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Making my own Game


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2011
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Hey everybody,

This will be my first post to ulmf :)

anyways, I am making my own game, its in JAVA and its pure Text with a simple GUI because I SUCK with graphics :)

This is what I have so far (Any of this can be changed with your ideas)
  • Combat with NPCs, each npc has his own story when he defeats you or when you submit to them
  • General exploring of the town

right now thats all I have. What I need from you guys is ideas so I can release this to you!

Ideas like NPC names and types, starting zones, your characters abilities, attacks the npcs do.

I plan to make this so ANYBODY can add their own NPCs, their own story for those, I am going to try to make this game as customizable as possible. But I really need some creative ideas which I know you guys can come up with :)
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Re: Making my own Game

im sorry to ask but` are NPC's?
Re: Making my own Game

hmmm... im not grasping the concept your trying to convey. what im getting is that you want the game to be customizable.. Awesome. I'm not game designer and i never made a game but i have played my share of some. your idea is great, i'm just curious how you would pull it off. and i have a feeling you are going to surprise me.

and when you say a non- playable character, you wean we wont play as them. so will we be playing a character that will fight again them?
Re: Making my own Game

hmmm... im not grasping the concept your trying to convey. what im getting is that you want the game to be customizable.. Awesome. I'm not game designer and i never made a game but i have played my share of some. your idea is great, i'm just curious how you would pull it off. and i have a feeling you are going to surprise me.

and when you say a non- playable character, you wean we wont play as them. so will we be playing a character that will fight again them?

Thats right, the non playable characters will be the monsters that your character will be fighting.

and what I mean by customizable, I will make it so its really easy to add your own monsters, maybe their own special moves, the stories if the monsters defeat you, (like turned into slave, anything like that), or if you submit, (when you don't fight with them, you just give up)

I'm not a very good explainer am I? lol
Re: Making my own Game

i get it now. and when you say maKE UP YOUR OWN MOVES AND STORIES, DO U WANT US TO TELL YOU AND YOU INSTALL it into the game or will there be an option where we would be able to do that ourselves. im asking because making that option for us to do that ourselves is almost impossible, but its achievable. it would be easier to use sprites and for your fans to vote on things or even give advice to wat to put into the game. but a lot of testing will need to be done just to make sure that a certain enemy in the game won't become too cheap. ya know.
Re: Making my own Game

Ah, hearing your plans make my own current game-making in java seem ambitious...

Anyways, did you have, at the very least, a story or setting in mind? I'm not the type to just say something like "oh, I like me some tentacles, put that shit in". Besides, coming up with those basics might get your own creative juices flowing.
Re: Making my own Game

Ah, hearing your plans make my own current game-making in java seem ambitious...

Anyways, did you have, at the very least, a story or setting in mind? I'm not the type to just say something like "oh, I like me some tentacles, put that shit in". Besides, coming up with those basics might get your own creative juices flowing.

I have a pretty basic story. A mage is assigned to protect a village, and the village is being invaded is basically all I have so far. I'm not such a creative person, which is why I want to implement a feature where people can add their own stories, monsters, attacks, things like that.
Re: Making my own Game

And just as Neko said, what do you mean by "letting us add our own NPCs"? Do we tell you, and you put them in, or are we gonna be able to grab the game, and there will be a prompt to add our NPCs?
Re: Making my own Game

And just as Neko said, what do you mean by "letting us add our own NPCs"? Do we tell you, and you put them in, or are we gonna be able to grab the game, and there will be a prompt to add our NPCs?

It will be a prompt, or a built in tool I will be making
Re: Making my own Game

Sweet. I wish you luck.
Re: Making my own Game

So basically a game that is based entirely on script with the concept of conquer-and-submit? First off you'd need a compelling story to draw the audience in through words alone. Because using just words is difficult to capture the audience unless you're on a novelist's level of literary detail, I suggest putting in some background images to accompany the text, to make it feel like a sort of interactive visual novel.
Re: Making my own Game

Have you played Fairy Fighting?
Im starting to predict your trying to make a game like that but without being able to play as the enemies but adding a story line. Am i correct?