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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The little blonde lamia pulled her hand up to her mouth again and mimicked Kylie's finger over her lips as she was set down, still smiling and most likely not truly understanding just what was going on. Once the little lamia was gone, having slithered down the steps and away from the bedroom, Kylie had Maria all to herself. As soon as Kylie gave a little tug on the crotch rope, Maria jumped a bit and squirmed some more, her cheeks flushing further. Maria moved when Kylie pushed her along to the side of the bed, squirming further as Kylie set about putting her ropes into a proper harness around Maria.

Soon enough she had her ropes around Maria and moved to the toy box, and as predicted Maria did attempt to make a break for it, managing to make it out to the top of the steps before Kylie got her and marched her back inside, with Delilah noticing her and raising an eyebrow as she smirked. "Don't be too mean Kylie, she's still not very experienced remember, and make sure to shut the door, don't want any of the kids peeking in there," was all Delilah said to Kylie when she looked at the two, shrugging her shoulders at Maria's pleading look in her eyes.

When Kylie sat on the bed and spoke to her again after slipping the collar and leash she'd found in her box onto the priestess, Maria groaned a bit, her voice sounding a bit pitiful to Kylie. She did as ordered though and knelt in front of Kylie, tears of shame and embarrassment in her eyes. Kylie soon felt Maria's tongue licking her own moist cunny, her tongue delving inside and licking Kylie all but perfectly and bringing Kylie much pleasure. Maria's tongue swirled around inside of Kylie's pussy, licking every sensitive spot she could get at, pulling back a little every few seconds to lick across Kylie's sensitive clit and nibble on it slightly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded at Delilah, remembering to take it just a little easy on Maria but that certainly didn't stop her from enjoying having her cunny lapped at, though she noted Maria's tears even as she moaned, rolling her hips. Nearing her first peak, Kylie stopped her and lifted her chin to look into her eyes.

Is this really so shameful for you? Bringing pleasure to another while being pleasured yourself? With just a little prodding you told me to do whatever I pleased as long as you reached the pleasure you wanted. Tug on your arms, feel that pleasure, it's so easy, I already gave it to you. she said, running a hand through Maria's hair even as a thumb wiped away a tear and guided her back to her folds, letting her hear her own pleasure as she moaned loudly, rolling her hips for Maria as the priestess proved she was very good with her tongue indeed.

Again, just short of her peak, Kylie panting openly with lust, she stopped Maria and spoke again.

is your pride so important to you? Even here? Have you not realized the truth? Here? in this house, no one judges you. Even Palla who thought herself Weak for giving in to her bodies desires, quickly caught on that there was no shame in this. she said gently, still somehow turning this into a lesson for the priestess, rather then shameful abuse.

This time, Kylie let her continue until she came, loudly crying out in bliss for Maria to bask in, the sound, the taste, the feeling of Kylie's flesh before her flexing and tensing under her touch. Kylie's pleasure was her doing, not something Kylie had taken from her. She'd told her to do it, surely, but there was nothing she possessed here that could ever truly force Maria to use her tongue, the half vampire had teeth, and likely an impressive Jaw, she could bite her thigh, drain her into unconsciousness at a whim.

Why do you always let such tiny things get in your way? she asked, Maria truly not understanding anything fully. Thinking herself a shameful creature for being a slut, she'd heard how Maria had all but Spat the word. Doesn't your training teach your mind and body to be one? You cannot force your body with your mind, but surely you realize the Body can Force the Mind. So which should be obeyed? You can suppress hunger, until you die from starvation, and accomplish Nothing. Or you can eat, and with your body at ease, free your mind to more important tasks. This is no different, the body always beats the mind Maria, so stop fighting your body, it is a fight you will always lose, a fight every person on this earth loses. she whispered, stroking Maria's face again, lovingly, gently, removing her tears.

The only real shame here, is that you let trivial concerns keep you from learning, you're not powerless without your hands, you could have fought me off with your legs, with your martial arts that I know are in your possession, shown me real resistance rather then words that didn't match your bodies desire, and you know full well I'd have relented. I'm not some monster, I'm a waif of a girl fresh from a pregnancy who you've handily beaten before. I'd like to believe it's your own concerns and self loathing that you have for a reason I don't understand, that keep you from enjoying yourself, rather then a simple distaste for me. Decide on that, really think on it. I'm sure Giselle will free you, she's obviously more to your liking. Kylie said, hurt and a bit confused, standing up and pulling away the collar, before moving to her stuff, pulling out her hunting knife, and throwing it point down into the floor near Maria, before redressing, rearming, Fully, Rearming, and leaving Maria to think on her words as she left, straightening her gauntlets as she headed out of the house in a foul mood, aiming straight for the jungle, already applying viper venom to several of her arrows.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria did squirm her hips despite the tears in her eyes, trying to get some pleasure for herself as she licked Kylie's pussy, tasting her juices. When Kylie lifted Maria's chin to have her look up at her, there was still a bit of shame and embarrassment, but that was starting to fade for lust and a tiny bit of joy Kylie would notice.

