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Lost in the Jungle

Re: Lost in the Jungle

A really good ;D so far the river has been nothing but evil for us but hopefully our new friend who isn't afraid to get dirty *so to speak* will help.

I think we really "nailed" her well that was one hell of a rodeo. and to think I wanted to take over her body for shame...
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Rock the boat.

C. I suggest consulting Formora, seeing if she has any insight to the safety of either path, a preference for either one, or if she happens to know some other way/short cut.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A. Yay! We have a girlfriend who enjoys threesomes with tentacle monsters.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Now *this* is why I wanted to 'recruit' the Night Elf. :D

Agreed, C, but wake Formora up playfully, with a little teasing and molestation. :rolleyes:
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

I agree with Ujisatogamo's idea
Rock the boat.

C. I suggest consulting Formora, seeing if she has any insight to the safety of either path, a preference for either one, or if she happens to know some other way/short cut.
So c is my vote too.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Now *this* is why I wanted to 'recruit' the Night Elf. :D

Agreed, C, but wake Formora up playfully, with a little teasing and molestation. :rolleyes:

I vote this
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Vote C. Not sure if it has the most votes, but it certainly seems the most sensible.


Eve decides to consult Formora before deciding on a course of action. She might know something pertinent, after all.
Jogging back up the steps to the second floor, Eve finds Formora sitting up on the floor, blearily rubbing sleep out of her eyes. When catches sight of Eve she grins mischievously.
"Well, good morning you," she says. Eve can almost hear the smirk in her voice.
"Morning," Eve replies, smiling herself. "I thought we'd head out for the Plain of Bones today."
Formora nods, smile starting to slip a little.
"According to this map I found downstairs, we can either do a day's trek through the jungle to find it, or we could head a mile out of our way, knock up a quick raft, then sail all the way down to there on a river. Any thoughts?"
Formora considers it, frowning a little in concentration.

"I wouldn't go down the river. All sorts of beasts live in it, and the ones big enough to swallow a raft whole are probably the least worrying of them.
The jungle isn't without risk, though... but as long as we avoid the Speercle nests, we should be alright.
"Alright then. Let's be gone!

...And yes, you can have your sword back.


Some hours later, the two women are trekking arduously through the jungle. Leaving the town was incident-free - no tentacled monstrosities burst from buildings to chase them off (much to Eve's disappointment). Even stepping through the shattered remains of the town gate, surrounded by a rather eerie silence, didn't seem to trigger any attention.

Once inside the jungle, of course, they were fair game again; so far Eve and Formora had had to fend off a lone, slightly confused Pterosaur; a swarm of small, biting flies (Formora dealt with those with one large, well placed fireball); and a particularly aggressive tree root (which was no match for Eve's blade).

Eventually, with the sun just beginning to set behind the trees on their left, they came to it. The Plain of Bones.

The treeline stopped dead, left and right as far as the eye could see. The sky above the Plain was deep black, as though it was night - a very peculiar sight with the sun still up. Far in the distance stood the Temple of Knowledge; pyramid shaped, with a bottom layer made up of some black stone (nigh invisible in this light, from this distance), with the layer above it shining white and dazzling. Beyond that, the layers alternated between the two materials, growing smaller and smaller, seven in total. Pillars of thick, obscuring smoke rose up in random places out of the ground -
Ah. The ground.

There was no ground, as such; just bones. Hundreds of millions, maybe billions, forming a thick layer stretching out in all directions. All kinds of bones, mixed together randomly - femurs, spines, ribs, some human-looking skulls together with decidedly non-human looking ones - protruding at odd angles from each other. All pale white and gleaming dully under the black sky.
It was impossible to see below the carpet of bones; if there was solid ground beneath, it was invisible beneath such a thick layer of skeletons.

"...Not the most imaginative name, was it?" said Eve. Formora just giggled... before looking up in concern. From the north-east, carrying over a great distance, came a faint howling... like a wolf's, but somehow more primal. The hairs on the back of Eve's neck stood up involuntarily.

And remained standing up when the howl was answered with a horrible, keening, insectile screech from the north-west. Formora flinched, moving as though to put her hands to ears - then it stopped.

"That... did not sound good," she said.


Option A) Navigate the Plain of Bones on the Western side, taking our chances with whatever made that horrible insect-like noise.
Option B) Navigate the Plain of Bones on the Eastern side, taking our chances with whatever was making that awful howling.
Option C) Cut directly across the Plain of Bones straight north, moving to avoid both of the creatures... and hopefully not drawing both of them at once.

HP: 50/50
MP: 45/110
Corruption: 57/1??
Re: Lost in the Jungle

B holwer 1st he is likely faster then dat bug
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A We might can score some kind of chitious plate offa it for some kinda shield or armor.../shrug
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A. I'm not a dog person.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A. Insect might be easier to deal with
Re: Lost in the Jungle

C. We now have two characters that need monster rape, so logically we need both monsters
Re: Lost in the Jungle

All of my nope

Turn the fuck back around and see about getting more prepared. A tribe of gobbo or other critters to mook for us might be nice, as would a mount. Let's go tame some of those dinosaurs.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Why as it stands Eve can blast anything that tries to stop us by blowing it up freezing it or making it dance with thunder not to mention all of our "corruption" spells *still thinks we should try the two headed dildo with flexible shadow*