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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

There are similarities, but I wouldn't call them the same character. Just the hair somewhat and scarf.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I like the boss fight music especially,when the guitar(was it?) kicks in,is it possible for us to get a mp3 for the music?:D
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm not regret bought this awesome game. Great job Kyrieru. I love platformer game, esp when all the enemies is female, regardless of the hero is male or female doesn't matter for me as long as every enemies that defeat you get the prize by raping you. Love that concept.

For difficulty, it is good balance, not too hard but of course not too easy. Sometime frustating, maybe you can prepare a save point before the frustating part (yes, i'm talking about the bouncing spike room or bouncing with spike rotating >.< )

My favourite enemies is the witch girl and Siren, they were very effective and have nice animation. For CG i must say i love the slime, dryad, genie and vampire (i love the corruption part :D )

And i also one who surprise that the loli check point is actually the final boss, very good Kyrieru! Actually chuckle when i see the throne room with her, but never expect that she is the boss there :D Really grest job!

My complaint just like other, it is too short haha... But i really enjoyed it very much! Thanks for the game Kyrieru! I will always support you because your game is great and creative but still reachable price by me :)
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Kyrieru, I think you have to decide if you want to do hentai games or "normal" games in the future. For me, there are basically two extremes regarding hentai games. The first one is where it's all porn and no gameplay - think koooon soft's Angel Girl, Shinobi girl - and the second one is all gameplay and barely any noteworthy sex, like NighmareSphere. Both of your games fall more into the NightmareSphere category. Neat gameplay, but not much porn. The sprites are just too small to see any details, Eroico is way better than Kurovadis in that regard, but still at least I happen to wish for a magnifying glass while watching the porn part of the game.

The problem I see with going that route is that the more of a normal platformer your game is, the more you have to compete with indie developers who do the same kind of thing. Plus, sidescrolling platformers have been done to death, I think. They were popular 20 years ago and really, there is only so much you can do in that genre as a developer and it has already been done over and over again. Well, that's that.

Of course only porn and no game is not what's best, I think. The perfect hentai game would have good gameplay and quality porn. The best of the two extremes, so to speak. It's a game where you can start it up and play for both purposes, gameplay and porn. You can play it because you want to actually play the game and because you want to fap - because that's what porn is used for, hentai games are no exception.

Bottom line: The H-game market is severly lacking. There is much, much more shit out there than in other genres. The customers are starving for new content and even digest all the shit that's out there because there isn't much else for them to go for.

Personal complain would be that I don't like bright and colourful hentai where a cute guy gets raped by cute girls. But that's just me.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Kind of agree with previous post.

I haven't turned on the hentai content yet, I'm trying to master the gameply in itself first, then later maybe I'll go for the hentai, but is not a priority, which is weird becuase it IS a hentai game.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I previously mentioned (probably more than once) about the whole imbalanced gameplay/hentai factor..

Then I took a look at his latest blog entry, mentioning this game does
have more enemies/CG's than kurovadis, so it's not exactly like he's
completely steering away from the land o' milk and honey..

Releasing it before it's even finished though (He says he has yet to add the sprite-rape gallery) is an annoying teaser for a pirate such as myself, and I'm going to wait till the game's REALLY finished before grabbing it and giving it a fair try..

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

i still feel like the gameplay was a let down in comparison to kurovadis
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Can someone link me where Kyrieru get the BGMs becouse i want them so badly...
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Can someone link me where Kyrieru get the BGMs becouse i want them so badly...

I'm pretty sure he composes the music himself? I don't think he really got them from anywhere.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm pretty sure he composes the music himself? I don't think he really got them from anywhere.

Damm them im going need to wait until he release a OST or something =/
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

The minotaur is fucking awesome. Hot girl rapes you with paizuri? Fuck yes.

I do agree with the majority of you about the CG. I was really hoping the fairy and vampire (close seconds to the minotaur for me) CG would be of their actual sex scenes.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I mean, just imagine a game with fluid and engaging gameplay like NightmareSphere had and porn like koooonsoft's stuff. Shit would be cash and I'm sure a game like that would have a giant impact on the market.

I think Kyrieru would be able to pull that off, he has proven he has the talent to do so. Would be one hell of a project, though. But you could release the base game and then expand the game with addons, could be highly profitable, I think.

If such a game was ever released, I think my brain would implode because I couldn't decide between fapping or actually playing the game. Sigh.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

All the people saying that the game is too difficult, for whatever reason, make me QQ for this generation of gamers. This is an easy game, once you learn how sticky your movements are and what you can do with them.

People complaining about the ero have SORT of a point, but sort of NOT a point. The ones complaining about the CGs not reflecting the animation are overlooking the fact that the CG takes place after the original animation finishes, and is sort of the addendum to it all, since you've been waifu'ed by the monster that defeated you. I will agree that some of the animations are a bit sketchy and sort of lazy, but the ones that work, work really well. They're good. They show promise toward the future.

Kyrieru can't really have more ero content as an accompaniment to the gameplay unless he does one of two easy ways of merging:
1) Make the ero content part of the gameplay itself, which gets into BF territory, which is incredibly hard to do correctly and not be super repetitive.
2) Make a hero character, and an accompanying character. That way, you can split the ero content between characters, while still being able to do things while the ero content is going on. You don't find yourself in a bottleneck. It can be hero/erohero, or some even split, or even alternate.

Choice 1 works for certain kinds of games, like RPGs, but it doesn't work too well for platformers... Choice 2 would require more programming, in order to have a follower that keeps up with you, or carries out tasks that you dictate, or takes care of itself while you do tasks switching between them.

