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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

That's a good point. Long stretches in between save points can be infuriating.

For example, the spike room segment. Before reaching the spike room, you have to fight enemies and do some hard platforming, especially if you go pick up the upgrade in the bottom part first. Then you have the spike room itself, where you start with some damage taken. You manage to barely pass the spike room, and you hope it's the checkpoint, but nope! You get a very small health regen and you still have more enemies and platforming to do before actually reaching the checkpoint. Dying after the spike room but before the checkpoint could be easily be very infuriating.

I understand the reason to spread checkpoints far appart: It's made so that you can feel genuine relief and joy at reaching them. I personally got lucky in Eroico: I often reached the checkpoints with like 1/8th life left, and I fortunately managed to not die (barely) after the spike room, so it worked for me on the whole... But if I had done even sliiightly worse, I'd probably have been banging my head on the wall in frustration.

Keeping the same difficulty but adding more checkpoints (or at the very least, more health pickups like in stage 3) would probably have reduced the amount of frustration for the players.

I think so too.

A checkpoint before a challenging area would keep the fun intact while avoiding rage-quitting or resorting to cheap tricks (who said: "save file edit"?).
Because the first two times you clear an area before reaching the spike chamber you are wary of the enemies, you study the platforms and carefully plan the path.
Then for the next five attempts you simply slaughter whatever you see shouting: "outamyway you fucking losers!!".
After a dozen of failed attempts you begin enjoying the sight of your character death and you resent the fact that Kyrieru isn't interested in guro because you realize that you hate that idiotic lump of pixel that is not even able to follow your commands... or so you believe.
It's not sane, I tell you.

So, difficult is ok... endless repetition is not.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

If you're really worried about not using your own debit card or credit card or whatever, just buy a small payed credit card and use that.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

The consensus is that Kyrieru is known here. It's okay to pirate from people you don't know, but it isn't okay to pirate someone we do know. It's kind of an "I like watching news where people get shot, but I would hate if my family or friends get shot" sort of thing.

Though, to that effect, it may be a total sign of respect, as it makes Kyrieru our family. And that's nice, because unlike Toonpimp, Kyrieru is tops.

If you want his game ninja style, try using google-fu or something. I know I'll never get this game in full because I never get porn games with my debit card. And I want it Ninja Style, but Kyrieru is really nice and if it were me, I'd like to get something out of my hard work too.

Think the Thieves guild from most TES games sums this up perfectly. Steal from anyone, except those who belong to the thieves guild themselves, Nightingale.

Also, have to agree on the "what" on "liking" although, that was probably just written quickly without much thought as a quick example.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm not even going to bother pointing out where I put the upload, think of it as a limited-time treat for those who aren't too goddamn stupid or just plain unobservant.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

it only $5 and there is a demo out.

I can't even get to the part with the fairy enemies, i guess i suck pretty bad compared to others saying they beat the game in 45 minutes
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Just beat it on hard mode. My thumb feels raw, like it got in a fight with a belt sander and the belt sander was angry. Like it did back when I could beat Castlevania and TMNT on the NES. Feels good, man.

Also Dragongirl is mai waifu.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

This game is fun, but the easy mode is way too hard. I understand if the castlevania fans want a good old fashioned hardcore challenge on hard mode but, there should be some way to clear it easily to get all the content. I can't even reach the first save point.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

It may just be me having done the same levels over and over, but honestly it's not that hard, I don't think. Allow me to share some choice tactics that might help:

The downward attack. I fucking love this thing. You can bounce off enemies heads, and get more air and a higher chance to hit the red bouncy box things. It takes some practice, but it's seriously cheap.

Two: defend. I'm not even joking. The down button is your fucking best friend. I know it's basic, but it saves so much heartache if you're patient with it.

Three: Learning how to use the ranged attack/gun. Realistically, you can do the entire game without upgrades if you get the gun down. I honestly think the final upgrade to the gun is just bringing an ion cannon to a bb gun fight.

Four: abuse the red boxes. Those ranged attacks they give you for free are dirty fighting at it's best.

Hope I was able to help at least one person.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

She barely resembles Laharl at all, but once fans latch onto something there's no stopping it. Mataku...
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

It may just be me having done the same levels over and over, but honestly it's not that hard, I don't think.

Well, it's really subjective, for that kind of games, either you got the skill or you don't. You can learn the patterns and everything, but if you got sucky reflexes and can't stay concentrated when you start losing, you're fucked regardless.
I spent almost an hour on the chained red boxes in level 2 and I thought I was going crazy. Never gave up because quitting the game meant losing all my progression since the last checkpoint, and if I didn't ended up quitting to the the menu accidentally, I would probably have wasted my whole night on it.

