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Lord of Walkure

Re: Lord of Walkure

Another quick question, anyone know if attacking a friend's boss when the boss is at 1hp kill steals the boss?
Re: Lord of Walkure

Another quick question, anyone know if attacking a friend's boss when the boss is at 1hp kill steals the boss?

You can't. Once the boss hits 1%, it turns yellow and only the person who started the fight can finish it. Plus even then, everyone who adds in gets rewards based on whether they were the attacker or assistance so even if you can kill the boss it wouldn't change your rewards.
Re: Lord of Walkure

yay, new girl
Re: Lord of Walkure

Oh fuck you!

Edit: not meaning to be mean, either. :p
Re: Lord of Walkure

I finally got her just now, after grinding the event floors almost constantly. (I spent 3 hours yesterday sitting on the stairs, sulking in the same spot, and then another 3 hours sleeping).

How am I supposed to nab a 2nd or 4th girl :I.
Re: Lord of Walkure

I finally got her just now, after grinding the event floors almost constantly. (I spent 3 hours yesterday sitting on the stairs, sulking in the same spot, and then another 3 hours sleeping).

How am I supposed to nab a 2nd or 4th girl :I.

You only get one. xD
Re: Lord of Walkure

Except...she's THE weakest UC card I've come across...I have 2 ++ of her and at lvl 11 (one lvled up prior to evolving and the other not) They are almost at 2k for skill damage and barely over 1k for regular damage. All of my other UC and higher cards I found in their UC form stronger or close to her strength.

oh i actually meant she's a good card to use to lvl up others due to her relative high level :)
Re: Lord of Walkure

I finally got her just now, after grinding the event floors almost constantly. (I spent 3 hours yesterday sitting on the stairs, sulking in the same spot, and then another 3 hours sleeping).

How am I supposed to nab a 2nd or 4th girl :I.

You have to spend major $$ on gold tickets, but just in case I'm getting her anyways. The 2nd one can be gotten directly by buying the special set.
Re: Lord of Walkure

what dafuq fucking fuck? where, how can i get her? R only but 1600 p.atk and 3600 m.atk. :eek:
Re: Lord of Walkure

Yea, that is really strong for a rare, haven't seen anyone with one in pvp yet.
Re: Lord of Walkure

what dafuq fucking fuck? where, how can i get her? R only but 1600 p.atk and 3600 m.atk. :eek:

Lol, nice on getting that rare card. I upgraded one of mine, and all of a sudden, "IT'S A TRAP!" Stupid police one. x.x
Re: Lord of Walkure

the UC of floor 19 is this one:
anyone know wich one it is for floor 18 (earth element i believe)?


  • event uc2.jpg
    event uc2.jpg
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  • uc19.jpg
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Re: Lord of Walkure

what dafuq fucking fuck? where, how can i get her? R only but 1600 p.atk and 3600 m.atk. :eek:

I got that one some days ago from using the gacha you get from daily reward. Very lucky. Don't know if you can get it in some other way.
Re: Lord of Walkure

I got that one some days ago from using the gacha you get from daily reward. Very lucky. Don't know if you can get it in some other way.

you can get that one from the silver ticket gacha?
i've only gotten these as rare so far:


  • silver gacha.jpg
    silver gacha.jpg
    96.3 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lord of Walkure

you can get that one from the silver ticket gacha?
i've only gotten these as rare so far:

Yep, you can. Don't know if having more tickets increase your chances but I just went all 8 days without touching them and then used all the tickets in one go (2nd button when you go use the machine). Got some crappy cards and equips as usual, and that awesome R.
Re: Lord of Walkure

Yep, you can. Don't know if having more tickets increase your chances but I just went all 8 days without touching them and then used all the tickets in one go (2nd button when you go use the machine). Got some crappy cards and equips as usual, and that awesome R.

it's good to know there's some good things in there after all :D
Re: Lord of Walkure

gachapon? i got this one

good thing i thought it was only those rare that showed up so normal gachapon is not useless she is pretty strong 1040 ph and 4200 magic damage 13 critical 6 balance and 25% chance cast skill
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Re: Lord of Walkure

Alright, so I started playing this a couple days ago, read through the thread to get the basics and added a bunch of you guys along the way(I'm Onipori btw. xp) But I've run into something that's kind of wierd. Sometimes when I go into a dungeon I'll fight the monster like usual, but about two lines of black text will pop up beneath it instead of one and I'll get sent back to the floor select thing with no progress/exp added to the bars. Any idea what causes this? Also, I'm a little curious if there are any cards that have higher physical attack than magic attack.
Oh, and if anyone was wondering what the potion bottles do, they restore 30 points of one type of energy (Red is quest energy, green is pvp). =p