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RPG [Longherin] Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)


Demon Girl Master
Aug 9, 2013
Reputation score
So I'm working on a thing.

It's not a very good thing. I'm putting the current working version here to fish for sympathy and get my ego stroked.

Gameplay - Currently nonexistent. Supposed to have trainer elements though, but WOW am I far from that.

Current Features
-Character Creation (and levels~)
-Randomized jobs (that you can take for exp and only exp)
-Shitty UI
-Randomly occurring Events (only for one of the characters for this build, but that can be easily changed in the character files)
-Character Interactions (so you can make two characters marry n'shit. It doesn't DO anything yet, though...)
-A Datafile folder :D (yay~)

Current Problems (that I know of)
-Events don't chain properly/repeat properly.
-Character modifiers should show levels as well as their stat bonuses fixed
-Characters gain increasingly more experience as they gain experience. fixed
-No items other than Experience exists.
-Shitty UI
-Setting a character as the avatar causes events to break.[Fixed! Fuck Yeah].

Problems that I didn't know about but found out real quick
-Having multiple characters caused a stack overflow and made game unplayable fixed

What I'm looking for:
-People to run through the thing and give me feedback on how it feels.
-People to bounce ideas on what can be added (disclaimer: ideas may be discarded with impunity)
-People to run through the modding documentation (in the DataFiles folder) and see if it makes sense/can be organized better.
-People to practice using the modding documentation to see if it can be improved. New features will be added with time, so don't worry too much about that.


Also let me know if the link isn't worky.
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Re: Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)

So I'm working on a thing.

It's not a very good thing. I'm putting the current working version here to fish for sympathy and get my ego stroked.

Gameplay - Currently nonexistent. Supposed to have trainer elements though, but WOW am I far from that.

Current Features
-Character Creation (and levels~)
-Randomized jobs (that you can take for exp and only exp)
-Shitty UI
-Randomly occurring Events (only for one of the characters for this build, but that can be easily changed in the character files)
-A Datafile folder :D (yay~)

Current Problems (that I know of)
-Events don't chain properly/repeat properly.
-Character modifiers should show levels as well as their stat bonuses
-Characters gain increasingly more experience as they gain experience.
-No items other than Experience exists.
-Shitty UI

What I'm looking for:
-People to run through the thing and give me feedback on how it feels.
-People to bounce ideas on what can be added (disclaimer: ideas may be discarded with impunity)
-People to run through the modding documentation (in the DataFiles folder) and see if it makes sense/can be organized better.
-People to practice using the modding documentation to see if it can be improved. New features will be added with time, so don't worry too much about that.


Also let me know if the link isn't worky.

You got me there, I'm in [not really]
Re: Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)

90% of the problems I've been having so far had to do with getting the UI to work the way I wanted it to.
It'll look better down the line (probably) but for now it really is "as long as the correct things are being shown it's good."
Re: Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)

On one hand, shameless-self bumping. On the other, actual content updates.

Fixes - A lot, mainly...
Avatar Characters can now resolve events properly.
Events now resolve properly (kinda, sorta, still needs work)
Jobs now refresh correctly every turn.
Character skill levels respect the maximum cap set in their data.
Interactions between characters added but not implemented - still need to work out the design a bit.
UI is still very spartan.

I've even included images this time for maximum boring.
Also included - images shamelessly pulled from the internet.

Character Creation - The first step (of these alpha builds)

Click on one of the names to load a package. The package contains data about the character and lets the game know to load all images within the file for the character.
Like so. It also loads a random image (if the image is called portrait) that represents the character on this screen. If there are multiple portrait images the game will just randomly pick one.

Upon clicking the "Use this Package" button it goes into the character finalization window
Which looks like this.

The idea is to have further customization at this point (be able to pick out skills,traits, features, etc for the character in question) but that's been deferred for the time being, so there's really nothing to do but to change name/gender/ability to reproduce and move on.

The Main Menu - It is barren

Roster - Go to the list of characters you've created.
Jobs - Let your characters take jobs
Interact - Have two characters interact with each other (this button will not appear if you only have one character)
Last Turn - Show the tracker data for the previous turn (this button will not appear on the first turn)
Next Turn - Move on to the next turn

The Character Roster Menu

The portrait image is the portrait image. :v
All the button labels are pretty self-explanatory (and pretty useless...) but the two big ones are the overview button and the avatar button.
Avatar - Sets this character to be the avatar (that is, you.) Unfortunately the game doesn't replace names with "you" yet.
The Overview button is important because it has a button inside it that leads to:
This guy.

This screen (complete with a busted help window that SHOULD tell you what the skill/feature/trait is on mouseover but doesn't do it because it's stupid) shows you what skills/features/traits exist for this character.
I probably need to reorganize this menu as these three modifiers are more important than the numerical stats, but it shows what I need it to show, so for now it's good...

Jobs - Where things pretend to happen

This is where jobs are taken. As you can see, the jobs themselves are color-coded on a red-green (and ugly-in-the-middle) spectrum showing how likely the character in question can succeed on the job. (Greener is better).
Lacking: visual feedback on which character was selected to do jobs.
Error: Impossible to quit out of a job if you take a job and then leave this menu, but don't pass a turn. (Passing a turn will lock you out of quitting a job).

