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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

...It will run on any operating system that RPG Maker VX Ace can run on, so yeah!...

It'll also run on OSX under wine as long as the RPG Maker VX Ace runtime is installed on it. Runs really well too.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Hey guys, sorry for not posting this past month! I just wrote up a big progress overview on Blogspot ( ).

In a nutshell: things are going better than expected quality-wise, but are taking a little longer.

Check out the post for details!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

keep up the good work :) will be great for some corrupt elements :p
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

The new battle modes are a very exciting feature that I'm sure many are looking forward to. I'm sure many people will opt to start with the 'wait' options as they get familiar with the system and the scenes are new to them, but once it all becomes familiar, they will switch to active to keep the pace moving along (at least, this is what I predict for myself). I think being able to adjust these will enhance the enjoyment of the game for many.

Really looking forward to the next demo release. The first one was a great teaser, but I'm eager to see the improvements to the combat system.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Looks pretty good, but I'm going to wait till release to support.

I think $10 for access to a beta/prototype is a bit much and the wording makes it sound like you won't have access to the newest update and have to "resubscribe" every 2 months to get the latest patch.

And that's pretty shady as far as I'm concerned. A lot of these patreon projects tend to put out 1-2 good patches then coast on 3-4 till the final patch.

Good luck, hope your game is good when it comes out.
Also: Malice and the Machine sounds a lot better than Malise.

Because Malise is pronounced Mal-ise.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)


The idea for Patreon is to crowd fund an ongoing project, pledging $10 per release to play said release is just a bonus for donating.

As stated in the pledge section if you just pledge twice at $10, or just $20 in total, you receive the game fully uncensored.

Some pages are flat out insane with the pledges, but Eromancer only charges per big content release.

I reckon his PR game is on point. He offers great pledges.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

The idea for Patreon is to crowd fund an ongoing project, pledging $10 per release to play said release is just a bonus for donating.

I get the idea for Patreon, what I don't get is why it takes repeat pledges to play the current version of the game with each patch.

It seems more like gouging the supporter of the game for more money to me, which I see as pretty bad PR, but hey, you serve as an example of how I could be wrong.

As stated in the pledge section if you just pledge twice at $10, or just $20 in total, you receive the game fully uncensored.
A) Irrelevant to my issues with this patreon.
B) I'm going to assume all versions of the game are uncensored.

Some pages are flat out insane with the pledges, but Eromancer only charges per big content release. .

See here's the thing, I don't think there is going to be 10$ worth of content every 2 months.

I just do not see that being a possibility, especially with the endgame product being priced at 20-30$
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I get the idea for Patreon, what I don't get is why it takes repeat pledges to play the current version of the game with each patch.

It seems more like gouging the supporter of the game for more money to me, which I see as pretty bad PR, but hey, you serve as an example of how I could be wrong.

The money you pay to play each version, as it's made, is for two specific privileges;

1) To get to play the game earlier (get content before the full release)
2) To get to shape the game by offering critique and feedback, changing future releases by doing so.

It's not gouging more money, when you get the full version of the game after paying a certain amount of money; if you just want the full game on release, you've already paid for it, just like pre-ordering a game from any other company. You don't have to pay a dime to get to get the full game past that point.

This is pretty much the reason any Patreon account has pledges setup like that, for those two reasons etc.

B) I'm going to assume all versions of the game are uncensored.

As with all hentai games, he'll legally need to make a censored version, because almost any site he sells the game on that currently exists, won't allow an uncensored version (which is again something all hentai game creators have to deal with). So an uncensored version would need to be delivered by hand, and will likely only be delivered to Patrons due to that legal rule.

See here's the thing, I don't think there is going to be 10$ worth of content every 2 months.

I just do not see that being a possibility, especially with the endgame product being priced at 20-30$

I'm not speaking on behalf of Malise and the Machine, but just hentai games in general; can you really say that there's enough content nowadays in most AAA titles to warrant paying $60+ for them, despite a lot of them being rife with bugs and having massive development times (3+ years generally) or being rehashes with almost no new content?
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

As with all hentai games, he'll legally need to make a censored version, because almost any site he sells the game on that currently exists, won't allow an uncensored version (which is again something all hentai game creators have to deal with). So an uncensored version would need to be delivered by hand, and will likely only be delivered to Patrons due to that legal rule.

That's true, the only online retailer that I'm aware of that allows uncensored material is Renderotica, but unless things have changed in the past few years they prohibit depictions of bestiality due to complications with their payment processor (long story short: old credit card processor shut down their account and withheld payment, rather than fight it in court they revised their rules and switched processors).

It's pretty much either take it censored or take it with heavy content restrictions.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

It's not gouging more money, when you get the full version of the game after paying a certain amount of money; if you just want the full game on release, you've already paid for it, just like pre-ordering a game from any other company. You don't have to pay a dime to get to get the full game past that point.
I understand that you get the full game with 20$ in support.

