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(Maptool) Land of Beasts

Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Is this image fine?
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

If you're going to insist on using an image of a 3D model I'd recommend using something produced by Affect3D.

Their models are some of the greatest I've seen.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Current list of players in groups:

Group 1 - Tuesday & Thursday(chance to play twice in one week):

Group 2 - Friday:

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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

I heard mention Plm thinking about friday but not sure on him. I can do either honestly so I'll go into whichever needs it.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Zil go Tuesdays & Thursdays, that way it still leaves me open to potentially be a ninja :p

Since all we currently know in that party is that Aust is making a Knight.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Fine, I'll do tuesdays and thursdays if there isn't a both option.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

then I;ll do the both option haha.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Name: Gwynn Whitehill
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Knight

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 15
Stamina: 20

Speed: 15
Finesse: 25
Senses: 10

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 15
Depth: 5

Skill: Shield Bash-Smash the target with the flat of the shield to

incapacitate a target for a period of time

Spell: Repair-5mp to restore 5 armor


Description: Most recent addition to one of the kingdoms knightly orders, Gwynn belongs to a family of knights that have long since been disgraced. Her family long know as being great monster slayers, Gwynn's parents went into the tainted lands together in order to no only aid their people but to gain the family great wealth and glory by slaying many beasts, maybe even the ones causing all the trouble to begin with. But their expedition was met with a terrible fate as they became twisted and corrupted by the lands influence, her once kind father turned into little more then a savage animal and her proud and confident mother becoming little more then a sow. This rather public failure dragged her families name through the mud and made life difficult for the young Gwynn who now lived with a distant relative. But she too sough to continue her families legacy and requested she be taught all her families knightly ways.

Her training finished many years later, the call once again goes out for people to tame the savage lands and Gwynn, now a fully initiated knight, volunteers to take part. Gwynn seeks to use this expedition to restore her families pride and honor and make a mark for herself within her order as well, who mostly see her as a novelty due to her mixed race and family name. All through her training and time in her order, she was constantly reminded of her families failure and even personally called out on it, with comments that she'd be next being the usual follow up. Gwynn reflects such claims and refuses to believe she will fall so easily or that she will lose in the end. She knows her good name rests on the success or failure of this job and she is not about to submit so easily.

Stands at an even 6 feet tall with a rather odd set of white hair (inherited from her mothers elven blood line) and a pair of light blue eyes. Had a mixture of human and elven features giving her a softer appearance of her mothers side but the physical strength of her fathers side.
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Norse Battle Seer for great magey justice and such.

Name: Drifa
Race: Human
Class: Vala (Seer)
Element: Ice

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 10

Speed: 10
Finesse: 5
Senses: 10

Will Power: 30
Intelligence: 30
Depth: 30

Biography & Picture:
Not Clothed and with Third Eye shut:

Drifa comes from the cold islands to the north, a land of strength and raiders, of brutal strength and fearsome magic. Drifa is one of the Vila, seeress' of the north who serve as soothsayers, spies and magical artillery for the chieftains of the raiding clans.

Drifa, a member of clan Svell was upon the Drekkar, a type of raider warship, owned by her chieftain as it sailed south for glory and plunder. Tales of a great draconic beast in the south lands had made their way north to the raiders. The one who could claim the head of such a beast would surely be named king of all of the men of the north.

It was Drifa's job to guide them through the fogs of the sea, but as they drew closer and closer, her visions got more dark and twisted. Fearsome but vague flashes and images began to go through her mind. She tried to warn her chieftain that this course was ill advised, that it would be their end. But blinded by the glory and the chance to fall in glorious battle kept their course true.

Two nights before landfall, Drifa's visions became clear, and she saw terrible visions, not of battle but of depravity. Of her kinsmen transformed and changed, the men made beasts and the shield maiden's ravaged and full of spawn. And above it all was her, twisted in body and mine as she aided the depravity, her body impaled and bound on some monster's shaft as they became mirrors of each other, bound as one.

