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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

HentaiWriter even detailed his involvement with Malise and the Machine on this very same page in a reply to me. HW, I feel like at this point your management of these threads is akin to herding sheep. Kudos on not having burst a blood vessel yet. Though it may be too early to comment on that.

Eromancer, glad to hear the organization is coming together. I've made mention before, but I really cannot express how stoked I am for the first content release.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

HentaiWriter even detailed his involvement with Malise and the Machine on this very same page in a reply to me. HW, I feel like at this point your management of these threads is akin to herding sheep. Kudos on not having burst a blood vessel yet. Though it may be too early to comment on that.

In my "day job" (my SFW work), I've dealt with this kind of stuff multiplied about 100 times over before (irrational complaints, accusations, etc.) so that might explain some of my patience :p

Eromancer, glad to hear the organization is coming together. I've made mention before, but I really cannot express how stoked I am for the first content release.

I'm a REALLY critical guy when it comes to video games, and usually i can nitpick the shit out of stuff, but honestly, after having seen the gameplay footage Eromancer's sent me, this is just a really, really solid game, and it's only gonna get better.

The guy's practically killing himself making CGs, I wish there was some other way I could help but unfortunately I am absolutely terrible at any form of illustration or 3D modeling, haha.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

In my "day job" (my SFW work), I've dealt with this kind of stuff multiplied about 100 times over before (irrational complaints, accusations, etc.) so that might explain some of my patience :p

"I want my garden to be big but not too big. Oh and I want it to be colorful (in winter)."

-Motherfucking Client
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Sneak peek of some of the artwork I'm finishing up... aaalmost done with the artwork for the first release!

Full size:

Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

i love how the eye shadow dirties her face XD, we need more eye shadow fetish
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Every time I see a WIP for a H game it fucking stuns me.

I don't know why, I mean, it's not like I expect porn to just leap from a hole in the ground, fully formed, but it always blows my mind that people do this shit for a living.

"I bake bread for a living, I cut hair for a living, I drive a Taxi for a living"

"I draw dicks for a living"

It's just something absurd is such a serious setting.

Possibly why "Teledildonics" is my new favorite word.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Every time I see a WIP for a H game it fucking stuns me.

I don't know why, I mean, it's not like I expect porn to just leap from a hole in the ground, fully formed, but it always blows my mind that people do this shit for a living.

"I bake bread for a living, I cut hair for a living, I drive a Taxi for a living"

"I draw dicks for a living"

It's just something absurd is such a serious setting.

Possibly why "Teledildonics" is my new favorite word.

Well you know, porn industry is a pretty big deal. It's even one of the most lucrative current industry.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Well you know, porn industry is a pretty big deal. It's even one of the most lucrative current industry.

I suppose you've heard of the ex-Wall Street intern that decided to be a porn star?
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

So this is pretty cool. We spent a bit of time testing out a suggestion made by our new artist in which 3D versions of the 2D processed artwork are generated using depth maps (which new artist guy, henceforth named TK, created by making a depth map shader for our 3D models). We made a couple of GIFs to show it off. We're hoping in the future someone makes a client based viewer so that we can release camera-controlled high quality 3D versions of the artwork (or, perhaps, we could use the concept in a game engine for a future project).

You can check the Tumblr ( ) for some crappy 1MB versions of the GIFs, or download the higher quality ones that are attached.


  • GIFs.zip
    5.8 MB · Views: 1
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

You can check the Tumblr ( ) for some crappy 1MB versions of the GIFs, or download the higher quality ones that are attached.

The first pose looks great, the second one is a spinebreaker though.

Normally exaggerated sexy poses don't bother me, especially in porn, but unless she has some sort of robo-spine or something, that's just bad anatomy.

I mean, the small of her back is positioned so it looks like she should be completely bent over, except her head and shoulders are in standard standing position, so her spine seems to be making a U-turn.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

So this is pretty cool. We spent a bit of time testing out a suggestion made by our new artist in which 3D versions of the 2D processed artwork are generated using depth maps (which new artist guy, henceforth named TK, created by making a depth map shader for our 3D models)....
Camera-controlled view of the 2D artwork? Like cycling through the multiple sprite indices?

