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Kimochi - the adult games marketplace


Jungle Girl
Jul 22, 2015
Reputation score
We're in beta now!

Kimochi is a platform for adult game publishers to distribute their games to players, a Steam but steamier. Steam is a great platform for developers and players alike and we aim to recreate that experience for the adult audience.

We're striving to achieve several things:
  • A platform where games and content are checked to be trusted and malware free
  • A platform where player user experience is a top priority - players shouldn't have to figure out how to download and install the game, it should be one click
  • A platform where publishers don't have to deal with the hassle of hosting, distributing, and versioning content, and a place where they can easily do payment processing for their paid content

Come join us at kimochi.co! Leave any feedback you'd like in our forums.

Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

Awwwww I remember when I was apart of the forums before it was renamed to Kimochi. Afterwards I decided to wait until it was mentioned openly again on my commons sites before I'd go at it again.

Whelp, time to go and see for myself how Kimochi has grown since the Steamy days.

But it might help if someone put up a link to

Or to the Page where you download the client/create an account as well.

It also seems that at the time I'm edit-posting this the download button leads to an 'Internal Server Error' page as I can't download the beta client installer
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Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

Whoops sorry about the download not working. Should be fixed now.

EDIT: omg nvm not yet, I'm on a plane and my internet speed is 30 KB/s :(, will be fixed in about 10 minutes
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Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

checked it out but getting a database error when i click to download the software
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

in the opening post. can you explain a little of the type of games.

are you hosting them on your website to be run on web browsers.

or are they downloaded games. are they western games or japanese games?

DMM localized or just sharing of DLsite games.

edit: checked it out for myself. it's a download manager?
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

Neat but uh.. heres to hoping.
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

Steam is a bit more than this thing.

  • I see screenshots of a store, but can't find it on your homepage
  • Do you offer incremental patches, so that people don't have to redownload the entire game when an update is released?
  • Your website is a mess. There's no way of returning to the homepage from the forums, no info whatsoever on your "payment processor" (company name, address, payment methods, ...), no store, no short introduction of your client and why people should download it, ...
  • There's no way you will ever attract publishers with that "blog". Looks like it's written by a 12 year old and it says literally nothing about the client.

Either read up on legality of marketplaces, get a way more professional approach or just ditch the project.
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

Steam is a bit more than this thing.

  • I see screenshots of a store, but can't find it on your homepage
  • Do you offer incremental patches, so that people don't have to redownload the entire game when an update is released?
  • Your website is a mess. There's no way of returning to the homepage from the forums, no info whatsoever on your "payment processor" (company name, address, payment methods, ...), no store, no short introduction of your client and why people should download it, ...
  • There's no way you will ever attract publishers with that "blog". Looks like it's written by a 12 year old and it says literally nothing about the client.

Either read up on legality of marketplaces, get a way more professional approach or just ditch the project.

The client is in very early beta, having been rebuilt from scratch not too long ago. Currently, the store isn't implemented, leaving free games to demo that the process works.

Update patches are a noted concern that we're aware of.

The lack of a return button from the forums is noted, but the rest of what you claim is missing is not built in, as we are not at a current stage where transaction is necessary, but we plan to be soon. We have looked into the issues of handling transactions, as well as user-side security.

Thank you for your kind words, and your suggestions have been noted, and posted.
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

The client is in very early beta, having been rebuilt from scratch not too long ago. Currently, the store isn't implemented, leaving free games to demo that the process works.

Update patches are a noted concern that we're aware of.

The lack of a return button from the forums is noted, but the rest of what you claim is missing is not built in, as we are not at a current stage where transaction is necessary, but we plan to be soon. We have looked into the issues of handling transactions, as well as user-side security.

Thank you for your kind words, and your suggestions have been noted, and posted.
as for the forum I think as long as it has their basic function then you're good to go.

I think that as long as you have good content (good amount of games & interesting H-gaming news from the blog) then people will be happy. Like Siliconera for example, it's just a news website with a message board (not even a forum) but it's still popular

Are you going to sell japanese stuff too? It will be very cool if you can get in touch with japanese publisher/developer, a lot of them has been on steam lately with removed content & story changes ... will be cool if they can sell the game on kimochi uncensored.

we don't have much porn gamedev here in the west, so there won't be much games to sell if you simply rely on them

My other concern is in google search engine, can't find your site from there at the moment o.o;

The previous forum is already look good to me, why you guys redoing it? just curious .
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

The client is in very early beta, having been rebuilt from scratch not too long ago. Currently, the store isn't implemented, leaving free games to demo that the process works.

