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It only works if you already have a save file. It throws you back to the title screen if you try to make a new game.

still kinda weird for me... and new too... :p

guys, i've been reading the thread and got confused and unsure here n there,
then here my question, but since i afraid it might get confusing, i will divide it by several points

the game with the series in order is this?
-fantasy rpg! mate collection access : I (will be just matecolle from here)
-matecolle : II
-matecolle : +pack
-matecolle : IV
-matecolle : +2
-matecolle : VI

one save file can be used for all games?
does it matter which one i play first?

the author post an full updated game for free with only restriction that i must already have save file right? so if i make save file from just one game, that means i can just download the free update to play all the series ?

about the master game, so i just need to unlock content with different version's of the game, and just transfer save file to enjoy all the content of the series in the master game ?

i read that "IV" has compatibilty issue? so please tell me what i should be aware of, or something like, i have to play that one last or first ?
or what should be done to get it's exclusive content to be played in other version ?

then, meanwhile i will try to get the game

^I'd like to know that too.

This circle has so many game sequels it's hard to keep up now that I just started getting into his games. I really wish there was a thread or a folder with every single game he made, most of the links to his older games have died and I really wanna get involved in his previous works without killing my savings.

here you go :
version 1.02. You do need the original file to create a savefile.

Well, I added on 1.01b after making a save file, but now when I beat the 10F boss it says that the trial only goes up to that far and throws me back to the beginning.

By the way, what exactly is this latest game? Only being able to save on death, the save button in menu always greyed out, losing all my items sometimes and not other times, etc.

you need 1.02 the version
then you can continue and you will keep your items

Ah figures he's doing the same update style as he does with mate collection.

guys, i've been reading the thread and got confused and unsure here n there,
then here my question, but since i afraid it might get confusing, i will divide it by several points

the game with the series in order is this?
-fantasy rpg! mate collection access : I (will be just matecolle from here)
-matecolle : II
-matecolle : +pack
-matecolle : IV
-matecolle : +2
-matecolle : VI

one save file can be used for all games?
does it matter which one i play first?

the author post an full updated game for free with only restriction that i must already have save file right? so if i make save file from just one game, that means i can just download the free update to play all the series ?

about the master game, so i just need to unlock content with different version's of the game, and just transfer save file to enjoy all the content of the series in the master game ?

i read that "IV" has compatibilty issue? so please tell me what i should be aware of, or something like, i have to play that one last or first ?
or what should be done to get it's exclusive content to be played in other version ?

then, meanwhile i will try to get the game

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. I was mistaken because I had an old version of IV. Sorry for the misinformation. Make sure all of the ones you have are the latest version. This page has a table of the latest versions for each one and they are all compatible.

However, none of that is really necessary. Just use the save file I linked in the OP and use the master version from the dev's blog.

^I'd like to know that too.

This circle has so many game sequels it's hard to keep up now that I just started getting into his games. I really wish there was a thread or a folder with every single game he made, most of the links to his older games have died and I really wanna get involved in his previous works without killing my savings.

Just use the save file I linked in the OP and use the master version from the dev's blog.
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Just use the save file I linked in the OP and use the master version from the dev's blog.

Great, thanks for the information! Just one question, where in the dev blog is the master version link? I'm assuming the trial version links to matecolle2 and collection are the master versions that get unlocked with the save file?
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Great, thanks for the information! Just one question, where in the dev blog is the master version link? I'm assuming the trial version links to matecolle2 and collection are the master versions that get unlocked with the save file?

Not sure about the trial version on DLsite, if there even is one.

On the dev blog you can get what you need though

As for メイコレ2, version 2.51 is not the latest one, and it is not compatible with the save file in my OP. You'll have to go down till you find the blog post with the latest one. He didn't update the main post for whatever reason.

As for メイコレ2, version 2.51 is not the latest one, and it is not compatible with the save file in my OP. You'll have to go down till you find the blog post with the latest one. He didn't update the main post for whatever reason.

I found version 3.1 in a November post which I guess is the latest version. The saves worked, I can play both series now, thanks. Now I just need to find every other game this dev has created. His art style is just so captivating for some reason...

I found version 3.1 which I guess is the latest version. The saves worked, I can play both series now, thanks. Now I just need to find every other game this dev has created. His art style is just so captivating for some reason...

