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Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

With her pursuers still following behind as she approaches the ambush, Elea sends a quick mental communication to Sable and Matthias. "I'm almost there... lots following..." She comes to a stop at the last turn and looks back at the advancing demons. With a quick motion, she pulls and arrow from her quiver and lets it fly at the group, not bothering to take her normal careful aim. With the last shot further enticing the demons to chase her, she continues her run, heading for the ambush site and her sword in particular.

(take 1 shot while moving, then continue to the ambush site)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable yelps sharply as she feels the force of the mace crashing over her head, having barely ducked at the exact instant it would take to save herself from being utterly destroyed by the enormous black armored warrior.

"SHIT! SPREAD OUT!" she yelled, almost losing her focus as she scrambled out from under the black armored creature.

Her two illusions ducked and bounded off, moving just a bit faster than she was as they spread out to try to get some of the focus off of the real Sable, and their wild dash started to get complicated, Sable bounding headlong over one, as another ducked under her, she strapped her gun and ran on all fours for a moment before ducking as another illusion bound over her...

Though her wild antics seemed like it was foolish, in truth, she was just trying to confuse her chasers, trying to get them to lose track of which one of the three was her while, with any luck, the next attack would go after one of the illusions, instead of after her.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck..." Sable's mind was almost screaming as she felt her heart pounding violently, knowing she was maybe seconds away from being caught, "They're almost on me! I'm trying a distraction, but that ambush BETTER be ready, or we're SO fucked!"

(Sable attempts to "shuffle" herself with the two illusions so the next attack won't go after her, hopefully. Maintains her top defensive stance (as much defense as she can get), and ignores attacking this round, focusing entirely on getting to the ambush point as fast as possible and not getting hit.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45, Minor Buff +5 Speed

Eleas arrow strikes a goblin in the chest, but she is forced to turn and continue running before she can tell whether or not she's killed the demon as the stalkers close in on her. Turning the corner, the place she and Sable had ambushed the stalkers earlier was in sight. 'I have you both in sight. Will go loud on your mark.' Matthias voice says nonchalantly into her mind. As she ran down the street, Elea knew that she could call on Matthias aid at any time, but she had so far been able to outpace the demons following her, while from Sables thoughts, it seemed likely that she was in a good deal more trouble than she was.

Sables strange tactic works, the mace swinging through one of her illusions, and causing the demon knight to stop and stare in confusion. The hellhounds don't seem to notice, however, and follow her right around the corner. As she runs, Matthias voice pops into her mind once more; 'I have you both in sight. Will go loud on your mark.'

As she runs down the street, Sable spots Elea turns the bend in front of her. The elf is less than thirty feet away, but if the ranger is being followed as aggressively as she is, Sable is in danger of being overwhelmed by the demons following after Elea as they turn the corner in pursuit of the elf.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable winced as the illusion got slammed through, phasing from existance for the brief instant that the enormous weapon moved through her distraction.

She hoped the armored monster would keep following her, but one way or another, she was utterly pleased that she wasn't the one taking that blow head-on.

The threat of being overrun clearly upon her, Sable leaned into her run as best she could, "Not yet, not yet, almost... Elea, when we get close, turn and dive to the side, You dive left, I dive right. That way Matthias can hit the entire group with something big, and just cast it with us barely outside the range! When we dive, blast them!" The clearly thought out plan the last thing the catgirl could cling to as she rushed after Elea, the instant the two of them were next to each other, she'd dive right, as she'd said, and hope wildly that it would be enough to give Matthias an easy set of targets that one of his area spells could anihilate.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea grins as she hears her arrow strike home just as she spins to flee from the approaching stalkers. With her part of the lure going exactly as planned, the elf stops worrying about her pursuers and turns her mind to her companion. Sable's frantic thoughts convince the ranger that something is very wrong, and without being able to see it, she can only run as fast she can. "I'm almost there! Keep going!" she thinks to the catwoman, hoping to reassure her.

When she turns the corner, Elea sprints towards Sable, taking in the catwoman's plan. "Alright! Just like she said!" she mentally says to Matthias, preparing herself for the coming attack.