Update patches are a noted concern that we're aware of.

The lack of a return button from the forums is noted, but the rest of what you claim is missing is not built in, as we are not at a current stage where transaction is necessary, but we plan to be soon. We have looked into the issues of handling transactions, as well as user-side security.

Thank you for your kind words, and your suggestions have been noted, and posted.

Don't get me wrong. I love the idea of a game client that makes buying, downloading and selling adult games way easier. But for now you should place yourself in the boots of the potential customer: customers need to have a good overview of the features (the screenshot window is a start, but still not enough for most people), a good reason to download your software (compare your model to other adult game resellers), a couple of big names getting sold/ distributed on your client, ... Without those it's too early to start promoting your software.

If you look at Valve's and Steam's history, then you can see how hard this process was. Without Half Life 2 forcing people to download Steam, there would be no Steam because it was atrocious. It's only by constant improvement and getting the big players (Total War games, Elder Scrolls) do a Steam-only release that they became the huge PC game platform.

Same story for Origin, Uplay and Rockstar Gameclub. Those things are in their early stages and are considered annoying and intrusive.

As for the payment processing: do some good research, because some credit card companies and paypal will completely block your funds if they find out you have something to do with non-christian things.

I don't type this to ruin your idea, I just want to help.
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Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

Don't get me wrong. I love the idea of a game client that makes buying, downloading .. bla bla bla ....... Without those it's too early to start promoting your software.
if you read the thread title, the main purpose of this thread is for BETA TESTING invitation.

As for the payment processing: do some good research, because some credit card companies and paypal will completely block your funds if they find out you have something to do with non-christian things
Don't worry mr obvious, Kimochi dev is not a 12 years old elementary student like you claim to be. Not using paypal is common sense in this industry.

Oh, and don't get me wrong, i don't mean to insult you lol.
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Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

if you read the thread title, the main purpose of this thread is for BETA TESTING invitation.

Sorry what? I thought this was a promotion thread for their platform. Excessive masturbation is making me blind I guess.
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

Sorry what? I thought this was a promotion thread for their platform. Excessive masturbation is making me blind I guess.

nah, i think they are just posting it and want to hear feedback to improve, its BETA, so there is really not much for it

a lot to improve, but the idea to have a H Game Steam is awesome, really cool, and it would be a great enviroment for developers to publish and sell their games if it goes well

I think you all know what to add in, what to improve but just let me say out loud my opinions

Yes doing something like Steam (screenshots, video gameplay, demos) is awesome and yeah i think they will inculde it in further versions

Adding Options (Settings, profiles, etc etc) definetly you guys will add it right?

Payment? Go with something that we all can use, or at least a lot of people can use

Last but not least the name is awesome guys :)

P/s: this need to be co-operate worldwide man
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Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

nah, i think they are just posting it and want to hear feedback to improve, its BETA, so there is really not much for it

a lot to improve, but the idea to have a H Game Steam is awesome, really cool, and it would be a great enviroment for developers to publish and sell their games if it goes well

I think you all know what to add in, what to improve but just let me say out loud my opinions

Yes doing something like Steam (screenshots, video gameplay, demos) is awesome and yeah i think they will inculde it in further versions

Adding Options (Settings, profiles, etc etc) definetly you guys will add it right?

Payment? Go with something that we all can use, or at least a lot of people can use

Last but not least the name is awesome guys :)

P/s: this need to be co-operate worldwide man

I'm just waiting for them to get transactions working to get interested
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

erobatan; said:
if you read the thread title, the main purpose of this thread is for BETA TESTING invitation.
Sorry what? I thought this was a promotion thread for their platform. Excessive masturbation is making me blind I guess.

It's essentially both. The client has currently come out of a rebuild, but we're still in an early beta, and we're always looking for feedback and suggestions as to what would make the user experience the most satisfying for the user. However, we need to promote a little bit to amass a small community that will give that feedback, as well as work with the staff.

fagballs; said:
As for the payment processing: do some good research, because some credit card companies and paypal will completely block your funds if they find out you have something to do with non-christian things.

Payment processing is definitely an issue, but its a bridge that we'll cross when we come to it. The staff at Kimochi is already well aware of the problem with using third parties for transaction. Paypal is already an obviously bad choice, as they take both a flat and percent cut, and it wouldn't work with small time transactions that is the choice of the Developers to set.

fagballs; said:
Without Half Life 2 forcing people to download Steam, there would be no Steam because it was atrocious. It's only by constant improvement and getting the big players (Total War games, Elder Scrolls) do a Steam-only release that they became the huge PC game platform.

