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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon once more gently rested a hand on Sho's shoulder before speaking.

"Was worth a shot asking.As for the windstream, I don't see that we have much of a choice but to use it, doesn't appear to be any other way up there. I suppose I should probably go first, unless anyone has an objection to that?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Sho slides her arm around Siphon's waist. "Just...be careful. We're not really going to have any way of knowing anything's gone wrong, so just...make sure that doesn't happen, all right?" She bumps him a little with her hip.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon seemed about to say something, then nodded.

"It'll be fine. Well ... here goes nothing."

Stepping aside, he gave Sho a quick hug, and then, after only a moment to glance back at his companions, he stepped into the field.

For a moment, he was suspended in the air, then slowly he rose up and away. When he reached the top, they could see him as he stepped off the field. After several moments they saw him poke his head over the edge and throw his arm in a 'come on up' motion.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily, not waiting for the others to go first pushes past those at the front and silently runs towards the field.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Sho returns the hug and watches him as he enters the field, looking to visibly relax as he gestures back toward them. She's got no issue with Emily pushing her way forward, letting the other girl get up before taking a breath and stepping into the field herself.

Ian, on the other hand, waits down in the nest for the time being, letting the others go first. Seems he's sticking to the "marching order" from outside, likely not heading up until Harrel and Grace have stepped in and gone up as well.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Well, at least this went without a problem... I hope." Sighing, Jonathan made his way towards the current and let it carry him up. Next stop, upper floor. Demons, undead and damsel in distress. Slay a number and win a free dragon.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

(sorry guys)

"It works, awesome. Alright then lets go!" Grace says stepping up to the field, looking back once to her temporary barrier, before stepping in. Shortly followed by Harrel, and at the back Ellisia, who goes last after Ian, Al and Jackson have rode the stream up.

Once all are up Ellisia will survey the area as always, whilst Harrel continues to scan in his own way.
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Al, quiet as always, waits for a few others to go up first before following suit.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

((Long enough for others.))

Once the rest of the group had gotten topside, they noticed Siphon was already in the process of scanning their new surroundings.

A large room, maybe thirty feet in total size, stony looking walls and a single door leading to the hall. He'd already opened the door, noting the hallway had many doors scattered along it. However, he also seemed to be listening to something, and a moment later he spoke.

"Two things. One, I need a check if you can Harrell as to where we are in relation to anything living. Second, the power supply for all this technology is near by. Can literally feel the hum of the energy in the air."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"You think one of us could take it out?" Emily asks, itching to start blowing some shit up.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Harrel nods and gives his report, "I've picked up on our villian again, roughly in the center of the castle, and Isabella too, a bit further on the opposite end." Though his gaze traces the ceiling ther whole time he says this, wearing a slight look of concern. "Aaa-nd that dragon is circling low round the castle."

Ellisia then speaks responding to Emily's question, "If it came down to ground... I might be able to surprise it and strike a critical blow, but there's an awful lot of chance and luck involved in that."

((Hah, I confused myself and answered a question Emily didn't ask. Whoops. Oh well.))

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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan looked around. He was a little nervous - they were inside the enemy's fortress and yet, there was no visible sign of said enemy. While this meant they were probably safe, sneaking around always made him nervous. He preferred a direct approach - as long as he didn't have to deal with anything that'd likely kill him. "So, uh... What's the plan?" The darkling asked. "Do we go after the generator first? Or should we rescue Isabella before that?"

'Please don't suggest splitting up. Pretty please with sugar on top? I don't like being in one group with a killer monster, but I'd rather have him on hand just in case.'
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"My vote's on getting Isabella before we do anything," comes from Sho. "That was the plan. That way, if things should take a turn for the worst, we'll have her with us and we can get the hell out of Dodge. Anything else is just gonna be icing."

"Seconded," comes from Ian. "Doin' one might make doin' the other ha'dah and Ah'd much prefer not ta fight our way to Issi. Gettin' out with that ovahgrown lizahd flittin' around is gonna be rough enough."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon paused for a moment.

