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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hey, everyone has limits Kylie. Even the gods have limits to what they can and can't do with some things," Maria replied, though she didn't seem like she was wanting to argue her point and simply giving her own views in return.

"Well please do take precautions Kylie. I would hate to see you hurt yourself just when you got back and are now free from the pregnancy," Delilah said, indeed giving a bit of a glare at Kylie, but more that of a worried big sister who cared for her little sister.

Maria got out right after Kylie did and helped her to dry off, and asking for a bit of help herself to dry her back off and get her hair wrapped up with a large towel. Delilah remained in the bath a bit longer, telling them to head on out when they felt like it and she'd be out shortly. Once the pair had dried off, with Maria getting her long black hair brushed out, they headed for the kitchen, where Maria grabbed an orange from the fruit bowl and peeled the skin off to munch on the fruit while she got out some bread and stuff from the house's magical fridge of sorts that was connected to the pantry.

"Want a sandwich? And if so what kind? They've got some sliced ham in here and pulled pork and beef both. We had a bit of a barbecue a couple of days ago before you got back," Maria asked while she got the stuff out she was going to eat, which was some of the pulled pork, and she'd grabbed a jar of barbecue sauce too.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Nope, Nope, annnnnd Nope. No meat. Had enough meat lately. She immediately answered, Maria turning to see her juggling several oranges and apples just for the hell of it before snatching one out of the air with her teeth and then plating the fruit up before flipping a knife onto the plate as well and humming happily as she sat down to eat like a howler monkey.

Everything was neatly and efficiently sliced, and then devoured, slowly, carefully... lovingly, like some kind of guilty indulgence.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"M'kay, suit yourself... more for me then. Hey do me a favor too and cut up an apple for me if you don't mind while I get my sandwich fixed up," Maria said with a shrug of her shoulders, looking amused at Kylie's juggling act.

Maria soon had her sandwich fixed and sat down with Kylie, taking the seat next to her and munching her sandwich down and taking the apple chunks Kylie might have cut up for her, though she'd do it herself if Kylie didn't go ahead and do it. Soon thereafter Giselle and Tina returned with smiles on their faces, the suggestions to Brandi obviously having gone well, and Tina came over and grabbed an apple herself to eat while Giselle hugged Kylie and Maria, kissing both on their cheeks.

"Brandi said that would be just fine to do, but that we'd need a bit more wood. I told her what we wanted and she said to draw up something to give her a reference and she'd add it in as best she can in the backyard. Just need to get some more wood though and they'll have to dig it out of course, but I got an idea about that which will move things along quicker. Delilah can help with that in fact, because she knows some earth magics that can help. Plus we won't need a whole bunch of oak wood or anything for it and can used some of the wood more native around here," Giselle said with a confident smile that Delilah could help with digging out the bath.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie diced up the apple as asked, and beamed happily when Giselle wandered back in, leaning into the kiss and nodding as she talked about the bath and the plans.

Swallowing the bite she was chewing, Kylie returned Giselle's kiss properly, long, and hungry, before speaking. So really it's just a question of resources. I already told Brandi to order anything and everything she needed and I'd handle the bill. We have more then enough money. Seriously, it's been hard to make a dent in it, and that's with handing an astral diamond over. If anything, it's something our family should never need to worry about in their lifetime. Do anything you want Love, anything at all. Except the basement. Basement's mine. she said, chuckling as she yanked Giselle down to the table to join them and stood to dish up a simple dish for her fiancé for a change.

There was a pulled pork sandwich thrown together, and then, a bit more of a meal like kylie usually ate. And as odd as it may have seemed to anyone, it was probably more balanced then most people ate ever, containing 2 sliced oranges, a hard boiled egg, and a hunk of coconut, before loading herself up another plate just like Giselle's and eating properly, though Kylie had 4 eggs and no more oranges.

