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Lost in the Jungle

Re: Lost in the Jungle

... You bastard. Those buttons, they're so inviting. My mental scars now have their own scars forming.

I feel that we have overrun this thread slightly, maybe we ought to stop for now. I'm sure people have had enough of non-progressive updates :p

Re: Lost in the Jungle

So I stopped posting here because there wasn't really the volume of replies I was hoping for. Also tora stopped posting in the TL: Evolution thread, which was very depressing.

However, after this extended break... I'm open to reconsidering. Is anyone interested in finishing this CYOA? It's not a million miles from the end, if that helps.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Me is interested. Innit. I liked this thread
Re: Lost in the Jungle

I am interested, I'll vote C. For the bandwagon!
Re: Lost in the Jungle

I'm good with continuing with it even if it was a million miles away from finishing. It was pretty fun to play, so far.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Keep it going, I'll be different and vote B


Half a mile away, the generals of the opposing army gather. Bipedal, tall, creatures, they have an sickly grey skin tone covering their bulbous heads, fat, long fingers and tiny, shrunken eyes - and they're rather bizarrely dressed in crumpled, black suits and ties. They stand together in a group.


Re: Lost in the Jungle

B. What? She's laying it out for us, might as well get the coruption points.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

I am interested to see more of the story. I just hope it doesn't end too soon because it was just getting good.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

For the record, I was very sad when you stopped with the updates. Anywho, going for B on this one.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

C make the elf pay for her victory if we die pick another

kinda sad updates dropped off just saw this here
Re: Lost in the Jungle

The number of replies and their constant positive attitude has cheered me up no end. :) The next update will be sometime on Wednesday, I'm on holiday at the minute and I'm not writing a full update on this terrible iPod keyboard, lol.

In the meantime I shall check out some of these other awesome-looking Cyoa's...
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Option C wins by just one vote!


With water from the Djinn pooling around her on the floor, dripping through the cracks into the building below, Eve comes up with a plan. Not a very good, water-tight plan, but a plan nonetheless.
"Well... this certainly is a tight spot," says Eve. "Well, Night Elf, come closer and I'll tell you a secret."

The Night Elf looks perplexedly at Eve for a moment, then bursts into laughter.
"Oh you!" she cries, nearly doubled over with merriment. The Djinn justs stands there, apparently not amused. "Do you honestly think someone like me would fall for the oldest -"
"Jeirda!" whispers Eve, channeling the energy through her hands into the floor below.

The effect is immediate and dramatic. The floor pulses, once, a ripple of energy spreading out with Eve at the epicenter. The Djinn and the Night Elf have no time to react as the floor disintegrates below them, falling in a shower of rocks, splinters and debris.
The trio fall to the level below; before they were battling on the roof of the building, facing the main gates. Now the roof is gone, and the debris smashes through the wooden upper floor of the building below. Chunks of wood fly everywhere, all Eve can see is a blur, water from the Djinn splashes in her face, blinding her -
Something hard strikes her left leg, and she cries out in pain, still falling. Another resounding crash, and the trio break through the ground level floor into the basement - then smash into the earthen floor, along with all the rubble. A piece of rock lands on Eve's left arm, pinning it there. There's no sign of the Djinn or the Night Elf, though they are surely down here somewhere with her.
Then a falling plank of wood catches her squarely between the eyes, and Eve blacks out.


Option A) Ow. Wait to recover consciousness, heal up, then try and limp away, making sure to avoid the Night Elf and Djinn. We don't know how they're faring, and we don't want to let them finish us off.
Option B) Wait to regain consciousness. First check to make sure the Night Elf and Djinn and dead (if they're not, finish them off), then make good our escape.
Option C) Eve is done for. Cut your losses, retreat from Eve's body, and possess the Night Elf. Let's just hope the Night Elf isn't dead, because then we'd be in a bit of a jam.*

Remember, if you have a better idea, feel free to suggest it.

HP: 5/50
MP: 100/110
Corruption: 49/1??

*Option C will involve the spirits leaving Eve's body. They'll then need to find a new host - the Djinn is already possessed, but the Night Elf should be good, assuming she's alive. We cannot possess dead things.
If the Night Elf is dead (and I've not decided that; if this vote wins, I'll role a dice, although I'm not telling you the odds) then you'll have to find something else to inhabit, most likely a soldier from the battle.

If you possess the Night Elf, Health, MP, and Corruption will all be dependent on what state she's in when you possess her (the corruption will be roughly comparable to Eve's). Same if you possess a soldier (although not the Corruption part). Be warned, her magic spells will be different to the ones Eve knows.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

B) sounds like the best choice here
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Re: Lost in the Jungle


A huge, falling splinter of wood pierces Eve's right side, just below the breastplate! Thick red blood, tinged with black, begins to leak out around the wound. A decision must made quickly*, or Eve will die!


*A unified decision must be made by the spirits (that's you guys!) in the next 24 hours, or Eve will die from internal bleeding, and Option C will occur automatically. Confer amongst yourselves, but someone needs to represent the group, and put the group's decision in bold font, so it can't be missed.