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Lord Of Walkure

Re: Lord Of Walkure

what rank 1000 :eek: that many people actually play this game? wow and were sitting here barely killing raid bosses with most people quiting wish some of those guys would help me kill bosses. I feel like I might actually stand a chance at this if some of the lower ranking ppl suck and aren't so geared out that they look like gundams
Re: Lord Of Walkure

what you expect man, this game has some awesome stuff if you ignore how they milk ppl like you get Hcgs for free(well not much) , hear girls voice ( like how they *moan* lols) and a lot features , and how you think it can stand 1st on dmm with fewer than 1000 players?
edit: well at least I came for this game because those but lately I don't care much and more focus on how beat boss and collect card , when come to Hcgs I always skip it
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

hadn't gone to the arena in so long I forgot to not hit the rank up button that was waiting for me at the first match now I have to win 4 times in a row to get items :( but do you guys think I have any chance at this pvp event? I got a gacha armor on one account with 5800 and 3400 i think is the mdef at+13 only my other account has a gacha weapon that I got +19 with 11,000 something matk but any idea if crit matters in pvp should I keep using the mega chain saw in pvp cause its got 50 or should I used one of those stronger valentines weapons that have low crit? my cards are mostly just basic boss monster drops /free event rares
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Lol they patched the pvp exploit I was using to get all those CG's. That was pretty much the only way I knew for getting CG's for cards I didn't have.
The team exploration approach is still open so if anyone has some rare cards and wants me to look up the CG that's still an option.

For the pvp event, the server sends you data about who's in the circle I don't know if that information might be useful.
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

forgot to ask how do you even know what rank you are currently or if your getting close to being good enough to get the free gacha card when this is over?
Re: Lord Of Walkure

@^:you'll know when it come :). And don't waste your time in pvp yet , it won't count point until 14/2
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I'm new here. I got a few questions to ask:

1.) I read the wiki, but my Japanese isn't very good. Can someone explain the whole card evolution (4 MAX and so and so) to me? I don't quite understand it. I'm understanding it as + means you put two normals cards together, ++ means you put two + cards together, if you level the card to max level before evolving the stats scale better at the next evolution stage. Correct me if I'm wrong please.

2.) Should I be trying to level one card to max or leveling all 3 equally? I have fairly strong cards. But their levels differ quite far atm, Level 14, 10 and 1.

3.) From asking around, I heard stamina is basically the most useless stat, charisma I need to get enough for 3 SSRs and rest dump on force; is that correct?

4.) I've heard PvP was a general waste of time, not much rewards; but unfortunately I'm already on rank 9, should I just stop doing it in total and focus on helping people kill bosses? (I know about the 5% hp for reward thing)

5.) Exploration is extremely expensive, but seems very worthwhile, it takes almost all my best cards to explore new places though; should I be doing this before I sleep?

6.) Lastly, I've been putting all my commons into easy exploration spots to level them up, does feeding leveled up commons give my main cards more exp? If not I should stop doing this?

Thanks in advance guys! Looking forwards to clear some of my doubts!
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

1) half the point of evolution is to get to the final form so you get the Hentai scene for the card and yes + is 2 cards together and ++ is 4 if you want the card to have its maximum status you have to max level that card at every stage this is a rather lengthy process so I strongly wouldn't recommend doing it for UC cards they are weak and aren't worth the effort if you want to cut corners a little dont even max most of the rares you find but 4 linear them which is maxing only the + form and then the final ++ form the 2nd Rare earth earth card your able to find called "Olga black panther of the wilderness" by google translate has 19494 skill dmg maxed and 10173 regular attack maxed if you 4 linear it its 16976 skill and 8921 regular if you combine it without maxing at any point it will have 11822 skill and 6274 regular attack I believe if your even 1 lvl from being maxed your card will have no bonus dmg from being combined look for that 10% bonus when you are combining not 5% that.s what makes cards strong. I would try to hold out maxing cards until you find super rares or any special event only/ gacha cards.

