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Kill the person above you.

Re: Kill the person above you.

You have a lot to learn about being evil, young one... Hugging is acceptable, sa long as the victim dies. Ignorance, however, is not.

*shoots Host with a gun*

Also, death rays are overrated.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Is shot*

Hmmuuuurrr, I had you pinned as retro-Evil, but it looks like you're at least a little new age...

death rays are overrated.

*Hijacks ion-cannon, fires it at Grave*

There is always an exception. In this case, said exception is kill-sats.
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Re: Kill the person above you.

Ever read the "Evil Overlord" list? It kinda inspired me.

*cannon destroys the body double, giving Grave time to launch enough nukes to take it down*
Re: Kill the person above you.

Feel the wrath of my Canuck Steel!

*Appears out of nowhere and hits Grave in the face with a Shuriken*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*catches the shuriken with his teeth and uses it to kill Shrike*

Sorry, I'll pass.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*appears out of nowhere and hits Grave with a windscar*

Re: Kill the person above you.

*grabs Random's hand and rips it off*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*his hand regrows into a machine gun and he blast the shit out of Grave*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Is actually alive, cause Host's bullet shot his helmet*
*Runs Random over with a racecar*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Runs Random over with a clown car*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*grows 10 times his size and eats the clown car*

eww that tasted funny..... (sorry for the bad joke)
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Bails outta car before you eat it, and once you ate it, I blow up all the C4s I planted inside the car.*
Yeah, I heard Gas tastes weird.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*hits Zero's head from behind with an axe*

Watch out, it can give you brain damage.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Axe hits helmet*
Would you guys stop hitting my unbreakable helmet?
I might not die, but it sure hurts.
*Grave stone drops on Grave*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*grabs the stone and throws it at Zero*

It may be unbreakable, but what about deformations?
Re: Kill the person above you.

Nope, it's very nice.
*Fires lazer at the Grave stone and Grave.*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*chases Zero off a cliff with dozens of killer horny naked women* :D
Re: Kill the person above you.

Being f***ed to death isn't bad. And yes, I get the reference.

*forces Wallpaper to eat his lips*