Terrified of this fate but knowing her answers would go unheeded, Drifa cowardly fled the ship overboard and sailed home. It was difficult and long, but when she returned without her chief, she was branded as a coward and a heretic and cursed with a third eye that could not stop seeing her visions. Endlessly haunted by her third sight and the spirits of her ancestors, Drifa could only undo the curse by returning to her chieftain and seeking atonement either through battle to avenge him, or through the punishment he saw fit to give if victorious.

As such, Drifa returns to that horrific place, her visions ceaselessly haunting her as she joins the crusade to try and avert her fate and save her kinsmen from whatever darkness had taken them.

Drifa is about 5' 9 and albino, having white hair and pale skin with red eyes. She has a third eye on her forehead that has empowered her powers of divination, but prevented her from turning them off. She has a slim figure with d cups and a fine waist. She's fairly quiet and withdrawn, often staring into the distance at whatever visions she sees. She has a bit of a cowardly side, to her constant shame, and has a bit of a sweet tooth.

Her visions often end up exciting her, making her feel increasingly uncomfortable with her sexuality as she tries to hide in her robes more and more. Her biggest fear is that her visions will come true and become a lustful monster, turning her powers on her kinsmen and making them beasts like she had become.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Before I finalise my character I was wondering if it's possible to have this skill and spell from the love element;

Master's Love [Passive] (not final name)
The character's bond with its monstrous children boosts their abilities, making them stronger than the average beast found roaming the wilds. This skill gives a passive boost to the stats to all monsters on the field born from from the character.

Beguile Monster
The spell charms the target monster into believing the caster is their ally, causing them to fight for the caster for X turns.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

For the skill, all you'd need to do is specify what stat is being boosted. (Will boost that stat by a small amount, but that amount can get bigger if the skill is leveled up.) However, with that as your skill, monsters born from your character will not be loyal. You need a skill to make them loyal first, which will most likely be the characteristic beast master skill. It allows a single monster born to become your pet as it were. Leveling that skill will increase the number of monsters you can have follow you.

The spell is fine as-is.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Ah, right. Thought they were automatically loyal to you. Guess a skill like that will be my first then, the second being the one posted already. And not sure on the stat yet, thought it could boost them all a very small boost and be able to improve the boost through enhancing the skill. Something like 1-3 points at the start. Not a big boost, but as it increases when it's improved it'll gradually make the monsters quite formidable. If not, then maybe 10-15% boost in a particular stat to be decided upon.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

A percentage stat boost for a passive (in this game) would be extremely good. Too good, actually. Because letting players do that means I can do it as well with enemies, and things get out of control in the math department. The result of which will equal a lot of players losing and finding it to be unfair. Something I don't want to do to them when most people already have the dice against them.

So, stat boosts are entirely static. Enemies will level with your character anyway, so they'll be getting stronger from that, and passive stat boosts will apply to all monsters. So even a basic +5 stat boost (which is what you'll get), on enough monsters, can end up putting enough numbers on the table to equal an entire level up.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Looking at the current status of players, Group 1 is ready to have it's first game on Tuesday, GMT 00:00 at 5PM (Which is noon for me). Make sure you set your clocks on that day.

Group 2 is waiting on Oni, and possibly Plmnko, who hasn't decided on a group yet. Oni still has to finish his character, but luckily has lots of time to do so as Group 2's game begins on Friday between 5PM & 6PM GMT - 00:00, depending on when I get home.

Also, I have no idea whether Zilrax is using the same character for Group 2 or not as he is for Group 1.


Current list of players in groups and their character sheet status:

Group 1 - Tuesday & Thursday(chance to play twice in one week):
Ranger - Playing as a Ninja (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Complete)
Aust - Playing as a Knight (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Incomplete)
Zilrax - Playing as a Warlock (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Incomplete)

Group 2 - Friday:
Oni - Playing as a Beast Master (Char Sheet Incomplete) (Skills Incomplete)
Rathuris - Playing as a Warlock (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Incomplete)
Zilrax - Playing as something (Char Sheet Complete ?) (Skills Incomplete)

Plmnko Playing as a Ninja (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Incomplete)
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

I can only play at Friday, yet if i could get out early the next week maybe i could join both but nah... just Friday

