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Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The two men seem startled that Lynn saw them. They can be heard growling as they step out from their hiding spots. They slowly made their way forward. A quick glance told Lynn all she needed to know about them. They had hardened leather for armor, it looked well made, probably recent. Both of them carried a mace and a round buckler shield. They seemed to be wary. They were probably ready to fight if it came to it, but it seems they weren't quite ready yet. They made their way slowly to the edge of the forest. Lynn thought she could feel menace behind them, but they were trying to hide it.

"We're um, travelers, just travelers." One of them gave a flimsy excuse.

Battle Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn backed up slightly as the two armed and armored men stepped out of the woods and approached her. They were not mere travelers. Only merchant escorts and soldiers run armed in any capacity. Regular travelers had no cause to carry weapons and wear armor.

"Normal travelers don't slink in bushes or carry weapons. Why aren't you on the main road? TELL ME!" Her voice jumped in volume, hoping that she might be able to intimidate them. But there was a good chance a farm girl standing at about 5 feet 10 inches would be able to scare anyone. She could only pray Mykal or the guys would return.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The men started slightly as she shouted. It wasn't fear though, more like surprise. They drew their weapons. "Forget it. You could have just bought our story and let us be on our way, but you had to press it. We can't risk you letting anyone know we were here, you're coming with us."

A look around told Lynn that she was not in good shape. There were two of them and one of her. She might have been good in training but these men weren't going to stop when she said she was tired. Their faces growled with menace as they slowly started to circle her. They were going to try and flank her. She'd have to fight this battle smart. The road was bumpy, there were rocks strewn around, maybe she could use that. Or the forest was a short ways south. Maybe she could use the trees to make sure she only fought one at a time. Otherwise she'd have to hope for the return of her friends. She might be able to try shouting, that could alert them if they were anywhere nearby...but she didn't didn't think these two men knew she had the rest of her patrol as backup...and if they weren't around but more like them were...shouting might be a bad idea.

She wasn't in a good position, but she had options, she just had to make use of them.

Battle Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

Bandit 0/?? HP
Bandit 0/?? HP
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

With the mens true intent finally revealed, Lynn pieced together a horrify thing. These might have been the same men from before. That meant they were bandits...or worse. Her fear levels spiked and her breathing became erratic as they began to circle her. This fight was getting progressively worse and the odds more and more lopsided.

Here eyes quickly ran over the road as she began moving in an effort to prevent a flank. She could try something...risky, but she had only one shot at her plan and failure could be disastrous. She scooped up a handful of dirt and rocks and would attempt to throw it at the one blocking her escape into the woods. Once there, she would attempt to call for help and hopefully find a better position to fight them. If worse came to worse, she could find a tree and climb up it, hoping she would last long enough for help to arrive. If her first plan failed however, she'd take up a defensive position and try to strike the nearest enemy with her shield in an effort to knock him off balance or knock him over completely. If that worked, she'd do the same plan as the dirt option, hoping she could buy herself enough time. What started as a good day quickly turned into the afternoon from hell itself.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn made her battle plan quickly. The sudden dirty trick surprised the bandit, not expecting it from a military girl. He raised his shield, protecting himself from it though. It distracted him for a moment but it wasn't enough to allow her time to flee to the forest. The men approached her now. Both ran at her, though the one she'd sanded was a bit slower. She was able to deflect the first attack, leaving her in an excellent position as the second man charged at her. Her fear left her for a moment as she dashed past him, ducking under his blow and landing the haft of her spear into his stomach. He coughed letting out a breath, that had hurt him. She was luckily near the forest now, she had the trees to her back and could flee if she had to. Both men were in front of her, regrouping to attack again.

Battle Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

Bandit 0/?? HP
Bandit 1/?? HP
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The dirt plan somehow worked and but it was not enough to stop the enemy. While she didn't stop them completely, it did slow one man down enough that she was easily able to avoid his attack. This left her in a good spot to dodge the second man and counter him, landing a blow that knocked him for a loop. She now had the trees to her back and she had a backup plan in case the fight went south. She'd keep moving back into the tree line, hoping to dodge and counter any incoming attack. She also was going to try something else, hoping her voice would carry far enough.

