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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

So after beating this game I can say that I had doubts about if this game was going to be as good as Kurovadis but I have to say I was blown away by the sprite animations wonderful job Kyrieru!

What part did you find the most difficult? In my opinion it was level 2 and it's strange platforming segments.

Also which monsters were your favorites. I must say I liked all the level 1 monsters, the harpy, mummy, dragon and witch.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Very, very nice!

Plays like a dream, pretty good h-content, good music.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I felt that the music could've been more daring in this game. It seemed sort of... generic?
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I searched the last ~6 pages of posts, so I hope this has not been asked already.

I beat the game on easy, but in the gallery, there is an image between the vampire and final boss that I did not get. I checked the enemies for stage 3, but I don't see that I missed any. Is there something I missed, is this only on a hard win or something?

edit: er, ignore me. forgot the gargoyle
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Holy crap this is hard. I was just going to download the demo so I can buy it right away, but I'm so glad I tested it first.

For the record I have very little interest in yuri/shota, so I mostly got the game just to support kyrieru. But to be honest, I really can't in good conscience pay for something I know I will never get around to beating even on Easy.

Will look forward to the next one I guess. :(
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Holy crap this is hard. I was just going to download the demo so I can buy it right away, but I'm so glad I tested it first.

For the record I have very little interest in yuri/shota, so I mostly got the game just to support kyrieru. But to be honest, I really can't in good conscience pay for something I know I will never get around to beating even on Easy.

Will look forward to the next one I guess. :(

It's much more easy than it seems.
Get close to enemy, block (hold the Down key) or dodge (like jumping over the enemy) its attack, beat it up. Your ranged shot is also really powerful.
Plus, make sure to collect all upgrades, you'll eventually get a ranged weapon that pretty much kills everything onscreen (iirc)

Kurovadis was definitely much more difficult.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

You can also check by hacking the save files to give you a lot more max life.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

For those with a Nico Nico Douga account, you can view a TAS (Tool-assisted speedrun) of the game on sm21370691
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-


Finally finished this game, LoL... Had to go with playing it on easy in the end... like Kurovardis...

Loved it...

On a side note and you can call me crazy but with the 2ND Boss I would have preferred if the Boss didn't just Swap your Sex, but swapped both your sexs so she became male and you became female and then they raped you, I know many would disagree saying it would make it like other games but I just feel it would have been better, sure it's still one of my favourite GoR's as it is, but still thought I'd mention.

BTW I think I'll send youse another $50 Kyrieru, might be less though, Farkin AU$ is not trading as well as last time, I only paid AU$49.97 then, now it's like AU$56... So we'll see.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-


On a side note and you can call me crazy but with the 2ND Boss I would have preferred if the Boss didn't just Swap your Sex, but swapped both your sexs so she became male and you became female and then they raped you, I know many would disagree saying it would make it like other games but I just feel it would have been better, sure it's still one of my favourite GoR's as it is, but still thought I'd mention.

BTW I think I'll send youse another $50 Kyrieru, might be less though, Farkin AU$ is not trading as well as last time, I only paid AU$49.97 then, now it's like AU$56... So we'll see.

Well, the reasoning behind that is that gender swapping a guy into a girl and then having straight sex has never really appealed to me. So that was more or less a way to dabble in the fetish without going against my own preferences.

Also, thanks for the donation, everything is appreciated ^_^
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Not to necro this thread or anything, but I found the game to be fantastic, if a bit on the hard side. Also felt a little bit short unfortunately. Bought it a long while back after you released it out of impulse, and I wasn't disappointed.

I hope to see a sequel some time, if ever.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Not to necro this thread or anything, but I found the game to be fantastic, if a bit on the hard side. Also felt a little bit short unfortunately. Bought it a long while back after you released it out of impulse, and I wasn't disappointed.

I hope to see a sequel some time, if ever.
Games like this are getting drowned out by the ridiculous amount of ryona. There are... a few games like it. Try out RepureAria.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Not to necro this thread or anything, but I found the game to be fantastic, if a bit on the hard side. Also felt a little bit short unfortunately. Bought it a long while back after you released it out of impulse, and I wasn't disappointed.

I hope to see a sequel some time, if ever.
I think I will release a sequel at some point. Or at the very least, another monster girl oriented game set in the same "world" but with a different male protagonist. (and different gameplay)
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I think I will release a sequel at some point. Or at the very least, another monster girl oriented game set in the same "world" but with a different male protagonist. (and different gameplay)

please don't make sex pointless (and actual do damage)

also hentai obstacles, no spikes
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

My biggest complaint with Eroico was the damn slash->jump platforms. There was one section in one of the later stages that was a total pain in the ass because you'd take two or three hits getting to a spot that if you fell you got to start over.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

please don't make sex pointless (and actual do damage)

also hentai obstacles, no spikes

At the risk of getting flak for this.

Dear god no! They just make platforming games annoying and tedious more then spikes do.

Misses jump, get grab. Mash the buttons, wiggle the stick!

Breaks free, tries to run so as to escape....gets grab, Mash the buttons and wiggle the sticks! Which by the way is a lot worse when you get chained locked into these things like in some hentai or hell just games in general.

Just can't stand that crap. Though maybe it's cause I play Kyrieru games as a game first and hentai second. The Nes gamer in me just gets irritated at things like that.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Breaks free, tries to run so as to escape....gets grab,
There was only one enemy in Eroico that actually grabbed you with an attack, though, so this shouldn't really be able to happen >_>
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

My biggest complaint with Eroico was the damn slash->jump platforms. There was one section in one of the later stages that was a total pain in the ass because you'd take two or three hits getting to a spot that if you fell you got to start over.
The game was short so to extend the amount of time you play he made it difficult to a certain extent.

Think about it this way, how happy were you when you got past those sections. How proud of yourself were you with your new skill.

I bet Kyrieru could have made harder levels. He just wanted to challenge you, and IMHO opinion he did a perfect job. I finished the game in less than an hour and know people who took DAYS to beat it. Either way we all really enjoyed the game.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

There was only one enemy in Eroico that actually grabbed you with an attack, though, so this shouldn't really be able to happen >_>

Well I was talking about in general as a reason I don't like massive orgy death pit > Spikes in hentai...or hell any game every where it's a pit of grabs and trying to break free from whatever massive army that grabs you in said pit...so no ">_>"!
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Well I was talking about in general as a reason I don't like massive orgy death pit > Spikes in hentai...or hell any game every where it's a pit of grabs and trying to break free from whatever massive army that grabs you in said pit...so no ">_>"!

Only way I could see an H-pit being better than a spike pit would be either:

A) After you struggle out it automatically tosses you to a nearby safe zone (to avoid the frustration.)

B) It's pretty much game over/lose a life if you fall into it (Iris Action comes to mind with this one.).

Beyond that, yeah, infinite-chain grabs not fun. Regardless of if it's an H-game or not.