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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I tried different colors, but none of them really felt as striking.

Of course, if GM was capable of pallete swapping, I'd have different colors in a heartbeat. Buuut unfortunately... -___-

Maybe you can find a third party program that can pallete swap images, that way you can have different colors!

Oh wait, you would still have to swap every frame, right? Maybe there is some program that can change palletes to multiple pictures at once, just an idea
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Little update and some background art:
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Little update and some background art:

I welcome the increased sprite no. on the model. However, I fear this will delay development a lot.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

This is the big problem to develop his game without help, especially if it is ambitious.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I'm not so sure it makes a huge difference. One of his updates talked about how it took just as much work to sprite smaller characters as it did larger ones because the smaller size made it difficult to convey certain things like expressions. I'm sure he'll do fine.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Naw, I'd say smaller spriting is harder than you may think, but bigger sprites are still more difficult. With smaller sprites it's more difficult to explain what's happening to the characters and showing details because of the lack of pixels. The bigger sprites need MUCH more work to look right because you're getting closer to realism. You need fluid and realistic movements instead of just shifting around some leg pixels for movement and such.

You can't use sprites that big without having good knowledge of anatomy and having skill in animation (Look at all the terribly jerky/poorly timed animations of some games around here, even though the art is good) but you can get away with some simple small spriting with little or no artistic skill.

So smaller sprites the challenge is just basically coming up with ways to make things look a certain way for the specific action. Once you figure it out, you're golden. Bigger sprites it's like every frame needs to be carefully tested for timing and realistic fluid movements. It takes much more skill and time. It's why everybody who doesn't use small sprites uses little nub limbed chibi characters in their side scrollers and not these detailed sprites. It requires much more of those difficult to earn art skills.
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Can't wait for this, looks awesome...
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

news on his blog:
Kyrieru got exhausted of drawing such high res sprites, so he decided to drift away from that game for now and make a new one. It'll be a basic metroidvania focused on exploration just like SotN, and it'll have bigger sprites than Eroico, but just not as big as the sprites he was making up to now.

Show we start a new thread for this new game, or keep it in this one? After all, his new game wasn't so deep in development.

I'm sorry but I can't post links yet.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I'd say until I post a demo and it's got a name, it doesn't really matter.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Yes. Forever. It's never coming out. He took all the sprites and printed them out so he could burn them. I know it makes no sense because they're saved on a computer, but comon, how fun is burning papers as evidence?
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Sad day. Oh well, I'm sure whatever's in the pipeline will be good too.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Backdashing with up sounds kind of unintuitive to me, but I also think that it would be easier to use when I get accustomed. I hardly ever use backdash in most sidescrollers, and that's messed me up in more than one castlevania boss fight.

Down+Jump sounds more intuitive, but also harder to activate. Can you backdash out of attacks, like how Metal Gear Rising let you dodge-cancel? That would be totally awesome. It's always frustrating when I hit dodge and the character just stands there with their weapon out and lets the monsters smack them in the face.

I'm really finding these updates interesting, I hope you keep blogging about this new project.
You can crouch during an attack (into a crouching attack), jump during an attack, and dash from an attack.

It's more or less my intention for limitations to interfere with the player as little as possible.

This is pretty good news in my opinion. I've played some really clunky platformers recently, and it'll be a relief to play something where mechanics don't really get in your way.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I (Kind of) updated the first post.. Sad news to hear that this was abandoned, but, Kyrieru is still working on a new game. So, good luck!
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Update, or something:
Kyrieru decided to pause production on the Metroidvania (although not scrapping it because it's about half complete) and started a new shorter game and simpler game.

One of his reasons is because the Metroidvania was going to be too text-heavy, and considering his main income comes from Japanese DLSite, it'd be unwise to publish the game in English, or in poorly translated Japanese; so making a shorter game with some dialogue will help him on translating the Metroidvania afterwars (and I'm sure it'll also help him cool off from so much work, just like Eroico did).

PS: Dat umbrella
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Another new project :confused:! Fortunately the previous game is not completely abandoned (it was 40%), but he lost a lot time for Kurovadis 2 :D .

This new character is "kawai" :D !