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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

You will get the end-product that way, but I'm asking if you can get all game-updates if you just donate/pledge 1 time. I'm assuming you won't get any updates after you unpledge even if you already pledged a worthy amount.

I can probably answer this; with the way Patreon works, it's like a subscription system to a porn site, basically.

As long as you're subscribed, you get access to all content that's available for subscribers only. But once you unsubscribe, you lose access to all content.

Of course, due to Patreon rules, this is slightly different, but it's still the same general concept. The point of Patreon is for a constant, dependable amount of money to stay in there so the creator has rolling funds that allow them to continue working on their project.

So essentially, while large amounts are really great, most Patreon people would rather have a smaller but consistent amount that would equal out to that larger amount, especially since then you get more of the "subscriber only" stuff too :p
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

You will get the end-product that way, but I'm asking if you can get all game-updates if you just donate/pledge 1 time. I'm assuming you won't get any updates after you unpledge even if you already pledged a worthy amount.

Yeah, if you pledge a larger amount you'll get the extra content such as the print and PDF, but the $10 per update is needed for each new release.

I'll be pledging 10$/update, really great artwork there !!

Thanks! Much appreciated!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Hey everyone, I just made a post on the Blogspot showing off the print designs for the Patreon $35 reward (if you've been following the Patreon feed you've already seen them, but yeah). Check it out!

Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Yo, check this out!


Here’s a preview of the Vorepups’ Infiltrate skill! Be sure to check out and for more info on Malise and the Machine!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Yo, check this out!


Here’s a preview of the Vorepups’ Infiltrate skill! Be sure to check out and for more info on Malise and the Machine!

Dangit, I'm just a poor produce clerk! Why must you make me want to throw money at you?! ;)
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Jebus, that trailer is fucking awesome!

I mean, seriously, compare it to this...

(In my forum I could embed it, but that's not here...)

This is a "trailer" for a game that should be fucking fantastic! (It's out now, and you should buy Blackguards 2 if you enjoyed the first one)

This "trailer" was done by a professional game company.

Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

*Eagerly awaits PayPal single payment option.*
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Jebus, that trailer is fucking awesome!

I mean, seriously, compare it to this...

(In my forum I could embed it, but that's not here...)

This is a "trailer" for a game that should be fucking fantastic! (It's out now, and you should buy Blackguards 2 if you enjoyed the first one)

This "trailer" was done by a professional game company.


If it matters, I've done work for professional companies for SFW stuff; you might have even seen my work before, or even played it :p Thanks for the compliment!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Hey HentaiWriter, can you comment at all on the status of the first content release? Eromancer definitely seems busy. Though, I'm not sure to what extent your involvement is with Malise.
Eager for any update over here. Things certainly seem to be under wraps except for a few enemy and costume designs, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what else is behind the curtain.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Hey HentaiWriter, can you comment at all on the status of the first content release? Eromancer definitely seems busy. Though, I'm not sure to what extent your involvement is with Malise.
Eager for any update over here. Things certainly seem to be under wraps except for a few enemy and costume designs, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what else is behind the curtain.

My involvement with the game is pretty much 80% marketing, 20% guy to bounce ideas off of, so I don't have an exact release date for you either :(

I will say though that Eromancer has been pulling literally multiple all-nighters in a row; almost every day he messages me on Skype at like 3 or 4 am in the morning and he's like "Ahhh, I got like 10 CGs done today, so exhausted but was worth it!" etc. :p
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Cool. Yeah it seems like he's been super busy with the art aspects and getting some serious work done. I'll wait as long as I have to. It just looks like we're getting a lot closer with the last couple of updates.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Hey HentaiWriter, can you comment at all on the status of the first content release? Eromancer definitely seems busy. Though, I'm not sure to what extent your involvement is with Malise.
Eager for any update over here. Things certainly seem to be under wraps except for a few enemy and costume designs, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what else is behind the curtain.

Once the last of the artwork is complete I'll be evaluating the final things that need to be added. It's definitely pretty close though--.

While I'm really satisfied with the amount of development work I've been able to complete on my own I realize to maintain the target level of content and quality and shorten gaps between future releases I need to add more members. The past couple of weeks while working on art I've been trying to determine strict areas of work where adding a person would actually help.

So far, in addition to a tileset artist, I've determined two areas and have already filled one by bringing on a friend who's been assisting with random 3D modeling tasks I've had. He'll now be working on portrait art with me in a more substantial role. I've spent the past day prepping my 3D asset libraries and projects (nearly 70 GB worth) to get to him so he can start becoming familiar with the layout of things.

But yeah, long story short, I'm pretty hopeful that release 2 won't take as long as release 1.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Excellent. First, glad to hear it is getting close! That's awesome. I am very excited to see this stuff in action. I completely understand the need to bring in some help. You're planning on a game of epic proportions. I hope the training goes smoothly!

I can't wait, keep up the good work.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Cleaning up for the new artist turned into a 2 day chore, heh. It was a long time coming though. I also managed to clear up my SSD which has been at 10 GB free for awhile now, heh.

