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Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Feeling a bit more confident due to the creature's missed strike, Elea decides to leave herself open just a bit more in order to lure the creature into a more vulnerable position. Blade still out, the ranger edges over to the wall of one of the buildings, making it appear as though she is an easy target for the monster. Her plan though is to roll out of the way just before the demon's fist crashes against the wall, bringing her blade up for a stab into it's wrist.

(Fight defensively, sacrifice 17 to-hit for 34 dodge)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable winced when those enormous fists hit the ground, feeling the trembling through her body, her aim ever so slightly off. She knew that elf wouldn't last long against blows like that... even though she was privately happy that such an attack wasn't brought to bear upon her.

The catgirl worried about her spells and their destructive force, she drew her focus into a flaming spell, creating a narrow beam of pure heat, one hand outstretched and sending a powerful stream directly into the creature's upper body, hoping that by attacking it up high, she wouldn't risk hurting Elea.

"Stop now beast, and we may let you live!" Sable called out, unleashing the power of her fire spell. 'Flame' (Fire, Level 3. Stream form.)

(Edit! I may be gone for a couple days. If I don't reply in a timely fashion: Sable holds her Flame Stream on the enemy until it either surrenders or dies. Then if there are any big fires she's accidentally started, she casts Rolling Mists + Chills in conjunction (saving herself any energy cost) and focuses it against the fires (protection for allies). If only small fires, she'll put them out by tossing a bit of dirt on them instead. If xivvix wants to continue without me past there, Sable will kindly take a break to examine her new plants while she's someplace that seems fairly safe, and will catch up shortly after. If allowed.)
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 25/36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

To-hit: 15 + 30 + 10 - 17 = 38 vs 30 = hit..
Damage: 3 + 9 - 4 = 8 damage.
Casting: 6 + 21 + 3 = 30 vs 22 = Success.
To-hit: 9 + 42 + 3 = 54 vs 30 = hit.
Damage: 5 + 7 = 12 x 2 = 24 - 10 = 14 damage.

Eleas slash draws a grunt of pain and anger from the demon, and it screams in pain as Sable closes and unleashes her spell against its back. The stream of fire forces the beast to the ground, giving Elea a perfect opportunity to cut its throat. The massive demon doesn't seem to have any inclination to surrender.

(@Kathy: you need to get a little closer to use your spell, but you have enough movement to get within range.)
(Total damage = 86.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

With the demon forced to the ground in front of her, Elea screams and lunges forward to lance the beast in the throat, attempting to shove her blade down to the hilt into the giant monstrosity. A creature this powerful was a blight on this world, and the ranger would spare no effort to remove it.

(I'm willing to wait until Kathy is ready to play again)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(I didn't think Sable was that far out of range, so yes, she'd move into range if necessary.)

Sable growled as she pushed her hands together and split the spell's force off, making more elaborate hand motions to better control the flow of pure heat that she was manipulating, making snakelike designs within the flow as she let the flames rake across the beast's body, redirecting her attack so it would continue to strike only the beast with the powerful torrent of flames spiralling outward from her palms, while she cautiously kept just in range of the beast, her painful assault pouring down over the beast's body and engulfing him almost entirely in her magically crafted flames, while she tried to avoid setting anything else ablaze.

(Action: Keep flame (stream) going.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 25/36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

To-hit: 20 + 30 + 10 = 50 vs 30 = hit..
Damage: It's dead.

The demon held by Sables spell, Elea quickly darts forward and cuts out its throat, stepping back just in time to avoid the gout of black blood the erupts from the massive demons torn neck. It collapses to the ground, and seeing it unmoving, Sable halts her spell, not wanting to waste energies should more be around. After a few seconds of gasping, a pool of blood quickly spreading around it, the beasts breath rattles in its throat and it collapses, dead.

(Gain 4 exp each.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

With the massive demon defeated, Elea stumbles back and leans against one of the alley walls. She watches the black blood gush from the creature's neck and pool on the ground. 'Adding more filth to an already filthy human town' she thinks with a wry smile. Shaking her head, Elea pulls out another rag and wipes off her blade, before checking the dead demon to see if the arrows she had fired could be reused.

After cautiously making her way past the huge dead demon and out of the alley, Elea says to Sable, "That creature would have been much more difficult to defeat without your assistance. I am in your debt," She gives the catwoman a small nod then, remembering her earlier condition, looks her over more carefully, taking special interest in her now flat belly. "Are you... alright?" she asks, cautiously, not wanting to pry.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable smiled to see her new companion was, more or less, unharmed by the attack. "It was nothing..." she tried to answer, to both of the elf's lines of thought. "I just... had.. issues to take care of..." she whispered low, remembering quickly to kneel down and collect some dirt that she quickly put into her bag inside the jars for her plants, keeping an eye on them to make sure their strange nature wasn't letting them grow too quickly.