As Kylie spoke, she would see shame forming in Maria's eyes and on her face again, but not in the same way she had been before, now it was shame for making Kylie feel bad about her tears before. "Please don't leave me alone Kylie... I just... I'm scared... that I'll lose myself to lust. And I know you're not a monster... I love you, just as much as I love Giselle, because she loves us both. I've never been in a relationship before with even a single person, let alone two at the same time. I just don't want to screw it up and make you or Giselle hate me... o-or think I'm nothing but a slut or a whore. My heart's telling me one thing and my mind another. I just..." Maria said, pleading for Kylie not to leave as she trailed off a little bit as she looked down at her feet and then back up to Kylie, a bit sad for making her feel bad. "Kylie... teach me... please. I... I don't want to you feel bad over me. You're experienced, and I... I'm not. I want to be able to enjoy my time with you and Giselle both, not just one or the other. Teach me to free my mind like you said, so I can enjoy myself too," she added pleadingly, her cheeks flushed pink with arousal and embarrassment, with Kylie's words obviously having the desired effect and making her think as the vryloka girl spill her heart out some as she moved over to Kylie before she could leave and hugging against her as best she could, a pleading look in her eyes for Kylie to stay, not just to help her get off, but to help her learn so she could stop feeling so embarrassed about enjoying herself, to cast away her shame and sense of self loathing for enjoying herself.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie stopped as Maria flopped against her, finally getting the message, but not the point, the assassin sighing with relief. So it wasn't Her, it was a problem Maria had, and it was easily solved.

Turning to face her, Kylie kissed her softly before speaking again. That's easy. That's so easy. Here. she said, snapping up the knife on the floor before cutting the vryloka's hands free, and pulling the harness away.

That heat you have now, hold on to it, let your mind drift to wanting to feel good, to wanting to feel that rush. And then get dressed, and follow me. she said, getting dressed, just as before, and heading downstairs, waiting for the priestess.

Once together, Kylie would put a finger up to her lips, silencing her with the simple gesture and her eyes, and leading her outside, and then to the Temple. Anyone in her way was Ignored, or Moved. And once inside the temple, she whistled sharply for everyone, before retrieving a wooden katana for both herself, and Maria, tossing the weapon to the priestess.

Strip, down to nothing. she said in the courtyard, ignoring everyone around them. And my friends, Hazel, Amara, Yuki, whoever is here, watch intently, let nothing escape your gaze. Maria, you said you're afraid of losing yourself. Let me show you just how far from the truth that fear is. she said, stripping herself and not paying anyone onlooking, friend or stranger, any mind. Hefting the odd weapon, to her anyway, and placing both hands on the hilt, she flew at Maria.

On your Guard! she cried, before her weapon struck Maria's, and the most intense sparring session of Maria's life began
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Just... please don't hate me. I don't know if my heart could take losing you as my friend. I mean sure the other priestesses are my friends too and all. But you're one of my best friends outside the temple," Maria said as Kylie cut her arms free, where she hugged her while she apologized.

When Kylie told her to get dressed and to follow her downstairs, Maria nodded and did so, a bit slowly, but then she did just have a crotch rope digging into her. Maria was down with her only a minute later, tying her robes as she came down the steps. Tina and Selara were both playing with the little lamias in the living room Kylie would notice as she and Maria headed out, while none of the others were in there to speak to them or stop them from leaving. Maria began to say something else but simply nodded when Kylie gestured for her to be quiet and follow.

They made their way over to the temple quickly enough without any interference and Maria did ask where they were going once, but when Kylie gave no answer she didn't ask again and simply followed. Once there, the only one in the courtyard out front was Ilyana, who was sweeping the path clean of leaves and whatnot. She waved at them when she noticed them, and when Kylie went on inside and whistled for the priestesses, all but one came out to see who was whistling, and that one was Kagome, who was apparently out right now doing something.

