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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

This is an interesting conversation I certainly didn't expect to see! I hope you don't mind me weighing in on this.

I did find the H button useful in Eroico/Kurovadis, as it did have an in-game use. Enemies would be attracted to the prone figure, and so it could be used to pull opponents out of positions and take them somewhere to make a fight easier. In that sense, it was adding to the gameplay; I could indirectly make use of the H-scenes for a strategic advantage.

I preferred the non-damage scenes in Eroico to the few damaging scenes in Kurovadis, although that is part of the theme in the games. Kurovadis felt a lot more dangerous thanks to monsters who could literally eat you while you are down, while Eroico felt a bit lighter because they didn't. (And this fit very well with each game!) However, I generally preferred Eroico because it meant I wasn't forced into replaying a stage over again just because I wanted to view a H-scene. Being able to, effectively, take a break in the middle of the stage was nice, and I wasn't stuck with choosing to run through the stage again or watch the scene.

I've also found that games where you take damage from the H-scenes tend to make me want to skip them, as I'm choosing to either get thought the game or view the scene, but can't do both. (Unless the game is incredibly easy, of course.)

Just something to keep in mind, if it helps. Still, I think the theme or mood that it sets is probably the most important part of it.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I don't have a problem with losing health for getting raped in a h-game, but I would like it to be either frontended or backended rather than during it - I'd rather be able to watch the h-animation in peace if I got to that point, whether intentionally or otherwise. This includes everything from other enemies interrupting the animation (unless it's to join in, which is GREAT) to - if sex is lethal - not having the game over screen replace the animation until I OK it.

H-animations that play and then end on their own bother me, because that shit aint fappable unless you can go 0-100 in like 5 seconds. Eroico and that undercover train rape game are good examples of games that I feel do it well; you take damage by getting raped, but once you're in it you have control of when it ends and the animation either loops (Eroico, best option imo) or you can control when you cum and repeat it (undercover, a bit more work but tolerable). Another good example is that shota soccer game, not because I'm into shota, but because the sex animations go on as long as you don't hit the button to go to the next scene - they're still dangerous because you "die" after 3 ejaculations, but if you want to watch a given scene you can just use the level editor to pop in the girl you want, futz around until she gets you down, and watch to your heart's content from there.

The idea of a minigame to get out of rape is fine, but I feel like for people who just want to watch the spritesex they should be able to rather than being immediately forced into said minigame. Galleries are, if even implemented, generally flawed in one way or another; sometimes they aren't voiced, sometimes they require WAY too much input and have downtime between animations (Parasite in City's gallery is fucking terrible, I don't want to watch zombies ambling across the dungeon floor for 10 seconds to watch a fantastic sex animation that ends too fast and leaves me sitting there for another 10+ seconds waiting for the next one), sometimes they're done just right (Shinobi Girl gives plenty of control to player, but also automatically loops). So something like Eroico, where the bar resets after each animaton, is great - you have to "win" to get out of the animation, but if you just want to watch it doesn't interrupt that.

I don't really have an opinion on regenning health during/through sex, that really just depends on the setting. If you're playing as a succubus, sure, that makes sense - if sex involves being brutally tentacle raped, prrrrobably not quite as likely to heal the victim.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I can very much understand the inevitable conflict between wanting to progress through the game to reach later content, and wanting h-scenes that are damaging.

In part its because I prefer the scenarios where there is a real threat of being overwhelmed and subdued by sexual antics versus a "Oh how cute, I guess I'll let him/her have their way a little bit before stomping them."

I think Castle RePure Aria Paradise got a good balance with this. Death was cheap and you'd only get kicked back to the start of the room. (It got even more perverted when you got the contracted that made you immune to enemy bullets). However this would involve sacrificing some of the more rigid, traditional game mechanics so that likely wouldn't be good for Kyrieru's projects.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Yeah, it really depends on the game.

Castle RePure was more of an exploration game, so you were around the same enemies a lot in non-dangerous situations. (Like when backtracking.)

On the other hand, an example of a game where you're meant to be "overwhelmed" is something like, oneshota.


Wait a second...in Japanese wouldn't Repure be pronounced the same as Rapelay?
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Wait a second...in Japanese wouldn't Repure be pronounced the same as Rapelay?

Repure may be pronounced differently since it's written in Romanji, but I think you're right.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Rapelay is actually Reipurei (レイプレイ)
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Like Spastus said,

Rapelay is closer to Reipurei (レイプレイ)
Repure is closer to Ripyua (リピュア)
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I just downloaded the demo for this game but it doesn't work for me, it loads alright and everything but in the main menu I can't select any of the options, any ideas why?? I already tried to run the game as admin but it didn´t work :confused: any help appreciated. (Sorry if my English is bad)
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Do you have a gamepad plugged in? If so, it might be overriding your keyboard inputs, expecting a gamepad to be used. Honestly, I have never had this issue, so I can only guess.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Do you have a gamepad plugged in? If so, it might be overriding your keyboard inputs, expecting a gamepad to be used. Honestly, I have never had this issue, so I can only guess.

it happened to me after emulating a pad for w mission, i had to completely uninstall that driver
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

If you're emulating the pad and it's still registered as a device, you should be able to disable the device instead of having to uninstall it flat out.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Oh, thanks a lot I just had to uninstall vJoy :p.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Well, since i follow Kyrieru's blog i began wondering. Are you still working on Eroico? Since i cannot see any update news anymore except for those hentai animations. It would be a shame if that game would go to waste since it's quite good and, most important, challenging.

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Well, since i follow Kyrieru's blog i began wondering. Are you still working on Eroico? Since i cannot see any update news anymore except for those hentai animations. It would be a shame if that game would go to waste since it's quite good and, most important, challenging.


Eroico was just 1 time thing, Kyrueru doesnt have plans to do another reverse rape platform with a male as protagonist.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Well, since i follow Kyrieru's blog i began wondering. Are you still working on Eroico? Since i cannot see any update news anymore except for those hentai animations. It would be a shame if that game would go to waste since it's quite good and, most important, challenging.


The game's been out for over a year now, mate.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Probably responded to the wrong thread. I always forget the name of the newest project aswell.

Speaking of which, that one is on hiatus as far as I know since Kyieru is a little burnt out on it
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Probably responded to the wrong thread. I always forget the name of the newest project aswell.

Speaking of which, that one is on hiatus as far as I know since Kyieru is a little burnt out on it

Nope, it's not. He just ended up adding in a bunch of new features so the game's development is taking much longer than expected. Not on hiatus, though. As of now the project is called Noaika, though he said the name may change later on.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Nope, it's not. He just ended up adding in a bunch of new features so the game's development is taking much longer than expected. Not on hiatus, though. As of now the project is called Noaika, though he said the name may change later on.

Pretty much. As for changing the name, I'll probably stick with Noaika at this point.

And as for Eroico (if the guy really did mean Eroico), I don't really plan on doing anything else with that engine/look. If I make a sequel, it will probably be quite different,
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Ah, my bad. Was a bit confused with the names, of course i meant Noaika.
Sorry for that :D
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Eroico was just 1 time thing, Kyrueru doesnt have plans to do another reverse rape platform with a male as protagonist.

That's a shame. Eroico was his best game and was unique for having a male mc.