The problem with this is the comparison of Eastern and Western games. Steam was successful in employing that tactic, because large games were already an established medium, and the translation between having large eastern games become large western games was already being used.

DLsite is a big competitor for Japanese games. Nutaku brings some of those games over, translated. But nobody is really helping the smalltime developers over here, who haven't struck it big yet.

Our goal at Kimochi isn't necessarily to become the steam of adult gaming. Our aim is to prop up the western adult gaming community as a whole, and to give a tool to both developers and consumers. Kimochi is so that you don't have to go forum to forum, pushing your game.

lkkyo; said:
Yes doing something like Steam (screenshots, video gameplay, demos) is awesome and yeah i think they will inculde it in further versions

Adding Options (Settings, profiles, etc etc) definetly you guys will add it right?

These things are definitely on our list, but take a backseat right now towards getting the client as efficient and loaded with goodies as possible. But they're definitely good suggestions.

Thank you everybody for your feedback! These issues will definitely be brought up and addressed by the Kimochi team.
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

Our goal at Kimochi isn't necessarily to become the steam of adult gaming. Our aim is to prop up the western adult gaming community as a whole, and to give a tool to both developers and consumers. Kimochi is so that you don't have to go forum to forum, pushing your game.

Seriously, as a stated goal, that sucks. I'd be much happier if you said that you were trying to be the Steam of adult gaming, frankly - at least then I know what you're actually trying to achieve, even if it's a completely unrealistic goal!
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Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

So, you solve that problem by adding another forum where you have to push your game?

Seriously, as a stated goal, that sucks. I'd be much happier if you said that you were trying to be the Steam of adult gaming, frankly - at least then I know what you're actually trying to achieve, even if it's a completely unrealistic goal!

I personally find this viewpoint mildly revolting. The forums are not actually required and are mostly geared towards those that WANT forums and for the development of the platform that people will not be required to use the platform to interact with.

If this truly does end up being the Steam of western adult gaming communities then I imagine the Steam UI where I never have to type anything in, or read someone elses opinion if I don't want to.

Also don't get me wrong, it's not you that I find revolting, it's simply the view that the creator's are being a sort of . . . hypocrite because what they want to do they can't fully do yet so they need to rely on something that, in essence, can contradict what they want.

While in Rome, do as the Romans do. While in development, use the required tools for said development. (I know the two analogies don't fit, but they do fit how I feel on the matter so I decided to use them anyhow.)
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

The biggest problem with this whole setup is that the payment processing is basically somewhere between impossible and a nightmare at best. There is almost no payment processor that wants anything to do with porn. I have been looking into this myself for various reasons and the levels of which that are acceptable to the risk management departments of the various places.

I had made an example comic that was used for this particular mail exchange. The person forwarded a message that he received from his risk management team that basically was the following:

"He should be very careful with the wording, since this may be seen as "no control" or "forced"... I agree with you, it seems harmless, but the words make the story here."

The story was a scene where two girls were working out and then one ambushes the other in the shower. I actually thought it would get rejected for being exactly what it was, one girl raping the other. Much to my surprise, it was actually not deemed offensive. However if I were to have worded things differently it would likely have been.

Just that uncertainty alone makes this a nightmare. A company could decide that it was fine one week and then look again and decide it was offensive and take it down the next.
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

I personally find this viewpoint mildly revolting. The forums are not actually required and are mostly geared towards those that WANT forums and for the development of the platform that people will not be required to use the platform to interact with.

That wasn't what I meant. My point was that if the problem being solved by Kimochi was to stop the proliferation of forums in which people had to push stuff, adding another forum to push stuff in is not the solution. The quote I had quoted seemed to me as if Thundra was trying to distance Kimochi from what other people had previously understood as it's selling point.

To be clear - If Kimochi brings additional things to the table, then that's great. Really, it is. But without some kind of unique selling point, I fail to see why Kimochi is in and of itself, special, and not a part of the problem it is trying to solve. And I'm confused as to what that unique selling point is.
Re: Kimochi - the adult games marketplace

A company could decide that it was fine one week and then look again and decide it was offensive and take it down the next.

To be clear, Mastercard and Visa are slowly revising/relaxing their regulations when it comes to specific, well established companies; they might do the same for Kimochi as time goes on.

As for what you said, that's what a contract does; if they say it's ok in October, and you sign a contract, then they either have to break that contract (and you get to take them to court) or they have to grandfather you in.

Now, if it's a LEGAL precedent, and not just the credit card companies being butthurt, then yeah, that's a risk and unstable.