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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Badass naginata attack confirmed.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Badass naginata attack confirmed.

I saw that last night but was afraid to post it here for fear of getting mauled for bumping the topic and getting anyone's hopes up.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I saw that last night but was afraid to post it here for fear of getting mauled for bumping the topic and getting anyone's hopes up.


To be honest, I was honestly bummed when I saw a blog update and it turned out to be nothing.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

i am glad i didnt pre order on this one since is taking an insane ammount of time and i get the feeling that probably will have even less than half content than kurodavis
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

instead i feel that this will be a great game depending on how much time it takes. He's implementing the best aspects of old metroidvania games.
(like the little fairy and the weapons drop of sotn, portrait change of nightmare sphere, chargeshoot of megaman,/metroid). i don't know how many ppl played the demo, but some of those aspects weren't on kurovadis .
Those things require time and a lot of coding. (i would like to know how much time he spent to code the familiar ^^).
great work rly.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

i am glad i didnt pre order on this one since is taking an insane ammount of time and i get the feeling that probably will have even less than half content than kurodavis
The updated demo is going going to have about as much H-content as Kurovadis did as a full game.

So I wouldn't worry about that side of things.

(i would like to know how much time he spent to code the familiar ^^).

It didn't take long for the basic code of following the player and targeting enemies, which is used by most of them. However each familiar acts a little bit differently, and many of them have different attacks. So I guess you could say that it took a bit less time than programming an enemy.
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

You're just too focused to try and deliver a really good game, mang. That doesn't bode well in the H-Game community.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

You're just too focused to try and deliver a really good game, mang. That doesn't bode well in the H-Game community.

I think it bodes extremely well as an aspiring game developer, though. I don't think Ky's goals are neccesarily to stay in the H Game community forever; as much as I like his games for that, they're also quality pieces worthy of play on their own (though I'd argue Kuro is far better than Eroico in this regard).

The only element i'd say doesn't bode well (which i've posted about on his blog before) is the lack of business sense and time management... but that's a dime a dozen issue with single developers or tiny studios, i suppose. It's just such a missed opportunity (or partially missed?) to see such quality game design and genuine polish not be profited on in the maximum capacity. Shrug.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I've been quiet on this for a while, because I can wait, I can wait untill I've gone grey. Why? Because what kyr creates is great stuff, and I believe part of the reason why he creates great stuff is that he does it his own way.

That said, there could be a middle ground between great stuff that takes forever to create, and something that's rushed out the door before kyr is happy with what he's made. Perhaps a version of a novelist's editor, someone who could help... curtail that desire to make massive games and perfect every aspect of them?

Just something to consider., I'd rather not have kyr living out of a cardboard box. Either way I'm happy with what I've seen, and will go back to waiting for what I'm confident will be an awesome game. Seriously, SOTN + PORN = WINCEST
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Perhaps a version of a novelist's editor, someone who could help... curtail that desire to make massive games and perfect every aspect of them?

Unfortunately a boss or an editor isn't going to help with health issues, which are half of the problem -___-
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Unfortunately a boss or an editor isn't going to help with health issues, which are half of the problem -___-

Hey, I wanted to bring up an alternative to you;

I'm currently in talks with a company, a REALLY large one, can't give the name publicly yet but we're talking like a daily viewership of 300,000,000+ people across their sites.

They've offered the team I'm on (the Future Fragments one) the ability to hire extra people to pump the game out faster, people they would pay for in full, with the requirement that when we sell the game on their site (non-exclusively) that we'll give them something like 70-80% of profits on just that one site, and on other sites we sell it on, we're free to do as we please.

Now, in our case, all three of us are sticklers for our own respective areas, so we're working out alternative methods of how we could help each other out (we're considering hiring artist(s) to do CG's for our game over stuff, which they could possibly help out on).

In your case though, if you'd be up for the idea, if you'd like to talk over PMs about it, I could get you in contact with them and they'd possibly be up for paying for extra programmers, artists, writers, marketers, or whatever else to help you get this game out faster while still maintaining your level of quality you want in it.

Lemme know over PM and stuff if you're interested :) And if not, no offense taken, I just know how hard it is to work on our game with three people; I can't even imagine doing all that work solo, and I also sympathize with health problems (two of us on the team have major health problems), so yeah. Good luck man!
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Hey, I wanted to bring up an alternative to you;

I'm currently in talks with a company, a REALLY large one, can't give the name publicly yet but we're talking like a daily viewership of 300,000,000+ people across their sites.