'No time to grab my sword now,' Elea thinks, gripping her bow tighter as she moves closer to the trapped area. She had left her sword at the ambush site, but in order to pull off Sable's desperate plan, she would have to pass it up and grab it afterward. As soon as the two women close in, Elea would do exactly as Sable had said, and dive to the side, ducking to protect herself from Matthias' vicious attack.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45, Minor Buff +5 Speed

Elea Body Check: Success
Sable Body Check: Success (By the skin of your teeth.)

Sable manages to catch up to Elea before the demons block her path thanks to her magically enhanced speed, and both break from a run to a full sprint toward the trap location. As the pair of naked woman (and Sables illusions) race down the street, neither has time to notice the dark figure standing unmoving on a roof. The hellhounds and knights leap over the stream of goblins running down the street in pursuit of Elea, all intent on chasing down Sable.

One of the knights, glowing a dark purple and holding a greatsword that looks like it could easily split both of them in half with a single swing, rushes ahead of the pack. The demonic knight is almost upon them, as both women can easily feel the demons supernatural presence thanks to its dark aura. Then, just as both are about to dive for cover, both hear a loud clang, followed by a chorus of screams and shouts.

The duo, spinning around, are greeted by the sight of a massive black wall, which seems to have materialized out of thin air. It covers the entire street, and goes to just bellow the roofs of the buildings around them. Loud bangs and scratching noises can be heard from the other side, along with a cacophony of shouts, barks, roars, and screams. Both women then look up to see Matthias standing on a low roof, his hand reaching toward the gigantic, black, demon-filled container, as he mutters; "This one ought to be good....."

Then, he clenches his hand into a fist, the daemons eyes glowing red behind the mask he wore. The effect on the black wall was instantaneous and horrifying. The black shape compressed instantly, shrinking form the size of a large building to the size of a tree in less than a second. The cries from within are all immediately silenced, replaced by a sickening crunching sound as the demons within have their bones and bodies crushed. Unfortunately, the large container had no lid, so a massive fountain of gore rockets into the sky as the demons are crushed. Both Elea and Sable have their naked forms showered in the blood and guts of the demons they'd intended to kill thanks to their daemon allies unorthodox attack.

After a moment, the black wall disappears, and another shower of gore floods the area. Matthias, completely nonchalant about the blood and gore covering the area just before the place they'd intended to set their trap, hops down from the building and approaches the duo; "Well, that worked pretty well. Low energy cost too." He says.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable's heartbeat was pounding and racing as she saw the barrier form, half collapsing against Elea, clutching the girl tightly, not for any reason other than fear and wanting protection... She had gotten in way over her head, and she knew it...

In utter shock, she stood there staring as Matthias' attack utterly wiped out the entire group so effortlessly.

Sable could only stare slack jawed for the first instant, until the first rain of gore splattered down.

The catgirl shrieked wildly... she'd killed before. She'd been covered in the blood of an enemy... and she, reluctantly, washed like a human to get the blood out before returning to her usual cleansing.

But this...

"Oh.. my... gods... This is... this is... ... MATTHIAS, LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY FUR!" she cried out as he let his barrier down and the second wave of gore washed over her legs, the catgirl's fur drenched. To say it was like something the cat dragged in would be an understatement, as foul and disgusting as she appeared like this...

One eye twitching in rage, she huffily crossed her arms over her chest and muttered up at the daemon, "Well I'm glad the plan worked. I hope that if this took such low energy for you, compared to an all out brawl, then it was not a waste of your time? Or am I assuming too much again, since I've obviously misjudged your power substantially..."

Sable hesitated a moment longer before saying anything, feeling more than a little overwhelmed by everything that had just happened... But her mind was an open book to read, with the spell still on, both Elea and Matthias would hear her thoughts loud and clear, "I wonder if this is enough so we could take on the main camp now.. or if we need to lure some more off... Even with Matthias' power, he's going to need some distractions for the main fight... or does he... does he even consider us useful... or is he just humoring us..."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

As soon as she reaches Sable, Elea grabs onto the catwoman's shoulder almost pulling her along as the demons charge towards them, wrapping her arms around the other woman when she feels her press against her. She turns to look up at the barrier, jumping a bit when Matthias brings it collapsing in upon itself to kill the demons trapped within. When the gore rains down upon the two women, Elea tries her best to hide from it, though it seems to be everywhere.