Less complaining, more ideaing!
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

i still feel like the gameplay was a let down in comparison to kurovadis
I don't know how you can say that. They are almost 1:1 in terms of gameplay complexity. Where Kurovadis had the jump+roll for environmental mobility and defensive movement in combat, Eroico has more complex environments (dash blocks, wave blocks, switches) for mobility and the ability to block for defense in combat. Where Kurovadis had melee and ranged attacks, Eroico has more melee capabilities in exchange for having a limited ranged attack. Where Kurovadis had a few generic melee enemies, a wealth of stationary ranged attackers, and a few fancy units (cat girls that dive at you, lancers that charge at you, and slimes that bounce at you), Eroico has barely any redundant units at all.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I don't know how you can say that. They are almost 1:1 in terms of gameplay complexity. Where Kurovadis had the jump+roll for environmental mobility and defensive movement in combat, Eroico has more complex environments (dash blocks, wave blocks, switches) for mobility and the ability to block for defense in combat. Where Kurovadis had melee and ranged attacks, Eroico has more melee capabilities in exchange for having a limited ranged attack. Where Kurovadis had a few generic melee enemies, a wealth of stationary ranged attackers, and a few fancy units (cat girls that dive at you, lancers that charge at you, and slimes that bounce at you), Eroico has barely any redundant units at all.

all of kurovadis was fun, not one bit felt unfair and frustrating like this game...at least if he's going to kill us with obstacles he should have the decency to put the tentacles in again
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

all of kurovadis was fun, not one bit felt unfair and frustrating like this game...at least if he's going to kill us with obstacles he should have the decency to put the tentacles in again

The game is SNES level difficult, if you can't beat it that isn't the developers fault, it's your fault for not being good enough at getting a hold of the game mechanics. This game is better made than Kurovadis as far as gameplay goes. It's very solid and responsive, and when I screw up I know it's my bad. I wish that rape would have been a punishment though, seeing as it's actually highly abusable and makes the game a lot easier. Try playing super ghouls and ghosts then come back to this thread and say this game is too hard.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

All the people saying that the game is too difficult, for whatever reason, make me QQ for this generation of gamers. This is an easy game, once you learn how sticky your movements are and what you can do with them.

People complaining about the ero have SORT of a point, but sort of NOT a point. The ones complaining about the CGs not reflecting the animation are overlooking the fact that the CG takes place after the original animation finishes, and is sort of the addendum to it all, since you've been waifu'ed by the monster that defeated you. I will agree that some of the animations are a bit sketchy and sort of lazy, but the ones that work, work really well. They're good. They show promise toward the future.

Kyrieru can't really have more ero content as an accompaniment to the gameplay unless he does one of two easy ways of merging:
1) Make the ero content part of the gameplay itself, which gets into BF territory, which is incredibly hard to do correctly and not be super repetitive.
2) Make a hero character, and an accompanying character. That way, you can split the ero content between characters, while still being able to do things while the ero content is going on. You don't find yourself in a bottleneck. It can be hero/erohero, or some even split, or even alternate.

Choice 1 works for certain kinds of games, like RPGs, but it doesn't work too well for platformers... Choice 2 would require more programming, in order to have a follower that keeps up with you, or carries out tasks that you dictate, or takes care of itself while you do tasks switching between them.

Less complaining, more ideaing!


When it comes to the hentai part in hentai games there are only a few things that really matter.

1.: Sex has to happen in the game, not in some CG galleries or game over pictures. Make porn a part of the game, don't just attach some porn to a game. If porn only happens outside of the actual game, it feels very disconnected and forced.

2.: Quantity and Quality. One doesn't work without the other, you can have lots of crappy sex animations, the sheer number won't change the fact that the content sucks. Having only a few high quality animations is nice and all, but it doesn't change the fact that you only have a few and the customer will be left wanting more. There is only so much time you can spend on the content without getting bored of it. You need a healthy amount of both quality and quantity.

The big question however is if Kyrieru reads the complaints and ideas and if he does, how he uses that feedback.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

The game is SNES level difficult, if you can't beat it that isn't the developers fault, it's your fault for not being good enough at getting a hold of the game mechanics. This game is better made than Kurovadis as far as gameplay goes. It's very solid and responsive, and when I screw up I know it's my bad. I wish that rape would have been a punishment though, seeing as it's actually highly abusable and makes the game a lot easier. Try playing super ghouls and ghosts then come back to this thread and say this game is too hard.

Really i agree with this.. i finished the game in hard and i dont find anything unfair in the difficult, i died a lot but after all you end learning the enemy pat and blablabalba...
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Damm them im going need to wait until he release a OST or something =/

I'd buy it. It might sound a bit silly, but if I'm entirely honest, the Factory music from Kurovadis is in my Top 10 "Best videogame music ever". I have no ideas why I love that song so much. The rest of it was pretty nice on the whole, but the factory song is just on a whole different level of awesome for me.

Anyway, I have Eroico sitting on my desktop since some time but I haven't even tried it yet. I'm honestly kind of dreading starting to play it after reading the comments in this thread :) It took me over 10 tries to beat the demo and Kurovadis took me like 5-6 hours to beat the first time.

Well, I suppose the game won't beat itself so I might as well start it... Considering I'm not a fan of the male protagonist (But that I'm a fan of the gameplay from Kurovadis), I'll say that the Adult Content Off option is going to be very welcome!
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

EDIT: Nevermind, after 30 minutes of playing I passed it.
Too bad the bosses don't have animation's for downed sex. The desert boss was quite nice.
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