How are you planning to implement effect this into MatM anyway? I like the effect. Props to TK!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Height maps are a pretty cool way to get 3D effects in 2D artwork; unfortunately the effect is impossible to see if the image isn't moving. Hence the need for 2D camera controls to see the effect. It can be something as easy as clicking and dragging the 'camera' around to see the 3D. I've only ever seen the maps hand drawn as well, so unless there's a way to create them procedurally in a way that looks good it's a big resource sink.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

It's a neat concept for sure but I personally don't see it fitting this project as it is. I know ya'll are just experimenting with it right now, but I could only see it working if the effect was more subtle. Maybe as an idle stance in the menus to make it look like the characters are breathing or something. Something like the animation effect used in Iris Action would be great, too now that I think about it. I'd definitely like to see how else it could be implemented, but not as some add on just because it might look neat.
With the extent of the effect as it is with those images I can't help but think of it as "Malise and the Machine" brought to you by Wayne's World. Boner time! Excellent! Woo wooo wooo!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I suppose it's a nice idea, but these specific gifs make me a bit dizzy. (Gyrating in place for an extended period of time is... somewhat disorienting.)
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

The first pose looks great, the second one is a spinebreaker though.

Normally exaggerated sexy poses don't bother me, especially in porn, but unless she has some sort of robo-spine or something, that's just bad anatomy.

I mean, the small of her back is positioned so it looks like she should be completely bent over, except her head and shoulders are in standard standing position, so her spine seems to be making a U-turn.

Well, then I guess it's lucky that Neon is, in fact, a robot; or android :D

On topic: Pretty cool effect, though I imagine the 3D range will be kind of limited, since you're still working off of a 2D base image. But neat none the less :)
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Maybe as an idle stance in the menus to make it look like the characters are breathing or something. Something like the animation effect used in Iris Action would be great, too now that I think about it.

This would really be cool, actually! Just a subtle breathing effect would fix the schism between Malise/Neon not being animated in battle scenes and the enemies being animated, I think. :D
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Camera-controlled view of the 2D artwork? Like cycling through the multiple sprite indices?

How are you planning to implement effect this into MatM anyway? I like the effect. Props to TK!

To clarify this won't be an effect for the game directly. RPG Maker wouldn't be able to handle it I don't think anyways. Instead this is more experimental. In an ideal game setting I think you might have a scenario where you have a scene with a cursor (maybe a battle menu or menu screen) and when you move the cursor the entire perspective of the scene shifts slightly, giving it a 3D quality. For our current purposes we may be able to create a Windows app that acts as a viewer for artwork that has been made compatible with the effect so that when you open the artwork you could move your mouse cursor around and change perspective.

Height maps are a pretty cool way to get 3D effects in 2D artwork; unfortunately the effect is impossible to see if the image isn't moving. Hence the need for 2D camera controls to see the effect. It can be something as easy as clicking and dragging the 'camera' around to see the 3D. I've only ever seen the maps hand drawn as well, so unless there's a way to create them procedurally in a way that looks good it's a big resource sink.

TK created a depth map shader, so ideally we would just have to open each scene the artwork was created from in the 3D app, apply the shader, render, and generate the depth map enhanced artwork using the finished processed 2D art and the depth map as input.

I suppose it's a nice idea, but these specific gifs make me a bit dizzy. (Gyrating in place for an extended period of time is... somewhat disorienting.)

This is the 'hypnotize' camera preset on the app we used. It's made to be a short rotation cycle (aka spin fast) so it could cram into a .7s GIF for Tumblr's ridiculous 1 MB animated GIF filesize constraint.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Alright, Eromancer. You have my money and my support. In fact, I find this project so interesting that I'm going to end a successful career as a lurker just to say so here, where I first read about your game. What made me cave and sign up for Patreon?

I'd like to see more games with kinky content that are actually good games as well, and this one looks like it might deliver. Hopefully first of many indeed. I've yet to see anything in the fetishes discussed that would make me want to run away screaming. Malise is smoking hot (I don't care for Neon, but that has less to do with design and everything with the fact that it is an android). A professional coder capable of that level of art should be pretty much immune to team breakups and other drama-related bullshit.

Last but not least, the work ethic is impressive. Months of work prior to going public, release-based payment setup, regular updates and still finding time to discuss with potential audience. There's always the chance you'll decide to draw chibis or something instead, but hey. So far so good.
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