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Laeyna (Zilrax)

Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jane whimpers as she tests her own bindings. I-I'm alright, Laeyna...But I can't see anything, and I'm naked...And I'm bound up in that icky stuff..." she says, sounding very clearly scared. As Laeyna works the bindings, she feels them suddenly snap tight, yanking her hands into a position where they can barely move. She can hear the clicking of what sounds like claws on tile flooring, meaning they're still in the school, probably. The clicking slowly gets closer, and she can see something moving through the membrane covering her eyes, drawing closer to her.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Damn it... Yeah me too. Keep quiet alright, if any of them come, I'll keep their attention best I can. Ugh, damn it, I think this stuff is alive or something..."

She grimaces and still struggles despite being barely able to move. Darkness monsters who could make living bindings. What sort of insanity had this virus unleash? And now one was coming right for her.

"Yeah I can hear you, fucker. Couldn't handle me in a fair fight so had to break the lights and grab people. Real fuckin' tough! Give me my shit back, and I'll show you why you don;t fuck with me! Not that you probably have the brains or balls to try it!"

She... Really doubted this would work. But maybe it would? Either way she was hopefully keeping its attention away from Jane. Maybe she could find a way to slip her bonds instead.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The membrane for both women pulls up, still trapping their head in place, but now uncovering their eyes, revealing the source of all their woes.

A massive, ten-foot tall creature, with spindly limbs and black carapace covering most of their frame, slowly advances on Laeyna with a swinging gait, the tail behind it swishing, and a very obviously female set of sexual organs between its legs, leaking green fluid down their legs. On its chest, the carapace has left its black, leathery flesh exposed, two large breasts hanging down with liquid weight, little streaks of green running down from the ebony nipple at the tip. Its face is virtually nonexistent, a curved membrane of solid carapace above a maw lined with wicked, gnashing teeth, hidden behind puffy, bloated black lips, and its skull is rounded and elongated into a foot-long, curved dome leading back. The creature advances, and in a surprisingly human and very seductive female voice, speaks. "The real question, dear human, is if you have the balls to handle me." she says, her voice carrying a slight internal echo to it as she speaks, stopping just in front of Laeyna to look her over.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The strange living gunk yanked up, Laeyna blinking a bit as her eyes adapted to sight, though her head was still locked in place.

The strange almost magical infected stood there, approaching. It was a woman once clearly, some bizarre monster straight from a movie. It had an absurd body of proportions, and spoke with some strange voice. How it could see, she had no idea. Given the darkness it called home, maybe echo location, hence the strange voice sound.

"Smacked you good once, bet I could again if you weren't so busy teleporting around in the darkness, whatever the fuck you are! We weren't the ones that locked you up, so why don't we call it even and you let us go and part ways before I get really mad.," growls Laeyna as she gave a few more yanks at the living goo holding her down.

Naked, Laeyna didn't have much to look at, her breasts were barely anything, and while far from ripped, she was quite toned, having good amounts of muscle. She was a bit on the short side, only her hips really gave her any feminine quality, and that wasn't by too much. Fortunately she was too mad to be humiliated right now.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Yes, you did...But now you're going to pay for it. I'm going to turn you into the same "monster" you despise. And then, I'm going to force you to do the same to your little friend over there." she says, hissing as she closes in, her lips drawing back to reveal her wicked teeth. Jane pipes up as the creature is opening her mouth, causing it to draw back and turn towards her. "W-Wait! Me first! I...I want to be first!" the woman shouts, the creature moving away and approaching her, reaching a hand out to gently run the back of a long, bony finger down the petite woman's cheek. "Oh? Is that so...And why is that?" she says, a seductive lilt to her voice as she reaches a hand down to play with the woman's breast. "B-B-because I've always...B-been...Attracted to Laeyna...And I want...To be the one who...Turns her, however it works..." the woman says, her whole body shaking as the creature smirks, looking back at Laeyna. "Well, then...I suppose I should leave the choice up to you...Do you want me to turn her first, and then have her turn you...Or do you want me to turn you first so you can turn her?" she asks, turning to face Laeyna entirely, and resting a hand on her right hip.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna listened to the creature, before her eyes open wide, then she glares angrily. "Despise, well I sure as fuck do now! You attacked us, I was just protecting all of us, you scum! And don't pretend you are not going to do that anyways, it's obvious that you were doing it all over this building prior!"

