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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"I honestly don't know ...."

He cut off as Jon and Emily started to bicker, letting it go for a bit before finally he spoke.

"Enough, both of you. Yes, our primary objective is to rescue any captives. If you want to leave after that Jon then by all means, I won't stop you, nor will I hold it against you. However, despite the age of anyone, this is a decision that can only be made individually, not by anyone for someone. However you do have a point, I doubt that Emily's abilities will prove to be a match for Fregion, but they may provide some punch against the other things. That said, something you maybe haven't considered Jon. If we were to back out and not try now, when we might still have a chance, do you really think he's going to stop with just this? How long do you think you can continue hiding from something or someone that just won't stop, that will spread across the planet like a cancer? I for one don't believe for one second that you fit the bill of a refugee running constantly hoping to stay alive by not fighting. There comes a point and time where you have to stand up and take a chance. Like I said, I won't blame you if you do leave, but think of this before you decide. If you go, and the rest of us fail, how long do you think it will be before he unleashes his army beyond this place? Do you honestly believe you can escape this forever?"

As he let that settle in, he finished his thought with Al.

"As for your suggestion Al, as far as I know if your not caught in the flame it can't do anything to you. Trick is actually avoiding it. As for a magical barrier, I suppose it's possible, but it's a high degree of uncertainty. You have something in mind?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Play the..." Jonathan turned a murderous gaze towards Al before Siphon interrupted him. For a moment, he considered replying. Then again, he was shot down by three people already. "Forget it." He took a few steps away from the group, taking deep breaths to calm himself. 'Am I panicking?' He wondered, his fists closed and shaking. 'Just... What the Hell is wrong with them? Aren't they afraid of anything?


What the Hell should I do? I can't fight like those guys. Sneaking around, sure, but actually... Killing something?
' He shuddered at the thought. 'No way I can do something like that.'
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"I think we're all in agreement that we shouldn't be taking unnecessary risks, but we're going to have to take some chances to get in, get what we came for, and get gone," Sho states. "And the longer we stand here arguing over that fact, the more chances they have of finding us. Now, the one thing that concerns me is that we only have our boat for getting away. I doubt big and scary is going to want to make his presence known, but that might not stop him from sending something after us. We're going to have to be prepared for that at the very least. I think between my, Ian's, and maybe Emily's powers and Grace's barriers, we can keep them from following us. Outside of that, I don't know. Then again, we need to get past that first hurdle of getting them out of the mountain, don't we?" Her attention shifts over to the darkling, her voice getting a touch softer. "Jon? Why don't you lead us as close as you can? Maybe if some of us get a look at the formations, we can figure out more weak spots, or spot an alternative entrance."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan didn't answer at first, still angry and shaken. However, as soon as he realized that someone spoke to him, he managed to swallow those feelings and compose himself. "Alright." He turned around to face the group, identifying Sho as the speeker. "I'll get you closer. Keep in mind, I have no ability to protect anyone from detection, so you'll have to watch out for yourselves. I'll show you that entrance I've spotted, too... I sure hope we can find alternative ways, a group this big won't make a stealth-based mission easy." He shifted into dark form and began to move slowly, waiting for the group to follow. He intended to bring them to the closest place he deemed safe - that is, close enough to see the details without being too close to the patrols.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

((Before I can post a full reply, I can't remember, did Emily or Jon mention to Siphon about their being Succubi or anything vampiric like? It does make a difference))

Siphon nodded, then wordlessly slipped in line behind the darkling, his movements making no sound at all somehow.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

((Emily did I believe, and I will be posting but it'll have to wait until tomorrow after work, I'll catch her up on everything then.))
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily was about to swing for Jonathan before Alyosius spoke up. Realising what she was about to do she lets her arm drop as the boy speaks, and was about to speak before Siphon cut them all off. Deciding it would be best to stay quiet for a while Emily simply falls in line with the rest of the group as Jon took the front, though she did realise that their argument was her fault and plans on apologising later on.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Something like that. I don't have a plan or anything, but I'm just thinking about the best way to go against it if it comes to that. I don't think I explained this that well, but my abilities give me two more powerful forms. I think one of them might be able to hold out against it."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon merely nodded.

"Let us hope for the time being it doesn't come to that. Though I find it odd that he's here. Makes me wonder ..."

((Not the post I wanted to make, but can't remember the full details of the old one anyway.))
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Plan seemed to be to follow Jon back to the villain's lair. Simple enough. They could hopefully form up a plan when they fully saw what they were up against. Ian shouldered the bag of supplies he seemed to have become in charge of and trailed after the group, doing his best to keep an eye out for brush that might give them away, walking as light as possible, which wasn't a very easy feat in the woods. His attention seems more on the terrain, though he will pick his head up now and again and looks to be doing a head-count, making sure they haven't let anyone lag behind.