They're aren't all out there but most of them are pretty cheap to buy.

His newest game is weird. And annoying. If you lose to an enemy, your level gets reset and you lose most if not all of your items. Essentially you get punished for getting the sex scenes, which is different from his other games where you get to keep your items and stats.

His newest game is weird. And annoying. If you lose to an enemy, your level gets reset and you lose most if not all of your items. Essentially you get punished for getting the sex scenes, which is different from his other games where you get to keep your items and stats.

The character gets some sort of permanent stat bonuses. I'm not sure how it works but eventually I was just 1 shotting everything even after a level reset.

Has anyone figured out if there's actually any new content in 1.02?

I went through and killed both bosses again, looked for more H scenes everywhere, found absolutely nothing different from 1.00.

His newest game is weird. And annoying. If you lose to an enemy, your level gets reset and you lose most if not all of your items. Essentially you get punished for getting the sex scenes, which is different from his other games where you get to keep your items and stats.

His newest game is reminiscent of a standard roguelike, where you start from the beginning at every iteration and gain items and levels upon progressing the floors. There are checkpoints on floor 3 and 10 that I've seen so far... but they honestly feel kind of pointless as you start at level 1 regardless, so you'll be facing against enemies much stronger than you are properly tuned for.

The saving grace is that you can also choose the "ejaculation" mechanic in the game, which is the third option from when you choose to leave from her house. Normally, you'll get some permanent stat bonuses for losing and getting raped, but you can also select a mode where you attempt to keep your virginity in exchange for some items or what not.

Has anyone figured out if there's actually any new content in 1.02?

Not sure, I haven't actually progressed far enough to figure out if I've even gotten all the original content, I would assume the newest version is just bug fixes. Would you happen to have a save file you could share?

Not sure, I haven't actually progressed far enough to figure out if I've even gotten all the original content, I would assume the newest version is just bug fixes. Would you happen to have a save file you could share?

I'm kinda surprised you'd need this though. This game was pretty easy imo. Eventually the permanent stat bonuses let me 1 shot everything aside from bosses. This is the kind of game where you can just slam your face against the wall repeatedly and it will eventually break.

Also, in case you didn't know there's a healing skill you can use in battle that has a shield icon and it also boosts your defenses. I didn't really use the other skills much so I'm not sure if any of the other ones are important in any way.

edit: Also in regards to the level reset mechanics I want to add that it's actually consistent with his other games. He frequently uses level reset mechanics coupled with permanent stat bonuses. The difference is in his other games it's voluntary. To me it makes no difference because in every game you have to use these mechanics to make the characters strong and they're always tied to H scenes anyway.
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after playing the game, i prefer the dev to continue the mate collection games. this game looks like it's hurriedly done. he could have include whole game contents into Folnalias and call it a game though. dunno why he didn't do that.

the first mate collection game is not even finished too. long i have been waiting for an update to the mate collections but so far the dev only updates them only so slightly.

regarding the first Mate Collection, you guys can use this wiki

use google to translate. it contains all recruitable and secret characters currently in the game and how to clear all the CGs.
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His newest game is reminiscent of a standard roguelike, where you start from the beginning at every iteration and gain items and levels upon progressing the floors. There are checkpoints on floor 3 and 10 that I've seen so far... but they honestly feel kind of pointless as you start at level 1 regardless, so you'll be facing against enemies much stronger than you are properly tuned for.

The saving grace is that you can also choose the "ejaculation" mechanic in the game, which is the third option from when you choose to leave from her house. Normally, you'll get some permanent stat bonuses for losing and getting raped, but you can also select a mode where you attempt to keep your virginity in exchange for some items or what not.

Not sure, I haven't actually progressed far enough to figure out if I've even gotten all the original content, I would assume the newest version is just bug fixes. Would you happen to have a save file you could share?

It seems that the "losing all of your items" was a bug, which has been fixed in the latest version. There's still a bug that reset all of your item to unidentified, but that's a lot better than losing all of your weapons.

There's no new scene in the latest version. The author simply added a gallery mode (check the left most book shelf). However, the author has received complaints that the game is too short, and he may add more in the future.

Update: There's a new update. V. 1.04. But I can't find any changelog on the blog, so I have no idea what he added.
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