Maria blushed when told to strip, hugging herself slightly for a few moments before sighing softly as she closed her eyes, where she then did so, looking much more calm now as her robes fell to the ground, catching the wooden katana when Kylie tossed it to her. Maria was nearly caught completely by surprise when Kylie darted at her and attacked after dropping her own clothing down, the two going at it intensely. The sparring went on and on, back and forth, with Maria barely dodging to the side and Kylie ducking and flipping nimbly over or under Maria's sword strikes. All but Kagome were there watching, with Maria not worrying at all about her nakedness while she and Kylie were going at it.

The sparring match dragged on for nearly 10 full minutes with the two vying for supremacy over the other, and when the two were completely out of breath, their chests heaving as they panted madly, Maria charged at Kylie one final time as Kylie answered her charge with one herself. Kylie would be ready to strike, but as Maria charge at her, she saw a look of pure joy on Maria's face, freedom almost it seemed as tears of joy streamed down her face, and just before they swung their wooden blades, Maria dropped hers and dove at Kylie in an attempt to tackle hug her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie found, much to her surprise, that she was able to match Maria with a mix of agility, and a long blade to match the vryloka's own, wondering if that had made such a large difference the last time they fought. Still, it was a singular joy to see Maria actually let herself go.

She was hesitant about the order to strip, but sincere enough in taking Kylie's lesson to do so while the others all watched, seeing her bare in a rope harness and moving fluidly in a combative dance to rival even the most complex love making.

10 minutes passed in a blur of motion, dodges, parries, ripostes and outright acrobatics, at least from Kylie who was compensating for her lack of experience with such a sword, before it came to one final charge, and Maria really did let go, throwing her sword away to glomp Kylie rather then declare a winner, Kylie bracing herself as she dropped her own to catch the flying priestess as best she could, hugging her tightly.

When the dust had settled, Kylie would just nuzzle her neck and smile against her. Finally get it now don't you... this... this right here is no different... You worry too much Maria... she said softly, before turning her eyes to the assembled priestesses, catching Hazel's eye particularly, and wondering if the succubus had already figured out what this was all about.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie caught Maria, she was a bit overwhelmed by the sheer weight and the fact that it was flying at her at a fairly good speed, but Maria compensated for that and as soon as Kylie began tipping back, the vryloka girl tilted her body and landed on her back with Kylie on top, the pair landing on a soft bed of moss. Maria hugged Kylie back and nuzzled close, though she was still panting madly in the meantime. "I... I think I get it. The more I worry about it, the worse I'll feel. I don't want to feel bad, I want to enjoy things... life. I've just never truly done any of these things before, and I am a priestess after all, so I've never really thought about them or anything," Maria said as they nuzzled against each other.

Hazel winked at Kylie and smirked a bit, Amara smiled happily as well and bowed her head slightly to Kylie, her wings flapping lightly. The others all for the most part seemed a bit unsure of what was really going on save Ilyana who just smiled and walked away to go finish her chores. "Now you two kiss already and go have some fun," Hazel said before winking at Kylie again, where she giggled that giggle of hers and walked away as well, leading Aya and the others who obviously didn't understand what exactly had just happened and why they were watching that.

"Kylie... I'm still wearing that harness aren't I?" Maria asked idly, blushing a bit before taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "You know what... oh well, I don't mind. Because I trust you... and I trust you won't do anything that would really hurt my feelings," she went on to say, looking much more at ease now than she had earlier, finally putting her trust in Kylie as she hugged her close again.

"But I do want to cum now dammit... I've been holding this itch in for a while now and dammit it needs some fucking scratching. Now make me cum... hard... come on," Maria said after a few moments, kissing Kylie on the lips and rolling over to try and get up, where if allowed to she would take Kylie's hand and rush back to the house, a smile on her face, and her robes left behind without a care in the world as her breasts bounced beautifully for anyone passing by to see.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hazel, Ilyana, and Amara understood what this was about, what this lesson was, and really it was more about Maria not feeling constrained by her joys, and to treat this like she did learning in anything else. Thinking too much only made things so much worse.

Freed from her worries and doubts though, she demanded Kylie finish what she'd started, Kylie laughing as she was dragged up and almost dragged away, before grabbing all their things, her robes included in a large pile in her arms and making the made streak back to the house, then up the stairs, then into the bedroom.