When Jane piped up, Laeyna looked over in shock and confusion, then horror. She would go that far? "Jane, don't!"

The creature turned to her to let her decide though, making her glare again, looking between the two of them, before spitting to the side. "...Do what you like. But I will make you pay for this, Infected. Last chance to let us go or just kill me because I am going to twist you into a pretzel for hurting my friends."

She looked back to the creature defiantly and angrily, awaiting what would come next. She didn't understand Jane in the least, couldn't understand that. The creature must be influencing her somehow, it was the most likely answer. She just hoped she could somehow destroy this thing before it went too far, then get away from the others before she infected them too.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Hmmm. You have spirit, girl...I may just let you keep your mind after I'm finished twisting your body into the thing you hate most..." the creature says, approaching her and grabbing one of her breasts, her mouth opening to reveal a long, black tendril, coated in olive-colored slime, and she begins to lick at the woman's chest, slathering her in her fluids. Almost immediately, she can feel an intense, pleasurable heat growing in her chest, as the creature moves fully in front of her, groping and kneading the woman's petite chest, the fleshy mounds seeming to swell with every grope. "Mmmm. You're going to be such a cow when I'm done...You'll be restricted to feeding duty, unfit even to bear children..." she says, as Laeyna's breasts begin to grow inches at a time from the constant exposure to the creature's saliva, which is also working an erotic heat into the rest of her body, as Jane whimpers and shakes, scared of what might happen to Laeyna.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna sneers at the creature as it approached. "Lady, if you think you're what I hate most, sorry, but looking like a big boob bug is hardly on my most hated list. You're completely virus controlled, you don't have the capacity to stop. I just am pissed."

Laeyna shudders as the creature begins lapping at her breasts, eyes widening a bit at the strange sensations. "T-the fuck?! What the hell are you doing?!" Clearly the virus had evolved. Shit, it felt so intense. Gone from rabies to... Whatever the fuck this was. The creature was completely lust driven, had it become an STD? Oh fuck.

She grits her teeth as she begins to get groped, staring in shock as her breasts began to swell rapidly at each grope, the sensations getting intense. She hissed, struggling against the heat, spitting to the side a bit. "Bare children? Fuck you on about. Lady, you've got problems. Look, you can have your fun but let the rest go for fucks sakes. I;m the only one that hit you. But I sure as hell am not playing your game if you keep them, whatever the fuck you;re on about."

It was intense, she never felt so good, but she was mad too, and she refused to bow down to some low life rape bug, now would she succumb to the virus so easy, she refused. She clearly was infected given how she was mutating but it didn't control her, control her mind, not yet. She jsut had to hold out long enough.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Hmmm. I'll make a deal with you, little girl." the creature says, continuing to lap and infect Laeyna's breasts. "Once I'm done with you, you rape your girlfriend over there...Then I'll let the men go free...And you two get to help me breed an army." she says, as the fire burning in Laeyna's body begins to intensify, her breasts already up to D-cups and still growing, milk beginning to dribble out of her nipples, which the creature happily laps up between slathering her saliva on the woman's flesh.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna was about to tell the creature to kindly fuck off, but stopped when she realized it was her best bet to get them out of there. She'd have to be let free to rape her and if she was free maybe she could turn on the monstrous bitch. It was a chance she had to take. She just had to hope she could control herself long enough to save them.

"...Fine, damn you, fine! But you better keep your word or I will make you regret it!"

Laeyna cringed as her breasts kept swelling. No longer were they tiny, now they were massive, and still growing, leaking milk that the infected happily drank up. It was getting harder to think straight but she kept her thoughts on crushing the bug. She could ride her own wrench later, after she finished bashing the bug's head in with it. She casually glanced about, trying to spot their things.

