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London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

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Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Her partner having disappeared from even Anabelle's sight she could only hope that she had heard her warning. The skiff approaches slowly though Anabelle has little trouble picking out the three figures on board. They all wore cloaks so it was difficult to tell who might be who. One stood to the rear to steer the small craft while the other two rowed.

The skiff stopped a short distance away and a voice unknown to Anabelle called out. It wasn't Menyhert's voice but someone far more noble in blood from the sound of it. The skiff seemed to be waiting for some kind of signal but the only sound that could be heard was the gentle sound of the river and the hawk high in the sky above.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

As the shout rang out, Anabelle felt just the smallest bit of panic. Perhaps keeping one alive would have been the better option. Glaring at the newcomers, she wondered how good their hearing was, and pretended to vomit. The sounds of her retching should hopefully carry over the still waters, before she grasped a lid, and let it crash to the deck.

Let them think their friends were drunk. That might get them pissy, but not expecting any fight.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle can't tell if her ruse has worked as well as she had hoped but after a further wait and another shout the skiff begins to move forward. As the skiff draws along near the side of the larger ship Anabelle gets a better look at the figures aboard.

The man in the rear steering the boat is the same as the previous night, Menyhert. She didn't recognize the others but one of them nimbly jumped aboard and quickly tied the two ships together. The third seemed different from the two other Cainites, for she somehow knew that is what they were, stood as though he was used to being in charge. His stature and demeanor hardly fit that of his companions.
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Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle watched from the shadows, making sure her hood was low enough to conceal the glow of her eyes, fingers wrapped tightly around her sword. This could get bloody soon, and the thought had her fangs aching. Perhaps the many was Lupine, that would explain the other werewolves about in London of late.

Still she made no noise, and unless she had to, she'd let Muirne make the first move. This was afterall, her show.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Once the boats were tied together Menyhert boarded the ship as well, leaving the strange noble vampire standing alone on the skiff. The noble said little as Menyhert addressed him sarcastically. "I suppose our demonstration was enough to satisfy your concerns about the efficacy of the plan, my lord. Echidna here put much effort into poisoning your warmaster. Though I must say I would have enjoyed it if I could have poisoned the Animal myself."

Echidna as she seemed to be named moved over to the crate Anabelle and Muirne had searched and easily hefted it closer to the skiff. Silently she set it down and looked around briefly, her eyes seeming to lock with Anabelle's for a mere instant before looking away. She didn't seem to have seen Anabelle hidden in the darkness but the hair on her neck raised as she saw the thin snake-like eyes under the dark hood.

The nobleman looked around as though the place was beneath him and answered condescendingly. "I am not perfectly satisfied. Aethelwulf has not met his final death and continues to better his position in our lord's eyes. I am satisfied enough to begin the second part of our operation however. Do you have the amount of bloodroot requested?"
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

As answers of the plot began to trickle outwards, Anabelle frowned, but stayed where she was, merely listening to the conversation. She quietly felt her hip with her free hand, not daring to remove the other from her hilt, and was comforted by the presence of the jar.

The others would want to know of this.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The nobleman suddenly looked around as though he realized that something was wrong. A tint of worry hung in his voice as he asked. "I realize that I said this was to be a private meeting but did you truly leave your crew ashore?"

The others suddenly looked about once again though they did not stray from where they stood. There keen eyes still did not seem to pierce Anabelle's hiding place. Still the hairs stood on Anabelle's neck as she realized she would easily be found if a concentrated search was begun. Time seemed to slow down as Echidna moved to the rear of the boat looking behind crates while Menyhert moved towards the cabin.

Realizing that the element of surprise would soon be lost Anabelle was faced with a decision. Wait for Muirne to make her move or make a move of her own before any chance at surprise was lost.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Stealth and surprise were her best options at the moment. She knew not how powerful these foes were. Stepping as quietly as she could, she slowly pulled her sword from its leather sheath, and kept the blade within the shadows so as not to reflect any source of light.

Moving in a low crouch, she hunted for Echidna, trying to come up behind her, and in one movement, plunge her sword into her heart, and clamp her hand over her maw. Hopefully this would still her, yet not kill her.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Her mind made up Anabelle stalked low behind the crates, her blade ready to pierce deep into the heart of her prey. Whatever fear or worries that might have lingered in her mind were subsumed by adrenaline. She was a hunter like a wolf stalking some unwary farmer's sheep, the only difference being this sheep could bite back if given the chance. Everything else going on aboard the ship had disappeared from her mind as she came up swiftly to strike. Her blade found it's target easily piercing Echidna's chest while any sound was stifled by the hand clamping over her mouth. Anabelle dragged the other Cainite down with her so as to hopefully remain unseen.

Her hunt over the sounds of fighting near the other end of the ship came to Anabelle though she could not see what happened from her current position. Echidna's hood fell back from her face as she was dragged down. Her bright blue eyes were highlighted with kohl as they stared back angrily at Anabelle from her pale face. She immediately tried to bite down on Anabelle's hand as it was held over her face while attempting to wrestle it off with her own hands.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

As Anabelle felt the woman trying to bite her, her brows furrowed, and she twisted her blade within the flesh of her enemy, even as claws grew out from her finger tips. She dug them deeply into Echidna's face, and tried to cleave through the woman's heart, pushing her down tighter to the deck. Perhaps a final death for her after all then, before she went over to help Muirne.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

From the furious clang of metal on metal coming from the far side of the deck it would seem that Muirne is locked in combat with at least a half a dozen soldiers. Anabelle might have thought it odd that it seemed as though so many had joined their fight in the few moments that had passed but she was too focused on her fight at the moment.

