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Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Lamia smirks as Lilia begins to thrust with reckless abandon into her achingly-tight folds, holding her against her belly as her strange, serpentine physiology allows her to gently thrust in and out of the stretched-up herm, the kitsune's belly bulging out from the large cock buried deep inside of her, slamming against her cervix with each thrust. "Mmmm...Your cock feels good. As does your pussy. I think you'll be the perfect fit for the last girl..." she says, a finger reaching down to press the herm's balls against the thick serpentine shaft beneath her, urging her to cum and fill the lamia with her load.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Feeling the lamia's cock plundering her depths while she wildly pounded away with her own cock, Lilia's eyes were fluttering up into her head little by little. Lilia barely heard what the lamia was telling her, but when her large finger pressed down against her testes and mashed them against the lamia's cock, Lilia exploded in a wild and powerful orgasm, her spunk pouring out of her and as deep into the lamia's cunny as she could.

"F-FUCK YES! C-CUMMING SO MUCH!" Lilia cried aloud into the cavern they were in, her body leaning heavily on the lamia who likely continued pounding Lilia's pussy herself.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Lamia moans in pleasure as Lilia's mutated spunk begins to pour into her, her hands moving to grip at both her legs and hold her in place. "Mmmm. You've filled me...Now I'll fill you." she says, thrusting powerfully into the kitsune and managing to get the tip of her cock into her womb, before the tip begins to widen. A large bulge begins to slowly emerge along her serpentine member, slowly making its way upwards, as the Lamia pulls Lilia free once her orgasm has ebbed, allowing the Kitsune to see the bulge. "You get to carry her for the next four hours." she says, as the bulge presses against the Kitsune's entrance, and a massive blast of strange, slimy fluid begins to ooze from behind the dulled spines all along the lamia's cock, Lilia feeling herself being stretched further and further as the bulge slowly works into her, inch by inch. Strangely enough, she feels almost no pain, instead she's overwhelmed with pleasure, the Lamia and Zix obviously having not lied to her about the properties of the lamia's fluids, as the massive bulge continues to worm its way into her entrance.

After several long, pleasurable, agonizing minutes, the bulge makes it to the halfway point, and then suddenly sinks into Lilia much faster, traveling up the Lamia's cock and pressing past her cervix, before being deposited into her womb, making her belly bulge as if she were pregnant with triplets and about to give birth. The Lamia then pulls free, sithering back to her slate and coiling up, resting Lilia's bloated and used body on her tail as she lays back down, her breasts acting as massive, scaled pillows for the kitsune. Zix soon crawls over the snake, moaning pleasurably and flopping down next to her mate, reaching for her hand and sighing as she grabs it, looking positively content.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Feeling the lamia grab her legs to hold her in place, Lilia shudders with a slightly frightened look on her face, but the pleasure eroded her willpower and prevented her from even moving an inch to get away. She knew what was coming next even without the lamia's words. Her eyes fluttered again as the bulge worked its way up the lamia's shaft and pressed against her pussy, the fluids being poured out of the lamia's dick making her able to stretch just as she and Zix had said it would.

"F-Fuck... it... it's so big. T-Too big. Feels like I'm... g-gonna explode. A-And if I don't explode... I... I'll never be tight again," Lilia panted as she stretched, clinging to the lamia and shuddering as the egg worked its way up her love canal.

Despite this though, Lilia kept cumming and cumming, over and over as her balls produced as much as they possibly could to spurt out. Finally when the egg was deposited into her womb after several long and tense minutes, Lilia felt the lamia scoop her up and take her over to her bed again, where she coiled up with Lilia in the middle. When her dick slipped from the lamia's pussy, it was limp and defeated, having spurted so much of her cum it had spent its strength and was now resting along with the rest of her, even the aphrodisiac scent in the air unable to spark life back into it for the time being.

"N-Need some rest. That was... intense... really intense," Lilia panted softly as she lay back against the lamia's breasts, snuggling against her and Zix for warmth while one hand clutched her massive belly and gently stroked it, her eyes closing and her body quickly falling asleep.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Lamia coos gently in the kitsune's ear as she gently rocks her to sleep, humming a lullaby to her.

Several hours later, Lilia will awaken, her belly still bloated horribly massive with the egg inside of her, still laying atop the Lamia, using her breasts for pillows. Zix sleeps next to her, both of her arms wrapped lovingly around her mate's torso, one hand groping lightly at her breasts as the alien woman purrs in her sleep, the Lamia seemingly dead to the world.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia quickly conked out from the lullaby being hummed in her ear, the last thing she remembered seeing before closing her eyes for her sleep being both Zix and the lamia surrounding her on all sides with their loving embrace.


