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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

does anyone know how you beat the boss? none of my attacks do any damage to it.

You don't. At least not yet.

And Neon's top on her heavy frame outfit can't break.
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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Speaking of Neon, is it possible to get her top off in the new version? I tried for a good while without it happening.

Also regarding the random encounters, do you plan on keeping those in future versions, or will you make it like other rpg maker games where you have enemies rendered in the map, like you do for the vorepups after you go through the laser fence?

Many of the cut scenes have you avoiding combat and scouting out enemies, so it seems like it would be a better fit if that was how it worked in game too.

Neon's top for the Heavy Frame armor type is actually invulnerable (by default) for balance reasons. This armor type is her tank archetype and will likely be the only armor type with a full invulnerability. I meant to put out some info before the release regarding things like that but didn't get time to. It's sort of alluded to in the armor item's description though, noting that it has a completely mechanical core.

There will likely be a combination of random encounters and encounters where enemy sprites are visible on the map throughout the game. There are actually a few reasons for this. One of the big problems with having large detailed sprites on the map in an RPG Maker game is that it makes working with the tilemap exponentially more difficult. Basically having enemies roam freely on some areas of the map just wouldn't work due to limitations. If we were to rely more heavily on parallax maps it could work better, but that would be forcing all players to take on a significant performance hit on the map scene (which due to the high resolution for an RPG Maker game is already borderline acceptable). Hopefully when we get a chance to revamp the code for the map scene we can improve performance further and open up more options.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Yep, same here. Waiting on my link!

When did you pledge? If you pledged past June 29 it won't be queued for the release that just happened. If you pledged prior to June 29 it's probably safe to say at this point that Patreon didn't accept your payment (there are only a few 'Pending' payments left, and those have been failing over and over).

Let me know if you need details on an alternate way to get your pledge to me!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I've added some new artwork to my (check it out there for the high resolution version)!

If you can't tell already, the next release will feature a new area and new monsters.

Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Don't get me wrong, I like the vorepups, but they're no substitute for real, meaty, slimy tentacles. Definitely looking forward to .03!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I'm looking forward to this game. I won't touch Patreon but will almost definitely buy the game when it's complete.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

After this second demo I figured i would chime in with a few opinions. Honestly most of the UI and battle problems/annoyances were more or less fixed, and im sure the tetra system will improve upon it further. And while it is a bit hard to judge without ways to remove lust, couple things i found with the battle system:

1) Grapple progression feels too fast, gives little time to enjoy each stage especially with how fast paced the battles are (though the slowdown did help a tad with this). Kinda feels like enemies just go from zero to finished in no time flat, and dont really "enjoy themselves" with the heroines so to speak. Just kind of a bam, bam, bam, done in 20 seconds.

I feel like after the grapple phase, enemies should consume extra rounds in their level 1 and/or level 2 phases (y'know, for pleasure), dealing segmented lust damage (the total damage can be the same, but now its broken up a bit), have a moan or sex noises in there as well. Its a pretty simple addition i think that wouldnt really add extra work, but i think could add quite and give you more balance parameters to work with. For example:

- Can play with how fast the bar fills per extra round, and how many times it fills before switching to the next level (which can vary per enemy)

- Gives you more room to play with the lust/damage numbers, and can make enemies more unique in how they use those rounds (and consequently the players strategy in breaking out of holds). For example, vorepups could add to the players struggle bar each mini round they take in engorge lvl 1 and 2, to make it harder for a basic struggle out without abilities and to keep the player in place for the OHKO finisher (or maybe they spend a lot of extra rounds engorging to balance the fact that its a OHKO), while another enemy or H-Chain might start stacking on incremental status effects, or have a chance to disable a hold break skill each time. Or just simply do more overall lust damage. Doesnt have to be overly complicated or anything but can give enemies a lot of extra flair or change the way you deal with them if you dont break the grapple or let them stay on you for too long.

- Lets you play H-chain progression length and smoothes it out so enemies feel more like they are actually building up to that finisher. instead of a pose change every 5 seconds and finished in 20.