They've offered the team I'm on (the Future Fragments one) the ability to hire extra people to pump the game out faster, people they would pay for in full, with the requirement that when we sell the game on their site (non-exclusively) that we'll give them something like 70-80% of profits on just that one site, and on other sites we sell it on, we're free to do as we please.

Now, in our case, all three of us are sticklers for our own respective areas, so we're working out alternative methods of how we could help each other out (we're considering hiring artist(s) to do CG's for our game over stuff, which they could possibly help out on).

In your case though, if you'd be up for the idea, if you'd like to talk over PMs about it, I could get you in contact with them and they'd possibly be up for paying for extra programmers, artists, writers, marketers, or whatever else to help you get this game out faster while still maintaining your level of quality you want in it.

Lemme know over PM and stuff if you're interested :) And if not, no offense taken, I just know how hard it is to work on our game with three people; I can't even imagine doing all that work solo, and I also sympathize with health problems (two of us on the team have major health problems), so yeah. Good luck man!

I appreciate it, however for now I'd prefer to do it by myself. When I make a game with a team, I want it to be from a more stable position, both financially and in terms of the project itself. I have quite a bit of experience when it comes to working with teams as a lead, and I know that I wouldn't want to go into it half-ass'd. Working through another company seems kind of like a shaky relationship.

Plus, money isn't as much of a problem as I made it into myself. If I ever really needed money, I could just make an arcade style game with like 10 H-scenes (asteroids takes 20 minutes to program), or do a series of simulation H-scenes. I need to ignore what's on DLsite for $1, and realize that just because I'd be making a small game, that doesn't mean it has to be a piece of crap, or that it has to be a platformer. I should have just swallowed my pride and done that, rather than taking pre-orders and convincing myself that I needed to one-up my other projects -___-
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Working through another company seems kind of like a shaky relationship.

Just to clarify, I know you said you'd wanna work on it alone, but the *company* doesn't hire people, you do/you pick the people you wanna work with from your circle of people you know; they just pay the people for you, so you essentially don't have to worry about that aspect of things.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Just to clarify, I know you said you'd wanna work on it alone, but the *company* doesn't hire people, you do/you pick the people you wanna work with from your circle of people you know; they just pay the people for you, so you essentially don't have to worry about that aspect of things.

Ah, I see.

Honestly, that seems like kind of a bad model for the company doesn't it? Even if they were selling it on their site for 100% of the profits, the amount of money it costs to hire a good artist is a lot, and any audience that's already established probably wouldn't have any reason to buy the game on their site.

Though. I suppose I'm underestimating ads on porn sites, and that sort of thing. I'm assuming their approach would be different, and pulling in a different audience.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Ah, I see.

Honestly, that seems like kind of a bad model for the company doesn't it? Even if they were selling it on their site for 100% of the profits, the amount of money it costs to hire a good artist is a lot, and any audience that's already established probably wouldn't have any reason to buy the game on their site.

Though. I suppose I'm underestimating ads on porn sites, and that sort of thing. I'm assuming their approach would be different, and pulling in a different audience.

The company is basically rolling in $$$ right now, so I'm assuming they're going for the long game; they want people they know they can form long-standing business relationships with, and if the game blows up and gets huge, they could be like "hey, we were part of what made this game a reality! if you're an awesome game maker, we'll fund you too just like we did them!" and before you know it, you've got the English version of DLSite, so to speak, but only for high quality products.

Sales for H-Games, too, as I'm sure you know, are pretty huge compared to how much an average indie developer would get paid per month to develop for one, and that's AFTER DLSite reams you in terms of profits, on a foreign site with games in a language most of the buyers don't even understand.

Compare to that to the sales that a site that's in the same network with the most popular porn sites on the planet (statistically), an English-centric one, with ads it can push to thousands upon thousands of sites... I figure dropping a few thousand dollars for them to make probably 5 times that amount back isn't too bad for 'em :p and hell, even if they only break even, they'll still benefit from the added attention to their other games, etc. :p
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

The company is basically rolling in $$$ right now, so I'm assuming they're going for the long game; they want people they know they can form long-standing business relationships with, and if the game blows up and gets huge, they could be like "hey, we were part of what made this game a reality! if you're an awesome game maker, we'll fund you too just like we did them!" and before you know it, you've got the English version of DLSite, so to speak, but only for high quality products.

Sales for H-Games, too, as I'm sure you know, are pretty huge compared to how much an average indie developer would get paid per month to develop for one, and that's AFTER DLSite reams you in terms of profits, on a foreign site with games in a language most of the buyers don't even understand.