Lilia didn't know how long she'd slept for, but she did know that it was for quite a while at that. Her belly she saw was still heavily bloated and about to burst it felt and looked like. "Ugh... how long was I out for?" Lilia asked softly to no one in particular as she stretched a bit on her bed and pillows which consisted of the lamia's body and breasts.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmmm. About three hours, give or take, my dear." the Lamia says, smirking as she opens her eyes. One of her large hands reaches up to gently stroke the ridiculous belly of Lilia, massaging it to try and comfort her. "Before you passed out, you said you were worried you'll never be tight again. Quite to the contrary, little fox." the Snake says, her tongue running out to encircle Lilia's breast not currently being groped by her mate. "Your friend's aphrodisiac has a permanent effect on your balls, like the rest of her race, I wager. Mine has a permanent effect on your pussy. You'll still be able to take cocks of your normal size...Except you can squeeze them so much tighter now." she says, her other hand reaching down to gently run a knuckle down her cheek.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia groaned softly as she lay there and the lamia answered her, not in pain, but more of the dull ache from her body being bloated and having just woken up. "Yeah I was worried... I still am honestly. But, there's not much I can really do about it now," Lilia replied before the lamia continued speaking about Zix's saliva and then her own.

As the lamia's tongue licked and circled her nipple that Zix didn't have her hand over, Lilia cooed softly and continued listening to her words. "You're sure I will? You're not just saying that to comfort me?" Lilia asked in a slightly worried tone, looking up at the lamia.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Little fox, why would I lie to you? What do I gain from giving you a false sense of security?" the Lamia says as she continues tending to the kitsune's breast. "You can ask your friend when she wakes up. Everything on this planet is devoted to greater and greater pleasure. Stretching you to never be able to take a smaller penis than a Mammoth is counterproductive." the lamia says, sighing as she continues to massage Lilia's bloated belly and taste her breastflesh. Zix begins to stir, squeezing Lilia's breast a bit tighter as she begins to yawn herself awake. "Good morning, my love..."
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I... I dunno... I'm just scared is all I guess," Lilia said with a sigh at the lamia's words, snuggling against the two and enjoying their warmth. "Morning love. Are you feeling alright?" Lilia replied to Zix when she stirred and spoke to her, a soft smile forming on her lips.

"So how much longer until this... whoever she is comes out?" Lilia asked after a minute or so of cuddling and relaxing with the two, curious about the one she was now carrying apparently.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"About an hour. And then she has to incubate for another twelve. I won't keep you any longer than laying her, little fox. And if you ever want to take me up on my offer of stuffing you both into an egg, I'm always here." the Lamia says, smirking as she pulls her tongue back. "I'm feeling wonderful. But how about you? You can't be comfortable carrying that massive thing inside you." the alien woman responds, snuggling closer to her mate.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"M'kay, I just... dunno what to think honestly. There's so many strange new things I've found here since coming to this world. It's just strange and odd is all," Lilia replied to the lamia, cuddling against the two of them and smiling softly as she relaxed. "Aye it is a bit uncomfortable, but not so much I can't handle it though. I'm a bit... full is all. I hope this doesn't do anything permanent to me, as in internal changes," Lilia then replied to Zix as she rested for the next hour.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"You will probably be very hungry once you've laid the egg. I would also like to apologize for not asking your permission to lay it inside of you." the Lamia says, cuddling the kitsune close to her.

An hour later, Lilia can feel her whole body trembling as her muscles begin to spasm, her body trying desperately to remove the massive intruder. The laying is slow, and gruelling, however the whole time Lilia feels like she's riding one giant pleasurable wave, much like the feeling she got while laying Zix's eggs, except instead of tiny bursts of pleasure, it's a torrent, like nothing Lilia has ever felt. Zix grabs hold of her hand when the laying starts, holding her close and whispering words of encouragement into her ear.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"A-Alright, I'll manage in terms of food I think thanks to Zix. As for the second part there... that's what I was talking about before dear. You need to ask before you just do it so a person has the chance to make a choice. Because if you make them so aroused they can barely think straight, then do it while they're not in the right state of mind to make a true decision, then that's not much better than slavery in a way," Lilia said to the lamia as she reached up and caressed her cheek, not angry at her, but wanting her to consider others choices before just doing it. "I'm not mad though hon, so don't worry about it. But if you'd held me down and forced it into me then I would be, that's for sure. So always ask first okay," she added in a kind tone.