Kylie stopped however once the door was closed, and hooked a finger into maria's harness. The bindings on her wrists had made it much tighter, which was why she could move and only be slightly reminded. A slight twist on a knot brought it back to full bear, bringing the twin lines harshly between her folds and giving her a real burst of pleasure. But now Maria wouldn't fight her so damned much and there were other things she could play with, and the first thing she grabbed was something that was likely Tina's, and something Maria had probably never seen before.

It resembled a large, slender, leather bag with laces up most of it's surface on one side, and not brooking an argument, Kylie slid the very base, actually a hardened leather ball, up over Maria's hands behind her, the structure forcing her hands to close into mists, before she pulled the bag farther up her arms, and tightened the single strap there around her wrists. Then it was a simple matter of replacing her collar, and using twin clasps at the top to snap it in place, the leather full ascending her arms to her shoulders, while Kylie took her time pulling the laces tight, and sealing her arms within the armbinder. Maria free to enjoy the crotch rope now properly tormenting her again.

Rope could be slipped, knots pulled, but this evil contraption, once on, was inescapable without help, and Kylie delighted in putting it on Maria, stealing her hands from her so completely that their use wouldn't even be a question. They also forced her magnificent chest out further then before, Kylie turning her around to kiss her hard, hungrily, her tongue diving between her lips for several long moments, before she drew back.

Now... where were we? she breathed
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Rushing back to the house with Kylie in tow, the pair did get a few stares when they ran through the edge of town on their way back to their bedroom, with Maria not paying any mind and acting as if she were dressed, likely thinking she was possibly. Once inside, they got upstairs and Maria shut the door behind them, where Kylie hooked her finger in the rope harness still around Maria, with Maria pulling Kylie up against her as much as she could while her wrists were bound once again tightly. Maria bit her bottom lip a bit, her cheeks flushed pink with arousal and only a tiny bit of embarrassment, though that tiny bit of embarrassment vanished when Kylie gave a slight twist of the knot and Maria let out a moan as her knees went weak from the burst of pleasure that shot through her.

"O-Oh gods... that was intense. But... can I ask you one thing before we go any further Kylie? Just... please don't leave me all tied up like this, it's not so much embarrassment, though there is a bit still, but I... just don't want to be alone when I'm like this. I want someone I know won't let anything bad happen to me with me... okay," Maria said as she leaned heavily against Kylie from that first crotch rope tug.

Maria did squirm a good bit, but she didn't try to really break free from Kylie any longer, and when Kylie returned with the new toys she had gotten, she'd see Maria was already wiggling her butt back and forth, grinding the crotch rope into her folds as much as she could. When Kylie was done putting the rest of the things on Maria, the vryloka priestess squirmed even more in and obvious attempt to grind the crotch rope more. When she leaned in and kissed Maria, she'd feel Maria's right leg lift up and nimbly wrap around her, the priestess's foot rubbing against Kylie's inner thighs as she kissed back just as hard as Kylie was kissing her, her tongue wrestling with Kylie's and putting up a good fight, though her tongue steered Kylie's away from her fangs so they didn't pierce her tongue.

"I think I had just gotten you to cum... and then... I turned stupid. I would like to make you feel good though while you make me feel good, but kinda hard without my hands. So... probably be good to get on the bed to continue..." Maria said, blushing a bit and averting her eyes slightly from Kylie's. "Unless mistress doesn't want her pet on the bed with her," Maria said softly before looking back up into Kylie's eyes, her blush still present, but it was almost like while she hadn't wanted Kylie to hear her say that, she enjoyed it greatly, and the fact Maria's nipples seemed to perk up even harder when she said it and turned to look back at Kylie was evidence of this.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I wont leave you alone today. Relax Kylie answered to Maria's request even though Maria was now far more receptive to everything, including the rope, the priestess openly sawing her hips against it to pull pleasure, moaning to herself. Once the armbinder was in place however, her efforts doubled, she loved this, and she wanted to cum. If Kylie let her, she could buck against that rope and cum again, and again. But Kylie's ideas didn't stop there.

Finally breaking the kiss, maria said what she did, and her body reacted immediately, the priestess was a naughty little Sub. And her request to please while being pleased made Kylie grin, She'd had an idea already.

She didn't have a cock to plough the priestess with, but Tina had several good sized fake ones for Maria to enjoy, and once more Kylie made good use of her silk thread, and the headboard.

