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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Uh... I don't like the way they're circling us. What do we do?" Grace asks apprehensively directed at Ellisia.

Ellisia doesn't answer immediately, glancing round at the circling foes, watching for any hints of an imminent attack as well as trying to map out in her mind where each person in the group was currently standing, who was potentially at risk, etc. "Harrel. Do we need to move? Any signs of trouble elsewhere?" She says trying not to give away the existence of the scouting party in case the gargoyles could understand them.

"Um. <You mean our scouting friends? They seem to be ok. Right in the middle of things, but its still calm over there.> Do you think these are the only ones that know we're here yet?" He replies, half of it said in a language unrecognisable by the others.

"Ok. And it's possible. We can't really let these things pin us down here whether they attack now or not. It may be best to try and eliminate them before any complications arise. Shoni, if you believe you can do something here, I'm thinking go ahead and try it. Also any that you can bring down I should be able to destroy. Grace, do whatever you think your able to, but keep safe if your uncertain about anything."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jackson watched as the gargoyles fly high above them in circles. He noted that they didn't seem ready for a fight with how they kept diving before pulling back. They most have been worried or not sure so what they wore to do with the group.

"If they are really made out of stone I will not be all that useful." He said aloud not sure if the fliers could understand them or not. He could try to climb one of the trees and tackle one out of the air but grabbing a hold of the wings but he decided against it. There was no wait he would realistically climb a tree without him being spotted and picked off and then in the fall he could always the one to land first. The image that came to mind from that thought was not something he wanted to risk.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Woah, this isn't good," Emily whispers quietly as she silently drops from her tree. "Are... Are those actually demons? Mutters more to herself than as a question to Jonathan as she runs back deeper into the forest only stopping when Jonathan feels they're far enough. "So what do we do now? If I let off the signal they'll notice us before everyone gets here, and if those flying creatures were headed for them I'd imagine their arrival will be delayed."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Ian grins over at Siphon, there being a slight bit of cheek there that the Aussie usually doesn't let slip. "Who said anythin' about hands, mate?"

Granted, they were a bit larger than he liked to be throwing around, and they were at least semi-sentient, but it wasn't like he hadn't thrown people around before. He'd just have to wait for the proper moment, finding two that were decently close together before reaching out and "grabbing" one with his telekinesis and slamming it into its fellow, something that served twofold: One, it would show just how durable the things are and two, if they really were stone given life or if they were fleshy at all.

"Got their attention! Sho, you wanna do somethin' about that?"

"Gladly." She slips out from the cover of the trees, almost inviting the things to target her specifically. A few are wary, given they hadn't quite picked up on where the initial attack had come from. A couple of leaders, though, honed in on the girl and started for her--only to be buffetted back as the wind they were using to glide in suddenly switched direction, reversing and twisting them around, effectively catching them in a wind tunnel. It wasn't as precise as Ian's actions, but it was throwing them about, giving him time to catch one or two and fight with it, driving it to the ground, into range of the Harrel and the others. The rest, circling warily now, would suddenly find the air occupied as Sho floats up above the trees, giving them a bit of a wave before more of her wind columns starts to catch the things like moths in a strong breeze.

((Assume these two are either pulling them down to y'all or slamming them around in mid-air to keep them from getting away/putting the hurt on them. Gotta head to work. Tah!))
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan nodded. "Yeah, sending a flare is definitely out of the question... I don't like this at all, but I really don't know what to do..." He paused. Thinking about the situation, Jonathan figured that he had two options. Stay and continue observation, or return immediately. Of course, he could divide the tasks between the two of them, but that was risky... Well, they were risking a whole lot, anyway. "Someone has to stay and observe their base, just in case something happens - we can't be caught off guard by some sudden changes."

He wondered whether he should tell Emily to go and meet up with others, but there was a chance that she could be spotted by one of the flyers, should they decide to retreat. Attacking a lonely target was something they could risk, especially if they were demons. On the other hand, perhaps the beasts would be more concerned about bringing back the info about pursuers to look for other threats, or maybe they'd just focus on attacking the group and die horribly. They hadn't noticed her earlier, too... But there could be other flyers. "Emily. Do you think you can reach the others without being seen?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Sure I could unless they were specifically looking for me, but if you think you're sending me off and leaving yourself at risk from those creatures you've got another thing coming," Emily says, a frown on her face as she crosses her arms across her chest. "Sure, you may be able to take damage but what if they drag you out in the open? Even if you do get ambushed somehow you've still got plenty of shade to fight better than you would if you were jumped by all of them." Emily points her thumb in the direction of the large crowd of demons and undead they had just left behind. "Anyway, I don't have your weakness to light, and if any of them are fire users they're screwed, fire doesn't affect me at all. That and I'm fast and strong so I'll be able to hold my own and dodge their attacks if it gets too much. And lastly, you have no way of sending off a signal if it all gets too much for you, I do." Throughout her little speech Emily stands straight, staring directly at Jonathan, making it clear it'll take a lot to get her to back down and change her mind.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan sighed. He shifted back into his human form for the purpose of conversation - he had yet to find a way to talk in dark form - which was far from imposing. He could see why Emily thought he didn't stand a chance in a fight. "Emily, I am planning to hide myself out of their way. If somehow I end up discovered, I won't fight, I'll flee and try to think of a way to warn you people or keep those idiots busy. And I sure as Hell don't think they can capture a running puddle of fraggin liquid. Any sensors they might have probably won't notice me either, considering Harrel failed to do so. If a fight breaks out here, you won't be able to deal with ALL of them. You can be captured, I can't. It's better this way."

