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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well there's no reason to get it from her when I can give it to you. Besides, it'll be a few minutes before you can talk to Amara. She's in the bathroom doing something that even angels must do," Hazel told Kylie with a giggle before giving her the message. "Everyone said that they're glad you're okay, and Cosimo and Gestalt said to tell you they were proud of the way you handled the stuff on the ship, although they wished you'd told them what you were gonna do and stuff beforehand. But I say piss on that, you got here in one piece, and that's all that matters... and you hurt the bad guys at the same time, a lot. And whilst you're in the Netherworld, there's no need to worry about some abomination and stuff, because the Netherworld has much stronger protections than even I can give you here," Hazel then said, returning Kylie's hug and smiling, looking happy about more than just the fact Kylie was okay and seemed happy enough.

Giselle and Maria came up after that with Giselle hugging Kylie from behind. "Hey... little horsey here wants to go see Hope and the others with us. Is that okay honey?" Giselle said as she hugged Kylie, with Maria blushing red as a beet and looking away.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Excellent, and Bah, I've never shared my plans with them, they're old and stuffy, and Cosimo is a good foster father to me, as in he fusses, nags, and worries to damned much about the more dangerous gambits. Kylie answered, shaking her head and chuckling before turning to look at Giselle and Maria.

Absolutely, and Giselle, tonight pack up, we're headed to Hespera tomorrow because Schedules be damned. she said, shaking her ass a little as she walked for Hazel because the rings around her nipples and clit demanded she do so. Cmon, I wanna see Hope, and I'm sure Hope misses her horsey. she teased, stealing a quick peck on Maria's cheek as she passed.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"They are old and stuffy. But he's acting as much like a father to you as he can, so you can't blame him for worrying about you," Hazel said before heading out towards the shrines, flapping her wings and flying up there to make it up quicker.

"Aye I shall. I can have everything ready by tonight. Tina might be staying here, but maybe not. I dunno yet. Delilah will most likely come with us too, and Palla definitely will because you were gonna get her a new greataxe or something if I recall, and some armor maybe," Giselle said, winking at Kylie.

"Aye, let's go and see Hope and the others. I'll... be miss horsey for them if they want," Maria said, blushing a bit as she spoke, but smiling as well, especially when Kylie kissed her cheek.

With that, the trio headed out, with Maria looking in much higher spirits than before. They made their way over to the alraune village, with Kylie leading the way, passing by the market area along the way where they saw Angela on the way grabbing something at one of the stalls.

After a while they arrived at the village where Hope saw Kylie very soon after arriving and rushed over. "Mommy, we missed you," Hope said when she hugged Kylie, apparently getting better with her words somewhat as she flung out her little tentacles and coiled them about Kylie's shoulders before launching herself up into Kylie's arms in as tight a hug as the little thing could manage.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hello sweet thing! You're talking so well now! I'm so proud! And I missed you too, Have you been taking care of your brothers and sisters? I need hugs from EVERYONE! Kylie cried, squishing little Hope to her chest in a proper hug, before getting on her knees and waiting for the swarm.

And look! Giselle and Maria are here to! Cmon everyone! Where are my favourite trouble makers!
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yes she is talking much better now. She's learning very fast, much faster than she ought to be for her age," Ayane said, coming up right behind Hope along with the rest of the little group of hers, all of whom tackled Kylie to the ground.

They then tackled Giselle and Maria too along with many other little alraune who recognized them all. "Hey there little ones, I'm sorry I haven't been back in a few days. I... your horsey was busy," Maria said, blushing a bit as she called herself horsey for the little ones, all of whom giggled and hugged her tight.

Giselle scooped up the two little reds that were with Hope all the time and sat down next to Kylie, where the trio hugged both of them tight and kissed them on the cheeks. "Hmhm, you little devils are just adorable. We love you so much," Giselle said with a happy smile, any worries about the stuff with Maria and Kylie having vanished from all three of the girls.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie could only laugh as everyone was charged, Kylie scooping everyone up she could for a good hug, only managing to nod at Ayane in response as she rolled around with everyone for a moment before sitting up, looking for the little devils she had all named. Orchid, Maple, Willow, Pino, Lauren, where did you guys go. Ahh, there's 2 of you. Where are the others... Kylie asked herself, picking up tiny plant people to blow raspberries on their bellies until she found the right ones.