Sable's shriek of disgust surprises the ranger. "What? What is it? Are you hurt?" she asks worriedly, looking over the naked but gore covered catwoman for injuries. When the woman are assaulted by the second wave of gore, and Sable screams at Matthias, Elea can only smile and shake her head. The ranger had fought in many battles and had spent so much of her time hunting wild animals for food that the gore, while disgusting, does little to upset her.

While Sable complains to Matthias, Elea takes the time to look over the area, to make sure none of the demons chasing them had escaped the barrier. As well, she retrieves her sword, thankful to have the weapon back in her possession. As she does, Sable's thoughts come over the mental link Matthias had given them. Without realizing the catwoman had been thinking her concerns rather than speaking them, Elea responds verbally. "We certainly drew many demons away from the camp, but there seemed to be many ogres in there, as well as other types. I have a feeling the camp will still be well populated." Under her breath, Elea continues, "And Matthias doesn't seem like the type to humor anyone..."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45, Minor Buff +5 Speed


Matthias reaction to Sables displeasure is surprisingly quick. The daemon begins to laugh deeply, the sound echoing across the open area and causing more than a few loose bits to rattle on the nearby houses. The daemons laughter is hardly joyous, however, and both women are taken aback and slightly frightened by the sound, though Elea is too experienced and Sable too flustered to show it outwardly. Suddenly, he snaps his gauntleted fingers, and all of the foul blood and guts and bone that had been covering the area simply disappeared, as though it had never been there in the first place.

His laughter instantly ceases, and he says; "Let me worry about the ogres, and whatever else is still in the camp. You drew out most of the hellhounds and goblins. Good work. Now, on to.... One moment, it seems that we have company. These guys are pretty quick, when they want to be." With that, Matthias turns away, back toward the street that the two women had made their desperate run down, to find themselves confronted by a squad of the black-armored demon knights. There were ten of them, all in full black plate mail, with the visors of their helmets down to hide their faces. Each of them held a massive sword, axe, or mace, wielding the large weapon as easily as if it were as light as a childs toy.

The demons all stand in a single file line, except for one on each end, that seem to be flankers, as they stand apart and forward from the main line. As one, each of them takes a step toward the daemon and the two naked women behind him, bringing them within ten feet of Matthias. Then, all of them move in a blur of supernatural speed, rushing toward him with weapons raised, except for one of the flankers, who moves past him, heading directly toward Elea and Sable, who stand thirty feet away.

In their minds, Matthias voice says; 'We can argue later. Now, it's time to fight. You're going to have to deal with the one heading toward you on your own until I finish with the rest.' And then, suddenly, Elea finds that her sword has popped into existence in front of her, sticking out of the ground within easy reach. With the demon knight speeding toward them, and Matthias occupied with the rest of them, it seems that Sable and Elea will have to kill the knight on their own.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable quietly huffed for a bit as the group was cleaned up, though after her fur was fixed, she again, replied in her typical way. "Must...teach... me... that spell..." she whispered out, still slightly upset over the whole issue, but not wanting to harass Matthias after he'd fixed it.

The appearance of the new demons had Sable's eagerness for new magic quickly taking a back seat. She judged how close they were quietly as Matthias moved to face the beasts, and wildly started to chant... 'static' (Sable casts Static before the fight breaks out. Level 1, Lightning.)


The battle began briskly and Sable saw the entire cluster of enemies moving wildly at their ally, making her hiss angrily while she drew her gun and prepared to train it onto the cluster...

"Fuck to that!" Sable cried out in the mental link, "I'm gonna put these bastards down myself. And don't even try to deny my help... I'm going to unload on those bastards... And it's time you see that we're good for more than just bait!"

Sable stepped forward, nodding to Elea, "Guard me. But prepare to get out of the way on my signal. Don't bother trying to fight him yet... Just keep him from getting at me at all costs. And this should be over in no time..."