"I'm much better now... Let's take a short breather and plan out our next move... The portal is still nearby, which means we may run into more of these big things, and who knows what else... and that little trick you fell for earlier gave me some ideas..."

Sable moved back towards the building to duck for cover and a moment's break, while she began to examine her gun, hoping the elf followed along. "It's a pity this thing isn't a bit stronger... those dogs from before took a few shots each to take down, and that brute just wouldn't die... ... What were you doing out there anyhow?"

(Going to ask if we can break for XP distribution as Sable has just finished a lengthy rest before this and has quite a bit of XP built up.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

A look of concern passes across Elea's face as she watches the catwoman scooping up dirt after replying. The elf wasn't familiar enough with the demonic corruption that had affected the woman from earlier to know if strange behavior was a precursor to hostile behavior. On the other hand, Sable's already exotic attitudes towards other things make the elf wonder what exactly would be considered strange behavior for the catwoman.

"Our next move?" Elea asks softly, almost under her breath, with a slight grin. Although the catwoman had assisted her, Elea had never been one to work with others. Even when fighting the Badarians, the most the ranger had ever done with others was to agree on when to strike an enemy force. Moving together through a dangerous area seems odd to the elf, but not undesirable. Sable's mention of her success at tricking Elea interrupts her train of thought however. "Uh... right," she says, before looking over the large demon to see if there was anything she could remove from it's corpse that the merchant might be interested in.

As Sable begins to move back to the building the two had rested in, Elea follows her, looking curiously at the woman's weapon. "Attempting to find objects of value from these monstrosities," she replies to Sable's question. "I met a trader earlier who had somehow come into possession of elven relics of great power and was offering them up for sale. He seemed interested in various body parts from these demons, and the creatures corrupted by them," she continues, "The weapons would be of great use to me against these demons."

(recover arrows, check for loot from ogre, follow Sable)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable completely missed the inflection in the elven woman's voice, "yes..? It's always better to have a plan." she said softly, not realizing the other woman was actually hinting at the pair not working together.

She listened intently about the merchant and nodded, humming to herself in thought, 'I wonder how many valuables I left behind already if some fool wants to study dead demon parts.' Sable thought to herself for only a second before adding, "Did you find whatever valuable parts were on the demon dogs I slayed earlier?"
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

The ogres horn stands out as what might be valuable on the creatures corpse, though the fact that she'd only be able to take one was slightly disappointing, since it had been so hard to kill. It also didn't look easy to remove from the dead creature.

The street was paved, but the nearby yards had dirt aplenty for Sable to take.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"I managed to remove the fangs of the hound we had killed in the street, but that giant appeared before I could look search any further," Elea says with a wave to the creature. As she turns to look at it, she notices the monster's horn, appearing as something the merchant might want. "Speaking of which... If you will allow me a moment, I believe this monstrosity's horn might be of value." Without pause, the elf immediately moves over to the creature, clambering atop it and attempting, as best as she was able, to avoid any large patches of gore while making her way to it's horn. She bends over and begins tugging on the horn, as well as attempting to pry the growth loose with her sword, firmly intent on recovering proof of the kill.

In between grunts of exertion, Elea calls out to Sable, "The fangs from the dogs should still be present, should you want them. I wouldn't feel right taking things that you had earned."

(attempt to take ogre horn)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable takes an interest in the comments about the horns and fangs, and the unusual merchant that was running around, deciding to join the elf in retrieving several valuables, assisting with the horn and gathering any leftover fangs before she attempted once more to retreat to an area of safety.

(Attempt to gather valuables, then go rest (for XP spending))
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

After a while, Elea manages to pull the horn free of the demons skull just as Sable returns from prying the fangs from the other two hellhound skeletons. They are unable to return to the safe house, however, as the dog barks in warning, and the pair spot a lone man in black armor followed by a pair of barely dressed women approaching them from the road leading toward the center of town. They were a good ways away, 50 feet.

(Sable gains 4x Hellhound Fangs and Elea gains 1x Ogre Horn.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Just as the ogre horn pops free of the flesh surrounding it, Elea gives a small cry of success. Tucking the large object into her bags, she walks over to Sable, with a quick, "Sorry." It is then that the ranger notices the approaching figures down the street, an instant after the dogs bark. "Damn," she mutters, unsheathing her blade while her free hand tries to guide Sable back into the alley behind her. "You might want to run," she hisses, continuing to push catwoman behind her into the alley, "The black armored ones are powerful, and the women may be as well." Matthias had warned the elf about the knights, and it was not an opponent she wished to face without preparation.

(move into alley, use stealth if possible)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(If they're approaching us, they probably see us...)

(If they see us, as in obviously, like they're looking right at us while approaching, This: )
Sable pushed the elf off a bit, muttering, "They already see us, and if that guy is half as fast as the last guy I saw in black armor, we won't get away by just running. We should stay and at least try to talk... worst case, it just means we have to fight anyhow. This won't be the first armored thug I've put down."

