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Main Cavern

Re: Main Cavern

Altough Irene seemed to get some hold on reality upon hearing the word 'pet', it was quickly followed by another 'woman', which did more damage to the girl's common sense. Anyway, the compliment that preceeded the demon's mistake reduced the impact, so she was practically his. Also, unknowingly he hit another mark - no one ever complimented Irene's personality. She knew that she wasn't a good girl, but she liked herself the way she was. And now, a charming demon admitted, in a way, that he approves of that... "Mhmm... Yeah, maybe..." Poor Irene, she looked as if she was going to melt from this apparent kindness!
Re: Main Cavern

Spitheysh felt that he'd buttered her up enough with compliments -- she was practically putty in his hand, it seemed! He wasn't finished playing her yet, however, for he drew closer, leaning down to plant a (he hoped) thoughtful kiss across her dumb-struck lips.

As much as Spitheysh had come down here to find some anonymous woman to bang, he had to admit that playing this game was far more entertaining, in the long run. If he succeeded in seducing her into his pants, well, that made it all the better. If not, there were other women who were far more practical about the whole matter.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene's eyes widened a bit when she noticed that the demon leaned towards her. She drew her hands up to her chin, as if she tried to protect herself - a gesture she didn't mean to make, and as soon as she noticed what she did, she lowered them a little, casting a worried glance at them. 'Wait, I can't screw this up! What will he think? Look up!' She raised her head once again - only to get caught in a delicate kiss. The sensation sent a shiver down her spine and nearly cooked her brain. Her last rational thought was: 'What the HELL?!? I don't know him! He's a seducer or something...' As a slave, she was forced to fuck her masters more than once, and kissing was a part of the job as well. However, this was unlike her past experiences - it was gentle, setting loose the hidden, submissive part of her personality. She gave in, relaxing and letting the demon continue, if he wanted to.
Re: Main Cavern

Oh, he had her on knife's edge. This was rather fun. He loved the way, for instance, she raised her hands and forced them back down again, froze like a startled prey animal, and then relaxed right into it. Tempted as he was to topple her back over the couch right then and there, Spitheysh let the urge slide for now.

Instead, he pulled back, the same slightly tentative smile not quite masking the predatory intent in his expression. "Too much, love?" Let her doubt...
Re: Main Cavern

If Irene were in a clear state of mind, she'd begin to worry about herself. However, right now she was in "obedience mode", though if Spitheysh did something really stupid, she had a good chance of snapping out of it. Even now, doubts began to slowly crawl out of her subconsciousness, but she wasn't able to interpret her fear properly and mistook it for something else - she thought that she was afraid of disappointing him. "N-no..." Irene quickly denied the demon's "accusation". He should tread carefully - the girl's mood had a tendency to change quickly.
Re: Main Cavern

Taking that as a cue to continue, the demon brought his other hand up so that they framed her jaw. His fingers spread through the hair at the nape of her neck as he drew down to kiss her again... this time just a little more certain and confident. He did have to admit that she smelled good, though maybe that was a healthy steeping of fear. Just to be certain that she didn't pelt off after a good kiss, he lifted his lips to her forehead to give her another, gentler kiss. "Good," breathed he, enjoying the way she seemed to be focused only on him, and with that sort of look in her eyes!

"Care to take it to the plusher couches toward the back," he asked, biting the tip of his tongue before that pet-name slipped out again.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene once again experienced a little shock as her doubts were washed away by the sensations she slowly began to crave. She closed her eyes for a moment during the kiss, giving in once again. She could feel the demon's strenght, and her slightly twisted mind accepted the fact that she couldn't resist him... At least, for now. Irene began to feel hot, the sensation spreading across her body - and she liked it. In her subconsciousness, another limit has been breached as Spitheysh gave her the second kiss - the show of power followed by a example of humility turned Irene on. "Yes... Let's go." She stood up, staying close to the demon, seemingly craving for his proximity.
Re: Main Cavern

It seemed as though Irene were brainwashed, something that Spitheysh enjoyed very much indeed. Slipping an arm lightly around her waist, more to guide than to possess (there was plenty of time for that, later!) he walked her to the lounging couches toward the back of the cavern. He didn't bring her so far as the curtained-off rooms, given he felt she might bolt if she didn't feel that she had the protection of a public place... but here was semi-secluded, and besides, if one looked around, one could see half a dozen other people (humans and otherwise) in close, quiet conversation or... well, other less chaste activity.

He settled her down on one of the longer, wider couches, thinking he might have fun in trying to shift his size at some point, if she held out long enough. For now he retained a more familiar guise as he brought a hand up to play with her bronze hair. "Kiss me," he suggested, wanting to see her both wrapped around his finger and taking some initiative for herself.
Re: Main Cavern

The request suprised Irene - she wasn't a type of person that liked to be the one that takes the lead. Still she did what Spitheysh said - he had her wrapped around his finger, after all. She leaned closer to him, kissing him on the lips - at first, she did that gently, nearly faintly, but soon she seemed to gain a bit of confidence, moving to a deeper kiss. The hot feeling in her body seemed to intensify, urging her to go on.
Re: Main Cavern

"Good," he murmured, after their last, more passionate kiss. He allowed his lips to wander from her mouth to her jaw, kissing down her neck as he slipped a hand around her waist again. Nipping at her collar bone, the man ran his hand up her side and across one breast as he moved to return a second proper kiss...
Re: Main Cavern

The girl shivered gently, enjoying the demon's touch and his kisses. Her hands began to slowly caress his chest on their own - she seemed to be absorbed by the kisses she was getting, and her body's demands were getting more intense. When Spitheysh moved to do a proper kiss again, Irene moved to kiss him as well. The hot feeling she experienced was getting stronger, and she could feel a single drop of sweat running down her back.
Re: Main Cavern

Testing, finding that she was too absorbed to want to pull away, the demon took more liberties -- he gathered up her hair with one hand, tugging at the nape of her neck near the roots so that he had better access to her throat. His other hand roamed across her body, first over her shirt, then beneath it -- if she let him -- as he nibbled along her throat, biting harder here and there.