She didn't know how much bigger she was going to get, but hopefully she could still move afterwards. God, she was so wet right now...
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The creature continues to tend to Laeyna's breasts, before she stops suddenly, the breasts swelling a little and then stopping, rounding out at E-cups. The infected then begins to squat down, her tongue trailing down Laeyna's body and towards her leaking pussy. "I give you my word, no harm will come to the men...But you, girls...You're going to have some fun." she says, as she begins to rub her tongue on Laeyna's clit, sending sparks of pleasure through the mechanic as her clit suffers the same fate as her breasts. It begins to swell longer, slowly gaining girth as well, as the ministrations drive Laeyna to the peak, and then suddenly comes to an abrupt standstill, her orgasm suddenly denied her.

Off to one side, she can see both Jane's combat knife, and her trusty wrench, sitting atop a pile of their clothing, which seems intact. Jane whimpers lightly as she sees what's happening to the woman she has a crush on, though her arousal is plain as day, running down her legs.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna groans, and shudders as she's left with massive breasts, looking out of place on someone of her stature and hip size, her blushing in humiliation, as well as arousal. She always wanted to be a bit more feminine but this was ridiculous.

She gasped and shuddered, squealing as her clit was then attended too. IT was so much more intense, making her writhe, her staring in shock as her clit began to swell massively. It drove her towards orgasm rapidly, then stopped, her cringing in distaste. God she was so close, it was so bad. She tried not to pay attention to Jane, wishing she didn't have to see this.

Doing so, she spotted their equipment to the side. If she could just get to them, she could drive the beast off, if not kill it, and cut the others loose. God it was so hard to think like this, she needed to get off. She refused to voice it though, not wanting to give the bitch the satisfaction.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Mmm. I can smell just how aroused you are. It's delicious." the creature says, as Laeyna's clit morphs and bulges, soon enough becoming a very distinct, human-looking penis, already at eight inches long and counting, with the saliva-covered tongue still working it larger, yet it refuses to allow her orgasm, as the creature chuckles. "Do you feel that burning feeling in your belly? You can't cum until you stick this disgusting thing inside someone...And that someone is going to be Jane." the creature says, before pulling away, the last few swells taking effect, leaving Laeyna with a foot-long shaft, as the creature pulls back and smirks, letting the woman's legs free, then gripping both of her arms and releasing them, holding onto them like vices. "Are you ready to fuck your girlfriend into submission?"
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna grimaces at the burning need, shuddering as her clit became almost phallic shaped, enormous on her body. God, she had looked like a boy and now she was endowed like one. Or more than one, now she was excessive in masculine and feminine to boot.

The creature stated she couldn't go off unless inside someone, her cursing a bit at the aggravation it was causing her. It left her with a full foot of cock, her amazed she could handle it without fainting.

She was yanked free by the creature, though it held her tight, it;s strength was freakish. How the hell was she going to do this without infecting Jane? It didn't help that the thought was so... appealing. She had to... try something. Maybe, just maybe... The thought was repulsive but not as bad as the thought of raping Jane.

"Could I... could I you first... Please...?," offers Laeyna hopefully, hiding her disgust, or the fact her desperation made it so required. If she could manage to hold out, to use the creature, she;d risk further infection but maybe she could subdue her just long enough to get them out of there or get to a weapon.

It was a desperate gamble, but she was already gone, but she could still put it on the line to save the others.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Hmmm. I could let you fuck me. But then you'd try something, and I'd have to strap you back down and make your body even more grotesque." the creature says, turning her to face away from it, before slowly advancing towards Jane, placing the mutated woman on the ground and maintaining a firm grip on her arms, though leaving her perfectly free to use her now-erect malehood. Jane is actually dripping directly onto the floor, her whole body shaking as she whimpers, the mutated creature helping to guide Laeyna's cock towards her friend's dripping folds. "I hope you're both ready..."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The creature was unfortunately too aware. Laeyna mentally cursed, she tried. She tried so hard. She didn't want to do this, despite her body so desperately wanting too.