He wasn't entirely sure about all this. They probably had mages or something like that, which could make things problematic. But Jonathan knew how to lie, and how to tell a lie with a straight face. Not that he was lying at this moment - he just didn't say everything that was on his mind. And even though he just came up with the argument, he had to admit he had much better chances of avoiding capture than Emily. She'd be much safer with the rest of the group. "I'll watch things from a distance and report when you people catch up. You just tell them what we've found and lead them here."
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

With Sho and Ian going into action and bringing the first of the gargoyles down to ground level, Ellisia shifts stance and steps forwards to the disarrayed creature as it falls. With a sweeping swing of her blade she brings it up to clash with the base of a wing before the stone like beast hits the ground, and then continues to drop it back down between the shoulder and neck as it bounces upon the ground.

Grace continues to hug the tree whilst watching for any that might manage to break away and swoop down. Summoning in rapid barriers above the heads of friends being the general idea in her head at the moment. She figured that a flying gargoyle crashing into a surprise barrier suddenly appearing in its path should work quite well.

Harrel simply remained at his tree also, trying to maintain enough concentration on his sixth sense whilst keeping out of the way and watching his own back too. "Damn I hate fighting... "
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily stands there, a look of defiance mixed with adamance on her face with her arms still crossed against her chest, the young girls eyes narrowed into a glare. "Tsk, just as determined as that idiot." She thinks to herself before letting out a forced sigh a few minutes later.

"Fine. I guess you're right," She finally says, Emily's arms dropping to her side, swinging limply for a moment before stopping. "But don't blame me if they blow you all over the area." In one fluid motion Emily pulls and swings herself back into the safety of the tree's disappearing from view. "Though do be careful, can't have something else happen to another student now can we? And if anything does happen to you I'll have to beat you myself," Emily calls from her perch, adding the last part in a playful tone. " Well, See you soon hopefully." With that the faint sound of Emily leaping from tree to tree can be heard until she's finally out of earshot.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan nodded. "I'll be careful." When the girl finally got out of the earshot, he let out a sigh and returned to observation. To be honest, he didn't feel all that confident when Emily glared at him. But he came up with this plan, and felt that he ought to stick to it. He wondered whether he should try and get a bit closer again, but decided against it. Unless it was necessary, it would be better to maintain distance.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

As Jonathan watched, he might notice that there seemed to be a circular pattern to the patrols, as if they were set on a determined route. There were next to zero holes in it, save in one place that didn't seem to lead anywhere but into a dark alcove under the castle itself.

The two that Sho brought crashing to the ground let out growls of surprise, then shrieks as Elissia slammed her blade home. What happened with that was quite surprising. Rather than bounce off like it would with stone, or meet resistance given her blade didn't actually operate under normal laws of physics, or sink in like flesh, it seemed to pass through the beast as if it wasn't solid matter at all. The second gargoyle, having recovered, took a swipe at her, but because of it's position missed and raked the tree behind her. The tree bore the proof the things COULD hurt them, as it's trunk splintered a large piece off.

"Yikes, someone's not happy."

That came from Siphon, who had actually paused a moment at the rather interesting spectacle. However, the moment was cut short as there was a sudden crackle in the air, and then he was blasted by what seemed to be an electric blast.

About the same time, Emily would just be reaching the group when she noticed one of the gargoyles let loose an electric blast from it's mouth, striking Siphon dead on.

As the others watched, the blast consumed him and he grunted, whether in pain or surprise it was hard to tell at first. When the surge subsided, his hair was a tad curly, and he had a very annoyed look on his face.

"Fuck you. My turn."

In an instant, he sent a blast of current BACK at the gargoyle that had just shot him, causing it to screech in pain, then explode. The explosion covered everything in about a fifteen foot radius in some sort of black goop, which looked a lot like ink.

"The hell? Huh, Niiiice."

The remaining gargoyles in the air suddenly banked away, retreating at high speeds, leaving the others standing there.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily bursts through the boughs of a nearby tree as the remaining gargoyles begin to retreat, performing an elegant front flip she makes a perfect landing roughly in the center of the group. "We've got trouble," Emily starts, her breathing somewhat heavy, as if the young girl had exherted herself trying to get to the rest of them as fast as she could manage. "We've found where the person who kidnapped Isabella is most likely hiding, but the place is crawling with what appears to be demons and zombies. Jonathan is scouting the place out at the moment but who know's when they'll notice him."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Ellisia is mildly surprised at the ease with which her blade shears through the target, having expected shattering or tough skin, and been prepared for a full force blow had the first test proved it necessary. She quickly recovers her stance from the over powered swing and prepares for the next foe. Siphon dealing with it first, she makes a mental note of the lightning attack. Without her full armour she was still mostly vulnerable to that. "They can be harmed people. Not stone. But those attacks are still plenty dangerous." She says slinging her pack round briefly and quickly pulling a pair of white glove/gauntlets out and putting them on. "Sho, Ian, can you stop them?"