Despite his own resolve to play the woman, a certain heat was making itself known to him as well. Spitheysh growled, partially in want, partially that she was having enough of an effect on him to leave his penis erect and straining under the cloth of his pants. He took a moment to shrug his coat off before returning his attention to her, drawing out the throbbing heat of lust as he teased her, as well.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene gasped silently as the demon began to play with her neck and chest. She was beginning to feel quite good, a feeling she hasn't experienced before. Despite the fact that she was used as a sex toy more than once, she never enjoyed herself so much. Her right hand slipped down, finding the demon's erect penis. Irene ran her hand across it's lenght and her eyes widened - she didn't expect it to be that large. She began to play with it, trying not to tease, but to please.
Re: Main Cavern

He'd been tugging on her earlobe with careful teeth when she went and did that. Spitheysh growled, tugging her hair just a little tighter. "Good," he told her, enjoying her boldness in the face of her uncertain circumstances. "Very good." Now he pressed her back onto the cushions, fingers sliding over one breast to tweak at her nipple, kissing her all the time to keep back any objections, though he doubted she'd bother voicing them!
Re: Main Cavern

Meanwhile, the musician had watched Spitheysh's not-so-subtle 'seduction' with a bit of a frown. He always had preferred honesty... Ah, well. She'll probably enjoy this, at least. And it wouldn't be the worst first lesson for a newcomer to the Burrows.

Still, he watched them until they settled on a couch towards the back, just in case. He quickly diverted his gaze after that, though. He really had no desire to watch Spi enjoying himself, not after last time...
Re: Main Cavern

Van had wandered about after dropping off that poor, skinny guy, and in the end had found herself retracing her steps. She wasn't in the mood to go check out any of her usual haunts today, or crash any parties in caverns she hadn't yet explored. Generally, the Main Cavern wasn't for her... but then, she was thinking of changing that. Good gossip could be had in the Main Cavern... and occasionally, she heard, a good hook-up.

So when she found herself headed that way, she decided to simply go with it. Her hands in the pockets of her pants, feeling good about the good deed she'd done with that Tillias fellow, she ambled out into the big old cave when she got there, looking about and taking stock.

A few miscellaneous folks on the far end of the cavern... a couple getting hot and heavy on a couch (she recognized the fellow and grinned wolfishly)... and a young man playing a stringed instrument. Music in a public place! How nice. She wandered that direction and found a seat nearby, simply listening to the young man play for a time, not wanting to interrupt. Instead, for entertainment, she watched Spitheysh and his newest conquest.
Re: Main Cavern

The musician watched as the woman walked up and sat down near him. She looked somewhat familiar, probably he had seen her around the caverns, but no name came to mind. Well, he certainly didn't mind conversation, even if he usually didn't go out of his way to invite it.

As he finished his current tune, and began a new, quieter melody, the man turned to the newcomer. "Greetings. I'm called Saul. I don't believe I happen to know your name, miss?"
Re: Main Cavern

He'd been tugging on her earlobe with careful teeth when she went and did that. Spitheysh growled, tugging her hair just a little tighter. "Good," he told her, enjoying her boldness in the face of her uncertain circumstances. "Very good." Now he pressed her back onto the cushions, fingers sliding over one breast to tweak at her nipple, kissing her all the time to keep back any objections, though he doubted she'd bother voicing them!

And he was right - Irene was beginning to have real fun. Her tongue moved forward to gently reach the demon's tongue. The girl found the new position to be quite comfortable, and when Spitheysh began to play with her nipple, she shivered with pleasure and a quiet moan escaped her lips. In the meantime, she continued to caress the demon's penis, slowly getting more confident.
Re: Main Cavern

Spitheysh enjoyed the way she played with him, enjoyed the way she seemed to gain confidence. Just about ready to get to business, he settled his hands on her shoulders and closed his eyes for a moment, quite liking those hopeful, caressing hands. If the rest of this went to rubbish, at least he'd enjoyed the teasing as it stood, here!

The demon began to change before Irene's eyes, first shrouded in light, then in a shift of pressure so that, even pressed beneath him, she was unable to escape or to clearly see what happened. It seemed to take longer than an average change, but then again, when Spitheysh became visible again, his toothy, demon-muzzled grin was smaller than it otherwise should have been. He'd always fancied himself to be good at size-shifting, though he hadn't had as much practice in changing from humanoid to demonoid form at the same time!

Now he was perched atop her, two clawed paws pressing into her shoulders, two long tails whipping idly behind him as he rested some of his weight atop her. "Don't scream," he told her simply, "or I'll use you like a kitten at a scratching post."
Re: Main Cavern

Irene took a deep breath. She didn't expect that kind of event to happen. Still, she always wanted to see a demon in his real form - well, maybe from a larger distance. The thought of doing "this" with such a creature both shocked and excited her, making her pause, yet Irene managed to remain silent. At least until she decided it'd be a good idea to reply.

"... Okay..."

As if she could do anything on her own! Her mind was hazy and her body wasn't strong enough to resist such strenght. Irene completely gave in, like a frightened child.