Bottom line, the game might not be hard for some people, but when you spend your whole evening on a passage and end up fucking your nerves up on it because you don't know when to quit, believe men, you feel how hard it can be. God, my palm hurt like I stab it with a needle or something. >_>

Not a rant against Kyrieru, I love the game (well, loved, I don't feel like trying that again anytime soon) and my skill level has nothing to do with the game itself. Still think it was well worth the 5$ even if I never see the end of it.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

The consensus is that Kyrieru is known here. It's okay to pirate from people you don't know, but it isn't okay to pirate someone we do know.

That's a scary notion for me, given your example we could stretch it to "I'ts okay to steal real money from..." or "It's okay to kill..." (too extreme I know). I say is not okay but is almost necesary for japanese games, as long as the games are good and the creators are giving you an easy option to get it (Western developers) then we should just spend the 5 or 10 dollars even if it's just to support local talent, or at least that's what i think and usually do, justifying piracy by saying I don't know the guy, screw him, I don't care. It's... scary. I'm an amteur musician and the notion of people getting my stuff just becuase they can and don't care is pretty discouraging, I know that's how the internet works but that doesn't make it right.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm an amteur musician and the notion of people getting my stuff just becuase they can and don't care is pretty discouraging, I know that's how the internet works but that doesn't make it right.

If there's someone out there that thinks your music is worth pirating, there's someone out there that thinks your music is worth paying a reasonable price for it. Pirating is equally proportional to the over-estimation of the value of the product. It's why you see people pirate 60 or 70 dollar games with 8 hours of game value, but will drop a Lincoln on an indie Steam game. I pirate the crap out of stuff, then buy the things I actually like and play.

And contrary to what the triple A gaming industry seems to think about pirates, I have spent a small fortune on stuff over the years. I just don't spend it on the stuff that the triple A douchebards think I should.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Yeah, my biggest problem with the game (even the demo) was how far apart the save points were. I had a really hard time playing, which was fine, except for having to cross like ten screens over and over because I kept getting stuck somewhere. I think having like three lives in a zone would be okay, starting you over at the start of the screen if you die.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Found this

I have died nearly 20000 times but I just made it to the final boss. Now that I know that it can be done I challenge you all to play through the game with your max hp set to 1. Should you choose to accept I wish you luck and godspeed
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

If there's someone out there that thinks your music is worth pirating, there's someone out there that thinks your music is worth paying a reasonable price for it. Pirating is equally proportional to the over-estimation of the value of the product. It's why you see people pirate 60 or 70 dollar games with 8 hours of game value, but will drop a Lincoln on an indie Steam game. I pirate the crap out of stuff, then buy the things I actually like and play.

And contrary to what the triple A gaming industry seems to think about pirates, I have spent a small fortune on stuff over the years. I just don't spend it on the stuff that the triple A douchebards think I should.

The only game I've pirated on my pc that I play all the time and haven't payed for is Skyrim and that's only because this would be my 4th time buying it. As for music. I'll usually pirate music to my pc but end up buying the cds later. I just hate ripping songs onto the computer.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Bought it, beat it, loved it. A good blend of h content and gameplay imo. Has there been any talk of perhaps adding more levels or has kyrieru completely moved on to his next project?
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Bought it, beat it, loved it. A good blend of h content and gameplay imo. Has there been any talk of perhaps adding more levels or has kyrieru completely moved on to his next project?

He's struggling with bugs right now, but I don't think he will add anything more to the final game aside from the enemy gallery.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

This was meant to be a shorter game. Honestly I think it was an experiment. Anyway, I liked the game, especially the monster girls (as STUNNED as I am to see a lack of a naga/lamia/snake lady with all the popularity of Alice from MGQ). I wish there was more in terms of content, but there's only so much a chick could do to rape you I guess. Maybe in time weirder fantasy forms of sex like hairjobs, tonguejobs and nipple fucking can come into play.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Found this

That's not an iron man run. Iron man run would be no save points, no shield, and no refilling or using magic.

Now that's an iron man run.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

This was meant to be a shorter game. Honestly I think it was an experiment. Anyway, I liked the game, especially the monster girls (as STUNNED as I am to see a lack of a naga/lamia/snake lady with all the popularity of Alice from MGQ). I wish there was more in terms of content, but there's only so much a chick could do to rape you I guess. Maybe in time weirder fantasy forms of sex like hairjobs, tonguejobs and nipple fucking can come into play.

Or add in lots of transformations, then the sky is the limit.