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ACT [KooooN Soft] Shinobi Girl (RJ078162)

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Re: Shinobi Girl

You can never go wrong by inserting a monstergirl into a h-game.
Re: Shinobi Girl

I don't understand how you guys can read through butchered engrish and find these things, haha.
Re: Shinobi Girl

it is REALLY not difficult.
Re: Shinobi Girl

I know it's not, it's just after a couple lines I just don't feel the desire to read through and find the "good" things.

...You guys must be genetically enhanced readers.

You know, back in my day...
Re: Shinobi Girl

Back in your day they didn't know what dates were?
Re: Shinobi Girl

Yep, all we had was the trusty sundial and our laptops.

We also stayed indoors all the time, so dates typically would never happen.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Yep, all we had was the trusty sundial and our laptops.

We also stayed indoors all the time, so dates typically would never happen.

What day was it yesterday?

"Yesserday? Whitchoo talkin' boot boy? Go back inside!"
Re: Shinobi Girl

...I love this place. I love it so much. Also a little late but looking at that picture made me remember. Did any one else look at the dog in angel girl and think it looked like it's dick was covered in spikes?
Re: Shinobi Girl

Did any one else look at the dog in angel girl and think it looked like it's dick was covered in spikes?

Wasn't it? o_o I always thought it was, that was the one enemy I avoided on a regular basis out of sheer Squick.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Well yeah I thought it was but I don't know if it was or not. She didn't react any differently to it than anything else in the game though. AKA she didn't seem to get cut up or anything.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Well yeah I thought it was but I don't know if it was or not. She didn't react any differently to it than anything else in the game though. AKA she didn't seem to get cut up or anything.


On a side note :3 .hack//sign fan?
Re: Shinobi Girl

Yeah .Hack//sign is awesome. It also happens to be the only pic I have that fits the avatar restrictions XD
Re: Shinobi Girl

.hack//sign was my first anime ^_^ back when it ran on Toonami nights at midnight. Used to tape the episodes, now I have them all on my computer. It's also basically the only anime I've found where the English dub beat the everloving hell out of the Japanese dub.

Tsukasa and Subaru. Surprise lesbo ending! o.o
Re: Shinobi Girl

I agree with literally everything you just said. including the articles and prepositions. And indeed.

(Side note: (Geez these are becoming commonplace for me.) Just read the chapter 1 Magic girl manga and let me just say. You are amazing. I do a little erotic fiction so far nothing good (or finished). You have officially become my goal. The level of skill I hope to someday attain. That is all.)

(I lied that is not all. I also read the thing about wanting monster ideas that still going? Because if so I have a possible idea.)
Re: Shinobi Girl

Mystic Girl lol...damn I need to work on that more XD college got in the way and I kept roadblocking on it.

But yes, moar monsters are welcome, I only have about four kinds as of yet, counting what's appeared, as I'm trying to not use stuff that has already been used in other LineMarvel games.
Re: Shinobi Girl

I can't draw so do you mind if I just describe the idea?

(I'll just assume yes.)

A bat like creature with a phallic horn on it's head and a tail. Basically tail works like a tentacle and horn works like well a dildo or dick. Could do both at once one in one hole one in the other. It was a spur of the moment idea and don't know whether it will work for you but there you go.
Re: Shinobi Girl


This is kind of what is in my head at this point, unless you'd like to add more to the idea? Size? Reason for attack? Coloring? Habitat?
Re: Shinobi Girl

I could swear i've seen that thing somewhere before...:eek:
Re: Shinobi Girl

Well yeah that is basically my idea...

I will of course be willing to provide the rest you asked about if want me too.

(Once again I'll assume that's a yes because I hate waiting around on forums for answers to questions that don't really need answers.)

Size: A small creature at most a foot long minus tail which should be anywhere from a foot itself to half a foot and the tail should be about half a foot (Maybe grows to a foot when the creature is aroused.). It's wingspan should reach about two feet.

Reason for attack: (Tough one) They're blind and search for mates by smell. and maybe Linae (I did spell that correctly right?) smells like a mate for some reason?

(Hope it's good)

Coloring: Either pure black, gray or brown. Or any mixture of those 3 colors.

Habitat: Dark forests or caves.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Ever been to the (central) Jersey shore, JD? All that wonderful medical waste dumped into the water in the 80s...
The three-eyed fish from The Simpsons is considered a minor mutation in Belmar.
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