the way of how the cow worried about her was making a deep hole in the will of the thoug girl and Yami decide to give up in her attemps of dont love her. Drenched completely in Katrina''s cum she return the hug and whisper her C'mon, i will never die and let a innocent weak little cow like you alone in this dangerous world...sorry for had made you worry.Also, its weird but i dreamed with our mistress her hands start to caress the back and hair of the cowgirl as she through that she will never try to do that again until learn to use it.

After a time she try to get up and look the place, it was a big chamber made of only rocks with only the entrance of the ceiling, it maybe was a trap for the persons who try to steal the teasure, then she look the body of the victims completely altered, they will not work for their mission and maybe will day now that the plant was dead, but she was not very sure of this. Yami wait until Katrina calm completely and then slowly sapare her thanks for your feelings, but looks like we have a long road to get out of here, take your things as i look for a safe way to return to the first room

As Katrina search for her dagger she also found some shining things inside the creature close the transformed lewd plant bodies, as she get close she noted a strange key, also some half digested rusty weapons and some coins everywhere of diferent materials. some of the women still make little moans but not so happily as before, without something feeding them with the delicious white fluid they will suffer of an slow dead, suddenly a little tentacle sprout of her back pointing to one of the women.
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Re: Katrina (avatar99)

She sniffles and and giggles after Yami's statement about not leaving her alone. Katrina leans into the pettings and caresses, enjoying them as she smiles at the fox girl happily. She would pick up her belongings and smile sadly at the women, deciding to let them die rather than enslave them to herself.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Her tentacle baby return sadly to the dimension inside Katrina and she leave the place resisting the templation of take them inside her to turn them into breedmachines, she then take her dagger and walked to where Yami was checking some vines, then the kitzune said her Looks like we can only get out climbing these vines, i will create someharness just in case, come here and help me

Yuki then make a harness shirt on Katrina's body, it was thigh but feel incredible as it press her right spots in her, then was the time for Yami and Katrina aid her. The two shirts were tied by a large vine and then after check the vines's resistence she start to climb. Yami then look to Katrina and give her courage when was needed.
Re: Katrina (avatar99)

Katrina nods her head in understanding and blushes, the bondage slut in her enjoying as the tight harness is placed on her. She would then help yami with her own harness. Katrina starts to climb, smiling happily at Yami for her encouragements every time she got scared. "Thanks Yami, I'm sorry for being a silly cow..."