Sho, on the other hand, kept her attention ahead, following Jon, but at the same time, her eyes were constantly scanning through and over the trees, watching for more ambushes or anything that might be headed their way after the last skirmish. Her speech had been pretty bold. She only hoped that there might be some hope in it as far as getting the group of them inside.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan made his way towards the spot from which he observed the fortress earlier. Once he reached that place, the darkling stopped and shifted back to human form. His breath was somewhat deeper than usual - he got tired a bit sooner than he expected. Apparently, his body was still recovering. No matter. At least he had the opportunity to check whether the situation had changed in his absence and pick the best moment to move in. With that in mind, Jonathan observed the enemy, recalling their previous patrol pattern.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon stopped as Jon did, his head tilting to one side as he observed the area. He didn't speak, but it was clear he had noticed the entry way leading into the ground, and was watching the peculiar movements of the enemy patrols.

It would take Jon a few moments to realize something had changed with the patrols. After that, a few more until he realized what it was. The succubi were missing, all of them.

((Short reply, damn ppl and their not leaving me alone for more than 5 minutes!))
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

((I've also got behind posting haven't I. Here's a simple catch up post. We can push this onwards yet.))

"Well, that looks like our way in."
Ellisia says quietly coming to crouch besides the two. "I think we're as ready as we can be. Shall we?" Putting the group anxiety out of her mind, she was ready to move in and do this, taking point with her sword if it came to a fighting advance.

Grace and Harrel waited just behind with the others, prepared to follow wherever they were led.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily, silent since the little debate between the group had snuck up quietly behind the three of them up at the front, a noticeable heat coming from the young girl indicating that she's ready to let loose if anything decides to ambush them on their way to the entrance.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Well, I can try for a bit of cover if you all want. Of course, anything smart in that cluster is going to realize it for what it is, but anything mindless, I can probably kick up enough dust and debris to obscure us getting in," Sho offers. "Or are we just going to charge and damn the consequence?"

"Probably oughta account for trouble goin' in," Ian states. "If we are chargin', Ah say Siphon goes first. He's the most likely to bounce back from anythin' and the most likely to recognize any of this blighters tricks. Em can back him up, rest of us stick to the middle, and Ellisia and Grace take the back, that is, if ya can put up some sort of seal on that door ta keep the nasties out." He glances over at the barrier mage, arching a brow slightly.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Grace nods affirmatively, "Yeah, can do. If I'm able to stay with it, give me a minute and I can put up a barrier that'll stop a speeding truck, and I should be able to hold it indefinitely. If I have to put it up and leave it won't last too long, but it'd give us a good few minutes head start at least." She informs. She internally laments the fact that she didn't fully understand what these creatures were, otherwise she was certain there would be some kind of more specific barrier she could use against them, but for now catch all physical barriers would have to suffice.

Ellisia was up for taking the rear guard role, nodding also, "I'll watch our backs then. Advance as fast as is necessary, I can fight on the move."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan watched the patrols carefully, noting the details and comparing them with his memory. He frowned. While the lack of succubi would probably make the first step easier, considering they were probably the brightest of the lot, there was only one place where they could go. "Attention, people." He turned to face the others. "The succubi aren't on patrol anymore... Which means they're either out somewhere, which is not very likely if you ask me..." He made a little pause, wondering how to phrase the rest of his speech. "Or they're all inside. Which means there's a lot of demons capable of using magic somewhere inside the place we need to infiltrate. Anybody got ideas on how to deal with that?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"We're fighting Succubi?" Grace comments, face twisting a little uncertainly, "Well uh, I would be able to throw up some anti magic fields if we meet them, which will make it a lot harder for them to do anything, but that would also limit my own usefulness for anything else a fair bit. Not sure if it would hamper any of you guys abilities." She offers, mainly wondering how Al and Emily's abilities worked. "Else I can always use some smaller anti magic barriers, but that'll only work on directed magic, and it'll be harder to cover much with that."

Ellisia nods, liking the sound of it herself. "That could help. Even used in small amounts it will help control the field."

"Alright. I don't like the sound of these things moving into the ruins though. That means they're doing or about to do something right? I'm fed up of wondering and worrying, we've gotta get in there and stop them." Grace says both sounding and looking a little restless. It was clear she was committed to the mission. The young mage was focused entirely on what they we're all about to do, with a level of concentration and alertness rarely seen from her. She was scared, naturally. But every minute she'd been out here talking to the others about going in, she had been reminding herself that Isabella already was in there. She had no idea what might be happening inside, and that scared her ten times more, but only strengthened her resolve to do this.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"No worries on my end, Grace. Near as I can tell, my powers don't have any connection to magic. And if it'll keep the succubi from doing anything...untoward," here Sho grins a little, "then I'm all for it."

"Same heah. Mah powers are force-a will, not magic. And especially if it means not gettin' cha'med, don't be afraid ta throw somma that around."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Don't worry about me, if I can't cast for a while I'll just smack them around," Emily replies to Grace's worry about her inability to use her magic should the older girl start throwing around barriers.