Interactions - The newest addition to the family of badly built stuff
(Disclaimer: Interactions don't actually propagate their data to the characters yet)

This interaction being shown is the result of a "marriage" interaction between Neptune on the left and Miku on the right. The actual process is a bit more involved and requires additional button clicking.
It is still just a bunch of menus though.
Error: The interactions window does not correctly cull interactions (so NepNep there can get divorced without ever being married.)

Next Turn - If Only I had a clock.
Errors - Data isn't being displayed correctly. the EXP item is being called DUMMY for some reason (but the characters still level properly)

Shows an image with a blurb on the completion rate of the job. Standard, if wonky.
The Next button exists because there's a second character (Neppy) with a job.
The Event button exists because there's an event that fired on this turn.

Events - What this game is supposed to be about.
Also-This window is only visible for Miku because she was set to be the AVATAR.

This is a randomly generated event that occurs to characters. The game's whole idea is the use of these events to create narrative (and there is a small narrative chain in the game as of right now to kind of showcase that effect).
The buttons as seen are the possible options to 'solving' this event, and the data package for events allows for as many solutions as your heart desires...but probably less than ten.
Errors: end-of-line event chains do not fire properly, and events that iterate don't do it properly. The two issues are likely related.

This is the event after resolving it by 'accepting'. It shows a blurb which (right now) is a bit wonky as well.
And this is the tracker window.
You see this window as well upon clicking the Last Turn... Button.

Since we have two characters and two characters had events fired (impossible not to with this build) both characters and the events are listed here. clicking on one of the events will go into the menu proper and show some of the finer detail (plus images) but again, very rough right now.
More than one event firing will have the events displayed on the order of their execution.

This is a lot of stuff for a game without any real content, wow.
Anyways, this is the link to the latest build.

If you are interested, please touch it and tell me what breaks.

Also the game has no quit option so you have to alt-f4 if you go full screen. :v
Re: Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)

Never worry about self bumping, dude. Especially if it's your topic about your game.
Re: Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)

Never worry about self bumping, dude. Especially if it's your topic about your game.

as long as there's something new it's fine, people only get annoyed when you bump with nothing new to show for it...which is why my thread hasnt been commented on by anyone but me in a week, cause the new update isnt out yet
Re: Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)

I wasn't expecting unity but seems promising, I always do enjoy a trainer game so I'll be keeping an eye out on this.

Also something on the side, if you play in fullscreen there is no way to close the game without alt-tabbing or alt+f4. I always play windowed so it doesn't bother me. I know its early alpha, but just don't forget about it in the end.
Re: Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)

Duly noted (it's largely due to a lack of a primary menu screen '~')
Re: Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)

Outside of the technical chalenges, what are your general designs for this game? I'm familiar with what you mean by "trainer elements" but in what way?

Is the player managing multiple characters along the vein of those brothel sims? Or perhaps guiding one character at a time such as in literal slave trainers. Or assuming identity of the selected character directly as their own player character, such as in certain text adventure sandbox games. Or something in between or else entirely? What kind of themes and structure, etc.

I'm presuming you're mainly focused on simply getting the minimum basic framework down right at the moment, but I'm curious what the dream driving this project is.

(Although beginning the thread demoing actual technical examples and not just hopeful creative pitch is a commendable thing here of course.)
Re: Game Without A Name (Because I am bad at names)

Outside of the technical chalenges, what are your general designs for this game? I'm familiar with what you mean by "trainer elements" but in what way?

Is the player managing multiple characters along the vein of those brothel sims? Or perhaps guiding one character at a time such as in literal slave trainers. Or assuming identity of the selected character directly as their own player character, such as in certain text adventure sandbox games. Or something in between or else entirely? What kind of themes and structure, etc.

I'm presuming you're mainly focused on simply getting the minimum basic framework down right at the moment, but I'm curious what the dream driving this project is.

(Although beginning the thread demoing actual technical examples and not just hopeful creative pitch is a commendable thing here of course.)

The basic design premise is kind of Slave Maker meets Dwarf Fortress, where the importance of the characters is the role they (and by extension the player) play in the world at large.

My working goal:
You create a character who has, say, the PRINCESS Event package (meaning that she has access to those events) and she is in your group for however long while you train her in the art of assassination pole-dancing. Eventually one of the events trigger (let's say she's being hunted by assassins) and that develops into another event, and ultimately ends with the princess retaking her kingdom, becoming queen, and then accidentally diving into a cave of orcs never to be seen again.
150 turns later some orcs with surprisingly high stats show up at a nearby village and take all the women hostage and re-enact Orc Porn 3 - The Re-porning or something.
So in a sense my dream is for someone to go "well I conquered half the world with my 15,000 halfbred tentacle cousins before they got hit by a potion that turned them gay for me" and everyone else familiar with the game will just go "sounds familiar."

Not gonna lie, the work it would take to make a world even a tenth as flexible as I want it to be is monumental, so for the time being my goal is just to make it possible for characters to be trained as the player pleases and for the player to use those characters to experience a wide variety of (likely 90% not created by me) content.

(That last bit is why I'm so focused on making the DataFiles to be readable and workable by someone willing to pop it open: the more nodes we can add into the game, the fuller the world will be).