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ACT [KooooN Soft] Witch Girl (RJ122605)

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Demon Girl
Mar 25, 2012
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Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

I've heard stories in the past where owners of 'hentai-archive sites' (that totally just do it for profit) basically just hijack files on forums like ours, DMCA the origanal links, and upload it to their own sites for their own gain. In other words, they take creds for work other people do.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 29, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

Okay. Right. So. Mega links were nuked too. Great. Fuck.

Sooo, here's a new, unrelated link, to the .rar file "Totally Not WG 2.20 Uncensored," as it is totally not an uncensored version of WG 2.20.

Just in case anybody wants this file that is most certainly NOT uncensored WG 2.20, here's the link:

This concludes our totally legal broadcast. Other things that are not WG to come in the future.



Jungle Girl
Oct 4, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

I've heard stories in the past where owners of 'hentai-archive sites' (that totally just do it for profit) basically just hijack files on forums like ours, DMCA the origanal links, and upload it to their own sites for their own gain. In other words, they take creds for work other people do.
It really pains me to acknowledge that in any given forums there is always an @$$holes and d!6khe@ds who always want some attentions and credits. Some are blatant liars and thieves who are willing to plunder the other's achievements as their own and some are just frustrated mama's boys who cant get enough attentions.


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 27, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

I believe their content detection process is automatic so it's not necessarily a work of some evil genius. I also believe you may dodge the automatic detection by adding a password to the archive (renaming the file so it doesn't contain the actual game name also wouldn't hurt).

Disclaimer: I don't know jack about how the modern file hosters work but that's how it worked back in the days of MU :D Don't shoot the messenger.


Tentacle Monster
May 5, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

I believe their content detection process is automatic so it's not necessarily a work of some evil genius. I also believe you may dodge the automatic detection by adding a password to the archive (renaming the file so it doesn't contain the actual game name also wouldn't hurt).

Disclaimer: I don't know jack about how the modern file hosters work but that's how it worked back in the days of MU :D Don't shoot the messenger.
It is highly possible, but JN has uncen'ed this game quite a few times in the past without problems. The fact that both Google drive and megaupload beginning to nuke the files at the same time is what makes it suspicious.


Demon Girl Master
Jun 2, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

Slowly I feel that I'm to blame for ... maybe. Since I recklessly highly with much taraa announced of my MsLittleChocolate and obviously postet a mega-Link on my first post, where I couldn't post url's yet, thus it was a modified url which could be accessed easily from outsiders. And soon after I got the message that BOTH of my links were turned down.


Demon Girl
Mar 25, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

I believe their content detection process is automatic so it's not necessarily a work of some evil genius. I also believe you may dodge the automatic detection by adding a password to the archive (renaming the file so it doesn't contain the actual game name also wouldn't hurt).

Disclaimer: I don't know jack about how the modern file hosters work but that's how it worked back in the days of MU :D Don't shoot the messenger.
It is highly possible, but JN has uncen'ed this game quite a few times in the past without problems. The fact that both Google drive and megaupload beginning to nuke the files at the same time is what makes it suspicious.
JN could test that theory, right? If he uploads the game to Mega or Drive without sharing the link and waits to see what happens, he could determine whether the enemy is man or machine. If nothing happens it has to be someone on the forum.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 29, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

So, update.

Mega is no longer loading. As in I can't even access the website at the moment. I tried to access it through a few proxies without luck, so I know it's their fault, not a DMCA claim or ban or whatever, so that's that.

Google is still dead to me.

Thus, I have created a dropbox, and will do business through them from now on.

Few new things before I post a new link, however:

1. I am now naming the files something less specific to deter bots.

2. I am now uploading only in the rar format.

3. All rar files will be password protected from here on out.

4. I am not doing private shares i.e. I won't send PMs with links for a single person.

5. DO NOT SHARE LINKS/PASSWORDS. If I find them elsewhere, I'm deleting the files and changing the passwords. If it gets bad, I'll create a mailing list for the passwords.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

The password is "ULMFJaegerNimrod2015" without quotes.

Let me know if there are problems with downloading/unlocking the rar file.

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Demon Girl Pro
Aug 14, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

Thanks for this. ;)


Jungle Girl
Mar 12, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

I wonder if it's possible to mod this kind of games, adding new clothes, enemies or whatever, or if anyone did it already. It'd be so great to have a community of modders like, idk, SDT, for these side-scrolling games


Demon Girl Master
Jun 2, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

I wonder if it's possible to mod this kind of games, adding new clothes, enemies or whatever, or if anyone did it already. It'd be so great to have a community of modders like, idk, SDT, for these side-scrolling games
I don't know how koooonsoft programmed that game but adding new shapes is imo far more difficult than just only changing the hex-colors. It took even quite some time for myself for a clean hex-color-mod. Additionally, not everybody has the tools to mod such games.

So I guess due to lack of tools and knowledge this game would be only modified by his hex-colors.

Mundane Girl

Jungle Girl
Mar 21, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

file takedown stuff
Edit: deleted what I wrote here because I realized it was a completely moronic non-solution. Creating an IPS of a swf file would effectively be the same thing as making a complete copy of the file (the compression would cause the entire file to be patched). Also, you'd have to make a patch for each file.
possibility of adding content to the game
Like Freunde said it's a pain in the ass to modify the girl. It's not really that difficult to change a single sprite to have different clothing, but the problem is the sheer number of sprites the girl has, drawn from different positions and angles. It would be necessary to change each one for consistency, a very time consuming and unrewarding task.

