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Lord Of Walkure

Re: Lord Of Walkure

Tip from me:
If you don't have smartphone, you may get SR card, doing next steps:
1. Install Opera 17
2. Install User-Agent Switcher: addons.opera.com/ru/extensions/details/user-agent-switcher/?display=en
3. Set "Android->Samsung Galaxy S3" User Agent
4. Go to sp.dmm.co.jp/netgame/gadgets/index/app_id/435797
5. Launch LoW and open your gifts list! ^_^

Thanks =D
Re: Lord Of Walkure

maybe I just need to sit there in the event dungeon and actually lvl up my rare cards Ive pretty much only gotten them to about 15 some lvl 20. Ive just pretty much only been using the cards I find along the way advancing in the normal dungeon and just making it to through to the event boss to feed my rares. I think I need to get stronger really fast if I'm to have any chance at getting 4 of the rares from the event boss. I have to depend on ppl to do 90% of the dmg to the bosses for me because I barely get past their defense using the proper element and that mega chainsaw so if ppl are afk or choose not to attack my event boss I'm screwed. I wish they wouldn't make the SR from the event bosses so hard to obtain, but I guess they intend for people to not get 4 of them from one event and have to wait for another one.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Do you know when we attack non-weakness boss, elemental or non-elemental suit make a bigger damage?
Re: Lord Of Walkure

if it has no weakness I think your best bet is to just use the strongest cards u got with high skill activation % 30+ and also the first kanji in the bosses name will normally be its element if you cant tell by its color water is weak to earth, earth is weak to wind, wind is weak to fire and fire is weak against water. you can look up element kanji on google but for some reason when I did it the earth kanji is different from whats in game
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Can you even get anything good from free Gach? All Im doing right now is saving up a ton of points.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Can you even get anything good from free Gach? All Im doing right now is saving up a ton of points.

there 's some R at the normal gacha, but their stat is not really strong compare to other R
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I cant believe there's SR cards that suck so bad this earth angel thing I got from the boss in the 18th map only has 700 dmg and 1200 on its skill and none of its other stats are high except it has 150 mp but that's actually bad isn't it?
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Getting pretty tired of this game. It seems like most the good stuff is off limits to free players.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Getting pretty tired of this game. It seems like most the good stuff is off limits to free players.

Yeah. The best thing you can do is wait for events, get R/SR that are given in events and max them.

But the good thing is it's not time consuming, you can just log in every 2 hours or so, use up stamina and stuff then log out.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

the only thing I don't like is the event SR's that seem almost unobtainable 95% of the time the event bosses just drop useless equipment or one of of those lvl 20 UC cards that cant evolve. I could care less about the gold gacha 5$ per a shot is too much most games are only 1$ maybe 2 and even if u spend money getting a few cards its kinda useless because you need 4 of them to get the scenes. You can get R/SR from the stronger bosses at 100% rate if its your kill I think the R's start dropping in about the 12th map SR in the 18th. sometimes you can get them for just making sure u do enough dmg to other people bosses its that support line requirement the wiki mentions 4-10% of the bosses hp depending on the boss
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Yamimalak- New player

Getting name error 2 when trying to add you. FruitSui here, feel free to add me anybody. I still have 15 open slots. I think your name is too long and removing characters didn't help. I'm guessing you have 30 friend requests sent out so you can't receive any friends (Like I did...). After pvping someone, they give you two options, the one on the left will send a friend invite to them, they count towards your friend total even unaccepted. You need to go into the 2nd tab of the friend menu and remove all of them.
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

If you want be strong in this game, please read more. Don't just play and dont know what you're doing. If you have enough info, you'll make a better stragetry to play. I'll share you some usefull info I use to play. If you don't know Japanese, use chrome to translate it.

w.livedoor.jp/lordofwalkure/d/%A5%A4%A5%D9%A5%F3%A5%C8 - This is event page, you can find what you can get from event quest and some info about limited boss, like weakness, item drop. Usually, limited boss immune to many element, which mean you just can damage it if you attack to its weakness. Ex, in this event, if you face the wind boss (green), you must use fire element to attack it, another element nomatter how strong it is, damage is 0. You must chage your suit too, so dont sell all your element suit, even it's suck. Your defence isn't important, just your elemental and damage.

w.livedoor.jp/lordofwalkure/d/%C2%E7%A5%DC%A5%B9 - This is boss page. You can find what boss you're facing, weakness, what you'll get if kill it, and important - how many damage you must cause to take gift when you aid your friend, usually it's 5%, or 10%. Non-weakness boss always stronger so think if you can get gift before attack it.

w.livedoor.jp/lordofwalkure/d/%a5%a2%a5%eb%a5%d0%a5%e0%c3%cfC - If you dont know what card you having, this page have pics of all card. You can use the link to find out about your card - balance, critical, damage, 2Max, 4Max, and how you can get it - free or not. And you'll know what card you shoud up and what you discard. Just a little time, check out all the card, it's not too much, and you'll see clearly what you must do next, like you should go further in main quest or you should stop and go to event quest to up your card.

dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/community/-/topic/=/cid=78/tid=422/ - You can find all about time maintenance, and what's in new version - new card, event card and how to get. Like this event, you must login by smartphone to get SR card.

There're plenty of info in livedoor.jp but I dont list here, I just show what's the most important. Hope this will help you. Have fun with LoW :D
Re: Lord Of Walkure

got 4 copy of R event card "wind fairy monica" now
time to lvl :D
Re: Lord Of Walkure

finally I can play LoW normally again, my fking network company installed some weird service that blocked all my hentai web without asking me , today they just uninstalled it , hooray
Re: Lord Of Walkure

So what happens when you combine a maxed + card with a non maxed + card?

I have a maxed + Water Demon R card from the event, and then they handed me a non maxed + card. Is it worth it to combine them? I assume it'll get only a portion of it's maxed ++ stats.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Anyone play the other dmm games? I prefer fairy fantasia over this, and cannot find a thread for it.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

So what happens when you combine a maxed + card with a non maxed + card?

I have a maxed + Water Demon R card from the event, and then they handed me a non maxed + card. Is it worth it to combine them? I assume it'll get only a portion of it's maxed ++ stats.

don't use cards that you can't 4max lv max it

combine card with lv max gives 10% when others gives 5%

2max = 20%
no max = 10%
1max = 15%
Re: Lord Of Walkure

don't use cards that you can't 4max lv max it

combine card with lv max gives 10% when others gives 5%

2max = 20%
no max = 10%
1max = 15%

Yeah it is totally not worth. 2max R+ card mentioned in this case give like 24k skill damage, while no max gives like 11k.

I was hoping we would get 2 R no max in this event so we could go 4 max, but nope.