What...What do you want with me?! Why did you bother to follow us?! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Her raised voice turned into a yell, praying the last sentence was loud enough and would carry into the woods. If luck was on her side, someone on her side would hear it and would come to their aid.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn manages to back up more. She can hear her voice echo through the woods. She has no idea if anyone heard it, but she can only hope they did. And that if anyone did, it was someone to help her, and not the bandits she was fighting. The rushed her again, and it worked out just as badly as it had before. She deflected one blow and made him stumble back with a thrust from the spear. He had to dodge back to avoid getting impaled, but the point let a nice slice in his armor. The other man tried to attack her while she was focused on his pal, but that didn't work either. Again her fear seemed to have no part in the battle as her training took over. She slid to the side, using the momentum from her attack. His mace only barely missed her, but it had still missed. Her spear wasn't in a good position but her shield managed to catch him in the chin, he stumbled, losing his footing for a moment. She hadn't gotten hit so far, but who knew how long that would last.

Battle Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

Bandit 2/?? HP
Bandit 1/?? HP
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Clearly she was doing something right. She had landed a few good blows on her opponents and was in a solid position in the fight. Any good soldier would know that the first priority in a fight is to maintain a strong position and press you're advantages. She'd keep her defensive stance, waiting for the enemy to come to her, in the hopes she'd land a killing blow eventually. If the enemy did manage to make contact with her, she'd retreat into the trees, hoping to keep them distracted long enough. As her fear was getting laid to rest, she could not help but continue to yell at the men.

"I won't let you take me! Try as you might, I will not submit so easily!"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The men growl as Lynn continues to stand in defiance of them. They rush at her now, forging any defense in a rash attempt to simply beat her down. It fails as she manages to deflect their blows. The tress giving her cover and making her easy to evade them. Once, twice they rush at her, both times she manages to deflect the blows or evade them completely. At the same time though she's so focused on defending herself she can't hit them at all. She finally gets a break when one of them stumbles over a branch, leaving himself open. The other rushes at her but she deflects him to the side before hitting the dazed one. He stumbles back, even more injured than before. His eyes on fire with anger.

"LYYYYYYNN!! Can you hear me?! Where are you?!" Lynn hears a voice through the trees. Mykals. And she's coming closer.

Battle Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

Bandit 3/?? HP
Bandit 1/?? HP
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Somehow, by some miracle, the simple farm girl fresh from basic was somehow holding off a pair of bandits. Men who could have been fighting for years and they were being held off by a girl with a shield and a spear. She kept up her defensive stance, evading or deflecting multiple blows in the process. While she was missing hits herself, she didn't care. She finally managed to deal a lucky blow as one of the men stumbled over some debris. Another hit could finish him, but she wasn't worried about that at the moment. She just wanted to survive.

And she just might as a voice carried through the trees. It was Mykal! The gods had somehow blessed her once again and she was going to be safe. "Mykal!! I'm at the edge of the woods! Come quick!"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"Fuck, she has friends. We need to get out of her." One of them shouted. The other barked an order to him to stay and fight though, it wouldn't do them any good to run now.

Lynn finds herself on the defensive again. The men attack harshly, they're really out to get her now. But she's in good shape. She manages to land another blow on the heavily injured man. She was right as he goes down, clutching his side. He wasn't getting up again anytime soon. She always distracted herself for too long though, as the other man lept at her. She avoided him and managed to land a countering attack, shoving the tip of her spear at his stomach.

Mykal's voice could be heard. "I'll be right there! Hold tight!"

Battle Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

Bandit 4/?? HP (Downed, injured)
Bandit 2/?? HP
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Last edited:
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The enemy was getting scared. They're backs were against the wall and they were frightened. This was her chance! She kept up the pace defensively and did her best to fight back. Their attacks began getting sloppy as they were desperate to put the resistant recruit down. Another strike on the injured man finally brought him down, at least to the point where he wouldn't be a threat. The second man tried to catch her off guard but she was able to swiftly avoid the attacker.