The nude catgirl raised her arms to the sky, starting to chant as she spun round, performing a heavily practiced mixture of dance and song, twirling through the empty street, her feet shuffling slowly, leaving claw marks in the dirt and across the stone, drawing runes of power about herself as she channeled raw energy through her body, unable to merely hold it in her palms or fingers as her weaker magic, this spell far too powerful for such hackneyed means. The raw energy crackling off of her fur, seeming to erupt out into the air, only for her arm to swing through the fleeing magics, sending more soft ripples off with it, the very air around her charging into the spell as it jolted down into the ground, lodging into her freshly drawn runes of power.

"Gods of the sky, bend the heavens to my will. Yield your powers to me, that I might strike down my enemies with your grandeur. Though you only grant me a small piece of your greatness, let that shard of power strike fear and dread into the hearts of my foes for the split second they have before their demise..."

Sable could only hope that Elea could defend her during this ritual of her powerful spell, taking a weak step out of the runic circle she'd created, the center of the creation crackling with so much energy, the poor catgirl would surely die if she'd stepped into the circle as it was...

"Dodge now." the mental link whispered to Elea...

She raised a single hand towards the center of the circle, gasping out her final words of the spell, "I summon forth the power of Chain Lightning." (Chain Lightning, Level 5, Lightning, 1d20+39 to cast (with static), 40 difficulty)

(Dramatic spell description, only applies if spell goes off without interruption. Spell is 100% success cast (with static) unless something hinders her roll, and Lightning description is "hits the target unerringly".)
Through narrowed eye slits, the magic wielder felt time almost slow around her, as an arc of lightning burst out of her magical runes, thousands of individual jolts cascading together into a pure lightning bolt of seemingly limitless power, it's beauty was indescribable, each ripple slowly building together, like a thousand rivers of energy, making everything around it darken by compare. She knew the spell didn't actually affect time, but boosted her mental response time so she could keep up with it and control it, so it would not kill her allies through a foolish mishap.

Through sheer willpower, she forced all of the unbridled power to obey her, the focal point in the center of her circle, just waiting for orders, until she sent one more strand of pure white energy into it, firing off her fingertip, it shot through the center of it, and the entirety of the power became hers to command, following the single strand of power she directed, she sent it slamming straight through the armored demon that had broken free from his companions, the speed of the spell making it impossible to dodge...

Everything moved so slow around her that she almost felt as if the battle raging on was little more than a farce, she could see every blow as if frozen solid, like a picture of what was happening, moving so slowly that if not for her lightning rushing towards the scene, she might think that time was standing still. As she tried to take a breath, the very air seemed to reject her attempts to move it, remaining firm where it was, every muscle in her body denying her right to move, to blink would've seemed to have taken hours in this perversion of time, the lightning itself seeming to move at a crawl as she felt herself able to aim it.

It burst into the first black armored demon and she saw the force of it creating an explosion off of the demon's body, a shockwave erupting off of him in a slowly moving sphere as energy ran up and down the thing, all of that power, so lethal, so intense, a single narrow strand, the one Sable wielded, burst out from behind the injured thing, all of the remaining strands of energy racing back to it, converging once more as the spell continued, arcing off of the first demon, she effortlessly directed it towards the mass that was fighting Matthias.

One by one, she could first see, then feel, the shockwaves of energy as the bolt of raw power crashed into each demon, tearing through their armor, destroying their flesh beneath, ripping their very existence apart, before it swelled up and jumped off of the one it just struck, and careened into another.

"Three... Four... Five... Six..." her mind racing, perhaps even faster than Matthias could keep up as she guided every subtle motion of the raw power, in a wild dance around her ally, and destroying everything he was battling.

"Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten..." the lightning crashed into the final one, and Sable's mind rebelled against being under so much strain, snapping out of her focus as quickly as she'd entered it, the entire spell having taken less than a thousandth of a second from when it started to when it finally erupted in all directions uselessly off of the final target. She couldn't keep it going any longer, sweatdrops rolling off her face after the strain of the spell, and reality came back into focus.

She had no idea how badly hurt the demons actually would be as she staggered back from the spent runes, smoke sizzling up from the illegible scorch marks where her finely crafted figures had once been.

The only things she knew for sure was that all of the demons had been struck by it, the spell never failed to strike its target... And that she'd never used this spell before to anything short of lethal effects, yet these demons were unlike anything she'd ever fought before...