Replacing enemies with new skins is fairly trivial, like I did with the Mami-Charlotte mod a few pages back. Adding new behavior (spitting fireballs, shooting lasers, etc.) is another story.

I've been toying with the idea of making a thread dedicated to Flash modding, with tutorials on how to do stuff and information for specific games. Maybe in a few days when I have time.
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Demon Girl Master
Jun 2, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

Ah, before I forget it. In the following spoiler you'll find my most updated Hex-Color-List with notes and hints. And as you can see, there are many Hex-Colors which OVERLAP with several other shapes, especially those shapes which you don't want to change simultaneously. Furthermore, there are Hex-Colors which are unique although for the human eye they are not that much different from their parent-/child-color (those Hex-Colors are mostly shadows/highlights of other Hex-Colors).
FFE6CA skin
FFE5CA skin #2
FFCA8E skin shadow
FFF8F0 skin/nipple highlight
FEA794 nipple
FE8267 nipple shadow
FF2020 inner_vagina
FF0F0F inner_vagina #2 (New!)
FF6666 cheeks AND vagina_labia
FF2828 cheeks shadow
C09E94 hair
A06D5F hair shadow
993333 iris_gradient bright AND True-Endboss_eyecloth
150000 iris_gradient dark
FFAD53 armpits
FFB15B armpist #2
FFDAB0 game-over-1_anal half-highlight
FFB059 game-over-2_breast ultra-shadow
FFB766 game-over-5_thigh ultra-shadow

5C4E4B hat AND bra AND skirt
413634 hat shadow AND bra shadow AND skirt shadow
6B5350 stockings AND arm_stockings
4A3937 stockings/arm_stockings shadow
93716C stockings/arm_stockings highlight
492936 hatband
2B171F hatband shadow
2C2423 cloak AND inner_hat
2D2524 cloak #2 (New!)
352D2B cloak #3 (New!)
282120 cloak #3 shadow (New!)
533132 shoes
331E1F shoes shadow
241516 shoes shadow #2
27181A shoes shadow #3
29181A shoes shadow #4
281717 shoes shadow #5
231415 shoes shadow #6
1E1112 shoes shadow #7
824D4E shoes highlight
704243 shoes highlight #2
793758 skirtband
442032 skirtband shadow
F8F9FC skirt_hem AND bra_fringe AND outer_broach highlight AND Police_Officer_Cosplay-Gloves AND PANTSU SHADOW #2
9AA9CB skirt_hem shadow AND bra_fringe shadow AND outer_broach shadow AND Police_Officer_Cosplay-Gloves shadow AND PANTSU SHADOW AND inner_skirt highlight
6F84B5 inner_skirt
778BBB inner_skirt #2
7085B6 inner_skirt #3
768AB8 inner_skirt #4
788CBA inner_skirt #5
7A8DBA inner_skirt #6
__[FFFFFF panties main] (Don't change this globally)
__CCD5E3 Pantsu shadow #3
__D8DDEB Pantsu highlight

FF0F0F broach
FF7777 broach highlight
990000 broach shadow
6A0000 broach ultra-shadow
Edit1: Especially her pantsu is kind of a tough one hex-color.
Edit2: Edited the list, Shapes that are NOT on Ms. LittleWitch are marked in red now. Shapes that are propably unintentioned to change are in orange. Pantsu-Color are in blue.
Edit3: Added few Colors and restructured the definitions for better overview.
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Grim Reaper
Aug 16, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

・ギャラリーにて速度選択に「Orgasm Loop」を追加。


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 29, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

First English version is out, which is ver2.30.

Dropbox has a bandwidth limit that was reached almost immediately, so I'm trying out MEGA again.
The only difference now is that every time a new version comes out, I'll be deleting the older version.

I have uncened it, as per usual.

Here's the link:

The password is the same as last time. Look to my previous post here for the new rules and password.

This version, aside from being translated, has insignificant changes.
A few game-over screen tweaks, the addition of an orgasm-loop option in the gallery.

The .txt files with the FAQ and update history were translated as well, so I included them in the .rar.

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Demon Girl Master
Jul 13, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

First English version is out, which is ver2.30.

Dropbox has a bandwidth limit that was reached almost immediately, so I'm trying out MEGA again.
The only difference now is that every time a new version comes out, I'll be deleting the older version.

I have uncened it, as per usual.

Here's the link:

The password is the same as last time.

This version, aside from being translated, has insignificant changes.
A few game-over screen tweaks, the addition of an orgasm-loop option in the gallery.

The .txt files with the FAQ and update history were translated as well, so I included them in the .rar.

Thank you for the uncen, really appreciate your work!


Demon Girl Master
Jun 2, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

There you go guys. Those eyes were freaking severe to edit.

Miss Golden Eye ==> To Freunde's Doll House

Edit1: Added a screenshot in the Flash Modding Thread from Mundane Girl of my last mod to this game since the game itself doesn't have that much possibility of a change left. It's not because I don't have any creativity anymore! I would gladly continue the modding of my little barbie dress-up game if I could only change more stuff than her color-shapes (Do I sound insane? Do I like barbies?).

So, when in the following hours no major fatal errors occur or colors I've forgotten to change, I'll release the password in this post.

Edit3: First of all, thanks for all the people who are interested in this mod and I appreciate all the feedback I got! I'll try to polish my last project with those statements.
For the sake of Prussia the password is: Hail_Hydra

Have fun.


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Jungle Girl
Mar 16, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Witch Girl (from maker of Shinobi Girl)

Does my eyes deceive me or did he just released an update for Witch Girl ? .-.

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