Compare to that to the sales that a site that's in the same network with the most popular porn sites on the planet (statistically), an English-centric one, with ads it can push to thousands upon thousands of sites... I figure dropping a few thousand dollars for them to make probably 5 times that amount back isn't too bad for 'em :p and hell, even if they only break even, they'll still benefit from the added attention to their other games, etc. :p

I guess an issue I would have with it if I were even in that position would be to find a lawyer to look over the deal or contract or whatever, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I guess an issue I would have with it if I were even in that position would be to find a lawyer to look over the deal or contract or whatever, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

I've met with some of the people from the company IRL, been talking to em for a while, everything's on the up and up (and if they were being shady, they'd have everything to lose considering who they're affiliated with).

But of course, you should absolutely check up on contracts and read em over and such :p
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Hey, I wanted to bring up an alternative to you;

I'm currently in talks with a company, a REALLY large one, can't give the name publicly yet but we're talking like a daily viewership of 300,000,000+ people across their sites.

They've offered the team I'm on (the Future Fragments one) the ability to hire extra people to pump the game out faster, people they would pay for in full, with the requirement that when we sell the game on their site (non-exclusively) that we'll give them something like 70-80% of profits on just that one site, and on other sites we sell it on, we're free to do as we please.

Now, in our case, all three of us are sticklers for our own respective areas, so we're working out alternative methods of how we could help each other out (we're considering hiring artist(s) to do CG's for our game over stuff, which they could possibly help out on).

In your case though, if you'd be up for the idea, if you'd like to talk over PMs about it, I could get you in contact with them and they'd possibly be up for paying for extra programmers, artists, writers, marketers, or whatever else to help you get this game out faster while still maintaining your level of quality you want in it.

Lemme know over PM and stuff if you're interested :) And if not, no offense taken, I just know how hard it is to work on our game with three people; I can't even imagine doing all that work solo, and I also sympathize with health problems (two of us on the team have major health problems), so yeah. Good luck man!

How does a company like this or a platform like you suggested (Steamy/Kimochi) deal with content which features loli or shota? MGQ is one of the most popular H-games on the market right now and many of it's character including the main character are shota or loli, i know Kyrieru has avoided this entirely in his games, but many other developers, particularly Japanese ones don't even try to avoid it's implementation and many times make it the centerpiece of their game, many of them at least dabble with it. How do these companies navigate such legally questionable content?
Re: Kyrieru's new game!


They make big $$$ because they're taking 80% of the profit just to act as a file host. DLsite at least has the excuse of bringing your games to an international market, but even their rates are highway robbery.

I'm sure you can sing praises about this company-that-shall-not-be-named who are treating you very well, but don't let your cognitive dissonance blind you from seeing what's going on here. This company has no obligation to keep a developer's game at the price he or she sets. If this distributor decides to sell a game for, say, half the price a developer is on their own site or elsewhere (because fuck it, they make 80% anyways), then consumers will go to the distributor over the developer for the sake of a lower price. And that's if they even know about the developer's home-shop at all, because the distributor has WAY more advertisement reach than the developer. The scales will be absolutely skewed in favor of the distributor over the developer, who foolishly gave away 80% of their profits under the vague pretense of "You can always sell it elsewhere."

For a company with ZERO financial investment in your product, you're giving them too much power. And I'm sorry, but meeting with those guys and telling us "these people seem to be on the up-and-up" does not make this any less of a BAD DEAL. Just because they're not running anything illegal or illegitimate doesn't mean they're not shrewd and heartless businessmen with a financial model that royally fucks with developers. Please don't promote this scam.
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Now pardon the double-post, I'd just like to split this up as my previous one got a little heated and made some assumptions. Obviously contracts are usually kept private, so I'm not going to ask that you literally provide a copy and point to me certain parts on said contract. That would be arguing a point reliant on info you can't legally provide, which is not what I'd like to do. But in the sake of fairness and under the possibility that I am completely wrong about the company (which we can refer to a X-Corp. ) having the rights to price a developer's game on their site (xcorp.com) for whatever the price X-corp wants, I'd like to ask you directly if you have access to one of their contracts;

In the licensing agreement for X-corp, does it state ANYWHERE, anything about the developer of Game Y retaining the exclusive right to indefinitely dictate the price of Game Y on the platform of xcorp.com?

If the maker of the game does not have the contractually binding, indefinite, and exclusive power of setting the price of their own game on a distributor's platform, then they will be at the absolute mercy of that company. Because the distributor has the power to tell the developer "You can sell your game for $40 elsewhere, but WE'RE going to sell it and advertise it at $2 on our site." which is a god awful deal for the developer.