A shiver of leftover power ran down her spine as she slammed her tail to the ground, letting it discharge from her strained body, and she exhaled a soft puff of smoke, finally allowed to blink, and the world once again moving at full speed, as she turned to the fight, eager to see the results of her actions, though with a nagging fear that despite this being one of her best spells, the fight may not yet be over.

(Xiv, plz guard me, ty. XD)
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

As the daemon's laughter erupts through the gore filled street, Elea can only stop and stare at the strange being. "I'm never going to get used to that sound," the elf says softly, shivering slightly as the eerie laughter reverberates. One hand moves to stroke her other arm lightly as goosebumps arise all over her naked body.

Elea lightly steps through the area as Matthias begins his speech, but stops short at his warning. At the sudden appearance of the armored attackers, she steps back, still holding her bow in one hand while eying each of them down. "I knew I should have held onto my sword," she says grimly watching as the multitude of knights make their way towards the daemon. She blinks as her sword appears before her, the grabs it and tosses her bow to the ground, before thinking a quick, "Thanks."

Raising her sword to face the knight, Elea pauses slightly when Sable's proud defiance of the daemon comes over the link. Inwardly she smiles, but maintains her focus on her target. "Do it, Sable. I won't let him near you," she responds over the link, her approval of the catwoman's bravado before their innately condescending companion easily readable.

Deciding that a mere martial threat would not be enough to deter such a powerful opponent, Elea raises her free hand toward the knight, holding it open as if in a gesture of welcome. The appearance of hospitality fades quickly, however, as the elf draws on her innate spiritual power to form bonds of light around the dark armored knight, closing her hand into a fist as she does so. As she stares at her opponent, her eyes glow brightly from the massive use of power, but even with her concentration on her spiritual bonds, she is still conscious enough to react to Sable's warning, dodging away just as she is told. Even if the demon is powerful enough to resist her soul-born power, the battle experienced ranger knows that an enemy wearing such bulky armor with such a large weapon, will never be fast enough to strike her as long as she concentrates on avoiding him.

(Binding 15 on the Knight attacking us. If it fails before Sable finishes her spell, fight defensively using 20 to-hit for 40 dodge)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 25/43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 33/45, Minor Buff +5 Speed

Spirit Check: 12 + 75 + 20 = 107 vs 18 + 40 + 40 = 98 == Elea wins.

Eleas magical chains stop the demon knight in his tracks, holding him in place despite his incredible power and magical aura thanks to the vast amount of energy she'd invested into it. The demon, now helpless to strike out at either of them, manages to shout out; "The cat bitch is casting! Take cover!"

Elea, free to watch the scene unfold with her only opponent held for the time being, is allowed a unique view of the next few seconds. Matthias, quick as lightning, draws the long blade from the sheath at his waist, brandishing the blade in a quick spin that drives the demons back before they can strike at him directly. They don't seem to notice, or if they do, care about their companions warning, so intent are they on the daemon before them. They close in on him from all sides now, coming in pairs or trios instead of all at once, all moving so fast that Elea can barely keep up with them. Matthias keeps them all at bay, however, and is about to strike out at one of them with his sword when Sable finishes her spell.

Casting: 1 + 39 = 40 vs 40 == Success. (......Lol.)
Damage: 2 + 2 + 24 + 2 = 30 x 3 = 90 - 10 = 80 damage.

Sables spell rips through the ranks of the demon knights, first striking the one that Elea held. The demon is immolated within his armor, the black metal scorching as the electricity runs through it and into the one that it was designed to protect. Then, it jumps into the next one, and then the next, all the way down the line, burning every one of the demons into a blackened husk. When her spell completes, Sable opens her eyes to see each of the knights collapse, dead, and Matthias standing there, glancing about while holding his word. Then, the daemon says; "Well. That was anticlimactic. After all that talk, I didn't even get one of them."

(Can't really compete with Kathys post, so you get a shorty for this one.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(*coughs* Sorry, felt inspired by having Matthias there in support and seeing a spell worthy of this fight.)

Sable smiled weakly as she saw the attack ending the lives of so many demons, feeling emboldened by Matthias' apparent shock by her ending the battle so quickly.