Also can i have a passive skill or a spell than at be activated cause electric damage to any monster touching the character even if she get fuck in combat? The damage could increase as the character lvl up but when she fights a tentacle creature the effect gives pleasure to the tentacle instead damage it.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Just to note there RJ, on Tuesday I can't start till 5:30 PM GMT (but am able to play till whenever) :p (Thursday there is no such restrictions for me)
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Name: Erin
Race: Beastkin
Class: Beast Master
Element: Love

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 30

Speed: 20
Finesse: 10
Senses: 5

Will Power: 30
Intelligence: 15
Depth: 15

Biography & Picture:
Born to a rescued long time captive of the beasts it came to no surprise that the corruption that had infected her mother had an effect on Erin's development. Born with a beasts tail, bestial teeth, and keen senses Erin was shunned by not only others her age but adults as well, including her own family. For this reason it also came to no surprise that she spent much of her time running free in the wild, wary of the monstrous predators that called the uncivilised parts of the world their home, but at the same time intrigued by them.

Without proper care givers to look after her Erin grew up with no one but the wilds to shape her. She had heard of the stories of the beasts that hunted and raped the women of the world, enslaving them to become nothing more than brood mothers. While this fact scared her Erin couldn't help but feel a connection to the beasts, and so she watched them from afar, learning their habits and their ways. And as she grew older Erin dared to venture nearer and nearer, until she worked up the courage to venture into one of their dens.

It turned out to be the biggest mistake of Erin's life up to that point. She was easily overpowered by the sheer numbers gathered and raped continuously, and for a while without mercy. For a month Erin was enslaved by the beasts, birthing countless critters to add to their already expansive forces. Though it wasn't without its benefits. During her time there she had gradually realised the beasts' ferocity calmed to the point that it seemed that they were waiting for her to initiate sex, some even going so far as to protect Erin when others became rowdy or impatient. Erin also discovered that the beasts she birthed were more likely to follow her orders, as if she were one of their own kind. It was these two factors that allowed Erin to escape, her beasts acting as decoys while she used the pack's lax attitude towards her to slip away.

With her new found knowledge Erin went back to roaming the wilds, though instead of merely observing she planned to use what she learnt to form her own pack of beasts and fight to protect those that would venture through the wild.

Inventory[EN: 17]

Beast-scented Armour (light)
EN=17 ; Armour=2 ; +6 levels of pleasure to the enemy when penetrated
The pheromones laced within this alluring armour aid the character in pleasuring any beast they have sex with, increasing the chances of the beast climaxing before the wearer and thus lowering the chances of enslavement. It also offers minor protection from attacks should the character actually need or want to fend off the beasts.

Beast Mastery [Passive ; Lv.1]
[I]A beast born to the character is loyal to its mother and her allies, though while 
it doesn't attack her allies it will only follow the orders given to it by its mother. 
The character can control a total of 1 beast born from her.[/I]

Beguile Monster [Lv.1] MP Cost; 60
[i]The spell charms the target monster into believing the caster is their ally, 
causing them to fight for the caster. 1 monster can be charmed and fights for 
the caster for 3 turns, the spell's effect ends prematurely if the monster is 
attacked by the caster or her allies. The spell fails if it's used on a monster 
and would exceed the total monster allowance of this spell.[/i]
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Well, I've gotten both groups and their characters into maptool. Plmnko still needs skills, but other than that everyone is done. Group 1 needs no more prep, and Zilrax has decided on a Tank for Group 2. Good Luck everyone.

Talk to me if you want to know anything more before your games. As well, I'll leave the server for maptools up so you can try to join it.

Maptool Version: 1.3b89
Server Name: RJ's LoB Game
Password: pirates

Current list of players in groups and their character sheet status:

Group 1 - Tuesday & Thursday(chance to play twice in one week):
Ranger - Playing as a Ninja (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Complete)
Aust - Playing as a Knight (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Complete)
Zilrax - Playing as a Warlock (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Complete)

Group 2 - Friday:
Oni - Playing as a Beast Master (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Complete)
Rathuris - Playing as a Warlock (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Complete)
Zilrax - Playing as Knight (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Complete)
Plmnko Playing as a Ninja (Char Sheet Complete) (Skills Incomplete)