She had been forced to turn away and onto the ground, moving her towards Jane, her hanging her head in shame, trying not to cry. She hated this, she hated it so much. She should have never come out and now she was dooming everyone below to return to some horrid monster nest above them.

Left in front, Jane was clearly infected too, dripping hard. Laeyna looked at her sorrowfully, trying to control herself as the monster used her like a sex doll, a puppet to use on her friend. "I'm so sorry, Jane... Nothing I can do... Damn it all...," says Laeyna with a curse, looking aside, not wanting to see her friend be violated using her own infected mutilated body.

She wanted to break this monster so hard, but it was so strong. She considered one thing. Well she would rather be tied down and ravaged more than hurt Jane, and maybe it'd work. Maybe. She had nothing left to lose.

Laeyna quickly hopped both legs up onto the wall and kicked off it hard, trying to force the beast to stumble and maybe let go to try and right itself. If it did she;d dive for the weapons and try to jump the monster before it recovered. It was their only chance, if she could knock it out, she could free Jane and, and fuck the monster like she deserved. Fuck, it was so ahrd to control her thoughts, hng.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The creature is unprepared for Laeyna's sudden movement, hissing as she's pushed back, off her balance from having to manipulate the woman herself, and landing on her bony back, giving Laeyna just enough time to retrieve her trusty wrench. When the creature rights herself, she hisses and goes into a feral crouch. "You'll pay for that, little girl!" she hisses, leaping at the woman, though giving Laeyna a brief window to strike.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

It worked! Knocking it off balance, she quickly got her wrench up! The beast was fast, but bestial, Laeyna had been in lot's of fights growing up. She was no delicate flower, and she was ready and determined to take down this monster.

As the creature leapt at her, she swiftly ducked aside, before trying to bring the wrench down on it's large head as it went by. Leaping was never good, couldn't stop or control yourself in the air. Left you wide open, she learned that one the hard way. She had to go for the head, adrenaline would keep it fighting, she had to end this fast. And nothing took a hit to the head from a monkey wrench well.

Nothing sane anyways, which was the worry. But she'd not give up on this. She;d subdue it, free them, and show the monster who the real one in charge was and who'd be the pregnant sow. Agh, stop thinking like that!
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The strike from the heavy wrench hits its mark, as the creature tumbles along the ground and plants face-first into the goopy, black mess that the wall has become, her head stuck in the goop sideways, and her sexualized torso, as well as her spindly arms, end up trapped in the gunk as well, leaving her rather curvaceous ass completely exposed, her feminine folds leaking arousal from what she likely thought was going to be plenty of debauchery. Jane whimpers as she sees Laeyna beat the monster, pulling against her restraints. "L-Laeyna! You did it! Get me down, please!" she whines out, her arousal still dripping on the floor beneath her.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna curses, waving her arm to shake off the recoil pain. She had managed to knock the creature into the gunk, where she seemed to be stuck and exposed. She was a really attractive target, it took all her willpower jsut to resist mounting the bitch.

"Fuck... Hng, fuckin' bitch infected me... Hrg, hold on, Jane, let me... Fuck, need to do this.... Gah!," curses Laeyna, as she forcibly tore her eyes from the presenting unconscious beast. She quickly went and grabbed the knife, looking aside from Jane as she went over there, and focused on the womans hand as she went to slice the arm free.

"I'm a lost cause, fuck, just... Here, cut yourself free, find the others, get back to the bunker with them. Tell em... Tell em it's not safe, and I didn't make it, that I died. Hng, better than the truth, that I got infected, twisted, and can barely keep from fucking everything around me.," whimpers Laeyna, struggling to keep her mind on the job.

Once the arm was free, she;d put the knife in Jane's free hand so she could do the rest, before prowling back for the presenting beast. "Guh, I can't... Control it. Needs to pay... Teach her to fuck with me... Fuck her up... With what she gave me...," curses Laeyna, muttering to herself. She had to distract herself, and the beast was a good choice. She was already gone, she may as well end it away from the others.

She just wished that she could have lasted longer.