- More opportunities to play yummy noises and sound effects!

But yeah, that was my one thing that i really noticed as i played; H progression was too quick to the finisher and in big blocks. But rather than add extra phases with pose changes i felt something like this could smooth it out with no/little extra work on your end. Again, just my opinion on it. Would rather have this than you slowing down the enemy action bar further.

2) Keep struggle bar progress on-screen (but maybe fade it out when its not that characters turn). Lets you keep tabs on how much is left more easily, something that is super easy to lose track despite how short its off the screen for. I know it still shows on the tiny bars at the bottom, but the more you can keep us looking up and at the action the better i think.

3) I still feel like lust builds a bit too quick. Maybe add something like a sensitivity level, that way the first time it gets filled it takes quite a while and they are fairly resistant to it, but as they have H attacks done to them it increases their sensitivity or decreases their resistance or w/e, and so even if you empty the gauge it will refill easier and easier. Would add to a players long term lust management for that stage/area as well. Would have to decide what things add to your sensitivity (maybe even add a more rare item that can lower it for longer levels?), though i would imagine being subject to a finisher would always add one. (could even be an enemy types specialty, to add sensitivity quicker than normal).

4) Game is epic and i love it, keep it up!
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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

After this second demo I figured i would chime in with a few opinions. Honestly most of the UI and battle problems/annoyances were more or less fixed, and im sure the tetra system will improve upon it further. And while it is a bit hard to judge without ways to remove lust, couple things i found with the battle system:

1) Grapple progression feels too fast, gives little time to enjoy each stage especially with how fast paced the battles are (though the slowdown did help a tad with this). Kinda feels like enemies just go from zero to finished in no time flat, and dont really "enjoy themselves" with the heroines so to speak. Just kind of a bam, bam, bam, done in 20 seconds.

I feel like after the grapple phase, enemies should consume extra rounds in their level 1 and/or level 2 phases (y'know, for pleasure), dealing segmented lust damage (the total damage can be the same, but now its broken up a bit), have a moan or sex noises in there as well. Its a pretty simple addition i think that wouldnt really add extra work, but i think could add quite and give you more balance parameters to work with. For example:

- Can play with how fast the bar fills per extra round, and how many times it fills before switching to the next level (which can vary per enemy)

- Gives you more room to play with the lust/damage numbers, and can make enemies more unique in how they use those rounds (and consequently the players strategy in breaking out of holds). For example, vorepups could add to the players struggle bar each mini round they take in engorge lvl 1 and 2, to make it harder for a basic struggle out without abilities and to keep the player in place for the OHKO finisher (or maybe they spend a lot of extra rounds engorging to balance the fact that its a OHKO), while another enemy or H-Chain might start stacking on incremental status effects, or have a chance to disable a hold break skill each time. Or just simply do more overall lust damage. Doesnt have to be overly complicated or anything but can give enemies a lot of extra flair or change the way you deal with them if you dont break the grapple or let them stay on you for too long.

- Lets you play H-chain progression length and smoothes it out so enemies feel more like they are actually building up to that finisher. instead of a pose change every 5 seconds and finished in 20.

- More opportunities to play yummy noises and sound effects!

But yeah, that was my one thing that i really noticed as i played; H progression was too quick to the finisher and in big blocks. But rather than add extra phases with pose changes i felt something like this could smooth it out with no/little extra work on your end. Again, just my opinion on it. Would rather have this than you slowing down the enemy action bar further.

2) Keep struggle bar progress on-screen (but maybe fade it out when its not that characters turn). Lets you keep tabs on how much is left more easily, something that is super easy to lose track despite how short its off the screen for. I know it still shows on the tiny bars at the bottom, but the more you can keep us looking up and at the action the better i think.