Kylie eventually found who she was looking for, everyone perched on her or Giselle. I missed all you guys so much! Getting into lotsa trouble when I'm not here? she asked mischievously, grinning.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The little ones all giggled like mad as Kylie found them all and scooped them up, save one, whom she didn't find. As she sat there looking around for Pino, she suddenly felt something on the back of her neck. Looking back, she'd see Pino peeking out from under Kylie's hair with a grin on her little face. "Mama!" Pino cried and hugged her.

They just looked innocently up at her when she asked if they'd been getting into trouble while she wasn't around. "Aye, yes they have been. Orchid here is an adventurous little devil and tries to sneak off to look into the cabins and tents at those adults in there making love," Ayane said with a smirk as Orchid squirmed down between Kylie's breasts to hide.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as little Pino ambushed her from under her hair, Kylie turning to kiss her on the face before letting her perch on her shoulder. Hello little Pino, sneaky little thing aren't you. Kylie teased, giving her a raspberry because.... well... Pino.

Turning as Ayane addressed her, Kylie grinned, finding the little pink Orchid which wasn't hard, she was hiding in her cleavage, she shook her head. I know you're curious troublemaker, but you'll find out when you're meant to and not before, ok? And why weren't you with all your sisters? You're supposed to take care of eachother, you can't be wandering off without them. Besides, I bet Hope could maybe get to places you couldn't reach cos she has her tentacles already. Kylie chastised, before whispering the last bit as some advice and incentive for Orchid to stay a bit closer to her tiny sisterhood.

Lounging in the grass, Kylie pulled Hope up into her hands, and kissed her all over her face, before turning her to look at Maria. Look! Horsey! Kylie said excitedly, though she threw a slightly apologetic look to Maria, not laughing at her expense. before showering the others in similar affection, all except the little Reds who she traded Giselle for with Pino and Orchid, Willow the blue, Maple and Lauren the reds soon in her lap looking up at her.

Everyone seems so happy and safe. Good job you two. I'm proud, keep looking out for them ok, I know I don't have to worry myself sick with you two dependable little girls helping me. she said proudly, hugging them both.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Sneaky!" Pino said, before giggling at Kylie's actions and tumbling off of Kylie's shoulder and right between her tits on top of Orchid's little butt before Kylie could pick Orchid out of there.

"She snuck around while they were having bath time, so she had to have her bath time alone when we found the little runt," Ayane said with a grin at the little pink alraune as Kylie pulled her from her shirt.

As Kylie whispered the last bit in Orchid's ear, she looked up curiously and nodded to Kylie with a grin. When she pulled Hope up and pointed at Maria and told her there was her horsey, Hope giggled and swung over to Maria, wrapping her little tentacles around the priestess's shoulders and pulling herself over to her with a giggle. Willow yawned as Kylie pulled her into her lap along with Maple and Lauren, who both looked up brightly at Kylie with smiles on their faces.

"Safe. Sis is safe," Maple said with a confident look, pointing to Hope.

Giselle meanwhile rolled around on the ground with the other little ones, a few more coming over to play as well, while Hope had looped her little tentacles around into Maria's robes again. Maria sighed softly and pulled her robes open and simply took them off, guiding Hope's little tentacle tips through her nipple rings. "There sweetie. But don't pull too hard on them now okay, it hurts when you do," Maria said softly to Hope, who was sitting on Maria's head now.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just giggled along with Orchid and Pino, before watching the spectacle that was Hope and Maria, Maria already just getting rid of her robes while Hope too full advantage, Kylie unable to stop her ridiculous grin at the entire situation.

Don't sigh like that Maria, ridiculous as it is, you're not the only one enduring a little tugging right now. And besides, you like it, Hope playing with you. They're just children, not like it's demeaning or anything, and Giselle likes the free show. Kylie quipped, keeping her own little 4 occupied in her lap, well.... 3, Pino was still nestled in her cleavage, her little head showing between her breasts. It was rather comical but it hardly mattered.

So everything's been fine then? Kylie asked Ayane, turning slightly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I know... but it does hurt when my nipple rings get tugged hard, and sometimes Hope doesn't realize her own strength with those little tentacles," Maria said with a smile as she reached up and patted Hope's little head.

"Of course things have been alright Kylie. Do you really think I'm that inept at taking care of the little ones? I've been doing it for years now," Ayane said with a smile, scooping up a couple of random little ones and kissing them on their little cheeks, making them giggle.