Placing Maria on the bed, she just let the girl roll her hips to her hearts content for now, while she watched Kylie work, looking at Maria, and then the headboard. She had a large dildo set aside, and was setting up a rigging of sorts on the wood of the bed. And before too long she pulled raised the fake cock and placed it's base within the silk rigging, before pulling a pair of cords and locking the toy tightly in place, before further tying it down, leaving it jutting out from the frame. One of Tina's larger toys, but not larger then Giselle certainly. But what had caught Kylie's attention about this one, was the large round bulge at it's base, in order to take it fully, Maria would have to reach it, and then work her hips further back, feeling it widen her ever so slightly bit by bit before it slid home, and that idea of the sounds the priestess would make when she did so made Kylie's hair stand on end. Still, she didn't explain herself just yet.

Taking the time to lube up the toy liberally, she clipped a leash to the ring at the bottom of Maria's armbinder, and threaded it over, and then through the headboard, laying down, her own head underneath the anchored toy, and she'd done her guesswork well, it was just about the perfect height as Maria was slowly drawn backwards towards it. The armbinder put her hands just above her ass, so Kylie was quite literally pulling her dripping slit directly towards it.

Watching the priestess slowly work herself backwards on her knees as she got closer, Kylie grinned. Lean down and go back to lapping at my flower, Pet, so I can enjoy you, while you enjoy. she said, watching Maria lean down slowly, carefully, her knees to either side of Kylie, the slick toy just at her entrance, before Kylie gave another tug on the leash, and brought her back another inch, the toy pressing into her. If she was going to reach Kylie's slit with her tongue, she'd have to take more.

Cmon~ You can do it. she teased, watching the head of the toy push the crotchrope to the side, sliding into her as she worked further back onto it. Once there, Kylie tied the leash off, only leaving enough slack for Maria to fuck herself on the toy, but not enough to pull herself off it completely, her head nestled between Kylie's legs, chest laying across her stomach. There's a good pet~ Kylie moaned.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Instead of answering Kylie, Maria moaned aloud, her hips grinding as much as possible to bring herself to climax. Kylie had ample time to get her new toy into place as Maria didn't seem to want to stop her or anything. As Kylie looked around through the toy box, she did indeed find one to her liking, having a sort of knot at its base similar to that of a wolfs dick, yet different enough that it looked more like a humans for the most part. It was flesh colored as well, and Kylie found it was a soft sort of silicone like feeling that was firm enough to make it feel just like a real cock. It was likely made using magic of some sort Kylie knew, and while she got it rigged up she'd hear Maria cry aloud as she came her first time of the day.

Maria was barely aware of the leash put onto her wrist bindings to pull her back ever so slightly as Kylie laid down underneath the toy now mounted on the headboard. Kylie pulling on the leash drew Maria back, her hips squirming as she ground the crotch rope some more into her pussy which was so wet she wouldn't need any lube at all on her Kylie saw. "Y-Yes mistress. My pleasure i-is your pleasure," Maria answered like a good girl once she was back enough against the dildo, the young priestess knowing what she'd have to do in order to lick her mistress's pussy.

Maria moaned as she inched herself back, her crotch rope pushed aside as her folds spread open for that nice big thick dildo, the lube on it helping to make it disappear inch by inch inside the horny submissive vryloka. As soon as Maria was in place, Kylie tied the rope off but was nearly distracted from finishing the knot when she felt Maria's tongue delve into her once more before she'd even finished tying the rope. While she was licking Kylie though, Maria's hips were bouncing deliciously back and forth rhythmically onto that dildo, her juices dripping onto Kylie's face as she went. Kylie could see just how tight Maria was as she watched, and she noticed that Maria might be just a little too tight for that knot perhaps, as she kept stopping just as she got her pussy to it, though that didn't stop her from trying at least from the looks of it as she pushed against it with each buck of her hips.

"A-Am I doing a good job mistress?" Maria asked after a couple of minutes, stopping only long enough to speak before going back to licking, her tongue circling Kylie's clit before she suckled on it a bit, nibbling ever so gently with her fangs against it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Good girl~ Kylie moaned out, turned on incredibly by the sight of Maria eagerly working herself back onto the mounted toy in order to follow her command, her rolling tongue soon having Kylie rolling her hips gently in pleasure as she gasped.

Moaning softly with each rolling lick of Maria's hot tongue, Kylie continued to watch Maria sate her own hunger by fucking herself against the only cock available in the room. One of the more interesting toys in her collection, at least it wasn't the one shaped like a tentacle. She'd rather have a real tentacle.