Yet such spells were not easily meant for being unleashed at a whim, a low groan escaping her lips and blush coming to her cheeks, "URK!.. urgh..s..stay..there... I'll..." she called back in broken, uncertain words as she ran into the nearest alleyway and doubled over, stomach clenched after the physical strain of the spell, her focus completely lost, illusions disappearing, and static crackling off of her fur once more before fizzling off into nothing.

Sable squatted down against the nearest building as her muscles burned and her head heaved forward as she retched her entire stomach contents up, before collapsing face-first into the wall and almost pissing herself, thankful that her plan had already involved her being nude while teasing the demons, tail barely lifted as the squatting catgirl's numb mind lost control of her body, making a foul mess in the small alley, and quietly hoping that neither of her companions would see the shameful aftermath of her attack... it wasn't always like this, but so close to losing control and pushing her limits in this demonic area, with so much running through her mind had all mixed together to take it's toll on her... the cold, hard brick wall against her head was almost relaxing as she dug her claws into it, gasping and whimpering.

"... gods... I always feel so battered and spent after those stronger spells... I feel just like when I woke up from that hangover back when Master took me out to that human club... Mmmh, I ached for days af-... uh... h..hey... is the mental link still on?" Sable's wandering mind suddenly brought to a very crisp point, though if either Matthias or Elea could read her mind deeper through the link, they'd be getting quite the... unique perspective into the catgirl's life with her master.

... They might've also felt through the link that her head was throbbing painfully, and she was only slowly coming back from the brink of passing out. Although she was recovering quickly, spells this much stronger than the caster always came with backlash.

Sable closed her eyes and exhaled again softly as she hoped to finish her recovery quietly and out of sight, slightly ashamed that for having beaten the enemies in such a flashy manner, it reduced her to this almost helpless state in doing so.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Though most of her mind is preoccupied with maintaining her spiritual hold on the demonic knight, Elea watches the spectacular magical attack unfold with astonishment. "I had no idea she was so powerful," she thinks, smiling as the knight held in her grasp falls limp inside it's armor. With the lightning gone, she releases her spiritual power, the scorched suit of armor clanging to the ground as she gasps to bring in air. Though she had not moved much after taking hold of the demon, the immense spiritual power she had used to do so has left her feeling drained.

"That was incred..." she begins after catching her breath, but is cut short by the catwoman excusing herself from the scene. A brief expression of confusion flashes over Elea's face as she watches Sable run off, only to be replaced by one of sympathy as the mental link relates to the ranger just what the wizard is feeling at the moment.

Rather than rush to assist her companion as her first reaction had been, Elea instead turns to Matthias. "Sorry Matthias, but sometimes we mortals need to show off just as you seem to like doing," the ranger says with a smirk on her face and a glint in her eye. She is about to continue when suddenly Sable's memories of her master's indulgences wash over the mental link. Elea coughs in embarrassment as she considers what she has just seen, or rather, experienced from the link, then turns away. The memories are so vivid, that for a second, Elea is unable to tell whose memory it is: her's, Sable's, or the daemon's. Thankfully, the throbbing headache that the catwoman was experiencing transmitted over the link as well, bringing the elf back to herself and reality.

"Uhh..." she stammers, unconsciously shuddering as she attempts to suppress the feelings coming over the link. "Matthias..." she says loudly, concentrating on the sound of her voice, "Are you still able to feed on these demons even though Sable destroyed them?" Though she attempts to keep her focus on the daemon, her mind wanders back over the memories that Sable had let them feel. The two may feel the elf's embarrassment, shock, and even a slight desire for more over the still active link.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 45

Matthias only watches as Sable runs off, and both women suddenly feel the mental connection cut itself off as the after-effects of her spell take their toll on the young Su-Ku-Tas body. Though she tries to contain herself, Sable finds that her body, after leaking out so much power, is unable to keep much of anything in, and she quickly finds her tired body soiled with many things that she would rather have kept in. Despite her current physical state, Sable is still proud of having dealt with all of the demons in a single round, the exhilaration eventually winning out over the discomforts that casting the powerful spell had caused, which were themselves quickly diminishing.

As she begins to recover, Sable suddenly finds her body cleaned of its own filth, the foul substances disappearing as though they'd never been there. She also feels rejuvenated, her spiritual energies restored through means that she didn't understand. The headache dissipated after another few moments, and she felt the psychic connection reestablish itself once the throbbing of her head had diminished. Elea felt a bit of the womans pain through the renewed link, but the brunt of it was left only in Sables memory.