With Mykal on the way, she could stand to play it safe a little while longer. But she had one enemy down and the other on the ropes. This was her chance to take the fight to them! Once she knew she could do so, she let out a yell and rushed at the remaining bandit, ready to land a devastating blow. Mykal wouldn't even have to draw her sword from it's sheath. Lynn would have these two down before she arrived. She was sure of it!
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn charged forward, the enemy was surprised at the ferocity of her attack. With a shout she thrust her spear forward. He tried to run but it caught him in the side. Worse then it had his friend. He went down, also clutching his side, whimpering a bit at the pain.

Before anything else, Lynn saw another message pop up. It was pretty surprising. She didn't think she'd be that advanced yet, but apparently real combat was an excellent teacher.

[FONT="Courier New"][CENTER]Congratulations!
Your mastery of the Polearm has Increased
You have unlocked 'Skills'.
Each Skill you possess may be used once each combat.
You must rest before using skills again

Please Select a Skill
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Leg Sweep[/COLOR]
You perform a low sweep at the enemies legs.
Success in using this skill will trip one or two enemies,
lowering their defense for a short time. 
It deals normal damage.

[COLOR="SandyBrown"]Haft Thrust[/COLOR]
Utilize an unexpected haft thrusting attack with an enemy.
It will stun an enemy if it connects, leaving them open and
causing them to miss an attack.
It deals normal damage.

Mykal arrived a few minutes later, sword drawn and ready for a fight. She was a bit surprised, her eyes wide at the sight. She smiled though, grinning over to Lynn, giving her a thumbs up. "Wow...Lynn...excellent work."

Stat Block
Lynn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn was almost unable to comprehend what she just did. Was this the same girl who no few hours ago was unsure of her own combat skills? Was this the same person who was a nervous wreck at even the sight of two bandits? Whatever had happened, she had beaten these men and both of them were now lying defeated in the dirt.

Before she could compose herself, another one of those messages appeared. Seemed the gods were really on her side. She looked over the skills that were available to her. In the end she felt the first one would provide the best utility in combat and she confirmed her selection.

Snapping back to reality, she found Mykal standing before her and ready for battle, only to be surprised by the sight before her. Lynn had basically done her job for her. Lynn's attention shot over to the veteran who just finished complimenting her. "I...I can't believe I...just did that. " She was still stunned at the sight before her, and the exhaustion of the fight finally caught up to her. She stumbled back a few feet until her back hit a nearby tree. The sudden hit caused her to drop her gear before she slid down the tree, hitting the ground a second later. Her breathing grew heavy and she couldn't anything else. Mykal could only guess as to what the girl was thinking.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Mykal chuckles a bit as Lynn collapses to rest. She gave a short smile and nodded, it was fair to let the girl rest after that. She took a seat against a nearby tree as well, taking a moment to catch her breath. She'd run quite a ways since she heard Lynn's voice. She rested her head back against the tree and let out a sigh. Lynn found herself looking up too, she noticed now it was almost noon.

Mykal frowned, shaking her head and sighing. "Still no sign of the guys. I thought I had seem some tracks in the woods but I lost track of them...I hope they're okay." She looked over to Lynn, pausing briefly to look at the two bandits. They had passed out, and it didn't look like they were about to bleed out, they had captives they could bring back to question. "Should be head back to camp, or do you want to look for the guys? I'm inclined to think we should head back. I trust the guys are okay and will get in contact with us when they can, and we need to get these guys back so the higher ups can interrogate them."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

At that moment, Lynn didn't really have much else to say. Her first real patrol turned out so...well. Even after getting attacked, everything turned out alright. But whats done is done and there was little to argue. She came out the victor today and she wasn't about to ruin it with her own doubt.