Maria was tight too, despite the eager fucking Giselle had been regularly subjecting her too, but Maria soon had Kylie arching her back in a peak, removing the need to ask if she was doing a good job as Kylie cried out in bliss, her juices running freely as Maria returned dutifully to her task until Kylie told her to stop. And Kylie was in no mood for that at all.

Watching Maria stop just shy of the base, Kylie grinned. It was probably her eagerness that wasn't letting her finish, not letting her fully get the toy within her, which would like send her careening into her own climax. Grasping the leash, when maria reached it again, Kylie would pull it tight, not letting Maria slide forward again, and indeed, drawing her just a little further back, letting it spread her just a tiny bit further, before letting go, repeating this process every few bounces just to hear Maria moan straight into her folds as she felt the cock press into her deeper. Work her wider, let her take just a little more. Bit by tiny bit.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie reached her own climax, Maria kept licking, not giving her even a moments rest from the her tongue as it worked Kylie further. At the height her climax, Kylie felt Maria's lips seal tightly around her clit and began sucking hard on it, driving Kylie wild with ecstasy as she came hard, Maria's tongue licking and teasing her clit while she suckled. Her hips meanwhile were bouncing wildly back against the dildo, and it was obvious she was enjoying it greatly, yet Kylie could tell that Maria wouldn't cum easily without taking the whole thing most likely.

As Kylie began tugging on the leash every few feverish bounces of Maria's hips, Maria pushed back against the nice thick toy a bit more and a bit harder to spread her lower lips a bit further each time. "O-Oh gods no... I... I don't think it'll fit Kylie... I... I mean mistress. It's so big, and I... I don't want it to... stretch me o-out, else I won't be able to... squeeze Giselle as good anymore," Maria panted feverishly after letting out many lewd muffled moans of pleasure against Kylie's pussy.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was thrown through a second peak violently as Maria locked her lips around her clit, tormenting the sensitive little jewel of flesh viciously as Kylie bit down on her lip to stifle the scream that would have torn free from her lungs.

Licking the blood from the slight wound as she shuddered, Maria refusing to give in until she was ordered to, Kylie was on cloud nine, paradise, as the priestess continued to worship at her altar, the assassin finally getting off properly for the first time since she'd been impregnated. She'd needed this.

Though when Maria whined, worried the toy wouldn't fit, Kylie knew full well that it would, and that Maria likely wouldn't hit her peak without feeling it drive fully into her, reaching her true depths to push her to climax. Panting in pleasure, her toes curling as she continued to watch Maria bounce, and her petals spread a little further each time, she could see Maria was close, very close, to swallowing the toy fully into her. Just a little nudge would do it.

We give Birth to watermelon sized children. she panted out, not only will it fit, but you'll recover easily and be as tight as ever. she finished, continuing to aid Maria back onto the toy bit by tiny bit, before Maria rocked her hips back and Kylie got that final tug in, the Priestess slowing for just a moment as she reached the apex of the knot, before her lower lips swallowed it, stretched only to it's full size for the smallest of instances as the toy drove home, Kylie holding her there, locked to the toy as her own clenching cunny ensured she was stuck to it, not giving her the chance to pop it free before she locked around it tightly, likely hitting her peak.

Still, Just to make sure she adjusted without hurting her, Kylie adjusted the knot in the leash she been controlling Maria with to keep her tightly held against the toy, letting her roll her hips against it to feel it shift within her while she was free to clench and squeeze around it all the liked as Kylie hit a third peak herself, shuddering underneath Maria.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Y-You promise... K-Kylie? I... I mean mistress," Maria asked quietly, obviously a bit scared it would hurt because it was simply so big, but she didn't try to break loose and went back to licking Kylie's sopping wet sex, placing her trust in the young human.

It wouldn't take much more coaxing to get Maria to go along with her Kylie would find, and little by little her flower spread a bit further each time she came back onto the large knotted dildo. As Maria's petals spread around the dildo to the largest area of the knotted portion, the young priestess's eyes widened as big as saucers as she stopped obediently licking Kylie's own wet puss, where with another little tug Kylie coaxed her back the rest of the way down onto the toy, where she hilted it inside of her. Maria let out a cry of pleasure as her hips shuddered deliciously above Kylie's face, where Kylie could see every detail of Maria's orgasm as her body trembled in ecstasy above Kylie. Kylie's own orgasm was only a small one this time around, but still a pretty good one, though Maria had stopped licking for a few seconds now which was giving Kylie the chance to cool off slightly while Maria was looking quite blissful as her body twitched over and over.