"Alright, primary focus on Isa first then, but I'd like to check these rooms on our way there. I don't want nasty surprises popping up behind us due to our failing to check properly, if you know what I mean."

Turning to Emily he shrugged.

"Most likely yes, however we'll want to be certain that blowing it up before a shutdown won't permanently de-phase us. Last thing we want is to be stuck here forever."

He turned to Harrell and nodded.

"Great, so he's lurking about. Just lovely. Alright since you have an idea where Isa is, point us in the direction and lead us onward."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Nodding and tightening her gloves, Ellisia says her piece, "Mmm, indeed. As long as the generator doesn't obstruct us from doing so, I would recommend we focus on retrieving Isabella foremost aiming to avoid any complications with potential hostage situations, and then work on the generator as we make our exit." Then looking to Harrel also waiting for direction.

"Ok then, I can't know the layout of this place, but this is definitely the general direction we need to be heading." He says gesturing forward and beginning to lead on, though making sure to let Siphon take point lest his spiritual senses fail to notice anything the keen physical senses of the other might.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily hmm's. "You've got a point there... We don't want to be stuck here forever, or worse... vaporised." Emily thinks for a moment, her pose and features becoming more like Art's as she comes up with an idea. After a few minutes she speaks up once more. "That dragon's still runni- flying around, right? And you seem to know something about it." Emily now turns to Siphon, her pose and voice taking on a more authoritarian tone. "I may be the only one here immune to fire however I don't think even with my augmented strength I could it down. And while I don't like this idea, I think you'd be the best one to deal with it. The rest of us will be down a fighter, but with the amount of us here, and a variety of abilities, I think we can take on pretty much everything that comes at us. And like I said, you seem to know something about it."

"As for the rest of us... well we'll make our way to wherever Isabella is kept. You can keep track of her, right, Harrel?" Emily's sudden change in character may or may not alarm some people, though it would seem she's more like Art than she likes to admit.

((Been stalled for long enough, I'm taking control from this point onwards and moving this along now.))
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

((Simple post for sake of the moving along effort.))

"As long as she doesn't suddenly zip off somewhere or anything strange happen, yeah, I've got a good focus on her now. I can keep track of her fine."
Harrel replies.

Ellisia nods, "It's for the best. We'll meet up with you latter Siphon. Good luck. For now I suppose I'll take point at the front."

Harrel offers a quick salute of sorts to Siphon, and then gestures the rest of the group in the direction they'd be heading. Ellisia stepping to the front of the group now to take the important role of getting hit by traps first and such.
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

((Thank you. I didn't want to post with just Squid having posted, and no one else seemed inclined to...))

Siphon slowly nodded.

"Makes sense. Alright go, I'll see what I can do about baiting the bastard out. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll come across that generator too and take it out. I'll find you when I can, good luck."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Sho doesn't look like she likes the plan, but she knows Siphon. Before the group breaks off, she gives him a hug and a kiss. "Don't do anything stupid, all right?" She gives him a look that tells him that if he does, he's going to have to be more worried about her than the black hat that they're currently dealing with.

After she moves off, Ian thwaps him on the shoulder. "Come back with all yer pieces, a'ite, mate?" Trying to talk sense into his roommate was like trying to get a cat to come when you called it by name, so it was just words of encouragement and he was off with the others.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan sighed. To be honest, he didn't like the idea of splitting up. But then again, this could work. "Try not get yourself incinerated." He tossed a dry comment at Siphon, trying his best not to sound nervous. Because he sure as Hell looked the part. However, as he watched the vampire prepare for departure, a thought struck him. 'Am I the only one who's bothered by the fact that he said nothing specific about that thing?' The darkling opened his mouth, preparing to speak, then hesitated. Should he really do this? After a moment of thought, the answer hit him - yes, he should! "Uh, by the way. You mind telling us something specific about that beast? Just in case?"