With that she lay back and rested until it was time to birth the eggs, where she looked around at the two and told them she felt it coming. She didn't really have much in the way of a memory of what transpired there, save only pleasure... a big ball of pleasure that surrounded her from all sides and made her cum so hard she thought her balls would run dry. When it was done though, the egg was out... or so she imagined, as she was quite tuckered out after all that and felt incredibly famished.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Lamia picks up the massive egg once it's been laid, moving to coil up and place it within her loving coils, humming satisfactorily. "For you, little fox...I think I might just try your way." the Lamia says, as Zix moves to lift Lilia up and cuddle her to her chest, moving her head close to her nutrient-rich breasts and sighing. "You know...Being trapped inside of a giant egg with you doesn't sound all too bad...Long as we can enjoy each other while in there..." she says, rubbing the back of the kitsune's head as she likely suckles from her breast.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Watching the lamia take the egg and set it aside, Lilia flopped back and let out a sigh of relief, thankful that the incredible weight was now lifted from her body. When Zix pulled her up to her chest, Lilia immediately began suckling hard to ensure she had plenty of milk to drink and feed on, as her body was very nutrient deprived it felt like. "Well thank you miss lamia, I'm glad you've seen things our way. It was a pleasure to meet you... in more ways than one, hmhm," Lilia told the lamia with a giggle before starting to drink Zix's milk.

"Hmhm, well we would be awful close for however long it might take. But I dunno... being out of commission for so long... maybe if it were the long winter and such it might be good for us, but then I'd have to find some way of notifying my people if they came while we were in said egg, so that they could find me," Lilia replied to Zix as she pulled away for a few moments, grinning at her mate's words and chuckling a bit before diving back in.

When Lilia was finished feeding on the milk finally, she laid back and rested a little bit, heaving a sigh of relief. She didn't know what to do now really, though it'd probably be good to rest a little more before trying to get up, Lilia thought to herself.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I can put you in an egg for however long you desire, little one." the Lamia says, her left hand already reaching for her vent to start plying with herself again. "You could be in there for as little as an hour. Or as long as the entire Long Winter. Speaking of, do you girls have a place to stay during such time? It will be here in twelve cycles, and I'd hate for such beautiful ladies to be caught out at that time." she says, her other free hand moving to gently rub the egg now situated inside her coils.

Zix lets Lilia drink her fills, rubbing her butt and the back of her head with her hands as she does so, before speaking up in response to the Lamia's statement. "Do you hear that my love? We would only be inside the egg for an hour. Or a little long if you want. And then you could love me until we finally hatched." she says, as the scent of her arousal hits Lilia's nose, informing her that the idea was very much turning the alien woman on.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia nodded softly at the lamia's words, remembering what Zix had said about it coming in 12 cycles herself. She couldn't help but giggle when Zix pretty much repeated what the lamia had said about the incubation period for being in the egg. She hugged Zix to her and smiled up at her.

"Hmhm, Zix... come on now. You're gonna get me all riled up again if you keep this up," Lilia cooed in Zix's ear as her butt was rubbed by the alien woman, her tail swishing around behind her as she was groped and loved on. "Do you really need me to be encased inside an egg with you though sweetie? When you can have me whenever you want out here and all I mean," she then asked Zix with a giggle.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"You're right, my love. I CAN have you whenever I want...But we should probably be on our way. There's a bunch more things to explore and investigate. And a lot more 'fun' trouble to get into." the alien woman says, helping her mate to stand and looking over at the Lamia for a moment, then back to her lover. "One day we'll come back here and have more fun with her. Agreed?" the alien woman asks, looking down at the kitsune with a playful smile on her face. "Oh, my manners seem to have absconded for a short while there...I know your names, but you don't know mine. I'm called Salina. And this cave is my permanent home...Or at least, the best permanent home I have." the snake-woman says, still tending to her egg, but smiling at the two lovers.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"That there is Zix... that there is. I can't wait to see what sort of fun we'll get into next, hmhm," Lilia replied to Zix as she accepted her hand and was pulled up, smiling wide as she got to her feet.

Catching Zix by surprise, Lilia hopped up and kissed her on the cheek while she looked at the lamia almost longingly. "It was a pleasure to meet you Salina... I hope we can meet you again sometime. And you be good now you hear... I don't want to have to come back and spank you or something for being mean to people," Lilia said back to the lamia with a smile, winking at her as she took Zix's hand and gave it a gentle tug as she smiled at Zix as well when her mate mentioned coming back for some more fun. "Oh before I go... does this mean I'm her mother by chance? The girl in the egg I mean," Lilia asked curiously before she and Zix exited the cave.