"O-Oh gods... s-so big. Bigger than Giselle. But... not as good," Maria panted softly as she trembled a little bit more.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Nooo, Giselle is always better then a toy Kylie agreed, making sure to enjoy the show above as Maria rode out her peak hilted to the headrest mounted dong. It had to feel wonderful, having been bashing herself against what could have only felt was half a cock, before finally getting the biggest thing she'd ever taken and taking the rest after so much teasing. Slipping out from under Maria, letting her lay comfortably with her flower filled, ass up, resting, Kylie laid down next to her and kissed her, tongues intertwining again for several long moments as they came down, letting Maria enjoy the feeling of her pussy gripping and rolling along the toy.

Feel better? she teased, grinning from her own spot on the bed, curled up like a cat around the front of Maria so she could look into her face properly. Feeling like she'd given maria enough time however to tighten up around the toy's knot, Kylie moved to untie the leash, giving the Priestess the chance to remove herself, which meant Kylie got to watch her tug and work herself off the toy, likely having to slide back down onto it several times, slowly refucking herself in her attempt to be free of it for however long it took, and if she came, she'd likely have to start all over since she'd clench down hard. All in all, a very fun thing to watch.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie moved around and kissed Maria, the young priestess kissed back, pressing her lips against Kylie's as her cute butt trembled. "Mmm... much better... thank you Kylie. I... I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you earlier," Maria said, apologizing once more as she lay her head down to rest a bit, her chest heaving quite a bit. "Now... you think you can help me out here a little bit... please?" she then asked kindly where Kylie moved to undo the leash she'd rigged up to help tease her with.

Maria grunted a little bit as she pulled herself back up slightly, where she began gently sliding forward, not realizing that the dildo wouldn't come out that easily for her. When she got to the point where it was simply too much to get it out in one go, Maria whimpered, a look of pleasure on her face as her eyes fluttered a bit, which likely delighted Kylie to no end. Maria rocked her hips forward again, trying to force it out. But the poor thing was simply too tight and still clenching much too tightly to manage it, and that coupled with the fact she was pleasuring herself again and again on the thing in the process, she couldn't hold back her moans. She kept going though, trying to relax enough to pull it out, yet she simply couldn't manage it and only refucked herself repeatedly on the thing until after a couple of minutes Maria squealed as she slammed herself back down to the base of the dildo's length, the pleasure apparently getting to be too much and making her cum again.

Maria buried her face in the blankets of the bed, trying to keep from moaning too loud as she continued to try and force herself forward unless Kylie stopped her to prevent her from hurting herself, because as expected, Maria had tightened her back up too much and forced her to restart from scratch.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mmm, Life was good, Maria trapped by her cunny, literally, in a position where she could only fuck herself in her attempts to get away. Just think, if I let you keep trying, you wouldn't even want to get away~♪ she teased, kissing her again, making out with the stuck priestess at her leisure, enjoying her moving hips.

Bit by bit, Maria worked herself into another peak, and only then was Kylie willing to help. Moving behind Maria, Kylie picked up the leash, and drew her all the way back onto the toy, letting her catch her breath completely full. Don't move for a bit. she said, letting her cool off, before pushing her forward to the knot, and just keeping a steady pressure on her hips, the knot working itself free before, with a pop, Maria was free from the toy.

Sadly, she wasn't free of Kylie, who let her get almost completely off, before drawing her back down to the knot again, watching her shudder. Mmm, your cunny wants another go~ But... Be free she teased, finally unclipping the leash and letting the priestess unspear herself from the toy.

As much as Kylie wanted to just Take Maria's place on the bed mounted wonder cock, she couldn't, she knew she was still too tender, but she took her time unbinding maria, putting the toys away with a happy smile on her face.

But yes, no more hysterics, you can just be you, and happy, and not have to worry so much... Buuut. she said, stopping as her hands slid over the harness. We need to do... this. she said, sliding the knot for the harness well out of Maria's reach, up between her shoulderblades. You can get use to wearing that for the day. And let Giselle discover it on her own. Hold still she said, ignoring any protest from the rope harnessed Maria, and reaching for her evil threads of evil.

Looking at the rope curling around her breasts, Kylie tied the thread off to it in several places, before slipping it through her nipple piercings, soon leaving a webwork over her tits connected to the harness. Now every motion would tease her folds, and tug on her nipples. She just felt like being mean today.