But, lunch first. Then we can go about the rest of today.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"M'kay, I told her that if I didn't come back, to just assume she can tack on whatever else she'd need onto our bill in order to pay for it all. As for the basement, she said that they've already got it dug out, that the rain was good for that at least, since it made it easier to dig through the ground and all. But you can't have the whole entire basement just to yourself, because we need a wine cellar and a food cellar too, so you'll have to live with us coming down there sometimes to get those two things to cook meals with... unless you'd rather have a separate entrance to those two parts that is," Giselle said with a smile, informing Kylie she had already spoken to Brandi about the bathhouse and stuff.

With that, Giselle sat down as instructed by Kylie and waited for her meal to come, with the siren just sitting there watching happily as Kylie worked. "Aye, and thanks love, I appreciate this. Say Kylie.. what's your favorite foods and favorite hobbies, hmm?" Giselle said, asking Kylie about her favorite foods and hobbies while she ate.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hobbies? Never really thought about hobbies before, never had the time, if you weren't training or working... you were sleeping. Other little stuff like drawing was part of the training a bit, memory exercises and stuff, though I enjoyed the drawing more then others. Foods are easy though, it's whatever I have a craving for, it tends to dictate what I eat, though I have favourites for certain things. she said, popping an egg into her mouth and thinking.

I love eggs, thousand ways to cook em, but boiled are my favourite, fried are a close second though, so gooey and delicious hmmm... And Honey. Little quick things, I haven't had a chance to really sit down and eat slowly like I have here in years. she went on, thinking about the question, cos she'd really never considered it before.

If I had to really say, if I want something salty, then probably jerky or pork. If I'm really after red meat then it's lamb, tons of sheep where I came from because of the mountains, tricky to cook right though, mutton is just as good. White meat it's honestly fish, don't really care what kind, fish is just fish, and I always enjoy fish. Protein cravings are like now when I'm after fruit and eggs, though I've never been a fan of milk. What can I say, I'm complicated. I suppose you could just say I'm a fan of strong flavors, curries, eggs, fish, citrus fruits. I like things to stand out when I'm eating, like right now, a hard boiled egg tastes like a hard boiled egg, you can't make it taste like anything else, and nothing else tastes like it. she finally explained, shrugging her shoulders.

But no, I really don't have hobbies, not used to having so much free time. Archery practice I suppose was my favourite training, but it's because it was one of those things I was just good at, and I enjoyed getting even better. I don't really like setting goals, but I love improving, if that makes any sense.

After that, there really wasn't much else to say on that subject, and it probably all made sense to Giselle, who'd been with her almost since she'd arrived here, with Kylie being a little bit of a whirlwind for activity, never really a specific rhyme or reason, just whatever happened at the time, and how eager she was to jump at opportunities, however rude or insane they may have seemed at the time, like her brawl in the streets with Hiro, or the mad jaunt into the jungle literally looking for trouble, just anything to get her blood moving.

What about you though Giselle? You've always been kind of... Go with the flow rather then the troublemaker like me. I know you like to sing, and you have to dance, the way you move with a spear. What things do you like? Kylie asked, starting to polish off her meal, the last egg popped into her mouth as she listened.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle sat there and listened to Kylie answer her questions of what her hobbies and favorite foods are, seemingly taking mental notes for later use from the looks of it. "Hmm... I see. Well I'll bet you I can make a boiled egg taste like something different with a bit of my cooking magic, hmhm," Giselle said when Kylie was done speaking about the food and finished up with her archery being possibly what one might call a hobby.

When asked what she herself liked, Giselle tapped her chin with her index finger a couple of times as she thought about it a bit. "Hmm... well there's plenty of things I like. A couple of my favorite foods are chocolate and limes. Favorite dishes or cooked foods though... probably pulled pork or some of those big fat sausages you grill for meat, and potatoes and corn cooked in any fashion for vegetables," Giselle said, naming off her favorite foods before she leaned over and kissed Kylie on the cheek. "And a couple of my hobbies are... hmhm, sex of course, if you want to call that a hobby, and I like dancing of course and singing, and making new songs. I also like painting though, and gardening too... and I guess I like fishing too of course, it's relaxing just like painting and gardening. Oh, and cooking too of course, almost forgot about that because I do it most every day and all," Giselle went on to say, telling Kylie her hobbies.