Maria meanwhile had knelt down on her knees and leaned down so her hand were on the ground too, where she bucked Hope around on her shoulders a little bit, making the little green alraune giggle like mad as she rode her horsey around Kylie and Giselle.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

O I know ayane, I just worry since I move around so much and you do have a small army of children here to care for. Moreover, this little group here seems to be more of a handful then usual, since they operate as a team. Hope seems to be the capable little ringleader. Kylie said, laughing at Maria's expense as the game of horsey began.

She meanwhile was still trapped by her own rings, easy enough to ignore at times, but occasionally the stray movement would pull a soft gasp from her lips, or she'd have to stop as she shivered. it was it's own kind of depraved fun.

I mean, I've already seen how the little Darkmantles get about, it's all of them, or None of them, they're a little flock of delinquents. she continued, thinking about Wraith in charge, as the oldest and biggest of the floating doom squids.

Soon Feynrial is gonna be overrun by little Alraune riding on the backs of Darkmantles while a swarm of little lamias and drider babies get into all kinds of trouble.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"It may be a small army of little ones yes, but the others help me a lot, and the reds have managed to wrangle the little ones back into the village proper the last few weeks since your first visit here. And it wouldn't be the first time Feynrial was overrun with little ones. The last alraune matriarch here told me about when a time nearly sixty to seventy years ago, when there were a few driders that had come to town and the towns folks were having a festival and insisted on the four of them drinking with them. Well they did, and all the women in town just about ended up bearing a clutch of drider eggs from what she told me. Though I believe she exaggerated a bit and it wasn't nearly all of the women and more like half at most. Anyway, the little ones all hatched and from what she told me it took them nearly a week to round them all up, because they kept crawling off and trying to climb trees and everything," Ayane said, laughing a bit at the story as she kissed the two little alraune she had and set them back down to play.

"Mama! Look! I riding horsey," Hope called to Kylie as Maria bounced her along, looking embarrassed obviously, but also like she was enjoying herself well enough, or the attention the children were all giving her most likely.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie laughed at the story, only imagining the chaos that would have been, remembering the first army of little driders she'd seen and how tired and stressed their mother had been over just one of the little ones being adventurous. She could only imagine what 20 times that many children would be like.

As Hope called to her, Kylie smiled and waved. Yes you are Little One, just remember to be nice to Maria for letting you play with her. Thank her. Kylie said, smiling at Maria before Pino found one of her own nipple rings in her shirt and Kylie had to fish her out.

Now little one, those are not for playing with. she said, chuckling before sending Pino and Orchid off to play, little Willow just curled up in her lap looking like she wanted a nap.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Pino noticed one of Kylie nipple rings and reached for it to give it a little tug before Kylie pulled her off, giggling a little bit as she was pulled up. Hope meanwhile was giggling madly as Maria let the little thing ride her around. "Okay mama. Thank you horsey," Hope said, hugging the back of Maria's neck, which made Maria smile.

Willow did indeed curl up in Kylie's lap after yawning and took herself a nap, her little face laying up against Kylie's stomach for a pillow. Pino and Orchid ran off with Lauren and Maple after Kylie pulled Pino away from her nipple rings, the two giggling as they went. Hope meanwhile was still riding Maria around as her horsey until she tugged a little too hard on the priestess's nipple rings and made her yelp in pain.

"O-Ouch Hope... no no, that hurts when you pull that hard honey," Maria said to Hope over her shoulder, scolding her a little.

"I'm sowwy horsey," Hope said, loosening her tentacles pull on the rings.

"Just don't pull that hard okay sweetie. And my name is Maria, not horsey," Maria told Hope with a softer look.

"No, you horsey," Hope said, shaking her little head and denying such names.

"No, I'm Maria," the priestess said, trying to get through to Hope.

"Nooo, you my horsey, not Mawia," Hope said, being difficult, though even Maria was having a hard time keeping a straight face from the looks of it, a grin forming on her face, while Giselle was already laying back laughing at the whole exchange.

"Okay honey, I'm your horsey named Maria. How about that," Maria said, looking confident that she'd tricked Hope into calling her Maria instead of horsey.

Hope looked at her for a few moments and seemed to be thinking it over before she smiled brightly and nodded her little head. "Okay horsey, Hope names you Mawia," Hope said finally after a good 15 to 20 seconds of thinking it over.

This was the final nail in Giselle's coffin as she began outright cackling from the hilarity of the whole exchange between the two, and Kylie would see Maria hanging her head defeated, but she was laughing now too, unable to hold it back.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

All Kylie could do was facepalm as Hope insisted that Maria was not Maria, Maria was Horsey, shaking her head. Apparently children were like this, and it wasn't surprising, Kylie had figured out after her second meeting with the child that Hope was stubborn in just the right way.