My problem is the cost to play the newest version of the game until it get's released.

Let's say there are 3-4 updates with a new version of the game.

Update 1- 10$ entry
Update 2- 10$ entry and now you unlocked the game upon release.
Update 3- is it 10$ entry again, or is it unlocked because you now get the final product?

You see that's my problem with this system.

This is pretty much the reason any Patreon account has pledges setup like that, for those two reasons etc.

Normally a patreon has access to the newest updates at a set amount.
They do not need to resubscribe for every update.

Really, if I get access to all the updates at X amount (even 30$) it's a clear purchase.

But having a really vague "10$ per update" kind of setup is not something I'm going to support, simply due to risk of over-paying.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I understand that you get the full game with 20$ in support.

My problem is the cost to play the newest version of the game until it get's released.

Let's say there are 3-4 updates with a new version of the game.

Update 1- 10$ entry
Update 2- 10$ entry and now you unlocked the game upon release.
Update 3- is it 10$ entry again, or is it unlocked because you now get the final product?

You see that's my problem with this system.

Normally a patreon has access to the newest updates at a set amount.
They do not need to resubscribe for every update.

Really, if I get access to all the updates at X amount (even 30$) it's a clear purchase.

But having a really vague "10$ per update" kind of setup is not something I'm going to support, simply due to risk of over-paying.

If you dont like it.... then dont do it... its as clear as crystal... as clear as SPA water... as clear as a good girls squirt... shouldnt be hard to understand... and maybe you cant afford it but theres plenty who can and no need to keep on going on... on it like that!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

If you dont like it.... then dont do it... its as clear as crystal... as clear as SPA water... as clear as a good girls squirt... shouldnt be hard to understand... and maybe you cant afford it but theres plenty who can and no need to keep on going on... on it like that!

If you don't like my opinion you don't have to comment either.

The thing is, I can afford it but I'd rather not get ripped off.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

If you don't like my opinion you don't have to comment either.

The thing is, I can afford it but I'd rather not get ripped off.

the thing is... you're dumb...

in patreon, kickstarter, indiego or ANY of these sites, you don't pay FOR games... you are funding a project.

if you like what you see, you fund the artist so he can do more of his work...

you don't pay 20 or more bucks for a game, you pay them to help the game in progress... i gave like 100$ to the shenmue 3 kickstarter, and it's not the cost that the game will have, it's the help you give that you are paying for.

so, no even if the patreons pay 50$ they are not being ripped off since that is NOT what they pay for, but you don't understand this system at all... now stop "sharing" your opinion (because it's wrong). /rant
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I understand that you get the full game with 20$ in support.

My problem is the cost to play the newest version of the game until it get's released.

Did you read the reasons why I put down you have to pay that premium?

Normally a patreon has access to the newest updates at a set amount.
They do not need to resubscribe for every update.

I can't say I've seen this model on any hentai game ever done on Patreon, ever. There may be exceptions, but 95% of the hentai games on patreon do the model of "pay extra to play the game earlier and contribute towards shaping it" etc.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

you don't pay 20 or more bucks for a game, you pay them to help the game in progress... i gave like 100$ to the shenmue 3 kickstarter, and it's not the cost that the game will have, it's the help you give that you are paying for.

so, no even if the patreons pay 50$ they are not being ripped off since that is NOT what they pay for, but you don't understand this system at all... now stop "sharing" your opinion (because it's wrong). /rant

I gave exactly what was needed to get the game for Shenmue 3. I will not be strung along for "updates" because that is just stupid to do things that way. The full game costs X, so why would I pay more than X to not get anything more than the full game?

Last I checked demos were usually free, but I guess the porn game industry has corrupted this aspect of things. Not even on dlsite do I have to pay for a demo of a game. The demo of the game is meant to make me want to play (and by definition) pay for the full game. It should not be a reason to string people along for more money than what the actual full game would cost.

Just because someone has an opinion that is not yours, does not make it wrong. I would say that it is not possible to have an opinion that is wrong since it is how that person perceives the situation. I tend to agree with them on the whole why do the demos cost more than the actual full game aspect of things. If I were interested in this particular game, I would put forth only the amount necessary to get the game when it was done.

I will only ever have interest in this game until the game is completed personally. I do not want to fall into a trap where I support a game and then they decide to play the futa card for example where I would never play the game at that point. I do not know or care if it applies to this game at this juncture because like I said before, I only care about the finished body of work.

Shenmue 3 was an exception that I think warranted breaking the rules for since I quite well enjoyed the first two and was certainly part of the crowd that was constantly asking for Shenmue 3 to show up. Maybe a few sequels down the line, I might have a body of work to judge things by and know that the quality of work is there. For now, I do not believe it is there just yet for me.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I can't say I've seen this model on any hentai game ever done on Patreon, ever. There may be exceptions, but 95% of the hentai games on patreon do the model of "pay extra to play the game earlier and contribute towards shaping it" etc.
You have your own project so how do you not understand this?