Mykal gave her report on the search and it seemed their comrades were nowhere to be found. Part of Lynn wasn't surprised by that to be honest. She knew searching for them would have been a wasted effort. And even if they did run into trouble, like Mykal suspects, those three should be able to handle it. If Lynn could take on two bandits by herself, 2 experienced soldiers and one recruit should be able to do even better. Regardless, they did have a pair of prisoners now and getting them back to base would be crucial. Any information they had would make their job a heck of a lot easier. "I say we just head back. If the guys just got lost, they'll turn up sooner or later. They got two vets with them and I don't think those two would get lost so easily. Plus, I'd rather get these scum back sooner rather then later. And...I'm not going to lie...I could could use a nap and maybe a shower. Today took more out of me then I though."

Ultimately, their decision rested with Mykal. Lynn was merely offering an option. Whether she took that option was left to be said, but she was certain Mykal would want to get back to base too.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Mykal nods at Lynn, glad that the recruit had agreed with her assessment. "Alright, let's get these guys moving." She walked over to the two bandits, giving them a thwap with her sheath. "Get up, idiots." The two bandits grumbled as they stood up. Myakl collected their weapons and handed them to Lynn to hold. "Listen up, you're coming back with us, if you try to run I will not hesitate to run my sword through your back, so keep that in mind."

Both of the prisoners grumbled but seemed to comply. Mykal had them place their hands on their heads so they wouldn't try anything funny. Then she nodded to Lynn and started to march the two bandits back to camp. The journey was just as long as it was in the morning. It was past noon, so it was cooling off slightly, though the breeze wasn't as present as it was before.

During the walk Lynn though she noticed something ahead. The path here was windy, having to go through some rough terrain with rocks. Mykal stepped closer, dropping her voice so the prisoners couldn't hear her. "I thought I saw someone hiding in those rocks up ahead. I'm pretty sure there's a trap up ahead...be careful."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"Right! Lets get going" Lynn simple agreed with her superior, and watched as she got them ready for transport. She couldn't help but laugh a little at the treatment, considering it karmic payback for all the bad that they've done. She gladly took the discarded weapons and tried to find a place for them in her pack.

The men finally prepped for transport, Lynn followed behind Mykal, doing her best to also keep their prisoners in sight. Noon had finally come and gone and the day was getting noticeably cooler, which would make her afternoon much more relaxing, so long as she didn't have any work.

The trip proved relatively uneventful until Lynn thought she spotted something in the distance. The wind picked up noticeably and the rocky terrain made it difficult to determine just what she saw. Her suspicions were confirmed however, when Mykal whispered a similar theory. Seemed Lynn wasn't crazy after all. Bringing her voice down as well, Lynn gave her assessment. "I saw something too. Just a glimpse, but something. I'll keep my eyes open." Unless this was the guys playing a trick on them, Lynn could only guess that maybe the bandits friends decided to try and rescue their buddies after failing to bring Lynn back. Whoever it was, they would not have an easy go at either soldier.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Mykal gave a short nod. "I don't think we've been noticed yet. Maybe let's try going around...?" Her superior muttered the last bit as if considering. Lynn could see in her eyes that she was giving consideration to possible ideas. The purple haired girl seemed to be unsure on her plan of action. Going around could probably help them avoid the ambush, if there was on, but there was a possibility they could just fight...

Mykal frowned for a moment, they were getting closer and she didn't want to let the prisoners know that they suspected something was up. "I'm not sure, Lynn. You've agreed with my good ideas so far, what do you think?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

She hadn't led them astray so far and all the decisions she made had been good ones. What reason did Lynn have to doubt Mykal now? However, she did seem to notice some hesitation in her voice when considering this plan. Going around could be safer, but the bad guys might be anticipating that and could sneak up on them that way. And if the ambush somehow freed the prisoners as well, the fight would only get that much harder. Not wanting to keep her waiting, Lynn voiced her opinion."Whats the harm? We can give it a shot. Unless you had a better plan?"

Lynn was still hoping against hope that her eyes were just playing tricks with her and there was nothing on the other side of those rocks. But given all that's happened today, she wouldn't want to be wrong in a situation where her life was on the line.