"Hmhm, and I like sewing if you can believe it, as well as swimming, climbing, and playing music, I'm actually fairly good with a harp despite what you might think," Tina said from her seat, smirking a bit as she chuckled. "And I love all kinds of meats, but chicken and beef are my favorites, though I do enjoy mutton too when I can get it cooked right, especially lamb chops. As for veggies and fruits, potatoes and carrots for the veggies and apples and lemons for my fruits," she added, giving a small list of her favorite foods and whatnot as she took her last bite of lunch and munched it down.

"I rather like painting myself, and playing music too... you probably haven't seen me do it yet, but I can play a fiddle very well and a ocarina. I also like to maintain weapons, like sharpening swords, tightening bowstrings, that sort of thing, and making weapons too is... just so relaxing to me. I might not look like I'd know how, but I can forge swords, axes, and spears," Maria said from her seat on the other side of Kylie, the priestess obviously happy with talking to Kylie and Giselle and letting them know a few new things about herself. "Foods... well I'm a bit of a fan of icecream when I can get my hands on it, specifically chocolate icecream with marshmallows and walnuts or pecans mixed into it, or some chocolate and vanilla with chunks of cookie dough mixed in. It's just absolutely delicious. Only place on the island you can get those mixes with icecream is Tear Cove though. We can get just plain vanilla or chocolate here of course, and you can mix the two, but everything else you'd have to add yourself. I also like red meat, rare steaks and the like, a bit bloody but still cooked enough to not make a person sick... well a normal person anyway. A vryloka's stomach can accommodate meats that are damn near raw when we need to in an emergency. Some of the vampiric aspects surface in those ways," she went on to say, blushing a tiny bit at her obvious love for icecream.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled at the kiss, beaming as everyone shared all the things, Kylie looking a little disbelieving at Tina. You? Something as delicate as a harp? I figured you'd be playing gigantic drums or something with the way you throw your weight around. Kylie said giggling while Maria went on.

Grinning at her, Kylie just nodded. Ice creams ok, not a big fan of it though, brain freezes. she explained, not a super big fan of actual sweets. She did have a secret soft spot for candied almonds though... None would know her dark secret.

As everyone got their meals down, Kylie headed up to get her pencil. It was her pencil because she'd stolen it from somewhere around town and that made it hers. It also had her teethmarks on it.

Sliding over some paper, Kylie remembered what she had seen at the build site, and sketched out the bath that everyone seemed to want, because they were gonna need a proper bath house with the way everything was going. Getting it properly drawn up, and doing her best to get it to scale no less, Kylie soon had it, as well as a separate segment of the basement set to it's own cellar like entrance. It would be connected in a way to the rest, but there was a second exit to the home which would be useful.

Sliding it to Giselle to make a quick critique on, Kylie added in anything she wanted quickly enough, and then folded it up for her.

There we are. Excuse me if I'm not quite up to waltzing around town just yet. I claim exception due to sore ass. she said, laughing, before leaning back in her chair.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The girls chatted with one another while Kylie left to go get her pencil and some paper, the young human seeing Giselle sitting there with Maria in her lap when she returned. Giselle and Maria watched as Kylie drew the sketch out the bathhouse, fascinated by her drawing skills apparently. "Hmm... this looks pretty good. Maybe add in a small hot tub to relax in when we don't need a full bath or something. Oh and definitely an extra couple of rooms for putting all out towels and stuff in to dry off, and maybe a sauna room if we can manage that," Giselle said as she looked the designs over with a nod, while Maria merely looked them over without really saying much.

"Heh, I can understand that Kylie, don't worry about it. My butt was... um... n-nothing," Maria began saying before blushing shutting her mouth, looking the other way.