As she watches Sable rush off around the corner, Elea does manage to hear the beginnings of Sables less than pleasant backlash, before she feels the connection sever and hears Matthias coming toward her. "Some things are best experienced in private." Is the daemons only explanation for his actions, as he slides his blade back into its battered sheath. Suddenly, Elea feels rejuvenated just as Sable had, her energies restored and the grime on her body removed.

"Indeed. I suppose I must have gotten it from somewhere, and it was certainly impressive. It also alerted the camp that something much greater than escaped slaves was going on, which was what I was trying to avoid when I killed that horde, but it actually accomplished our next objective for us. Most of the camp is on the way to this location as we speak, leaving only a small force of demons to guard the prisoners. And, yes, I still took the souls of the demons that Sable killed. Their souls have to go somewhere, after all, and I was the closest daemon to them when they died. They didn't know much of anything, certainly nothing of consequence to us, at the moment. Why do you ask?" The daemon replies to the elvish warrior. Sable, despite being in a less than pleasant position, is able to hear the entire conversation once she recovers from the backlash of her spell.

(Sorry to cut the com, but it's something he would do, under the circumstances. Also, 10 exp for the both of you.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

The memory was hard to let go of, Sable's soiled body causing a perverse smile upon her lips before she was cleaned and refreshed, sighing softly and shaking off the last effects of the spell as she took to her feet once more and walked out slowly. "Thank you for that, but I have nothing to hide of my time with my master." she bows to Matthias and smiles over to Elea who could still feel some of the aftermath through the renewed link.

"The spell may have alerted them, but they would've figured it out when the black armored thugs didn't return anyhow. At least this way, they're all little more than rust." she declared, walking up to the nearest suit of armor and kicking if over proudly. "I'm glad that my hasty attack didn't deprive you of your prey. I wasn't even thinking of that when I was casting, otherwise I would've asked ahead of time. I did promise, after all, that I would assist you in gathering powerful souls, and I'd say any group strong enough that you didn't slay them outright qualifies as meal-worthy."

Sable began to stretch out, flexing and tipping over backwards so far that she could clutch her ankles from leaning over backwards as she performed playful acrobatics seemingly without purpose, but in truth she was marveling at how quickly she had recovered thanks to Matthias' abilities.

Taking barely a dozen seconds to finish her playful routine, she stood firmly once again and grinned, remembering quite suddenly Elea's speaking of a merchant of some kind that was wanting to purchase remains of the demons, and it was then she realized suddenly, "Hey Matthias... what did you do with all of those demon parts anyhow? You can probably already read my mind to know why... but I may as well say it. We've taken up enough of your time, but we're not going to stop our mission just because you wander off, so every little bit helps, and this merchant sounds like he'd be a big help." While she asked him about them, she also turned her attention back onto the killed demons in their armor, starting to rifle through the remains to see if she could take anything from them.

Even as she spoke of the merchant, both Matthias and Elea could hear the catgirl's thoughts brimming... She wanted to finish taking out this camp and to rescue those captives, and was more overconfident than ever after such a resounding success.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"Coming here?" Elea asks worriedly, the demonic threat jumping to the forefront of her mind. Moving back over to her dropped bow, she picks it up and starts to move towards the ruined house they had left their equipment in before she spots Sable. Though the elf had been thinking about the imminent battle, the sight of the stretching catwoman immediately brings back the visions she had experienced just before Matthias had severed the mental link. For a few moments, Elea stares at the flexible nude woman in front of her, before she remembers the situation, turning away with a blush darkening her cheeks.

"I just..." she starts, attempting to respond to Matthias, somewhat uncomfortably shifting her weight. "Yes, I also agreed to help you find demons for you to consume," she continues, echoing Sable's statement. "I was merely wondering if we had robbed you of just that."