All in all I had to better organize/name and clean out 70 GB worth of 3D assets and project file data, and another 30 GB of Photoshop stuff (an 18 hour task alone since I had to go in and manually organize/rename layers). Granted, they were relatively well organized to begin with, but I'm finding it pays to be super consistent the first time around with a project this big.

Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

This game looks amazing and I'm thinking about actually donating 10 bucks for this. But I'm kinda confused? The Story is done by the same guy "hentaiwriter" who opened this post http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=26773 concerning a new hentai game where he ALSO asks us to donate.
So on which game is he working now? I mean it's kinda bullshit to work on 2 games on the same time, cash in the patreon money and slow things down to get even more money? Not that that is what you are doing but i came across multiple patreon projects who got stuck and stretched over years to actually "finish" and ended up delivering an unfinished project because they planned to do way more than they actually could handle.
Also if you would just finish 1 game first people would actually trust the upcoming project way more because you have already proven that you are capable not only in promising but also in delivering.

Anyway I don't want to spread bad faith here because i really like the game, story, art and the videos i have seen so far.
I would just like to have this cleared up...

Donate some , to me while you are at it guys.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

This game looks amazing and I'm thinking about actually donating 10 bucks for this. But I'm kinda confused? The Story is done by the same guy "hentaiwriter" who opened this post http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=26773 concerning a new hentai game where he ALSO asks us to donate.
So on which game is he working now? I mean it's kinda bullshit to work on 2 games on the same time, cash in the patreon money and slow things down to get even more money? Not that that is what you are doing but i came across multiple patreon projects who got stuck and stretched over years to actually "finish" and ended up delivering an unfinished project because they planned to do way more than they actually could handle.
Also if you would just finish 1 game first people would actually trust the upcoming project way more because you have already proven that you are capable not only in promising but also in delivering.

Anyway I don't want to spread bad faith here because i really like the game, story, art and the videos i have seen so far.
I would just like to have this cleared up...

Donate some , to me while you are at it guys.

You would have an aneurysm if you noticed how common it is for videogame project writers to work on multiple projects simultaneously.

Writers and publicists are at liberty to work on several projects because they typically have to wait for the production team to...produce...content.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

This game looks amazing and I'm thinking about actually donating 10 bucks for this. But I'm kinda confused? The Story is done by the same guy "hentaiwriter" who opened this post http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=26773 concerning a new hentai game where he ALSO asks us to donate.

You're confused, because I'm only doing the marketing for this game; nowhere did I say I was doing the storyline for this game or writing for it.

So on which game is he working now? I mean it's kinda bullshit to work on 2 games on the same time cash in the patreon money and slow things down to get even more money?

How is it "bullshit" to work on more than 1 game at once, though? Most indie creators, especially with the stuff I do (video editing, writing, marketing, odd jobs) usually work on multiple projects at once.

Especially when you're on team projects as well, there are downtime periods for people on said projects.

For example, on this game (Malise and the Machine) I'm doing the marketing, but after I did the trailer, there's not much else I can do in terms of marketing besides posts here and there about it, because Eromancer is hard at work on new stuff for the game and for the upcoming demo for his game.

So, while there's downtime here (for me), I'm working on Future Fragments. Eventually there will be a point for the demo for Future Fragments (my game, to clarify, where I'm doing the writing) where I'll have downtime there, because all the writing or whatever I'm doing in particular for the game will be at a point that I'd need to have Triangulate or Cheshire finish something related to it, and during that point I'd work on something else, so forth.

It's not "slowing down", it's multitasking and making the most efficient use of my time so I'm never sitting around doing nothing (I work something around 16 hours a day and I've got a list of everything I'm working on and organizing it so I can focus on what's most important/immediate ASAP); it's actually the opposite of "slowing down".

tl;dr please people, read posts clearly before flying off the handle with assumptions.

Writers and publicists are at liberty to work on several projects because they typically have to wait for the production team to...produce...content.

Like this guy, here. This is a man (or woman) who clearly reads posts, and I thank you for it. :)
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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

This game looks amazing and I'm thinking about actually donating 10 bucks for this. But I'm kinda confused? The Story is done by the same guy "hentaiwriter" who opened this post http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=26773 concerning a new hentai game where he ALSO asks us to donate.
So on which game is he working now? I mean it's kinda bullshit to work on 2 games on the same time, cash in the patreon money and slow things down to get even more money? Not that that is what you are doing but i came across multiple patreon projects who got stuck and stretched over years to actually "finish" and ended up delivering an unfinished project because they planned to do way more than they actually could handle.
Also if you would just finish 1 game first people would actually trust the upcoming project way more because you have already proven that you are capable not only in promising but also in delivering.

Anyway I don't want to spread bad faith here because i really like the game, story, art and the videos i have seen so far.
I would just like to have this cleared up...

Donate some , to me while you are at it guys.

As Hentaiwriter mentioned he's doing promotions and video editing for the project, not story.

As far as cashing in goes, nobody on this project is making anything near minimum wage based on the current pledges versus time put in (which I'm certainly not complaining about, but it's the truth). To give you an idea, I could work on a commercial programming contract and make ten to twenty times the money for the amount of time I spend on this project. The pledges will help immensely however because they will enable me to forego that and instead do something I like, and maybe even at some point allow for the resources to have an actual development team.
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