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LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

Yeah. He had a huge fanbase already.
I did see Transruption made 17k on there, when it's a much smaller game.
Offbeatr takes a 20% cut when Kickstarter takes 8%, though. :/

I think my failure at Kickstarter had mostly to do with the demo being very very plain when I first launched it. It's night and day better now.
You can follow updates at and I've been working on making the potential more apparent to more people so I can hopefully really get it going~
Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

wel after I register... nothing comes up T_T help
Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

wel after I register... nothing comes up T_T help

Hm. Just try refreshing? Sometimes the solar system map doesn't work.
It also could be that you're using a really old browser. New Chrome, Firefox, and IE work fine. Any modern mobile phone/tablet browser should work as well, too.
Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

I've added significantly more features, and some more content. Take a look again~
Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

First time Seeing this. seems really neat even though I haven't seen anything yet. good luck.
Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

First time Seeing this. seems really neat even though I haven't seen anything yet. good luck.
What do you mean by not having seen anything yet? Did the site not work for you? Or are you just referring to there only being about 25k words of content currently?
Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

I added a lot more to the but I've also been working on something else.

If it runs bad in Firefox, well use Chrome. Firefox has a lot to fix on their browser. I expect it to be fixed by the time I'd actually make the second game.
It can take a few seconds to load the model and texture, depending on your connection speed.

It's not finished, and it's just a model that someone(Hanyo) was able to provide for me so it's not ideal to get the look I wanted.
I've had in my mind for a while that for my next project, I wanted to make a hentai-MMORPG.
It's just a rendering test for now.
Usually 3d adult games just don't look good. It's too hard to match up the genitals and such up for all different sorts of cock sizes, different sizes of people and monsters, so on. Most games have a lot of clipping issues, that looks so weird to me. And on a lot of them, there's that whole "uncanny valley" thing, or it's just plain poor quality.
Some of the best looking porn games to me are ones with sprites. Like has some great stuff. But if I have an MMORPG, with all sorts of different characters, and clothing, and monsters, there are too many possibilities of sprite frames that need to be made. In Kyrieru's stuff, it's just one hero that's animated together with them, so it all matches up fine.
So I've been thinking that what I wanted, was a 3D engine, where animations are much easier to make and can be tweened to match all sorts of different combinations, but I wanted it to render like 2d sprites which leave more to the animation, hide clipping issues, and all around make things much easier on the artists since all the post processing and the engine handles making it look good.

This way I can have things like stomach's bulging from big penetrations, without an artist needing to animate all those different levels of bulging in all the different scenes, and possibly for monsters in addition to characters. Different outfits would usually mean needing all those extra sprites made for all those animations as well, but with something 3d adding on clothes is easy.
So 2D sprites are easier when you're doing something simple, but there comes a point where things become impossible because it's too many frames that need to be hand made. So I wanted all those things 3D can offer, but I want to make a 2D look to it. This way I can have reflections on the sprites, cloth and hair physics, dynamic lighting, and so on, but still keep that look.

Obviously it doesn't look quite like sprites now. You can zoom in and out and it pixelates more/less like a sprite, and there's outlines, but the model has too much baked in lighting and detail to work well as a sprite. But it's enough to see that it's actually possible to do, and that I just need a bit more work on it and the right artwork for it to come out right.
It's not something that's been done before, so it's been nagging in my mind for months whether it's actually possible or not, so I had to try and see. Even Tree of Savior is still just using hand made sprites, and you're stuck with the outfit you class comes with.

I did want to actually have a tentacle monster screwing the girl in that little test, but I couldn't get assets like that. :< Had to work with what I had. I don't have time to make 3D models myself in addition to programming.
Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

I added lots more, including a Harpy sort of character.
There's about 10,000 more words of content, and lots of bug fixes.
There's also a little tutorial, now.
Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

Not even on minute after completing the tutorial I get killed T_T... Fun game though, glad to see this still being worked on. The GUI needs some re-work, but that's just my opinion as a game designer lol.
Re: LEWD, an online erotic text adventure (Big update)

I agree that the UI needs a rework. It's just a pre-alpha at this point, though.