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Looting run [Lin, River]

Re: Hunting party [Lin, River]

(Lin and River attack)

Both Lin and River shot the crab attached to river. The bullets go in, but they don't pass through it. A little bit of blood drips out of the bullet holes.

River heard what sounded like tearing from underneath her, as she began to feel something slimy brush along her pussy, as she realizes that the crab ripped a hole in her jeans...

Re: Hunting party [Lin, River]

Lin aimes again, at the same place she shoot the bug hoping that being shot twice in the same spot would bring the bug down.
Re: Hunting party [Lin, River]


"Aaah, goddammit!" River yelled, firing three more times with the gun still pressed against the creature's head.
Re: Hunting party [Lin, River]

(River attacks)

It took all three shots before the thing would fall off of her, it's blood splattered across the ground as it fell, dead.

Both crabs were dead, and Lin was pregnant.

As a passing breeze reminded the two girls of their condition in places left private, they decided what to do next...
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

River let the thing fall off of her, trembling a little at how close it had come to...

Shaking her head to disperse the pictures forming, she bent down to help Lin to her feet, remembering who had the worse of the deal.


"Hey, how are you feeling? Can you stand?"
Re: Hunting party [Lin, River]

(we got FP for that right?)
Lin got up, her legs was shaking.

"Lets go back, I am not feeling too well." Lin held her hand to her full stomach.
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

River just nodded, dropping the clip out of her gun and popping a fresh one in, leaving the last bullet of the first clip chambered and putting the empty clip in her pocket.

That done, she puts Lin's arm over her shoulder to give the woman some support, and starts helping her back to the Inn.


"Lin..." She says slowly. "I'm sorry..."
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

Lin smiled at the woman's gesture.
"It's not your fault, I just messed up my backflip." Lin said.
"You almost got it as bad as I did anyways, it doesn't matter."
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]


"Yeah..." She says slowly. She couldn't bring herself to tell the girl that she had stood by and watched as she was attacked by those things. All because of...


"Hey, where did Azure go?" She asks, realizing that she hadn't seen the woman since she ran to help Lin.
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

Lin also started to notice somebody missing.
"I dunno..." Lin started but was cut off as a sudden thought pierced through her thoughts.
"Don't tell me she got dragged away?!"
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]


"I don't think so." River said after a moment of consideration. "I didn't see anyting else in the area besides those crab things, and if yours was any indication, then it most certainly didnt drag her off while we were busy. Something tells me she just wandered off."

River wanted to add a rather derogatory comment after that, but hed herself back. She ad no patience for thoe that went back on their word, and if Azure was back in the Inn when they arrived, she was going to get a talking to. Which reminded her, there was something else she wanted to ask Lin about...


"I know it's not much better of a topic for discussion, all things considered, but... What all do you remember of yesterday, at the bunker?" She asks, her cheeks turning a slightly darker shade, hopefully unnoticed.
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

Lin was taken back at the question.
It caught her completely off guard, and she blushed.
With almost no time to hide it, Lin went with the only choice she had...
"I... uh... remembered everything." Lin muttered. Loud enough for River to hear.
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

Upon hearing Lin's answer, River turned a deep shade of red as well.


"I was afraid of that. Look, when I said... And you were drugged... I didn't mean, well, I would have, but I really..." She stammers out, looking at Lin desperately as she tried to explain herself.
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

(Whoa there, what are you planning there Shrike? *nudge nudge*)
Lin stared at River as she try to sort her words.
She smiled at her teammate, and spoke with a laugh.
"Even I didn't act like that when I was drugged. Calm down." Lin said, playfully.
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

((I'm just playing up her honourable. She said she would if you helped, and you didn't so she doesn't feel obligated to, but she wants to make it clear that that's what happenned. I've decided she's bi-curious, but hesitant about it. Also, :p ))


"Sorry." She said, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "What I'm trying to say is, What I said back there... I wouldn't have said it under normal circumstances. I would have followed through with it, but I'm kinda glad that I don't have to, you know?"
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

(Yeah that was the 1st impression I got from that post.)
Lin giggled.
"Well, if you want to try it, I guess I am up to it, after all, I am also a bit 'curious'." Lin replied smiling at her friend.
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

It had hardly seemed possible, but River blushed even harder.


"I diodnt mean... Not that you aren't... But I..." She stammers out, then breathes a sigh of relief when they turn the corner and Apple Inn comes into view.


"There's the Inn, let's get you to the doctors'" she says caringly, changing the subject. "We need to get you looked at."
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

Lin stayed slient, and just kept smiling at River as they moved off into the Inn.
(I am guess this is End?)
Re: Looting run [Lin, River]

(Yup, Lin was taken in by the doctors, several hours passed. Lin woke up, not pregnant anymore as she was unconscious when she birthed them thanks to some chloroform, and the crab babies were killed.)

(Both Lin and River are back at the hotel, further role playing will continue in the Apple Inn thread.)