Finally getting hold of herself, the ranger coughs and speaks up. "I'm not sure there's enough left of them to take back to the merchant." Elea begins walking back towards the ruined house again, calling out to them, "If the demons know about us, then there's no need to continue the charade." After retrieving her equipment and donning her armor once again, Elea would come back out to the catwoman and the daemon, carrying her companions clothing with her.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 45

The daemon lets out what can only be called a frustrated groan as Elea and Sable mention the merchant, and he replies; "The merchants here? The guy in the weird cloak that's full of so many weapons it's wonder he gets around? That guy? Wonderful. He seems to be everywhere these days. Not surprising really. It's not like the demons are a threat to him, after all."

"Anyway, as to what I do with the demons parts, it's quite simple really. Nothing. I can make pure gold out of dirt if I want to, and it's not like I need food or shelter, so I have little use for money. The parts themselves are useful for alchemy, which isn't any more useful to me, given that my body has no biological parts. As for those demons in particular, there wouldn't be anything left. The merchant would be looking for the demons blood, and I'm fairly sure that all of that was fried by the lightning. Don't worry though, you'll have plenty of demon corpses to through for loot in a few moments, once the main horde shows up. The advance group, another squad of stalkers, should be here within.... three minutes."

The bodies of the demons were all charred, and unless she wanted to try and pull one of their suits of armor off, or perhaps grab one of their weapons, there wasn't anything of value that Sable could find off of the corpses of the fallen knights. Sable did have her clothing with her still, thankfully, though she wondered if it was really a good idea to put it on and risk it getting ruined by an attacking demon.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"After this whole ordeal is done, I wonder if you'd be willing to fill me in on all of what was going on around here..." Sable said towards Matthias even as she plucked the large gauntlets off of one of the armored creatures... Since most of her power zapped straight through its core, it wasn't likely that the armor was that damaged, with exception of the center breastplate... And as long as the armor itself wasn't corrupted, she had a vague feeling that bits and pieces might be useful for combat... Or if they were corrupted, then perhaps that merchant would still want it.

Her eagerness to examine the armor was cut short as Matthias mentioned the further arrival of the demons, and she grinned from ear to ear. Not bothering to dress again, Sable rushed past the Daemon, "So you want to stay here and take the rest head on? Perfect. If you think that's a good idea, I'll battle them with you, right here."

Sable realized that her distraction had disabled most of the remaining scorching mines she had, if any of them were salvagable, it would be a miracle, but that gave her a fairly direct task. Casting warmth over herself, she moved towards where the beasts would be entering from and began to cast more scorching mines, a single powerful line of them that she'd set up (if possible) to be triggered on her command, rather than merely by proximity. (Though she casts them either way.)

She dismissed Elea's retrieval of her things in favor of her own actions, merely making a brief comment, "Well if Matthias is right, then the tiny battle here won't matter compared to the valuables we'll be getting soon." Her attention completely fixed on her task, only barely speaking to the Daemon again while she worked.

"I wonder, Matthias... Could you craft us better weapons then? Would you arm us to better face off against these beasts? Why is it you seem to know this merchant and think him worth mentioning?... and... hey... now that I think about it..." Sable not even stopping her spellcasting as she spoke to him, "Don't you suffer corruption from eating those things' souls?... You mentioned their taint on the victims is forever... how do you avoid becoming one of them, befouled by their essences?"

Even as she asked the questions, she must've realized that Matthias would be growing tired of her inquisitiveness, but she felt some small right to a bit of information with helping him out and even going so far as to end a difficult fight that may have even led him to be injured... at least in her mind.

(If possible, Sable steals a pair of demon gauntlets and boots to look more intimidating, though she doesn't bother dressing again at the moment. She spends her time before the attack bugging Matthias and preparing scorching mines.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Once she is done donning her armor once again, the now much more comfortable ranger reemerges to Sable's first in a string of questions for the daemon. "Magical weapons would be of great use to us..." she says, her mind wandering to the elven sword she had seen in the possession of the aforementioned merchant. Anything else she may have wanted to say, however, is lost in the catwoman's barrage of queries.

Though Sable has no trouble replacing her magical traps, Elea is sure that she will not have time to reset the many smaller traps that had helped them before. Instead, the ranger moves to a position along the path that the stalkers are likely to come from and readies herself for the inevitable attack. She pulls an arrow and waits for the first stalker to appear, determined to thin the demon's ranks before they come close enough to trouble the women.