"Her poor butt was really sore the day after we tried anal the first time. Poor thing walked all funny the whole day and didn't sit down on her butt until the next day, hmhm," Giselle said with a giggle, petting Maria's head, making the priestess blush deeper yet she looked like she enjoyed the attention.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ha ha. You took it in the tuckus. kylie teased, catfacing as she added in everything but the sauna. They were in a jungle, that was the last thing they needed. But a hot tub sounded nice... And the other rooms were smart.

After she had shrunk down the bath just a little to make the room, Kylie added it all in and declared the creation finished. Complete with stick people and smiley faces in the corner cos pencil.

But Giselle had it now, and she could deliver it while Kylie recovered for at least a day or face the wrath of the sisters. Besides, sore or not, she had a dick to worship late tonight with Maria.

Thinking for a moment, Kylie just flopped on the table. What do?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Y-Yes dammit I did, and my ass hurt for the whole day, because Giselle is just so big, and because my ass is just too tight I guess," Maria said, looking a bit flustered as she spoke as she got heated up at Kylie's teasing.

Giselle shrugged at the taking out the sauna, agreeing that they didn't really need it in the jungle like area they were in. Maria giggled a bit at her stick people drawn on there, but said nothing about it. "I'll take this over to Brandi or better yet her boss Therin. He's the one you met to help design the house," Giselle said, taking the picture for Kylie to take over to Brandi or Therin, whichever she got to first.

"Well... we can play cards or something while she's gone I guess. Or something else if you want, I got free time from the temple today from Amara herself," Maria suggested with a shrug of her shoulders.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ok, see you later love. And yes, Therin was a nice man. Kylie said, smiling as Giselle headed out. When Maria mentioned she had time to kill however, Kylie just turned her head slowly with an evil grin plastered on her face.

Letting me choose? Are you sure that's wise~♫ Kylie coo'd, shooting a glance at tina that was nothing but Nyan.

Turning back to look at Maria, Kylie only grinned wider and dashed away to get her rope, before vanishing into the shadows and stalking her prey
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"W-Wait... n-no not your rope. Please Kylie... don't," Maria pleaded with Kylie, running off after Kylie when she left to get the rope she'd mentioned.

As Maria made the turn to rush up the steps her foot slipped on the rug and she slid past comically as she yelped, but she caught herself on the railing and kept from falling down. "N-No... dammit. C-Come back here," Maria called to Kylie as the young human darted up the steps and out of sight. By the time Maria had caught up to her, Kylie was hiding behind the door and slipped out as Maria burst into the room, the young priestess not seeing her. "I know you're in here Kylie... s-somewhere," Maria said, looking frantically around the room for Kylie.

Kylie could go pretty much wherever she wanted, as Maria seemed to have lost her for now. While Maria was rummaging around in their bedroom for her, Kylie went back downstairs where she saw a sleepy little lamia slithering along and nearly bumped into her as she yawned and rubbed her eyes. She stopped as soon as she noticed Kylie and looked up, where she waved up at Kylie, her little head of blonde hair swaying a bit as she threw her head up to look at Kylie's face. She didn't appear to be able to talk just yet and just waved up at Kylie, apparently fascinated by the young human and what she was doing with the rope, because she was looking curiously at it in Kylie's hands.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mwhahahahaha Kylie cried as she dashed off, managing to get enough distance to retrieve her rope And slip behind the door, swiftly slipping back into the hallway silently and vanishing from Maria's frantic searching while she plotted.

It was less a question of perfect planning, and more she already had a plan that needed knots already formed. Seeing the little Lamia, Kylie smiled and held a finger up to her lip. She COULD get the little Lamia to ambush Maria with all her sisters, but tina would KILL her. No joke, she'd be a dead pervert.

While innocent, she also sincerely doubted they were quite old enough to get the point, still, Kylie scooped her up into her arms and then using the hallway walls as launching points, Kylie shot herself up towards the ceiling, wedging herself in and hiding on the molding. If there were rafters, even better.

Settling herself in, Kylie had the little Lamia sit on her wherever she was comfortable, probably coiling her tail around something to make sure she was good and safe, before Kylie started to tie her knots.

Various slipknots and cinches were swiftly made, the little blonde lamia free to watch, knots were always useful even when you weren't kinky or evil. Never knew when you'd need a block and tackle after all. Still, while she worked, she kept her ears open for Maria's frantic searching, and waited up above for the priestess to walk under her. She had a noose split in half with a tight cinch, that would tighten in one direction, but not loosen, made with several coils to make sure it wouldn't get too tight either in one hand, and the draw cord held in her teeth, her hands free to help her restrain the priestess. She just had to get her wrists behind her and in the loops before she could react...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie pressed her finger to her lips, the little lamia smiled up at her and mimicked the young human. The little lamia gave a little eek when she was scooped up, slithering right between Kylie's breasts for safety when she began climbing up to the ceiling. Maria she could hear had yanked the closet door open with a thump, followed by another thump as you heard her trip over something and yelp as a result.

"Kylie... come on dammit... I don't want to do this," Maria called out into the room, stepping back out while facing back into the room as she stepped slow and cautious, thinking Kylie to still be in the room somewhere from the looks of it. Kylie had a completely open shot to do whatever she was planning from the looks of it, though Maria she knew had quick reflexes, but was easily frightened if her time at the waterfall was any indication.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't miss her chance when she saw it, dropping down carefully, muscles yelling rather loudly at her under the strain of controlling her movements in what was the most pleasant feeling Kylie had felt since she'd been knocked up for her second time. But she needed another opening...

She was just behind her, but she needed the priestesses motions to help her, not hinder her, that meant hands separated and hopefully up in fright. Sliding her leg to give her a head up here slightly around, Kylie cried out a loud BOO! just behind her, though the second she made the sound, she slid around the other side of Maria as she turned, slipping a loop around the arm on her side and immediately moving for the other from behind her before the Priestess could marshal a defense, pulling on the primary rope to snap them behind her and together Wrist to wrist.

Mmm, Yes you do~ At least what lies between your legs does~ Kylie purred into her ear, kissing her neck
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria's hands were both on her hips as she stared into the room, still thinking Kylie to be in there apparently. She didn't seem to notice Kylie dropping down behind her at all, with the little lamia poking her head up from Kylie's cleavage and looking up at her, holding a finger up to her lips again. When Kylie yelled "BOO!" at Maria, the priestess cried out in fright and jumped into the bedroom, though Kylie was on her before she could spin around much and had her left arm behind her.

"N-No... stop... let me go Kylie. No... I don't want it," Maria said as she struggled with Kylie, trying to get free.

Soon enough though Kylie had Maria's other hand behind her and coiled in the rope though before Maria could really squirm free, though not for lack of trying. However when Kylie had gotten Maria's arms both behind her in the rope, the priestess kind of just went weak in her arms, her nipples already hard under her robes yet poking through. "Please Kylie... let me go," Maria mewled as Kylie kissed her neck, a soft moan spilling from her lips.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie had one. Holding the ensnared priestess, she weighed her words against her body's reaction, clicking her tongue as she kissed her neck again, biting her gently. Mmm, You've been fucking my fiancé constantly~ Am I not good enough for you Maria? she asked coyly, her teeth pulling at her ear gently while her free hand moved to her chest, reaching into her robe to run a finger around her hardened nipple, and the ring she knew was hiding there, giving it a soft tug.

I already have your hands~ I can hear your moaning, I bet~... she teased, moving her hand from Maria's breast down her robe to her hips, to slide a finger through her folds, only to come back slick and hot Yes, you're wetter then that waterfall I scared you under when we first met~ This has you excited... she continued whispering, tugging on her earlobe gently again.

Her teasing hand had the side-effect of pulling the belt of Maria's robe loose, causing the garment to open, Kylie guiding it down her arms to her bound wrists, and off her body, before pulling away her bra and tossing it onto the bed. Her wrists were bound, three coils holding each hand trapped and the noose between them cinching snuggly, though Kylie was careful to tie off the noose so it didn't tight further as Maria squirmed and whined in her grip.

Passing the two lengths of Rope between Maria's thighs as she moved in front of her, Kylie hooked a finger into the hem of her panties, and worked them down, the rope sliding over them so they could drop freely to the floor, before she brought both lengths up high in her hands, splitting Maria's slick folds and bringing her up on her toes a little, the hand holding the rope up near Kylie's shoulder, where the assassin leaned on it and grinned.

What should I do with you~
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria gasped and moaned softly as Kylie nibbled on her neck, the priestess's hands clenching and unclenching in an effort to try and either endure Kylie's teasing, or break free... one or the other. "Y-Yes I have been... with Giselle many times in your absence. But I... it just... f-feels so good, I can't stop myself," Maria panted softly when Kylie nibbled on her ear next. "She's tied me down, held me down, had me on top, from behind... gods I've lost count of the different positions she's had me in. But she was always so gentle when I asked her to be. Gods I'm such a slut," Maria then said, shaking her head from side to side as Kylie teased her with a finger circling her left nipple directly against it before she gave a little tug on the ring she had piercing it.

Maria squirmed weakly against Kylie as her hand slid down inside her robes, with Kylie finding Maria was wearing a very skimpy thong underneath her robes. Sure enough there was a wet spot formed over her pussy, drenching her thong all the way through. Maria shuddered as she felt Kylie's fingers trace her lower lips once her hand slid into her thong, moaning softly as her head tilted back onto Kylie's shoulder. "N-No... please Kylie, not in the middle of the day like this," Maria said weakly when Kylie pulled her hand out of her panties, her eyes half lidded as she looked up at Kylie's fingers which were wet with her juices.

Pulling Maria's robes open was an easy enough task for the young assassin, and the rest of her clothing was quickly gone as well, leaving Maria completely naked save for a pair of white silk stockings that came to midway up her thighs, and the garter she had on as well that Kylie only just noticed when her robes were off, which was white to match the stockings. Maria was pretty much putty in Kylie's hands now, her body was flushed pink with arousal and the rope Kylie had slid between her legs was already drenched with her juices. Kylie felt the little blonde lamia slithering up her neck a bit to get up on top of her head to get a better view, reminding Kylie she had a little one in there with her. Maria of course didn't notice and couldn't really do much about it anyway as she stood there on the tips of her toes, seemingly waiting for Kylie to do something.

"W-Whatever you want Kylie... gods my pussy is on fire. Please... j-just make it stop itching so bad," Maria mewled at Kylie, squirming her butt a little and grinding it back against Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie turned her head to regard the little lamia, using her free hand to scoop her off her head and guide her to the floor, shooing her with a motion of her hand and another lip pressed to her finger while Maria literally begged her to do whatever she pleased, if only to reach her peak.

Her attention returned to Maria, tugging on the rope a little to make her jump, before Maria was led to the edge of the bed. Left standing, Kylie set about tying a proper harness onto her, above and below her breasts, between them, lashed around her upper arms, her torso, soon leaving an intricate tortoise shell pattern over her stomach, before tying the rope off to the crotch rope buried in her dripping snatch, every motion certain to tug on it slightly, ensuring Maria was never free of it's teasing embrace, not across her torso, and certainly not between her wet thighs. Once it was all done, Kylie not stopping for anything, she moved to get the toybox, marching Maria back inside if she tried to leave, before closing the door.

Kylie sat on the bed, her legs to either side of Maria, having stripped along the way, her own bare folds on display for the bound priestess while she threaded a collar around her neck, the leather snuggly locked down, before she set the rest of the box aside. Mmm, You can play with me first before I decide if I make the itch go away, but I bet if you try yourself, using that rope, you can make it stop yourself~ she teased, guiding Maria's head between her thighs.