Almost all games pay to play eariler/shape it, however very, very few will charge per update on an unfinished game.

That's my issue, the fact that you could potentially pay the top amount, but still have to shovel out 10$ for the next update.

Now, IF the game's updates were unlocked through the "final product", then fine. I'd even support the game.
-Heck even if they had "final product and another tier with +all updates".

Otherwise, nah, too much of a chance for overpaying for content.

the thing is... you're dumb...

in patreon, kickstarter, indiego or ANY of these sites, you don't pay FOR games... you are funding a project.

That's great and all, but really irrelevant to my issues with the resubscription model in place.

I get that you think "oh well you should just support it" and for something I might like, I agree with you.

But there is a limit to that.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

and another dumb person...

1-why would I pay more than X to not get anything more than the full game.

2-Last I checked demos were usually free, but I guess the porn game industry has corrupted this aspect of things.

3-Just because someone has an opinion that is not yours, does not make it wrong.

4-I would say that it is not possible to have an opinion that is wrong since it is how that person perceives the situation.

5-I do not want to fall into a trap where I support a game and then they decide to play the futa card for example where I would never play the game at that point. I do not know or care if it applies to this game at this juncture because like I said before, I only care about the finished body of work.

1-kickstarters are NOT steam (why are people so retarded) you don't pay for games, you support the artists/developers... YOU ARE OMG!!!.. A PATREON. you get the knowledge that the game was possible by your efforts, and if that is not worthy enough for you THEN that's fine, but dont call things for what they are not

2-demos are free... a demo will be available soon (if you read the op you'd know).

3-never said that... i don't respect your opinion but you are free to express it as you like

4-thinking god is real, evolution a farse and vaccination causes autism is not valid just because someone think it is... otherwise, earth would be flat (it's not, really).

4.1-if all opinions were right, then my opinion is that they are not, and since mine is right, they aren't.

5-that is what the kickstarter sites are for, you talk to the developer, go and READ HIS COMMENTS and the you fund it if you like it...
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

and another dumb person...

1-kickstarters are NOT steam (why are people so retarded) you don't pay for games, you support the artists/developers... YOU ARE OMG!!!.. A PATREON. you get the knowledge that the game was possible by your efforts, and if that is not worthy enough for you THEN that's fine, but dont call things for what they are not

2-demos are free... a demo will be available soon (if you read the op you'd know).

3-never said that... i don't respect your opinion but you are free to express it as you like

4-thinking god is real, evolution a farse and vaccination causes autism is not valid just because someone think it is... otherwise, earth would be flat (it's not, really).

4.1-if all opinions were right, then my opinion is that they are not, and since mine is right, they aren't.

5-that is what the kickstarter sites are for, you talk to the developer, go and READ HIS COMMENTS and the you fund it if you like it...

1. Fair prices for services are still needed.
2. Irrelevant to his point.
3. You clearly implied it
4. Lol dem strawmen.
5. Still irrelevant to the discussion.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

1. Fair prices for services are still needed.
2. Irrelevant to his point.
3. You clearly implied it
4. Lol dem strawmen.
5. Still irrelevant to the discussion.

-there is no need for a fair price since it's not a service, you are the one servicing them (it's not steam... deja vu), and you can stop funding once you reach the amount of money you are willing to fund AND still get the game or you can pay more and help the developer, completely up to you.
-he said a lot of irrelevant things i agree.
-reading comprehension.
-strawmen (and fallacies of the same kind) have the purpose of making an obvious dumb argument look dumber than it is.
-he said a lot of irrelevant stuff i agree (de ja vú... again?).

and let's keep it at that since pointless arguing often brings the hammer down, and for such dumb "opinions" let's not call the hammer. peace.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Well, this is my first post in this thread since I joined MATM dev team, and I wouldn't expect it to be like this... life ;).

You said that you understand how patreon and similar platforms operate... apparently you don't. It's not about "I pay and I expect content in quality and quantity proportional to what I paid", it's about "I like what this guy is doing and since I can spare few bucks a month or few months, I will throw them his way to support him".
As much as I don't approve the tone of some of Darkstrain's posts, he is right. You're not paying for every version, you get them as a reward for supporting the game development. Nobody is forcing you to pledge and if you don't like this system, I recommend you wait for public demo and finished game.

@freeko and everyone else who mentioned demo
Public demo will be available, but it's still to early for that. We have finished implementing custom battle engine just the other day and there is a lot of work ahead of us before there will be enough content and core components implemented to make a decent demo. Believe me, everyone involved wants that demo released ASAP, but nobody wants it to look or work like crap.

To every prior, current and future patron: thank you for your support :).
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