And there we go! And, just to make sure you behave. she said, digging around, and maybe just to watch her squirm, Kylie looked at her seriously. Close your eyes. And hold out your hands. Once she did as Mistress told her, she'd pull out a pair of leather mitts. Curling her hands into fists again, Kylie slid the leather mitts over her hands, and, using a main strap on her wrist, set them in place. Once done, she'd take the triangle shaped end hanging free from her closed hands, pull them back down over her closed fingers, to keep them that way, and clipped them to the wrist straps.

She still had full use of her hands, just not... in any way apart from batting at people like a kitten. I suppose it was more accurate to say she had use of her Arms... Still, after that, Kylie would grin evilly, and reach for the thread again, wrapping it around the twin ropes splitting her folds, before looping it through her shiny clit piercing. No movement would be spare her from constant pleasure... And then she would help her get dressed, and announce her free!
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria moaned as Kylie leaned in and kissed her again, her tongue wrestling back with Kylie's until she lost that round. "B-But Kylie... I mean... mistress. Please, I... I don't want it to stretch me all out. I want to be tight for Giselle," Maria whined, wiggling her hips back and forth as she spoke, which only made her moan more thanks to the dildo within her.

After her orgasm, Maria lay there panting, and when Kylie moved to help her, she did as told, though it took her a minute or so to regain the ability to lift her hips back up to do as instructed. When Kylie pulled her up finally, Maria shuddered greatly as the knotted area of the dildo slid out of her pussy with a lewd wet popping sound. However when Kylie teasingly slid her back down against the knot, Maria whimpered and shuddered again as she felt that knot pressing against her again.

"N-No please... it's too big for me... a-and I'm still so sensitive," Maria whimpered and weakly tried to pull her hips away from that big knot again.

As soon as Kylie let her go though, Maria heaved a sigh of relief and fell limply onto the bed. Maria lay there trembling on the bed while Kylie fixed the harness up how she wanted it, where the priestess didn't stop her and only whimpered again, yet didn't look all that displeased with it as she wiggled her hips around a little, where if Kylie looked around at Maria's butt which was sticking in the air a little still, she'd see Maria's pussy was still very wet and her juices were leaking down and slowly trickling down Maria's belly towards her chest because of her position. She was still wet and juicy for more fun and was obviously wanting something else at least from the looks of it, but she was obviously a bit tired after taking such a big knotted dildo like that.

"Aw... I don't wanna wear it all day. Just some of it. But... I'm not... well I'm going to try and not worry so much about it anymore... you're right about that," Maria replied when Kylie mentioned her wearing the thing all day, wriggling weakly in her grasp as she fixed the priestess up.

Maria did put up a bit of a squirming fight with Kylie when she began fixing her nipple rings up with those dreaded horsey threads that the little alraune loved so much. However Maria submitted to Kylie after a minute or so when she tugged on the vryloka's pert nipples. When Kylie finished getting the threads fixed up and told Maria to stick out her hands, Maria blushed a little and did as told. "Okay... here... my mistress," Maria said, holding her hands up as she closed her eyes and making sure to move her arms in a way that didn't shift her body enough to make the nipple threads tug any.

"N-No please mistress... don't tease me that much. I... I'll go crazy if you.... Eek!" Maria began saying when Kylie started sliding another bit of thread down through her small clit piercing and fixing it up to the rest, squirming a bit as soon as it was in place and causing a moan to slip from her lips. Kylie would see Maria purposely squirming her hips and grinding her thighs together to cause more pleasure, the feeling apparently too much for her to handle and getting her to want more.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Perfect. Time to get some clothes on. Something sexy... I know~ Kylie said, leaving Maria to figure out her new mittens and her rampaging need for a dick while she toyed with herself, enjoying her harness and threads from the sound of it.

And if I catch you trying to use your teeth I'll just gag you for the day. she warned her, fetching Maria skirt, which she set about her hips, short, daring, and without any panties to save her. Afterwords, it took her a bit, but she eventually found her a blue blouse to match, looking her up and down, in her harness, stockings, and garters.

There you are, All ready to meet the world! she said approvingly, before she remembered a particular outfit she hadn't worn since her trip, and remembered how it had caused Giselle to pop a tent the moment she saw it, letting Maria watch her slip into her lingerie, and then the black silk following it.

Once they were dressed, Maria in her blue with white stockings, and Kylie in her black with black, she decided Maria probably couldn't move in a straight line without some guidance, and after a little thought, Collared her again, and clipped a proper leash to her, leading her down stairs, listening to her moan with every step.