A grimace of pain passed over Echidna's face as the blade was turned in her chest causing her to release Anabelle's hand before her fang's could strike. Focusing for the briefest of moments Anabelle felt her nails grow out into full-fledged claws which she immediately gouged across her opponents face causing a scream of anguish to escape from her lips. Her opponent reacted with a hiss by grasping Anabelle's free hand and wrenching it away from her face with all her strength while twisting her body out in the opposite direction. The woman is only slightly stronger than Anabelle but she manages to wrench free and is now kneeling less than a foot away with the sword still protruding from her chest.

Even as Anabelle watches she can see the Cainite's body reknitting itself around the wound in her chest. The claw marks across her pretty face do not change one bit however.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle hissed, wanting her sword back. Lunging forward she slashed at Echidna's thigh with one hand, and her throat with the other. What can kill a man, may kill a Cainite if she cannot heal. This had to happen quickly now, Muirne might very well need her help.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Echidna hissed even louder as Anabelle's clawed hand swiped across her thigh, tearing her clothing and flesh as a hot knife through butter. The other Cainite deftly dodged away from the blow to her throat as she bared her strangely serpentine fangs. "Two can play at that game, Gangrel."

As she spoke her tongue flickered out of her mouth like a serpent's own forked tongue, lengthening to half a meter as it flickered. Moving with an unusual grace she sidestepped and her tongue slashed across Anabelle's upper arm. The forked tongue cut through Anabelle's shoulder leaving a far more painful wound than Anabelle has ever felt.

14/15 BP's, 4/4 WP, [*][][][][][][].
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle growled, a deep rumble in her throat that came forth from her lips, fangs bared towards her enemy, as the lashing tongue ripped through flesh. The pain flared in her arm, almost driving her down, but she steeled herself against the agony.

She said nothing against her opponent, for this was no Saracen foot soldier, handed a spear and some rudimentary training. This was another Cainite, another like her.

With a small step forward and to the left, the Scot made to swipe towards her neck again, but at the last moment dodged to the right, and used her opposite hand to slash downwards, towards midriff and thigh.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle's feint almost worked perfectly but the Cainites reflexes were at least equal to her own and she managed to dodge back at the last second. Recovering from the dodge Echidna attempted to take the initiative in the fight, swiftly she moved with Anabelle and slashed at her throat with her forked tongue.

The brief prick of pain as the tongue hit once more was quickly replaced by a new feeling in the Gangrel. A feeling of intense ecstasy swept over Anabelle as she had felt numerous times during her own feedings. She felt herself unable to resist the wonderful feeling of the kiss for much longer she would have to fight off the grand feeling as much as she hated the thought of it ending. Finally she pulled back away from the serpent tongued Cainite and the spell of the kiss quickly faded as the other one smiled at her strangely and hissed seductively.

"Come now there isss no need for usss to fight, Gangrel. We are not so different our clans. I promise no one shall harm you if you but sssurender."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"Amharasach. Piseag," Anabelle muttered as she pulled away, keeping her eyes upon the lash like tongue that had so nearly crippled her, fingers flexing as she watched her opponent's movements, watching for an opening.

The woman's reflexes were much too good for feints and subtlety. Perhaps some brute force would work. The Scot rushed forward, head down and shoulders up to hide her neck as much as she could, the thin trickle of blood running over her flesh forgotten as she charged, hoping to tackle Echidna, so that she could rake claws over her face, and rip that fucking tongue from her head.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle's sudden charge seemed to catch the Cainite by complete surprise as they both crashed to the deck with a thud. A brief hiss the only sound to come from the woman as she fell under the wrathful attack of the gangrel on top of her. Her tongue no longer flickered out as she struggled to keep the dangerous claws out of her flesh.

Echidna struggled differently than before though, it was as if she were taking pains not to cause any harm to her opponent as she suddenly pleaded. "Pleassse I do not wish to hurt you but I will if I mussst. We can essscape and I can help you. I can give you whatever you want."

Anabelle felt a prick of conscious as she struggled to slash her claws into the alluring woman. She had no idea if the cainite was using some power but hse felt her self weakening against the impassioned cries coming from the woman.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle cursed silently, and moved to grasp the woman's neck, yet not squeezing hard enough to choke, letting her speak still.

"Speak then, and stop using your powers or I will kill you, galla," the Gangrel hissed, fully willing to do whatever it took to crush this woman's neck and kill her. But whatever information she held, could be useful.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The woman might have gasped at the hands now closed around her throat if not for her being undead. She simply smiled, it was a bit forced but the current situation wasn't exactly the best for pleasantries. Her tongue still flickered out of her lips like a snakes but it no longer seemed to be a threat as she said.

"I can tell you what my companionsss have planned for your prince's domain and I can procure almost anything you might desssire. However this is not the time to be confessing my role in this plot, first we should essscape to some place safer."

Her words were still reassuring though not because of any trick or power. It seemed more as if the woman were simply accustomed to speaking so eloquently. As she said the last part about escaping Anabelle noticed the sounds of the others fighting had already stopped. Meaning Muirne had somehow won against the other 2 Cainites, had been subdued, or perhaps even met her final death.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Grasping her blade, Anabelle slowly pulled it from the woman's body, and flicked it, spattering blood on the ground.

"Go then. Meet me at the mounted noble inn tomorrow evening, and show me there if you are honest, or druisire," she hissed moving away from Echidna. Gripping her sword firmly she pointed the tip into the darkness, before turning to move back towards the fighting had been occurring. She would not leave Muirne behind, as interested as she was in listening to what Echidna had to say.
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