Grace to one side was wiping of a small glob of the strange insubstantial ink that had hit her face. She hold her hand in front of her face and cringes for a moment trying to figure out what she'd been hit by, when it suddenly seemed very familiar. "Wait... is this?" Her face changing to realisation and indignation. "He can't do that! The bastards using Isa's sketchbook!" She states apparently very much against the idea. "She uh, has a special sketchbook. These gargoyles were created by it, I'm almost certain. It's not right that he would use it like this!"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon froze in mid move, his features melting back to human.

"What?!? Why the hell would, how wou ... oh ... SHIT."

His face took on a deathly shade of discolor to it, as something obviously hit him mentally.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Ian doesn't seem to notice the shower of 'ink' that scatters around, concentrating as he is on the fleeing creatures, though he does shake his head to clear some of it away from his face. Two of the things suddenly seem to be 'grabbed' and yanked backward, but from the look on his face, they're fighting with him, given his power is getting split up between them. It's like watching swallows trying to fly in gale force winds. They're making progress, but not very quickly.
Sho, on the other hand, is above the shower, growling as the things turn to flee. "Damned if I do, damned if I don't." The remaining pack suddenly finds itself flying straight for a tornado that literally springs up out of nowhere, sucking the majority, if not all of them back into it. They'll be hard pressed to get away, but it's not exactly subtle.

"You might want to get a move on, guys! I have a feeling I got their attention!"

Well, she was fully ready to play decoy anyway. Let whoever sees it pay attention to her and give the others the chance to slip under their gaze. She hasn't noticed the situation on the ground yet.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan stayed in his human form as he continued the observation from a safe distance. The alcove seemed to be the only place he could reach without running into something. but he didn't want to risk moving out. First, he could get caught or spotted. Second, he wanted to keep an eye on the whole area, just in case something unusual happened. The others would probably want to hear his report, regardless of the results.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon nodded.

"Those things need to die. Now. Can someone range attack them?"

The beasts were most definitely affected by both Sho and Ian's tactics, as they struggled to move away from the group, making little progress. Suddenly though, their eyes glowed crimson red, and they abruptly changed tactics, heading right at the pair of them, gaping maws open wide.

His head down, Siphon would not have noticed the change as he searched for something to use as a ranged device, and as he barked a question to Harrell.

"Harrell, is your ability able to detect spiritual ... well, puppet strings basically. If there is a connection from them to something else, could you pick up on it?"

((You'll prolly want to PM me Squid so I can work this out in either case.))

He acknowledged Emily quickly.

"Demons and zombies? Uh, define the type of demons please?"

For the moment, things seemed to be quiet, however as Jonathan watched, it seemed a single person, not from their group began scouting the area too. The figure however was suddenly swarmed by at least a dozen succubi, and was quite literally torn apart in mere seconds, faster than he could have thought possible. Granted, they had been foolish enough to go right through the heart of the patrol, but it gave him intel as to how deadly the creatures could be.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Al leaps into action as the gargoyles turn around for another attack, his eyes flashing red and his body becoming surrounded by a faint red aura as his hand breaks contact with the ground.

Sprinting straight at the oncoming creatures to meet them head on, he brings his arm back in preperation for a punch. As soon as he was close enough, he'd see just how much damage his enhanced strength could do in a real fight.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jackson followed suit with Al as the gargoyles turned to attack. He, however, waited a for one to come down to a ground level for him to catch. He spotted the lowest of the gargoyles that wore attacking in the back for the pack and smiles.

"Let's see if I can snap you in two..." He said to himself as he started to move. He was quick to guess as to where he would be able to grapple his chosen target. Once his was in range dived at it trying use the combined might of his own body weight and the gravity to drop it to the ground. If he got it down he already was planing on wrapping a free arm around the things neck and a knee to it's back and try to snap the beast in twain.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Sho lets out a yelp and as the gargoyles go from flight to fight, she switches her own tactics, shooting upward to avoid the initial 'rush' of the swarm of them. Given what needs done, she starts trying to push the things downward with wind tunnels, though it's slow going, seeing as how she has to dodge the ones she can't put down, keeping alert, too, for any more critters this might be attracting.

Ian seems to be having better luck, as his powers are a little more precise. The two he's struggling with do take him by surprise, but Al and Jackson being ready for them helps him out, snagging the 'charging' beasts and shoving them downward into their range. Once they're occupied, he puts his attention on helping Sho, either pulling down ones that she's managed to pin or snagging ones that she hasn't. Now that he knows they're constructs--and now that they're actively trying to rend them to shreds--he's a lot less gentle on the things.