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List of the game as you play tentacle.


Jungle Girl
Aug 27, 2010
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Hi all, I'm looking for games (except flash games) or you play the sprawling monster and not the girl.

If you have names and links to play it would be cool.
I only know of 3 - Tentacle Locker which is basically a mini-game, and two RPGmaker ones whose names I forget - One of them was quite recent, the other is at least 5 years old by now. I guess She Ill Server kinda counts, you summon among other things tentacles against the NPC girls. There are a couple more games like that but nowhere near as good (imo) floating around.
There's also Pretty Warrior May Cry, a recent RPGMaker game by Mugcat and another RPG whose name I forget that do the whole "design a dungeon" type thing.

I'll look up the names to a couple of these when I get the chance
Ya know, I think one of the RPGmaker ones you're referring to is actually a re-make ( maybe sequel? ) of an older one that had a thread when I first joined the forum. No RPG combat, as the tentacle monster you just chase the girls down. Fucked if I can remember the name though. Would be in the old threads though.
I launched this topic because I saw a few years ago (2012 I think) a topic where he put the list of games or we play a tentacle, but I can not find it, so I have to throw