3) I still feel like lust builds a bit too quick. Maybe add something like a sensitivity level, that way the first time it gets filled it takes quite a while and they are fairly resistant to it, but as they have H attacks done to them it increases their sensitivity or decreases their resistance or w/e, and so even if you empty the gauge it will refill easier and easier. Would add to a players long term lust management for that stage/area as well. Would have to decide what things add to your sensitivity (maybe even add a more rare item that can lower it for longer levels?), though i would imagine being subject to a finisher would always add one. (could even be an enemy types specialty, to add sensitivity quicker than normal).

4) Game is epic and i love it, keep it up!

Thanks for the feedback! Sorry I've taken so long to respond.

There's a few reasons for the speed H skills are at in V0.02 (and I agree they aren't perfect). The speeds for the beginning restrain skills of the chains were sped up a lot between V0.01 and V0.02 by removing the need for the enemy to charge its ATB bar in between. This was due to the fact that there was pretty much no chance of the enemy progressing beyond those skills unless the character had a lot of lust built up. That said, in V0.02 we had no control over the cast speeds of separate skills... the ATB system was too rudimentary. So, it wasn't really intentional that all the skills in the chain progress at the same speed. In V0.03 we'll hopefully have our completely rebuilt battle system with dedicated code and much more flexibility, so this is something we will definitely tweak in the future.

Regarding lust progression, it's simply on a curve set up for the current build, and doesn't necessarily reflect what it will be like in the actual game. I'm sure it will get tweaked quite a bit, and there will also likely be gear that decreases the speed of lust generation.


So, I just wanted to stop by and introduce the newest enemy, the Vioreaper!


You can check out its battle sprite animations on Tumblr here:
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

If there is any creature that shows Neon why it's a bad idea to parade her bubble butt around in front of a bunch of monsters, I hope it's this thing.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I've added some new teaser artwork on Tumblr, check it out!

Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

This time will there be any public demo? You implied that the v3 release will be public.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

geez !

Does battle animation raly look that good in game ! ?

Also can someone tell if that game works on XP ?
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

This time will there be any public demo? You implied that the v3 release will be public.

I'm planning on preparing a public demo after the V0.03 release, but it won't be V0.03. It will however contain all of the mechanics and engine improvements included in V0.03.

geez !

Does battle animation raly look that good in game ! ?

Also can someone tell if that game works on XP ?

It will run on any operating system that RPG Maker VX Ace can run on, so yeah!

This is the actual artwork used in the game, just at a higher resolution. You can check out some of the battle screenshots on the main Tumblr page:
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I'm planning on preparing a public demo after the V0.03 release, but it won't be V0.03. It will however contain all of the mechanics and engine improvements included in V0.03.

So when is that, the public demo that is.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Probably a while off, if Eromancer stays true to their 3 month rule. .02 came out in July, so .03 will be in October, the one after that in January 2016.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

It's definitely looking like October 1 now. I was really pushing for Sept 1 but an artwork bottleneck is kind of becoming apparent with having to start a new area with its own tileset and enemies from scratch. I could definitely see V0.04 being done by Dec 1 though... meaning a public demo should pop up sometime between those two dates.

On the plus side having a full time programmer is really showing its value as there's simply no way I would have been able to tackle both areas and yield the same quality as things are turning out.

But yeah, need more artists! Here's a list of skills a worthy candidate may have if there are any interested parties out there:

  • Strong digital painting skills in Photoshop
  • 3D posing/animation (Daz/Poser experience a plus)
  • Creating 2D map tilesets
  • Matte painting and environment artwork
  • Creating effects spritesheets (largely for battle skills)

Not all are necessary, as I'm really looking for anyone that can fill one of the many specific roles. It is a paid position.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

This might sound weird, but I really don't like the version numbering. It implies that this game is 2 % done and we're going to have to wait 20 years or something until it's finished (+0.01 every 3 months). :(

I'd like to officially request a fix for that. :D
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

That's the wrong way to look at it, that means 20 years of constant grade A content for what would be the biggest game in RPGMaker history. :p
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

That's the wrong way to look at it, that means 20 years of constant grade A content for what would be the biggest game in RPGMaker history. :p

Hopefully without any long hiatus's.
Really liking the looks of the game, eagerly waiting for the demo.
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