2) If you have any rare cards that you've been able to get from events Id say get that pretty high or max them first and then if you cant find any rares from the normal quest then maybe pump up your other cards

3)I dont think you are going to be able to find 3 SSR anytime soon so id say build up enough charisma just you use 3 R++ cards. stamina is not useless you cant get to far in the quest without enough stamina I could see stopping at a certain point with the stamina but not leaving it so low that you cant even spawn bosses because you can only move 3 spaces every hour or something to that effect.

4)people say stay low rank in pvp incase there are pvp events one is coming up very soon actually I think thats because if you get to far you cant win against the players with SSR ++ and SR++ and you cant go back to a lower rank where you wouldd be able to win again without buying a cash item so when that pink button at the top right in pvp lights up you might want to refrain from pressing it too many times and getting too high

5) I think exploration you might want to be careful how much you do it until you finish maxing alot of cards and dont need to spend all so much gold constantly feeding your cards anymore, you will nearly go broke feeding your cards especially if there is no event giving food cards and equipments to sell for gold. There are cards that can reduce the cost and they stack I think I have a set up with 3 cards that reduce the cost to about 50% . I noticed some of the maps drop gold/silver bars though and I'm curious if I could lower my cost enough that finding those bars would negate the cost for me. There are also some pretty nice rewards if you can get to the higher exploration lvls 2 rare cards that can reduce the cost drop in there , accessories that add alot of dmg crit or defense

6) I actually never though of doing that so Idk how good it is maybe you could compare it do the event dungoens that drop lvl 12 common cards right now and yes the higher level the card you feed the more exp it gives also if its the same element of the main card its x2 exp still takes fking forever though even with these events that drop 3 of the same element cards at lvl 12

and I'm sorry if I made any typos anywhere or if this is hard to understand .
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Thanks for the answers!

So my current plan of action should be:

Force: Use it mainly on assisting boss kills for rewards

Stam: Grind out the event dungeon, at stage 16 atm.

Gold: Spending most of it exploring atm, but it seems exploring also makes me back some gold.

Also one more question:

1.) You mentioned I shouldn't rank up PvP because of the coming PvP event, how does the PvP event work? Being higher ranked punishes you, meaning it only counts the total amount of people you beat, and not the rank of your PvP status? In that case would everyone just rank down to the first tank to score maximum points in the PvP event?
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

ppl who already add me add Yuuko too so i can help you guys with my alt
i still have 5 slot left
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I recently started playing the game lately myself out of curiosity. It's pretty fun distraction.
Name on it is Maritan for those who want to add me.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I'm not sure about the pvp event because Ive never seen one happen before and the one thats coming they havent put up any info on the wiki yet all I know is that people say dont rank up and I can see how it makes sense would suck to be stuck fighting ppl with all SSR cards always losing because you cant find SSR except buying a ton of gacha and you cant rank down without the cash item.

If you guys havent got 4 of those UC card from the chocolates yet you probably should before the event ends it turns into a rare card in its final form that reduces 20% exploration cost I just found out recently
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

How do you get 4 of them? I thought it says you're limited to buying only one.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I thought you could buy as many as you want it doesn't let you buy them when you click it are you sure you have enough chocolates it needs 20 for each 1. I don't know yet because I got 3 from buying them for 1 dollar each in the shop since they came with gold gachas then I only needed to buy 1 with the chocolates. Man if they don't even let you get that card for free then this event is complete shit, greedy cash monger for everything.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Yeah. You can only ever get one of them for 20 chocolates.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

yeah that's kind of not cool strong cards/weapons are nice and all but people play this game to view the hcg's. I didn't realize this event had absolutely nothing you could combine to ++ for free. I think stuff like this is why people hack in games when they make things too unforgiving and hard for the player.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Sort of found out by trial and error but to new players:

Don't do quest runs per tick once you get enough stamina from 0, always wait till you can kill 3 mobs at once, because you'll get an item/card everytime. At least that's how it works for me so far.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Ya, you get a treasure on every third consecutive run.

It gets annoying when you realize you're at 95% completion and you can't get 3 runs in...or you find out you're about to level up.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

why chocolate king boss still spawn when we can't exchange the event chocolate for stuff anymore ?
troll :confused: