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Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn made her way over to the training group, a smile on her face. A few of the guys waves back, at least the ones who weren't totally entranced watching the current spar. Tony and Jeff were at it right now, both were well trained using a sword. From what Lynn knew they were both looking at a promotion soon. Their battle was a very cautious one, each making measured strikes and blocks, neither able to overcome the other.

Another recruit Lynn recognizes, but hadn't had too much time to talk with, made his way over to her from the side, giving a wave. His name was Hugh, she remembered. "I'm up for it." He gave her a smile as he glanced over to the ring where Tony and Jeff were in. "They're a bit into it right now, but we could use the second ring, you up for it?"
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Not surprised by the attention given to the main match, Lynn wasn't surprised that the groups attention would be drawn elsewhere. Part of her wanted to stay and watch the rest of the match between Tony and Jeff, both of whom joined a good while before her. She admired their fighting style for a few moments before being approached by Hugh. A nice enough guy for certain, but Lynn never got to see him a great deal. Seems she did have a taker after all and she was not about to leave them waiting.

"I can tell. But I would love a match. Who knows, we might even draw a bigger crowd!" Lynn was mostly blustering at this point. Sure, she had good potential, like the commander said, but she wasn't the most flashy or spectacular fighter out there. Either way, she figured Hugh wouldn't turn her down, so she made her way over to the second ring, hollering back at him. "Can't leave the crowds waiting now! Come on!"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Hugh gave a short look back to the primary ring then hustled his way over across from Lynn. He undid the strap on his sword and drew it, giving a short nod to Lynn, he took his position and stance. "Ready when you are."

A few of the the others in the crowd made their way over to watch the spar. They'd seen Tony and Jeff spar lots of times, so it had gotten a little boring to see the same old, same old. Lynn got herself into position, taking pose with the lance, like she'd done many times in training. She thought she might have a slight advantage, but it might be tough regardless. The ring was a decent size, but it was bare, there was nothing extra to use during her fight to give her an advantage over her foe. She'd simply have to fight smart and hope for the best.

Before she started Hugh called out one last time though. "We'll go till we feel we're a good hit from going down, alright?" Lynn should probably find that acceptable, and it wouldn't be a problem.

"Oh, and one last thing, want to make it more fun? Let's add a bet, loser does one thing for winner?" Hugh gave a smile as he offered one more option. Lynn knew that those types of bets were pretty common in the sparring area, though being a serious one she might not have taken them up very often. Regardless of if she accepted or declined, it was her move first.

Stat Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

Hugh 0/?? HP

Kfs: 27
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Taking up a combat stance, she took a moment to survey her surroundings. Flat terrain, nothing to get in the way and nothing to take advantage up. Overall, it was a perfect battlefield. Lynn never did enjoy using dirty tricks to win and was glad the ring had nothing that might enable that. What surprised her however was beginning to gather. Sure enough, they had drawn away the majority of people from Jeff and Tony. Regardless, she was not going to let the attention distract her.

Before she made her first move, Hugh set up the conditions of the fight. Rather standard rules, fighting until the first person gets tired. But the bet portion always bothered her. Normally it was just a friendly wager between the guys, usually involving something as simple as forcing the loser to trade shifts or something worse like taking latrine duty for the week. But being one of only a handful of women on the colonial defense force, Lynn always had some apprehension about accepting the wager, for obvious reasons. While she knew most of these guys were good people, there was always one or two that would always be the wise guy and ask for something perverted. Lynn was always quick to dispatch those fools in combat, only solidifying her reputation in the camp. However, a part of her was feeling lucky today.

"All right. I'll take that wager. What do I got to lose?" Lynn asked no one in particular as she finally focused on the battle at hand.

Lynn was quick to make the first move, knowing she had to end the battle and end it quick. She tried to flank around Hugh and strike at an open hole in his defense. A well timed faint was all she needed. She kept her shield high and her spear out, hoping to reflect any incoming blows.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn accepts the wager, much to the murmurs and surprise of most of the crowd. Hugh gives a quick smile. Then the battle starts. Lynn's attack lashes out a lot quicker than Hugh expects it, catching him off guard. It's a solid hit against his armor and his attack is noticeably slow when he turns to fight against her. Lynn manages to easily deflect it, sending the blade aside before having to back off. Her spear gave her an advantage at range, but if he got in too close it would probably end badly. Hugh was also aware of that, finally regaining himself as he moved forward. He presented an opening and Lynn took it. Another solid hit as he had to move with the blow to avoid losing his footing. But he turned it to his advantage as he managed to use the momentum to come forward, inside the range of her spear.

He landed two very solid hits against her, as Lynn wasn't able to bring her shield in defense in time. She manages a swing which gets him to back off, though it misses. Both of them seem tired, but not quite enough to concede, yet. Hugh moves slowly, waiting for the right moment to attack. He thinks he finds it, charging it, but he's wrong when Lynn sidesteps, using her shield to deflect him off balance, landing another thrust with the spear. He's sent sprawling to the ground. Lynn can hear him laugh as he finally gets to his feet. "I concede, I cannot fight any longer, I think."

He gets up and dusts himself off, smiling. "Well, good work, that was fun." He frowns a bit as he remembers his bet. "Ah..well I suppose I lose the bet, I guess I owe you now."

Stat Block
Lynn 3/5 FP 0/10 AP

Kfs: 27
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The battle coming to a satisfying conclusion, her mood only picking up even more. Seems whatever the instructors saw in her, she was living up to. Now all she needed to do was show that skill in real combat. She could only hope those fights would turn out as positive. Dusting herself off a bit, she gave Hugh a confident smile and approached the defeated soldier. She patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't stress about it. Next time you and the guys are having a drink, be sure to invite me. Would be nice to relax every once in a while." She knew asking that would come as a surprise to the rest of the guys, but Lynn was being very serious about her request. She was often far too serious for her own good, and she left herself with little free time at night. Having at least one night without extra work would be nice for a change. With that, she turned to the crowd and stated. "I got time for one more match. Any takers?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn watched the crowd and she saw a few people exchanging a handful of Klerfs, apparently there was some better. There usually was. As she handed out her request, Hugh smiled, laughing a bit. "Aye then? Alright, we'll bring you along next time then, sounds fun." He made his way back to the outer circle and the crowd looked about. Tony and Jeff had finished and both had ended up watching the fight. They looked at each other then Jeff stepped in.

He gave a quick smile and a short bow to Lynn. "If you're up for it, I'll be your next challenger. Same bet as you had before, too?" Jeff unhooked his axe, letting it rest on his shoulder. Lynn could accept his challenge and the bet, or accept the challenge but reject hte bet, or just decline the challenge completely. He would be tough to beat, but maybe, just maybe she could do it. Jeff smiled, awaiting her decision.

Lynn had a bit of time to think about it, as she caught her breath. If she'd been out in the field she might have had to use a kit, but thankfully it had just been a sparring match, so she didn't need to expend her resources.
Stat Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

Kfs: 27
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"I look forward to it, Hugh. That was the last thing she said as he left the circle. She noticed the exchanging of money between the gathered crowd and was almost surprised. Seems she had made more then a few people happy with her victory. The muttering in the crowd finally died down however as Jeff approached her for a challenge. Lynn quickly returned the bow before letting him speak. Seems she had gained herself an interesting opponent. Jeff was by and large more experienced then Lynn and that axe of his made him a dangerous opponent. But a loss to him would be very much a learning experience.

"I accept. Both the challenge and the bet." She took a few deep breaths in preparation before taking a step back, allowing him to make any preparations he needed.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

There were a few raised hush sounds from the crowd as Lynn accepted the bet. This might have surprised her, but the crowd was very surprised. Lynn didn't really know it but Jeff did not often hand out such bets. He smiled. "Excellent!" Jeff took his stance as well, ready as Lynn was.

Jeff made the first move, launching himself with an offensive strike. He was quick, but Lynn was prepared. She took a step forward and angled her shield into the blow. Jeff hadn't expected it and it left his attack at a lowered force when it connected. Lynn easily took this chance to knock him off balance and land an attack again him. It was a solid hit, though she knew she was lucky she defended against that attack.

Stat Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

Jeff 1/?? HP
Kfs: 27
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Caught off guard by the sudden surge from Jeff, Lynn did her best to fight back. She was always the more defensive fighter then most of the other recruits and those talents showed. But even she had her limits on how much she could take. She may have had the upper hand in the fight, but Jeff was always full of surprises.

She approached cautiously, her stance more open to allow for a quick dodge in the event of another attack. If he didn't fight back, she'd go on the offensive and strike with her shield, hoping to land a finishing blow.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn's cautious approach was warranted, she knew that most axe fighters tended to be offensive. Something in Jeff's stance gave him away though, Lynn recognized it as a defensive stance, he was looking to counter her attack. During training she'd been taught how to break it too, which she did, applying a sudden offensive strike with her shield. Jeff couldn't adjust his stance in time, taking the blow full on, stumbling back and leaving him open for another strike from her lance. That was three solid hits so far, and she hadn't taken a single blow. She couldn't help but let out a grin.

Jeff wasn't finished though, he was tougher than Hugh, though Lynn suspected another good strike might knock him down. His next attack came at her straight, but at the last moment he feinted around her guard, delivering a blow with the haft, toppling her balance and forcing her to take a few steps back.