Sable smiled reassuringly, but quietly neglected to mention the armored thugs she spoke of were little more than road bandits, not the powerful seeming beasts here.

Before the other group advanced any further, Sable called out softly, just loud enough the other group would hear her but not loud enough to draw further unwanted attention.

"Halt. Come no closer until you've stated your allegiance and intentions." She blushed a bit, feeling she may have overstepped her borders by making such a demand while she was in truth just a slave.

"If you are friendly, then we may be useful allies to one another." She added quickly, even as she balled up her fist and cast Static on herself, letting the power begin to build up in her body. After all, cautiously optimistic was not the same as shamelessly naive.

(Call out to the group in an attempt at peace, but cast Static just in case.)

(If they don't see us, This: )
Sable gives half a cry of protest as she's snatched up by the elf and carted off, quickly matching pace as the two try to duck into one of the nearby allies.

She vaguely thought of Matthias in his black armor as well, remembering how quickly the man moved, and how powerfully he held himself, utterly careless about letting a potential threat approach him, fully armed, without even raising his guard.

Taking one final peek back around the corner, Sable hissed to no one in specific, "Why are there women with him? Are they demon hunters as well?"

Sable didn't want to appear too hostile at first motion, but realized with certainty that if a fight were to break out, the black armored man likely had a huge edge over the catgirl and elf, even without his companions.

When the elf told her to run, she growled back softly, "What about you? Do you plan on running?"

As she asked it, she began to cast again, her typical fallback, preparing a scorching mine just behind them in the alleyway, setup so that the pair could run past safely, but the hidden object would explode if they were chased.

(Cast Scorching Mine in the alley. Concealed and in a place that we can avoid it, but others are likely to trip it.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

Casting: Autosuccess. (lazy)
Stealth: 3/4 Success

The two quickly retreat into the alley, followed by the dog, Sable creating a small mine of flame hidden in a gutter. The pair very nearly escape detection completely, hiding behind the corpse of the ogre. One of the women suddenly pauses, however, and stares hard at their hiding place.....
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea waits, crouching behind the ogre corpse with a hand still on Sable's chest, trying to keep her still and quiet while the demons pass. "Not hunters," she whispers quietly, "demons."

Sable's growled complaint almost draws a hiss from the elf, a quick command for silence, but Elea catches herself as the demons' footsteps come closer. When one set of footsteps abruptly stops just at the entrance of the alley, she tenses, not yet moving from her hiding spot, but preparing to leap out should the need arise.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable gave a pathetic half attempt at a whine when she was stared at like that, understanding the order to be silent, and obediently obeyed, huffing a bit at the undignified treatment she was being given by the elf.

Still, she couldn't begrudge the elf's scared nature, and when she realized that the woman was staring at them, her mind wandered to different ways to cause distraction or divert the woman's attention.

The first thing that sprang to mind, rather oddly, was the elf's comment about the group being demons...

"Demons... feed on people... right?" Sable whispered a bit uncertainly. Then had a devious grin on her lips as she stared back up at the woman who seemed to have spotted the pair.

If the woman actually could see them in their hiding place, there was little hope of getting away with simply ducking there. Instead...

"Play along, you're my victim and I'm the demon eating you, that way they won't bother us... they won't bother their own kind, right? ... and if you know any magic, cast something defensive, just in case this fails." Sable whispered down to the elf, then made a brisk grab at the other woman's body, fingers quickly slipping towards places they shouldn't have gone, and caressing any bare skin they could snake into, while a broad, rough tongue dragged across Elea's throat tenderly, with her rather sharp teeth just barely trying to scrape along the elf's throat.

Even with distraction, the catgirl whispered under her breath another spell though, doubling her flaming trap back in the alleyway, and adding more flaming death for anyone who foolishly attempted to attack the pair.

(Actions: Initiate (hopefully accepted) grapple against Elea, and cast scorching mine again, same general area as last time so the pair can slip past, but enemies won't.

Sable is trying to trick the woman that sees the pair into thinking it's just another demon feeding on a victim.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"Are you cr-" is all Elea is able to make out before the catwoman begins groping her. The sudden assault causes the elf to stumble and fall on her back, putting the pair now in plain view of the woman inspecting the alley.

"N-no... you c-an't..." She stammers, dropping her sword and bringing her hands around to grasp at Sable's wrists. Elea casts a frightened glance at the entrance of the alley, just as Sable's roaming hands bring a gasp to her lips and a blush to her cheeks. 'We're really into it now,' she thinks. Although her hands had instinctively moved to push back against her surprising attacker, Elea forces herself to only appear to resist. If Sable's plan is to work, Elea needs to play along.

Pushing only lightly against Sable, Elea allows the catwoman's hands and tongue to move where they wanted. She even moves her body and legs to give Sable more access to her, knowing the demons wouldn't be fooled by mere acting. Forcing herself to relax and not fight back too much, Elea acts on the catwoman's suggestion, and draws on her spirit to strengthen her.

(give in, cast Blessing 4)