Peaking through her fingers at the unfolding scene, Giselle wasn't the only one laughing through the exchange, Kylie was quietly sniggering behind her hand at the insanity of it while Willow napped in her lap, Kylie more then happy to have the little blue asleep in her lap. She had a snuggle buddy.

The other two had gone off exploring as a team, with their ever vigilant tiny bodyguard reds Maple and Lauren in tow. They were doing well, and would be just fine no matter how much she traveled.

Hope at the very least understood that Mama Kylie had to move around for reasons she may not understand, only that it was how she had always been since they'd met. Most of what they likely remembered was that terrifying night when Giselle and Kylie had done the rescuing.

Stroking Willow's head gently, Kylie watched the insanity and waited for her home to be finished so they could move in. They were on the hill, so it was closer then the village, and the house itself had plenty of natural earth for Hope. It would be lovely. The rings tugged at her more sensitive places, driving the sweet thoughts of the future away with subtle need, making her wince ever so slightly, but continue to cope. It was it's own fun.

Watching Hope and Horsey Mawia continue to play, Kylie eventually gave Maria a break, looking at Hope.

Hooope~~ Come here sweet thing. Mama needs a hug. she said, holding out her arms.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Okay mama, hugs," Hope said, releasing Maria and coiling her tentacles around Kylie's shoulders and pulling herself over to hug her again.

Maria looked a bit relieved at Kylie calling Hope over and took that moment to fix her robes back up in their proper place. Willow yawned and looked up to Kylie and Hope hugging and climbed up to hug Kylie as well, not wanting to be left out, though she still looked tired. While the two of them hugged Kylie, Giselle scooted over and hugged them from the other side, squishing them between both of their breasts, making them giggle like crazy.

"Hey Ayane, would it be possible for us to take them to the beach in Hespera with us tomorrow?" Giselle asked the alraune matriarch while they hugged the two little ones.

"Hmm, with Hope I'm not sure, because she needs to have her roots and stuff, and it's still too early to move her plant. Next summer though, I believe it would be alright," Ayane replied, looking a little worried about letting the little ones go so far away from her and the rest of their people.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yea, it wouldn't be wise to bring them out with us just yet, no matter how much fun they'd have. Kylie said, seconding Ayane while she squished Hope and Willow between her and Giselle, watching them giggle before the hug broke.

As they came apart, Kylie attacked Willow and Hope with her fingers, tickling both of them in her lap for a bit. Once she'd worn out Willow and Hope, she turned to look around at everyone.

Don't worry Giselle, it wont be much longer before the house is done. Besides, I still have that Mine to buy and reopen, you know, that thing I forgot to do in Tear Cove because I'm an airhead.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I know, but I hate leaving them here when they could have so much fun with us. And I'm sure they'd love the beach," Giselle said, scooping up Maple and Lauren as they traipsed past with the other two.

When Kylie tickled Hope and Willow, the two little alraune cackled madly and squirmed around to try and escape, with Hope's little tentacles wriggling around and tickling Kylie's cheeks back. After she finally stopped tickling the both of them, they lay there in her lap, panting like crazy, with Hope's little tentacles laying limply around her across Kylie's lap.

"Heh, well I know of someone you can talk to about getting workers for it to get it bustling again. And he lives in Hespera, so it all works out perfectly that we're going. You just let me worry about the purchasing of the mine itself, I can handle that when we get back," Giselle said, chuckling at Kylie calling herself an airhead as she leaned over and kissed her on the lips, with Maple and Lauren giggling as they were squished against Giselle's breasts.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I know but they can go on the next trip. I'd love to have them along as well, but it'll just have to wait. Kylie answered while she made with the tickles.

When Giselle said she'd handle the mine, Kylie nodded. Alright, you do that part then. There's not too much to worry about regarding it if that's the case. Then we can actually relax in Hespera for a bit. I mean, I still have business there, but it wont take long. I'm trying to remember if we had anything else important to do here today, but I think it was just to check in on Alan and refill the arrow supply. Which is annoying, now that we've made the decision to leave for Hespera early.... I kinda wanna just go..... Kylie continued, tilting her head left and right while the children recovered.

I'm also antsy for them to finish the damned house....... But I did make it a bit.... extravagantly ridiculously large....

Kylie sighed, and slumped a bit before sticking Hope up on her shoulder, and little Willow up on top of her head so the lazy little blue could just flop up there like a hat with eyes and not have to walk around before standing.

Sooo.... what do...