Stat Block
Lynn 4/5 FP 0/10 AP

Jeff 3/?? HP
Kfs: 27
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The intensity of the battle had certainly picked up and Jeff was clearly showing his skill. Both were fighting cautiously, but Lynn knew all too well how to break through the guard of his. This battle was all Lynn and she couldn't help but crack a smile.

Jeff however was not the type to quit so easily, and he was showing his true prowess. The recruit braced herself for a full force offensive blow but was shocked when the feint came, catching her off guard. The blow knocked her off balance and forced her back a bit. "You got lucky!" Was all she said as she dropped her shield and began wielding the spear two handed. She had only recently begun practicing fighting like this, but she knew she would have to learn sooner or later and it was better if she learned in the safety of the camp and amongst her friends instead of the harshness of real battle where her mistakes could lead to her death or her capture.

Lynn went on the aggressive, swinging the back end of the spear towards her opponent. She sought to knock his axe away from his grip and hopefully force the battle to end. It was a risky tactic, but if she didn't try something, the fight would drag on and she wasn't sure she'd win a battle of attrition.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn notices as Jeff shifts his stance again. Her switch to a two handed fighting method seems like a good idea, she feels she has a lot more control over her attacks this way. And just in time, because Jeff is taking the offensive. He rushes at her but she was already prepared. She steps to the side and forward, leaving his attack wide open as the haft of her spear connects to his chest, another solid hit. Then as he's recoiling from the blow, a quick forceful lift lands the handle against his axe. His grip already shaky from the hit, the rattling blow causes his fingers to slip, making him drop the axe to the ground.

It feels almost as time has paused, the axe clattering and kicking up dust from the ring. The crowd goes silent for what feels like forever, but then a loud applause is heard from the crowd. Lynn might just feel herself blushing as she realizes how much attention she's getting. Jeff gives a hearty laugh as he finally catches his breath, smiling as he picks up his axe. "I'm beat, victory is yours, and with that...the bet I suppose." He frowns a bit but manages to smile, it looks like he had expected to win.

To Lynn's slight surprise, she sees a glowing window pop up in front of her. She recognizes these from both her training and the stories she's heard. They were best described as messages from the gods, as they were. Each message was only for the person who saw it, a private notice to them of something important. The ones she got were good ones, she noticed. They marked achievements in her life, and her path as that of a warrior.

[FONT="Courier New"][CENTER]Congratulations.
Your mastery of the Polearm has increased.

You have gained the trait of Scapper.
You will gain a bonus when fighting single foes.[/CENTER][/FONT]

Stat Block
Lynn 4/5 FP 0/10 AP

Kfs: 27
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The last few minutes of the fight seemed like something of a blur to Lynn. Almost as if she wasn't herself and that some force was controlling her actions. The gods were guiding her hand. How else would you explain beating one of the tougher fighters in the camp? The crowd bursting into cheers woke the girl up from her trance and she realized the gravity of the situation. The clapping, the noise and all the attention were new to Lynn and she couldn't help but turn red at the prospect. While she had some admirers before, their numbers easily tripled today. Maybe even more so. It seemed even Jeff was impressed, who let out a hearty laugh before mentioning the bet. In the excitement of the moment, she had almost forgotten about it.

"Don't worry about it for now. I'll think of something for ya later! Just as she finished commenting a strange message appeared before her. This was another sign! The gods really were on her side! She was only getting stronger and this proved it! Waiting for the message to vanish, she gathered her equipment and climbed out of the sparring ring. As exciting as her day was turning out, she had a squad to meet up with and a mission to complete. She tried to remember where the staging area, hoping that she wasn't too late. Heaven only knows who the leader of this little team ones and if he or she was as forgiving as the Commander.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Jeff gave a short smile. "Oh? Well sure, I'll be around then." He gave a short bow as he made his way out of the ring. Lynn also found herself leaving quickly, not wanting to be late to the staging area and time. As she left though Hugh stopped her, giving a short smile and a small pouch. "Just some winnings for you, not many bet on you, take it if you'd like."

Lynn would find she wasn't late to the staging area, she found a few members there already. She recognized one of the other recruits. She had seen him around camp but he spent most of his time in the rec tent reading, so he didn't interact with people that often. She thought his name was Tom. He gave a short nod. There were two other members there. One looked like he was a specialist, carrying two swords with him. He didn't introduce himself but just gave a short nod and a smile. The person there was a girl, she had long purple hair, down to her midback. She smiled at Lynn. "Ah, you must be Lynn, pleasure to meet you. I'm Mykal, I'm the leader for the squad for this mission. Any questions you have, let me know."

Stat Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Kfs: 27 (+15 pending)
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"Oh? Th...Thank you" Lynn was startled by Hugh at first but quickly took the offered winnings. Seemed her exploits were more profitable then she thought. Either way, she was not one to turn down money.

She arrived at the staging area, seeing the small assembled team before her. She gave a friendly nod to the other recruit, Tom before doing the same to the specialist. The man was awfully quiet and she wasn't about to press the issue by forcing him to talk. Her attention was then drawn to the purple haired woman. Seemed the leader of this little band was a woman after all. A rather pleasant surprise, all things considered. "Yes, Ma'am. Recruit Lynn reporting. Are we waiting on someone else or is this it? I'm actually really eager to get started."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Mykal smiled to Lynn, nodding her head. "Just one more." Mykal turned to the specialist. "Also this if Ger. He works in the investigation unit, and he'll be our primary means of investigation today." Upon his introduction Ger gave a friendly smile and nodded again to Lynn. He still stayed quiet, he looked like he was thinking.

Tom seemed to yawn a bit, the time dragging on a little. Before too long the last member came paddling along. Lynn recognized him as one of the basic infantry, he was a slightly higher rank than her, his uniform indicating he was a Sargent. He gave a nod to the rest of the group, and Mykal nodded back. "Alright then, everyone listen up. We're on a mission to investigate what's happening along the trade road. Any questions?"

The other members had no questions, and Mykal stopped to answer any that Lynn had. After everything was settled, they set off. It was a fair bit of a hike along the road.
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"It's an honor to meet you Ger. It'll be a privilege to work with you" Even though the man did not respond, she gave him a friendly bow. She then took a seat on a nearby stump as they awaited the final team member.

The final member joined the waiting company and Lynn could not help but be impressed by the new arrival. Sure he was standard infantry like her, but to reach the rank of Sergeant was no easy feat. She didn't get a chance to learn the Sergeants name before Mykal began getting the team ready to depart. She finally got around to asking Lynn if she had any questions. "No Ma'am. I'm ready when you are!"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

During their travel, Mykal decided it was a good chance to have the squad introduce themselves. She started with herself, to break the ice. "I'm Mykal, as most of you know. I've been assigned as squad leader for this mission due to my leadership in past missions of a similar nature. I work closely with the investigations branch, and often lead special assignment teams like this.

Ger finally spoke a little. "Specialist Ger. I work as an infiltrator and in close combat in confined quarters. I can't talk about my previous missions." He was friendly enough about it, but it sounded to Lynn like Ger was part of one of the special ops teams. It made her wonder what he was doing on what seemed to be a routine assignment.

Next was the Sargent who Lynn hadn't had the chance to talk to earlier. He grunted a bit before clearing his throat to speak. He seemed a little gruff, but something told Lynn he was probably a teddy bear on the inside, even if he hid it well. "Sargent Marx. I've been on special assignments for the past few months, but I'm going to be leading a camp expedition after this mission." What that sounded like to Lynn is as though the army liked this man and wanted to make use of him, but they hadn't has a position to put him in, and were busy making one.

Lastly the other recruit, Tom. He seemed a bit embarrassed, considering he didn't have as much to talk about. "A-ah, I'm Tom. I'm pretty much a fresh recruit right off the boat. My dad retired from the army, basic infantry, after he met my mother. We live at the edge of a small logging town back in mainland..."

And of course, that meant it was now Lynn's turn.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The monotony of the trip was thankfully broken by Mykal giving her little background and reasons for being assigned to the mission. Seemed the woman was fairly competent as a leader and had worked on similar jobs before. That gave Lynn a needed boost, knowing the leader had been on similar jobs before. Ger was almost exactly what she expected from an infiltrator. A man of few words, mysterious and confident. If anything, he could easily be the most experienced man on the team. The sergeant was next and something about the man just made Lynn feel safe. He seemed to be a very competent soldier and a busy one at the sound of it.

With the experienced members out of the way, the attention turned to the two recruits, Tom going first before she could get a word in. Same as her, he was fresh from training and had a fairly modest background. Seemed like he was continuing the family profession. Lynn's turn finally came and she was noticeably nervous at first. But she calmed as she spoke. My name is Lynn. Same as Tom, I'm fresh from basic, but my instructors say I got great potential. I'm actually the youngest of 6 children and I have 5 older brothers, all of whom were really protective of me growing up. My father is a shepherd and he's equally protective. They were opposed to me joining the army and I spent days trying to convince them. I finally managed to get my fathers blessings and I was able to join. He said I had my mothers stubbornness and her courage." Lynn spoke a tiny bit softer when she brought up her mother, the subject clearly being a sore one for the normally chipper recruit.